Tweet of the Day: One Tent Protest for Palestine at Seoul National University
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9 months ago

Stinkin’ hippies protesting against American soldiers going over to Vietnam to stop communism or something has not done too poorly in the history books.

Purple-haired gender-queers burning their universities in support of Muslim terrorists who hate America, non-Muslims, homosexuals, feminists, skanks, black people (having black slaves until the 1930s), etc., may not age so well.

But the weirdos and I Support Palistine is just the Ruling Elite having a bit of fun after Global Warming, Orange Man Bad, Safe & Effective, Stand with Ukraine, Child Trannies Good, and the up-and-coming Crush Your Nads with a Rock to Protect against the Vapors.

2ID Doc
2ID Doc
9 months ago

Kinda reminds me of the 1980s anti-American protests in Seoul. The professors convinced the students to go out and riot then get beaten, injured or arrested by the riot police while the profs sat on their @$$ in their air conditioned offices probably laughing at their stupid students while informing their Nork masters the plan was working.

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