Before the covid vaccine, “Heart inflamation is a medical emergency and you should seek immediate medical attention.”
During the covid vaccine, “Heart inflamation is exceedingly rare and most cases resolve on their own without treatment.”
Right after the covid vaccine, “Well… not EXCEEDINGLY rare. Define rare again?”
Now: “Yeah, so, the long-term outlook for those with heart inflammation isn’t great.”
Google: Myocarditis and pericarditis survival rate
That should get you started down this rabbithole.
Bonus: If you had heart inflamation, don’t bother. If you don’t know about it, it can’t hurt you.
8 months ago
Vaxxtards don’t like you pointing out their epic own goal, eh CH?
Well, I was saved by listening to my doctors; but the folks who got all the Safe and Effective gene therapy are going to reap the whirlwind.
And for them I have only one question…
… Can I have your parking space?
/jk I don’t want anything they touched.
8 months ago
BTW, what are the plans for killing young people in Itaewon this Halloween? More panicky crowds? Bird Flu? E.Coli? Inquiring minds, etc.
We hear the spambots are aiming for a Trifecta of Monkey Pox, Bird Flu, and whatever they can siphon from the restrooms near, well, you know where I mean…
How about teaching younger folks to avoid crowds. Now is not too early to start.
Normally sound-minded people can become wild and unpredictable when a panic surge starts? Fireworks or cars backfiring can simulate gunfire. Cosplaying teams running a now-banned game from Steven Jackson can simulate a mafia hit or terror attack.
People have often been recorded being crushed even in open areas near religious or sports activities when the panic causes the crowd to press them into walls or building or even just tramples them underfoot.
Don’t be a statistic. Don’t let the people you care for end up up as numbers in a tragic news item.
Seriously. Don’t. Leaving your dead carcass for someone else to clean up is poor sportsmanship.
8 months ago
This is all doom and gloom and I blame ChickenHead for this post. This is all your fault for reminding me of the long term survival rate statistics.
Command does its typical ‘we are due for another major war and we will win it’, but I look at the track record against rice farmers and goat herders… and I see the new enemies are ‘near peers’. When I see all the woke bureaucracy eating DoD from the inside out, the time and cost associated with staying politically correct insteading of actual warfighting preparation, I can’t help but wonder who exactly is the ‘near peer’ in this future confrontation.
There’s this almost religious ferver and certainty in American technological superiority, but I also can’t help but notice our planes are falling apart in the sky and our rockets are leaking. Not to mention are new war planes appear to have never left R&D hell. Meanwhile even the Houthis are pioneering drone warfare (which the US has been completely ineffectual at dealing with), I can’t help but wonder how much more poorly the US would perform against Russian war experience and/or Chinese production which has surely learned a lot by supplying the Russians.
I keep hearing from Americans to not worry, ‘we have supper secret weapons that will defeat them!’ But such talk isn’t so convincing when our regular weapons seem to always go far over budget and schedule. It’s like German faith in wunderwaffen without German levels of engineering.
I am told my worries should be put to rsst because ‘we Americans’ always pull through in the time of need, but again the noticer in me can’t help be see today’s Americans are not the same people.
I don’t have any real conclusion. I can write far more about how fucked the military situation is, not including the dismal economic and social-political factors, but writing is pointless.
Korean Man
8 months ago
South Korea’s Hanhwa purchased a creaking old US shipyard that has fallen behind international competitiveness for $100 million. OK, I understand that Hanhwa wants to increase their business in the US and avoid the US Jones Act which says US ships must be manufactured in the US. However, I fail to understand how this will help the Korean shipping industry. This has not been explained in any of the Korean media. Does anybody have any insight into this?
8 months ago
“Does anybody have any insight into this?”
I bet Hanjin has some insight… as they are not stupid.
If I was to guess, they are positioning themselves to work with the United States navy and then apply those lessons to the masterplan of Korea becoming budget defense needs suppliers to the world.
(It is unclear if the American navy is currently a good roll model.)
I am also observing Asian and European companies quietly setting up operations in geographically protected places and securing supply chains that are not reliant on high-risk regions.
If you watch the actions of large companies, politicians, and others In The Know, it is obvious a world war is coming to Asia, Europe, the Middle East, Central Asia, and maybe a few other regions.
Now that you can see the future, get rich with that information.
Having bought a US shipyard in Louisiana, Hanwha is now on track to buy Austal’s Alabama shipyard and also get Australian Foreign Investment Review Board approval to buy Austal’s shipyard in Western Australia.
I can just imagine CH’s enthusiastic endorsement of Hanwha’s back-door entry into the Philippines, which also hosts an Austal shipyard.
8 months ago
You niggas don’t see what is coming.
That’s great… because the more I tell you and the more you deny it, the more I get to pound it up you a$$ when history shows me to be right… like Safe & Effctive.
Let’s look at the next place I am going to succed where others fail… even when told why they will fail.
80% of people are too stupid to live.
8 months ago
Remember… the goal of the “resistance” is to sink the USS Eisenhower.
That is also the goal of the Deep State.
I support this goal… as it is the best way to decommission the ship,
This will alllow the fully justified destruction of the Eisenhower followed by the full justification of what comes after.
We should also pay Hothies on the backend to sink the American ship.
Some truth is starting to trickle out.
Short version:
Before the covid vaccine, “Heart inflamation is a medical emergency and you should seek immediate medical attention.”
