Former Advisor to President Moon Explains What A Trump Presidency Would Mean for South Korea

Former President Moon’s foreign policy advisor, Moon Chung-in has an interview in the Korea Times. Part of the interview focuses on what he thinks a President Trump presidency would mean for South Korea:

Q: If Trump were to be re-elected, what would his approach be toward North Korea? Would we witness another Trump-Kim bromance?

A: In a potential second term, Trump will prioritize solidifying his political legacy. His foreign policies would be greatly influenced by media attention and personal ego, as he values how history will remember him. Striking a “big deal” with Pyongyang and contributing to peace on the Korean Peninsula could serve as a pathway to fulfilling such an ambition, potentially earning him a Nobel Peace Prize nomination. While resolving the war in Ukraine or the Gaza crisis could also enhance his Nobel Prize prospects, negotiations with North Korea are likely to be a key agenda for Trump.

In that sense, Trump will actively engage North Korea, potentially even considering a visit to Pyongyang for a summit with Kim Jong-un, where Trump could present surprising offers. However, the success of such endeavors ultimately depends on Kim’s response.

Q: What would Kim want from Trump? And considering that their previous attempts did not yield favorable results, does that mean they will have to start from square one? 

A: Kim has little to lose by fostering a close relationship with Trump, as showcasing friendship with a global leader sends a powerful message both domestically and internationally.

However, the problem is that Kim’s trust in Trump was shattered when the former president did not keep his promise made during the Panmunjeom summit in June 2019. To mend that fractured trust, Trump would need to extend significant overtures this time. This could include pledges on immediate sanctions relief that would visibly improve North Korea’s economy, followed by the normalization of bilateral relations between Pyongyang and Washington. Additionally, Trump might propose halting joint military exercises between South Korea and the United States, or even reducing the number of U.S. Forces Korea (USFK) troops. In exchange, he could seek commitments from North Korea to cease nuclear and missile activities, along with a gradual reduction of its nuclear arsenal.

Korea Times

You can read much more at the link.

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9 months ago

It would mean not relying on the CCP:

9 months ago

Doing anything in life requires only a few clear steps.

– set a goal
– make a plan
– do it

If you look at everything from this perspective, you can see who is serious and who is full of poop.

Before talking to North Korea, the goals need to be very clear.

Then the goals need to be evaluated to see where they fit on the fantasy/reality scale.

But American foreign policy’s goals are mostly hidden and indirect… or maybe reactionary and non-existent in some cases. And the people who comment on them are either ignorant of this or are in on the joke.

North Korea is not a problem to solve. It is a situation to manage.

The first step is being honest with ourselves.

Bonus: American media is speculating on what Trump will do with Ukraine when elected president. They believe his ego will not let him “lose” so they predict escalation or extreme escalation. A more realistic answer is that he will negotiate with Russia how best to divide the wreckage of Ukraine.

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