Russia and North Korea to Increase Tourism Exchanges

I don’t know why anyone would want to visit North Korea other than for morbid curiosity. Ever dollar spent there is helping to fund the regime:

Russian President Vladimir Putin has been briefed on tourist exchanges between Moscow and Pyongyang and preparations for his visit to North Korea are underway, the Kremlin has said.

The Russian news agency TASS on Saturday (local time) quoted Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov as saying, “Preparations for the visit are proceeding at their own pace.”

Putin has not visited North Korea since July 2000.

TASS also reported that Alexander Kozlov, the environment minister for Moscow, who is leading an intergovernmental commission on cooperation with North Korea, touted the growing popularity of tourist exchanges between the two countries during his meeting with Putin earlier Saturday.


You can read more at the link.

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9 months ago

It seems this type of thing is no longer an issue.

The only thing America has squandered more than its treasure is its global goodwill.

There was a time that having close relations with the bad guys made you a bad guy, though that rule didn’t apply to America, which propped up a number of bad guys, but also did some good.

But as American administration and leadership moved away from patriots and on to those bought by multinationals and sabotaging foreign powers, America has lost its way, both internationally and domestically, where the government becomes less and less of a friend and protector, even to Americans.

The world doesn’t care that Russia is growing closer to North Korea and Iran, as well as China and India.

Those countries may do bad things, but looking from the outside, America is doing some bad things, too.

Perhaps America needs to reevaluate their attitude before the arrival of a truly multipolar world uninterested in using only dollars.

Or, while the dollar still has value and those 11 carrier groups can still be paid for, keep escalating the war in Ukraine until Russia is forced to respond.

Then America can fight Russia and China in all the usual places, from Europe to Taiwan.

The losers will pay for the mistakes of America’s past.

Korean Man
Korean Man
9 months ago

Perhaps America needs to reevaluate their attitude before the arrival of a truly multipolar world uninterested in using only dollars.

The only thing that will destroy the use of the dollar, is America itself.
Go ahead and see what happens when you turn the entire world (friends as well as foes) into enemies. America first, or more accurately, America only. If the US wants true isolationism, then it should also prepare to give up the US dollar as you know it.

9 months ago

America First would be understandable, respected, and welcome.

Expensive American interference in other countries is not for anyone’s benefit other than Globalist Inc.

It doesn’t even benefit America Inc., and any benefit to Americans is highly incidental.

America insisting on a level playing field by protecting itself would be preferable to the current system of sabotaging everyone else.

Anyone who doesn’t like it can avoid doing business with America.

Remeber, Trump is a deal-maker and not a warrior. His first term demonstrated this.

America First based on industrialization and production would bring far more prosparity and quality of life to the world than the current system of Multinational Corporation and the Globalist Elite First through American International Militarism.

Korean Man
Korean Man
9 months ago

I disagree. There’s no point for the world to keep using the US dollar when the US brings no benefits neither economically nor militarily to non-US/Anglo countries. No one’s going to fund your dream bloc.

9 months ago

You don’t get it.

You have no choice.

You will keep using the dollar.

If not, you go the way of Saddam and Kadaffy and others who got serious about leaving the dollar.

And if the problem gets too big, there is WWIII. As of the current military and econonic situation in the 2020s, America will be victorious.

The problems of the dollar and national debt will be managed, with the burden pushed off on the losers¹.

And when the dust has settled and the smoke has cleared, you will still use the dollar.

And you won’t hate America enough. You think you will, but you won’t.

Non-Americans should support America First, as it works to manage America’s problems internally instead of enlarging them with the hopes of pushing them off on everyone else.

¹The first loser will be war-torn Ukrainr, with assets and farmland bought up by (mostly) semi-American multinationals and the second will be deindustrialized and deagriculturalized Europe buying (American-controlled) Ukranian food and American manufactured goods and energy.

Over 25% of Ukrainian farmland is already controlled by foreign corporate interests.

This number is going up, and will go up further when it comes time for reconstruction.

Korean Man
Korean Man
9 months ago

And you don’t get it. Who’s going to support your dollar when everyone who is not born in the USA, are going the way of Saddam and Kadaffy anyway, whether they use the dollar or not? For what and who’s benefit will they use the dollar for? To support MAGA? You’re living in the dream world.

Last edited 9 months ago by Korean Man
9 months ago

Korea Man, I’m going to tell you a story.

Long ago, in a land far away, there was a king of a kingdom so small that he was begging to get his àss kicked and his kingdom taken.

And then his little kingdom slipped into debt with larger kingdoms.

This debt didn’t really even seem necessary.

The thing was, bordering kingdoms couldn’t attack him, becasue the bigger kingdoms wanted to be paid back.

This lesson was not lost on the modern United States.

Is China going to sell off American bonds and crash the market? Are they going to stop buying them and crash the market (in what might be a sunk costs fallacy)?

No. Everybody is going to keep doing what they are doing becasue the alternative is worse.

But now that interest on the American national debt is larger than military expenses or the money they give illegal aliens and people who dont want to work to have medical care and more babies, everybody will have some tough decisions.

A couple of theories:

– America, Russia, China, and maybe Japan, are working together to make Europe get caught holding the bag. I don’t know if this is a conspiracy, but America is certainly going to give it to Europe long and hard… because they already are.

– American national debt, and the insane interest that is given to bond holders instead of fixing roads and giving medical care, is no big deal. Foreign governments only own a quarter of it. Most of the interest goes to Social Security, the Fed, and American banks, so it stays in the economy. This doesn’t solve the problem. It just means we don’t need WWIII yet.

I don’t vouch for those theories, I just report them.

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