North Korea Launches Latest Round of Trash Balloons at South Korea

The trash attacks into South Korea are continuing:

North Korea on Monday sent balloons presumed to be carrying trash toward South Korea again, Seoul’s military said.

The Joint Chiefs of Staff said the balloons appeared to be travelling in a southeastern direction from the northern part of Gyeonggi Province that surrounds Seoul.

It advised the public to not touch fallen balloons and report them to military or police authorities.

On Friday, Kim Yo-jong, the influential sister of the North’s leader, hinted about launching more balloons after North Korean defectors in the South sent balloons with anti-Pyongyang leaflets toward the North earlier in the week.

Korea Times

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3 days ago

Reminds me of an incident my mother told me about.

— She and her school friends went to the big city zoo on a field trip.

— The girls were tossing peanuts to the bears and chimpanzees.

— One of the chimpanzees, with no peanuts to throw back, picked up a handful (paw-full?) of fresh chimp-poop and threw it back.

— It landed right in her friend’s open purse.

— Which was a better result than this:

I’m guessing the norks are just trying to ask for more Chocopies and some DVDs of those definitely not-gay* boy band KPOP music.

* (not that there’s anything wrong with it, as Seinfeld used to say)

3 days ago

But if I had the opportunity to offer advice to the norks, I’d have to quote this cartoon.

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Last edited 2 days ago by setnaffa
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