Tweet of the Day: South Korean and Japanese Youths Strongly Oppose Mass Immigration

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8 months ago

Smart kids

8 months ago

Muslims hate pork, alcohol, gambling, dogs, pictures of people, dancing, tattoos, homosexuals, bikinis, premarital kissing, left hands, uncovered women’s hair, gender equality, etc., etc., etc…

…but they sure love coming to America and Europe.

Oh… that’s right… they didn’t come to accept those things…

…they came to change them.

8 months ago

Younger Koreans, at least in Seoul, can see Halal street right there by the rest of Itaewon; and they don’t want to grow up to put their women in tents and look bilious all the time.

They like the KPOP girl groups as they are.

The older ones were blinded by the promise of quick cash that somehow never materialized. They’ll come around, too.

8 months ago

yes realy smart kid

Korean Man
Korean Man
8 months ago

What if they aren’t Muslims?

8 months ago

“What if they aren’t Muslims¹?”

Excellent question.

Do they add value to society beyond the average native?

Generally, valuable people mate with valuable people and raise valuable children.

While exceptions are advertized to give hope, generally, being low-value is generational for many reasons. There is a great deal of study on this but I will summarize as, “Poor men have poor ways,” and “Stupid people have stupid children.” (Nurture and Nature, there).

Korea, Japan, and a few other places have the historical/ethnic/racial complications that America doesn’t have, as America easily accepts you if you wish to be American and discard the cultural insanity you escaped when you came there… instead of clinging to it and trying to force your inferior values on American society.

Korea has no natural resources except brain power. Increasing the national average through very selective immigration might not be the worst strategy.

I will now take questions.

¹The reason Muslims get their own group is education and income don’t have the same relationship with violence as it does with other demographics. Jewish settlers are the same but they only attack Muslims. Muslims attack everyone, including other Muslims.

Islam is not a race or religion. It is an outdated system of political control that is incompatible with the modern world because it chooses to be.

Like communists and those pushing tranny children, it is better not to let them get any sort of foothold in your society.

Korean Man
Korean Man
8 months ago

And how do you rate your own “value” to Korea? And by what measures?

8 months ago

“And how do you rate your own “value” to Korea? And by what measures?

For the most part, our value to society can be estimated by comparing our income to the median income.

While all jobs are important, from CEO to trash collector, Korea doesn’t need to import low-value people to do low-value jobs.

Like America, there are plenty of natives perfectly suited for that work.

(“Jobs Americans won’t do” would be done by Americans if the labor market wasn’t manipulated by the importation of cheap labor and the introduction of welfare to keep it cheap, in a beautiful example of crony capitalism.)

So what is my value to Korean society?

My income is above the median income, so I believe Korean society considers me exceptionally valuable.

Do I have value that cannot be supplied by a Korean worker?

Not sure. Technically, a Korean, or any nationality, can do my job.

But then an emergency happens and everyone is lost. There is something about how white cicgender American men think that allows them to clearly understand a problem, set a realistic goal, make a clever plan, organize levels of chaos, bypass institutional self-destruction, and get things done.

Koreans once needed English teachers and the pay was upper middle class. Now that Koreans speak English well enough to teach it, the pay reflects the reduced value to society.

Korea will now pay me well to transfer new skills, a successful way of thinking, and a nimble work culture based on accomplishment rather than restrictive traditionalism.

While most coworkers are happy to give me their (mostly self-created) problems to solve, there are those who have adopted my way of thinking and my patterns of behavior. These are becoming the next generation of managers, as they are the ones getting thibgs done.

Eventually, by the tail end of my working life, as Koreans become more practical and less traditional, this will become a standard and I will be out of a job (at the income I am accustomed to).

So, I study daily for a new, high-value job in a field where Koreans are hopelessly lost… primarily because they think like Koreans¹.

In summary, my value as a foreigner is based on my contribution to Korean society that a Korean cannot contribute. For this reason, I feel very selective immigration that can being a positive influence by positive example rather than forceful (and destructive) social engineering is a net gain for Korea (and most countries).

¹To understand what I mean, use a Korean website that uses every visual trick but is an organizational clusterfcuk to the point of anger and unusability… auction dot co dot kr comes to mind. There are many segments of Korean society that need some foreign influence to get pointed in the right direction. To Korea’s credit, they are doing this to a large extent and selectively adopting what they learn.

Korean Man
Korean Man
8 months ago


Last edited 8 months ago by Korean Man
Korean Man
Korean Man
8 months ago

But you just admitted that you’re just taking up a job that any Korean can do.

This is what you just wrote:

Technically, a Korean, or any nationality, can do my job.

That’s not a good value that you speak of. So you’re not any better than those you despise.

And no, being a fulltime spamming scammer is not an irreplaceable job.

8 months ago

“Technically, a Korean, or any nationality, can do my job.”

Picking a sentence and pretending that is the point, despite the following sentences that modifies its meaning, is no way to go through life, son.

Korean man like to eat a big black c0ck.

But a red hen will do. They all taste the same when battered and fried.

See how that works? Need more examples?

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