A Putin Visit to North Korea Could Lead to a Comprehensive Strategic Partnership Treaty
|Putin must really need the munitions that North Korea produces considering how chummy he is getting with Kim Jong-un:

This Sept. 14, 2023, file image, taken from Korean Central Television footage, shows North Korean leader Kim Jong-un (L) meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin.
Russian President Vladimir Putin’s trip to North Korea this week may produce a treaty on a “comprehensive strategic partnership” in light of changes in geopolitics and bilateral relations, though it will not be aimed against other nations, Russia’s state media has reported.
Citing Yuri Ushakov, Putin’s aide for foreign affairs, TASS reported that Putin is set to visit Pyongyang on Tuesday and Wednesday for a summitry program that he cast as “very eventful” and “very intensive.”
The North’s official Korean Central News Agency also confirmed that Putin will pay a state visit to the North at the invitation of North Korean leader Kim Jong-un. It would mark Putin’s first visit to the North in nearly a quarter of a century.
You can read more at the link.
“Putin must really need the munitions that North Korea produces considering how chummy he is getting with Kim Jong-un:”
This has been the flawed thinking since, “Hahaha! Russia will be out of missiles by March (2022)” and other complete nonsense.
Russia produces more artillary in a month than all of NATO does in a year.
With a satallite photo and some basic counting of holes, it is pretty easy to see that Russia has no shortage of shells.
Russian artillary factories have been going brrrrr 24/7 since the 1950s.
So does he “really need” or is he lining up extra long-term capacity at a price that is actually cheaper than domestic production?
This war isn’t going to go away easily.
Russia is making a very wise decision in preparation for fighting all of NATO (which is about to double its shell production this year).
Propaganda is fun but believing your own lies turns you into a medical test subject, transitions your children, and doesn’t warn Hillary to cheat enough.
What both Chickenhead and GI Korea fail to understand this significance is what this means for North Korea’s future ability to attack America. Russia will unofficially help North Korea’s long-range missiles to reenter the atmosphere. They will also give nuclear sub-technology to North Korea. Russia will also export energy and food to North Korea, including enriched uranium which could be used to power nuclear subs. Pretty soon, North Korean subs will be patrolling the Pacific, with the capability of striking any American city in minutes from anywhere in the Pacific.
In the meanwhile, the US administrations still talk about sanctions against North Korea and bringing them to the negotiation table, and hitting South Korea with a $60 billion bill for supposedly 50,000 US troops, all by themselves, defending South Korea. Trump just made this claim on his campaign trail. The number of US troops in Korea seems to increase every two weeks by thousands. And then you have the Yoon administration who watches with silence and can’t even dispute the ridiculous numbers claims from the US camp because they are too afraid that the US would pull troops out of Korea and that his army will disintegrate in front of the mighty North Koreans.
No matter anyway, Yoon is irrelevant in any way, which turns South Korea also into an irrelevant unimportant country, and the US leadership made sure of that South Korea remains a little obedient servant providing the US with money and jobs, but not allowed to defend itself. North Korea now has far more prestige (just look at the attention they’re getting) than South Korea which is without any leadership.
The Setnaffarian Master Plan
We can all blame the warmongering Bolton for all this
The Master Plan put forward by the supposed former B52 tail gunner and his sidekick
“The Master Plan put forward by the supposed former B52 tail gunner and his sidekick”
Sadly, I only rate as high as lackey.
“5. Get paid by the Russians for their work.”
Do I need to go to the embassy to pick up my check or will they wire it to me? Oh, wait, they have been excluded from America’s financial system. I hope that doesn’t make them look into an alternative system that would dilute dependence on the American dollar. With one TRILLION dollars a year in interest on the debt, this would be a bad time for demand tomgo down…
…or is the plan to inflate the debt away.
Time to take cash and buy hard assets.
But… it looks like everyone is wise to that, as hard assets like houses are in a bubble…
…though empty commercial properties are selling at pennies on the dollar, as the government has allowed feral people to infest commercial districts and driven down prices.
It almost looks like this is intentional to hook up selected companies and screw the little guy.
I should consider this further.
@Chickenhead, we will have to agree to disagree on this. I just do not belive that Putin would be visiting North Korea and groveling to an international pariah like Kim Jong-un if he didn’t really need the additional munitions production capacity to sustain his war in Ukraine.
As far as NATO going to war with Russia that is highly unlikely. The NATO countries in Europe have a hard time sending old surplus military equipment to assist Ukraine much less sending their own troops and equipment to fight in the war. Really the only ones that would like a fight with Russia are the Poles and they are not going to do anything independently of NATO.
I am not set on any particular future enough to argue passionately, but what needs to be done is quite clear.
With that in mind, it narrows down the possibilities.
Let’s start with America’s debt… and the debt of most governments involved in this.
America’s biggest expense is now interest on the debt. That is one trillion dollars per year not going to yet another carrier group or stupid things like healthcare and poop-free streets.
And if you graph this all out, you can make a pretty good prediction where all the lines meet and the real disaster begins.
That point is where the world no longer wishes to finance America’s excesses.
And that day is coming very, very quickly. From alternatives to SWIFT, to oil trading leaving the dollar, to trade being conducted in other currencies… lots of changes are happening.
Smart people realize the next global order needs to be set… and it needs to be on America’s terms… and it needs to be soon.
Russia sees where this is going and doesn’t want any part of it. China is the same. Their best strategy is to not take any bait, make themselves hard targets, and wait for American problems to overcome America.
This leaves Europe. They are idiots on every level. From insane energy policies to deindustrialization to degraculturization to demilitarization, they are setting themselves up for failure. It seems the leaders are bought and paid for, but the people go along with it.
The American 50s was powered by the labor of a rebuilding Europe. And that seems like a good place to start.
The world sees what is coming.
American new factory construction is… recordbreaking right now… but it is not in the news. European and Asian companies are relocating, as America’s resources, supply chains, and geographic isolation offer protection from the very real possibility of global war… if America can find enemies and get them to play.
Who knows what will happen but it seems clear America’s dream is a war in Europe against Russia and a war in Asia against China would be ideal.
The gentleman’s agreement would be no strikes on Russian, Chinese, Americans soil, but conflict that made much of the world look like Ukraine would be good for everyone involved.
Let’s see what happens.