Crime Rate Falls in Seoul, but Publicly Anxiety Rises Mainly Among Women

Crime may be dropping in Seoul, but the perception apparentlhy is that crime is a growing problem to be concerned about:

The number of crimes in Seoul has been declining, however, anxiety about the issue among residents is increasing, particularly among women and older adults, according to a report released by the Seoul Foundation of Women and Family, Sunday.

The foundation published the report based on data provided by Statistics Korea, which interviewed 3,007 Seoulites aged 20 and older in 2022.

According to the report, the number of crimes in the city declined from 296,178 in 2020 to 279,507 in 2022. The five major violent crimes — murder, robbery, theft, assault and sexual violence — also decreased from 92,679 to 90,339 during that period.

Despite this decline, residents’ sense of safety has not improved. On a scale from 1 (very safe) to 5 (very unsafe), the average score increased slightly from 3.13 in 2020 to 3.17 in 2022, indicating a growing perception of insecurity.

The report highlighted that women feel more anxious than men about potential crimes in their daily lives. On a scale from 1 (feeling very safe) to 10 (feeling very anxious), women scored 6.38 compared to men’s 5.4.

Korea Times

You can read more at the link, but I think the media highlighting major crimes is probably what feeds into the public’s anxiety.

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9 months ago

3.13 to 3.17? Statistically significant?

9 months ago

The government keeping everyone masked and separate to avoid catching a bad cold started the anxiety. The fact that COVID-19 was not really that bad and the vaccine was not really that good (and even killed arguably more than the coof) led people to mistrust media and the government.

That’s where the issue stands. And trust lost is not easily regained.

9 months ago

Awww… some people think under-reported crimes and deaths are unpossible…

Well, go ahead, little lambs, and get your “safe” and “effective” booster shots…

And don’t worry about the long-term unemployed, drug-addicts, illegal aliens, or the mentally-ill accosting you, robbing you, your home, or your car. That’s all just the imagination of old, weak women, right?

Sleep on, little flock, the Korea Times will protect you…

9 months ago

The biggest crime in Korea is what the Moon juanta did to the economy and small business while transferring middleclass and taxpayer wealth to multinationals and cripling the future of Korea in several ways…

…and allowing the multinationals to medically experiment on Korean citizens… wait… not allowing… actively assisting by increasing restrictions on the unexperimented up to trying to restrict education and food.

Everybody knew covid was not serious at the time but went along with it because they are weak and compliant.

I proudly resisted at every step and I have no regrets.

Nobody who refused to be medically experimented on has any regrets.

The other 80% should have regrets but the ones that aren’t too stupid to recognize the problem are too weak to get loud and angry.

The robbery and theft statistics don’t compare… and perhaps neither do the assault.

9 months ago
8 months ago

They say not to credit maliciousness for actions incompetence explains.

And most of the time, they are right.

They incompetently ran a lab, they incompetently had a leak, they incompetently covered it up, they incompetently made a vaccine. They incompetently responded medically and socially.

But is it possible to incompetently launder American tax money to illegally engineer a human-lethal virus in aliance with a country hostile to American interests?

Is it possible to incompetently trick ~80% of the population into being medically experimented on in an experiment certain to fail?

This was not incompetence. This was malicious as fùck.

And if you aren’t noisy about it every day, you will be a victim of the next maliciousness passed off as incompetence.

So get your booster, go stand with Ukraine, yell about the latest aspiring DJ, groom your child tranny, vote Globalist, and fret about the weather in 100 years.

And when you want to see true incompetence, look in the mirror.

Korean Person
Korean Person
8 months ago

No doubt the Setnaffarians are pro-Russia.

8 months ago

I can’t speak for all of them, but a better description is I am not anti-Russian.

– Their global goals are not counter to mine.

– Russia’s intentions in eastern Ukraine are such the quality of life is likely to go up for the locals. Contrast this with the American invasion at the southern border which has improved nobody’s life, unless you need a deck built or have a rápe fantasy.

– America is the aggressor, the deal-breaker, and the shìt-stirrer in this war and as much as I want to love America, our relationship is increasingly making me feel like I have an abusive husband. I still love him, but I want him to stop drinking, running up the credit cards, getting into fights, and then beating me when we get home because he lost.

– Ukraine is not a hill to die on. And there appears to be something shady going on between them and the worst American politicians for many years. None of this has been good for America. And, in typical leftist form, Democrat corruption with Ukraine has become “But Trump Russia.”

Now all this can change if Russia starts having a negative influence on my life.

But as of now, I am not anti-Russia.

It is unclear how any sensible person could be.

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