Well, every time I used my former name, the spam ots attacked.
So I disguisd it a little.
8 months ago
The most maddening thing about the covid insanity was how people lost their common sense.
Two excellent examples:
– It is Safe & Effective. But… but… but… it was hastily made and tested, and it has only been in existence for less than 6 months. We don’t know yet if it is effective (spoiler: it wasn’t), and it will be a decade before we can say it is safe (spoiler: we now know the non-zero risk was higher than the zero benefit for all but high-risk demographics).
Nothing. A stupid look. They had no reply. They just shut down. This is the response of a broken machine, not a human.
– If you don’t get the vaccine, you put ME in danger. But… but… but… it is Safe & Effective. My vaccine status has no effect on you, as you are 100% protected.
Again, nothing. A stupid look with no reply.
How is it possible to respect sub-human reasoning and the sub-humans who do it?
This is not the thinking of intelligent rational full humans.
Of course I am still open to an explanation. If you can make a valid case, I will be very impressed. If you agree with me, you should be vocal about it and we should make fun of the dummies in hopes, if they don’t get smarter, at least they won’t be so quick to push stupid ideas next time… and there will be a next time. And if you are one of the dummies, this should be a learning experience so you never become a tool again.
8 months ago
Now the pentagon leadership is apparently in discussion to force feed deployed troops the fake synthetic meat banned in many NATO countries. Guess bringing back the anthrax vaccine wasn’t enough of a cash cow. I have a son who is deployed, and our middle son wants to be a Pj now. I’m beginning to really understand how a person can become radicalized. I’ll just leave it at that.
Happy Father’s Day to the fathers in here!
Korean Person
8 months ago
Considering that Setnaffa has changed his handle, no doubt that he’s running scared.
Korean Person
8 months ago
I wonder if GIKorea is using the excuse of recent incidents to censor commentators who do not agree with his right-wing beliefs.
8 months ago
“I wonder if GIKorea is using the excuse of recent incidents to censor commentators who do not agree with his right-wing beliefs.”
I think so.
I spent a long time writing about how communism would be a good soultion to supply covid vaccines to child trannies but it was deleted.
We should be vigilant.
8 months ago
I wrote a comment on the Moranbong Band’s cover of Rage Against the Machine’s Guerilla Radio but as it was written in Hangeul it never saw the light on Rokdrop.
Official definition of spamming.
Spamming is the use of messaging systems to send multiple unsolicited messages (spam) to large numbers of recipients for the purpose of
(1) commercial advertising,
(2) non-commercial proselytizing,
(3) or any prohibited purpose (especially phishing),
(4) or simply repeatedly sending the same message to the same user.
I can see how s@tn@ff@ falls under Category (2) and I guess posts written in Hangeul probably are originating from some 부대찌개 joint outside OSN and fall under Category (1).
The 5’7″ Tsar Putin upon entering the 5’7″ Kim III’s threshold:
I’m here for a short time Jong-eun, not a long time.
Kim III: That’s a little premature of you Vlad.
8 months ago
Watching the government/media/corporate ramp-up to the coming bird flu pandemic is like watching covid all over again.
“But this one’s real!”
All the legal and logistics pieces are being put in place and all the trial balloons are being floated.
And nobody says anything becasue nobody learned the first time.
And those of you who might have a hint in your lizard brain that you were had, are silent. And that silence will be mistaken for acceptance.
All of you are going to be the same suckers you were last time.
“You are falling for this again?”
Stop me if you have heard this one before….
8 months ago
Vlad, unlike Jong-eun, is not afraid of flying.
Jong-eun invites Vlad to a room salon on the East Sea.
Vlad takes a chopper and Jong-eun goes by train.
When Jong-eun arrives he finds the mamasan has gone hwabyeong.
Jong-eun says: What’s the problem 아주머니?
The ajumma replies: It’s your little pal Vlad. He came too soon!
Last edited 8 months ago by Stephen
Korean Man
8 months ago
As suspected by most Koreans, Japan is in the final stages of nationalizing Naver’s Line, which was developed by South Koreans, turning it into a full Japanese company.
Line Yahoo to sever tech ties with Naver by year-end: LY CEO. A detailed Naver-SoftBank breakup outline is expected to surface next month, analysts say
What South Korea is losing, is not just a multi-billion company with 2500 lost Korean jobs, but South Korea is also losing data to the South East Asian market with 300 million Line users. This data is a critical component of South Korea’s AI development. And Japan is taking (robbing it basically without paying a Yen for it) it in one big swoop without a single protest from the Seoul government.
This is the end result of all of Yoon’s olive branch foreign policy towards Japan. All that lip service of cooperation and friendship only got them this.
8 months ago
Hard to understand why Japan would have zero consideration for Korean assets in Japan.
Chickenhead, the court seizures never happened because, despite the Japanese company’s refusal to abide by the Korean court order to compensate $100,000 to forced laborers, Yoon reversed that court decision by replacing the judges and disrespecting the national constitution that states the separation of the court from the government. Like in the Naver-Line case, the Japanese government got involved politically to stop it. Yoon kowtowed and collapsed to all of Japan’s demands. So now you’re saying Japan is taking revenge by forcibly swallowing a company that’s worth $10 billion in retaliation? If that’s the case, I got two questions for you, why should South Korea continue to work with Japan, and why doesn’t the Yoon government defend their own companies, like the Japanese government have defended Japanese companies?