During the covid vaccine, “Heart inflamation is exceedingly rare and most cases resolve on their own without treatment.”
Right after the covid vaccine, “Well… not EXCEEDINGLY rare. Define rare again?”
Now: “Yeah, so, the long-term outlook for those with heart inflammation isn’t great.”
Google: Myocarditis and pericarditis survival rate
That should get you started down this rabbithole.
Bonus: If you had heart inflamation, don’t bother. If you don’t know about it, it can’t hurt you.
Vaxxtards don’t like you pointing out their epic own goal, eh CH?
Well, I was saved by listening to my doctors; but the folks who got all the Safe and Effective gene therapy are going to reap the whirlwind.
And for them I have only one question…
… Can I have your parking space?
/jk I don’t want anything they touched.
BTW, what are the plans for killing young people in Itaewon this Halloween? More panicky crowds? Bird Flu? E.Coli? Inquiring minds, etc.
We hear the spambots are aiming for a Trifecta of Monkey Pox, Bird Flu, and whatever they can siphon from the restrooms near, well, you know where I mean…
How about teaching younger folks to avoid crowds. Now is not too early to start.
Normally sound-minded people can become wild and unpredictable when a panic surge starts? Fireworks or cars backfiring can simulate gunfire. Cosplaying teams running a now-banned game from Steven Jackson can simulate a mafia hit or terror attack.
People have often been recorded being crushed even in open areas near religious or sports activities when the panic causes the crowd to press them into walls or building or even just tramples them underfoot.
Don’t be a statistic. Don’t let the people you care for end up up as numbers in a tragic news item.
Seriously. Don’t. Leaving your dead carcass for someone else to clean up is poor sportsmanship.
This is all doom and gloom and I blame ChickenHead for this post. This is all your fault for reminding me of the long term survival rate statistics.
Command does its typical ‘we are due for another major war and we will win it’, but I look at the track record against rice farmers and goat herders… and I see the new enemies are ‘near peers’. When I see all the woke bureaucracy eating DoD from the inside out, the time and cost associated with staying politically correct insteading of actual warfighting preparation, I can’t help but wonder who exactly is the ‘near peer’ in this future confrontation.
There’s this almost religious ferver and certainty in American technological superiority, but I also can’t help but notice our planes are falling apart in the sky and our rockets are leaking. Not to mention are new war planes appear to have never left R&D hell. Meanwhile even the Houthis are pioneering drone warfare (which the US has been completely ineffectual at dealing with), I can’t help but wonder how much more poorly the US would perform against Russian war experience and/or Chinese production which has surely learned a lot by supplying the Russians.
I keep hearing from Americans to not worry, ‘we have supper secret weapons that will defeat them!’ But such talk isn’t so convincing when our regular weapons seem to always go far over budget and schedule. It’s like German faith in wunderwaffen without German levels of engineering.
I am told my worries should be put to rsst because ‘we Americans’ always pull through in the time of need, but again the noticer in me can’t help be see today’s Americans are not the same people.
I don’t have any real conclusion. I can write far more about how fucked the military situation is, not including the dismal economic and social-political factors, but writing is pointless.
South Korea’s Hanhwa purchased a creaking old US shipyard that has fallen behind international competitiveness for $100 million. OK, I understand that Hanhwa wants to increase their business in the US and avoid the US Jones Act which says US ships must be manufactured in the US. However, I fail to understand how this will help the Korean shipping industry. This has not been explained in any of the Korean media. Does anybody have any insight into this?
“Does anybody have any insight into this?”
I bet Hanjin has some insight… as they are not stupid.
If I was to guess, they are positioning themselves to work with the United States navy and then apply those lessons to the masterplan of Korea becoming budget defense needs suppliers to the world.
(It is unclear if the American navy is currently a good roll model.)
I am also observing Asian and European companies quietly setting up operations in geographically protected places and securing supply chains that are not reliant on high-risk regions.
If you watch the actions of large companies, politicians, and others In The Know, it is obvious a world war is coming to Asia, Europe, the Middle East, Central Asia, and maybe a few other regions.
Now that you can see the future, get rich with that information.
But you won’t.
Having bought a US shipyard in Louisiana, Hanwha is now on track to buy Austal’s Alabama shipyard and also get Australian Foreign Investment Review Board approval to buy Austal’s shipyard in Western Australia.
I can just imagine CH’s enthusiastic endorsement of Hanwha’s back-door entry into the Philippines, which also hosts an Austal shipyard.
You niggas don’t see what is coming.
That’s great… because the more I tell you and the more you deny it, the more I get to pound it up you a$$ when history shows me to be right… like Safe & Effctive.
Let’s look at the next place I am going to succed where others fail… even when told why they will fail.
80% of people are too stupid to live.
Remember… the goal of the “resistance” is to sink the USS Eisenhower.
That is also the goal of the Deep State.
I support this goal… as it is the best way to decommission the ship,
This will alllow the fully justified destruction of the Eisenhower followed by the full justification of what comes after.
We should also pay Hothies on the backend to sink the American ship.
Don’t look so shocked.
Actually, the bit about pounding asses sounds more like what the chinabots like, CH, along with the fanfiction of sinking a CV…
They let Biden debate Trump.
It came out exactly as predicted.
Biden was not really functional, even with the drugs that made his eyes look like bulletholes.
This was by design.
This is concealing a far more devious and evil plan, of course.
Deep state setting up to replace Lying Pedo China Joe Biden.