North Korean Woman Claims that Kim Jong-un Selects Every Year a “Joy Group”

When it comes to claims from defectors I give the usual caveat of who knows how true this actually is. With that said I would not be surprised if Kim Jong-un didn’t have his own pleasure squad as the defector claims:

Kim Jong-un (left) and North Korean defector Park Yeon-mi [Photo source = Yonhap News, Mirror]사진 확대Kim Jong-un (left) and North Korean defector Park Yeon-mi [Photo source = Yonhap News, Mirror]

A North Korean woman claimed that North Korean leader Kim Jong-un is selecting a “joy group” for pleasure like his father Kim Jong-il.

On the 30th of last month (local time), the British Mirror published an article titled “Kim Jong-un picks 25 maidens every year to entertain him in the creepy pleasure class.”

The Mirror wrote an article based on the argument of Park Yeon-mi, a North Korean defector. Park introduced when Joyjo appeared and which women were selected.

He claimed that he was a twice-nominated candidate but was not chosen because of his family’s status.

Park explained that the Joyjo idea was devised by Kim Jong Il in the 1970s. He said he picked a few pretty women and took them to the resort where his father, Kim Il-sung, was going.

Kim Jong-il created a second Joyjo for himself in 1983, Park claimed.

“The three men have different preferences for women, so the team composition has changed,” he said. “Kim Jong-il prefers women who are shorter than 160cm but not too tall, and Kim Jong-un prefers slim and Western women.”

Park claimed that the Joy group consisted of three groups each responsible for massage, performance, and sexual activity.

Maiel Kyeongchae

You can read more at the link.

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9 months ago

“Comfort women”?

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