Happy Fathers Day if you got ’em
Really sad that people would rather keep their hate instead of working forvpeace and a bright future
Happy Father’s Day!
Who are you and what are you doing here?
Well, every time I used my former name, the spam ots attacked.
So I disguisd it a little.
The most maddening thing about the covid insanity was how people lost their common sense.
Two excellent examples:
– It is Safe & Effective. But… but… but… it was hastily made and tested, and it has only been in existence for less than 6 months. We don’t know yet if it is effective (spoiler: it wasn’t), and it will be a decade before we can say it is safe (spoiler: we now know the non-zero risk was higher than the zero benefit for all but high-risk demographics).
Nothing. A stupid look. They had no reply. They just shut down. This is the response of a broken machine, not a human.
– If you don’t get the vaccine, you put ME in danger. But… but… but… it is Safe & Effective. My vaccine status has no effect on you, as you are 100% protected.
Again, nothing. A stupid look with no reply.
How is it possible to respect sub-human reasoning and the sub-humans who do it?
This is not the thinking of intelligent rational full humans.
Of course I am still open to an explanation. If you can make a valid case, I will be very impressed. If you agree with me, you should be vocal about it and we should make fun of the dummies in hopes, if they don’t get smarter, at least they won’t be so quick to push stupid ideas next time… and there will be a next time. And if you are one of the dummies, this should be a learning experience so you never become a tool again.
Now the pentagon leadership is apparently in discussion to force feed deployed troops the fake synthetic meat banned in many NATO countries. Guess bringing back the anthrax vaccine wasn’t enough of a cash cow. I have a son who is deployed, and our middle son wants to be a Pj now. I’m beginning to really understand how a person can become radicalized. I’ll just leave it at that.
Happy Father’s Day to the fathers in here!
Considering that Setnaffa has changed his handle, no doubt that he’s running scared.
I wonder if GIKorea is using the excuse of recent incidents to censor commentators who do not agree with his right-wing beliefs.
“I wonder if GIKorea is using the excuse of recent incidents to censor commentators who do not agree with his right-wing beliefs.”
I think so.
I spent a long time writing about how communism would be a good soultion to supply covid vaccines to child trannies but it was deleted.
We should be vigilant.
I wrote a comment on the Moranbong Band’s cover of Rage Against the Machine’s Guerilla Radio but as it was written in Hangeul it never saw the light on Rokdrop.
Official definition of spamming.
Spamming is the use of messaging systems to send multiple unsolicited messages (spam) to large numbers of recipients for the purpose of
(1) commercial advertising,
(2) non-commercial proselytizing,
(3) or any prohibited purpose (especially phishing),
(4) or simply repeatedly sending the same message to the same user.
I can see how s@tn@ff@ falls under Category (2) and I guess posts written in Hangeul probably are originating from some 부대찌개 joint outside OSN and fall under Category (1).
“(2) non-commercial proselytizing”
Find Jesus, send money!
No spam filter for me today, Satan!
Liz. Sounds like something right out of Bill Gates’ playbook. Very disturbing. Please share a link.
Here is one link, McGeehee:
The 5’7″ Tsar Putin upon entering the 5’7″ Kim III’s threshold:
I’m here for a short time Jong-eun, not a long time.
Kim III: That’s a little premature of you Vlad.
Watching the government/media/corporate ramp-up to the coming bird flu pandemic is like watching covid all over again.
“But this one’s real!”
All the legal and logistics pieces are being put in place and all the trial balloons are being floated.
And nobody says anything becasue nobody learned the first time.
And those of you who might have a hint in your lizard brain that you were had, are silent. And that silence will be mistaken for acceptance.
All of you are going to be the same suckers you were last time.
“You are falling for this again?”
Stop me if you have heard this one before….
Vlad, unlike Jong-eun, is not afraid of flying.
Jong-eun invites Vlad to a room salon on the East Sea.
Vlad takes a chopper and Jong-eun goes by train.
When Jong-eun arrives he finds the mamasan has gone hwabyeong.
Jong-eun says: What’s the problem 아주머니?
The ajumma replies: It’s your little pal Vlad. He came too soon!
As suspected by most Koreans, Japan is in the final stages of nationalizing Naver’s Line, which was developed by South Koreans, turning it into a full Japanese company.
What South Korea is losing, is not just a multi-billion company with 2500 lost Korean jobs, but South Korea is also losing data to the South East Asian market with 300 million Line users. This data is a critical component of South Korea’s AI development. And Japan is taking (robbing it basically without paying a Yen for it) it in one big swoop without a single protest from the Seoul government.
This is the end result of all of Yoon’s olive branch foreign policy towards Japan. All that lip service of cooperation and friendship only got them this.
Hard to understand why Japan would have zero consideration for Korean assets in Japan.
Chickenhead, the court seizures never happened because, despite the Japanese company’s refusal to abide by the Korean court order to compensate $100,000 to forced laborers, Yoon reversed that court decision by replacing the judges and disrespecting the national constitution that states the separation of the court from the government. Like in the Naver-Line case, the Japanese government got involved politically to stop it. Yoon kowtowed and collapsed to all of Japan’s demands. So now you’re saying Japan is taking revenge by forcibly swallowing a company that’s worth $10 billion in retaliation? If that’s the case, I got two questions for you, why should South Korea continue to work with Japan, and why doesn’t the Yoon government defend their own companies, like the Japanese government have defended Japanese companies?