Trump Criticizes South Korea for Not Paying Enough to Support USFK Troops

This is why the ROK wants to conclude cost sharing negotiations before any potential Trump presidency:

Former President Donald Trump has suggested that the United States could pull out its troops stationed in South Korea if the Asian ally does not make more financial contributions to support them, U.S. magazine TIME reported Tuesday.

TIME’s release of its interview with Trump came as Seoul and Washington recently launched new negotiations over South Korea’s share of the cost for the upkeep of the 28,500-strong U.S. Forces Korea (USFK) under a deal, called the Special Measures Agreement (SMA). 

“We have 40,000 troops that are in a precarious position,” he was quoted by TIME as saying. “Which doesn’t make any sense. Why would we defend somebody? And we’re talking about a very wealthy country.”

He was apparently referring to the 28,500 USFK service members. 

Based on the remarks, TIME said in an article that Trump “suggests” the U.S. could withdraw its forces “if South Korea doesn’t pay more to support U.S. troops there to deter (North Korean leader) Kim Jong-un’s increasingly belligerent regime to the north.”


You can read more at the link, but it will be interesting to see if this becomes a major campaign issue or not this year.

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Korean Man
Korean Man
10 months ago

“We have 40,000 troops that are in a precarious position,” he was quoted by TIME as saying. 

Lol. look how he exaggerates the American persecution complex, blaming all the problems in America, on foreign countries.


But really? Who’s fault was it when the US started a false war in Iraq against all the advice from US allies, and spent years draining public coffers? Who’s fault is it if Americans think guns, drugs, and violence are all cool? Who’s fault is it when only 50% of white kids and 20% to 30% of black/hispanic kids have passing satisfactory grades in schools? Where studying in schools are considered nerdy, while being rebellious jocks smoking weed are considered cool?

Frankly if I was American, I’d be thrilled at its position at the top. The position where they can just print unlimited amount of greenbacks with printing presses. Then spend them on all kinds of imported foreign products in return for the printed papers, while sitting back and enjoying the easy materialistic lives afforded by its foreign reserve status. Yet the Americans can’t even do that without b*tching and moaning.

So you don’t want to buy our products and don’t want to be the world’s policeman. That’s fine and dandy. Then just be careful what you wish for before it becomes real. Because, what’s the point of other countries using the US currency as a reserved currency when there are zero benefits for them?

10 months ago

Trump’s right in the respect that South Korea has zero need for troops to defend against North Korea. We see what happened to Russia in Ukraine against a FAR ‘inferior’ army. Doctrinally speaking, 3-1 used to be the ratio for offense to defense, but these days it’s probably much higher- too high for the risk (unless you like meat grinders like Russia).

However, Trump fails to recognize the strategic implications of having troops in Korea and the message it sends to the rest of Asia. This isn’t about defending Korea, it’s about posturing in Asia and messaging.

In the end, it won’t matter. The national debt will come crushing down on us and all the power America had will slowly drain away because we’re neither special nor immune to stupidity.

10 months ago

It is interesting to point out that this actually tends to help Biden as his team can say take it or you’ll deal with Trump.

10 months ago

Korean has gotten away on the cheap for years riding daddy warbucks coat tails. Time to take care of themselves. And for Korea Man, anytime Korea wants to step up and end the mutual defense agreement Korea can, just be ready to lay that tribute at the western gate again to the emperor in Beijing.

Korean Man
Korean Man
10 months ago

 And for Korea Man, anytime Korea wants to step up and end the mutual defense agreement Korea can

Wait a second. Hold on a minute there, cowboy. Who’s the one threatening to leave Korea all the time? It’s your man, your guys in the White House and media, who keeps threatening to break the 70-year-old agreement. So who’s the one that keeps breaking promises? You should be directing your comment at your man there.

Last edited 10 months ago by Korean Man
Korean Person
Korean Person
10 months ago

Setnaffarians have for years called for the USFK to stay in Korea forever and have supported right-wing and incompetent Korean governments who ensured the above.

So, why the change in position?


They don’t want to vote for Biden and instead want to vote for Trump, who wants to withdraw the USFK from Korea.

It wouldn’t look good if the Setnaffarians were to support a position that went against Trump.

It’s either that or vote for Biden.

And we all know that they rather see the USFK pull out of Korea rather than vote for Biden.

10 months ago

chinabots really think they can influence Trump voters with jibes that don’t even faze elementary school students? How little they know America…

Besides, SpongeBrain PuddingPants is in end-stage dementia. There’s little chance he’ll make it to November. We’re gonna see a lot of panic from the left.

And I’m ready.

Last edited 10 months ago by setnaffa
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