ROK Chosen as One of the “IP4 Nations” to Attend NATO Summit in Washington, DC

This just further shows what an important geostrategic, economic, and military power South Korea has become by being invited to attend a NATO summit:

The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) and its Indo-Pacific partners, including South Korea, plan to discuss resilience, support for Ukraine, disinformation, cybersecurity and emerging technologies during their summit in Washington next week, a senior U.S. administration official said Friday.

The NATO summit is set to take place in the U.S. capital from Tuesday through Thursday. The leaders of the alliance’s four Indo-Pacific partners (IP4) — South Korea, Australia, New Zealand and Japan — have been invited to the summit that marks the 75th anniversary of NATO’s founding.

“We are bringing together some of our closest non-NATO partners to have a discussion around issues like resilience, cyber, disinformation, technology and the like,” the official said in a virtual briefing.

He added, “This particular grouping of IP4 as we call them in NATO lingo — Australia, Japan, New Zealand and ROK … These are some of our closest partners that we work with in the region.” ROK stands for South Korea’s official name, the Republic of Korea.


You can read more at the link.

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2 months ago

But will the US have the same Commander in Chief at the end of the summit, that is the question of the week.

Korean Man
Korean Man
2 months ago

But the US will be quitting NATO next year.

2 months ago

Korea man, I hope you are correct.

2 months ago

Not me. I hope you are wrong.

I hope America stays in NATO, just doesn’t fund as much of it.

America’s guiding influence over NATO is necessary to complete the plan of deindustrialization, deagricultuification, reduced energy independence… and the best one…

…demilitization… kinda.

All their weapons systems go to the no-tactic/no-strategy squanderers in Ukraine so they need weapons.

Deindustrialization means they can’t produce anything at the scale they need.

Once true hostility starts, and it is unclear where that will come from, as Russia has neither the ability or desire to go past eastern Ukraine, Europe will panic and get on the America supply chain.

This plan requires staying in NATO and financing more than America’s fair share.

Withdrawing from NATO means no control. That means the Eurotards will do who-knows-what-but-it-will-be- wrong.

Next thing you know, America is helping Russia smack down the uppity Eurotards just to keep things in balance¹.

¹Remember when America assisted both Iraq and Iran through 10 years of war? Good times.

Korean Person
Korean Person
2 months ago

But the US will be quitting NATO next year.

And obviously the Setnaffarians are jumping with joy.

2 months ago

Korea Person should be a CNN political analyst.

He knows Trump will go full Nazi, leave NATO, pull USFK out of Korea, destroy the American economy, force cats and dogs to live together, etc.

I don’t know if he is right, but he clearly has the right opinion.

2 months ago

CH wrote:

I don’t know if he is right, but he clearly has the right opinion.

All the more reason to believe it’s a chinabot.

Korean Man
Korean Man
2 months ago

If NATO thinks they can convince South Korea to send military weapons directly to Ukraine, I think they’re going to be disappointed.
Russia has back tracked on their threats directly arming North Korea with missile and nuke technologies. So now South Korea isn’t going to force Russia to reconsider that decision by arming Ukraine. As long as Russia stays out of North Korea, nothing will happen.

Last edited 2 months ago by Korean Man
2 months ago

South Korea should arm whoever pays… or not arm the enemies of those who pay more.

“Say, Russia, Ukraine wants to buy some artillary. What are you paying for us NOT to sell artillary to Ukraine? And would you like to place an order for yourselves while you are at it? No offense. It’s just biznizz.”

If Korea establishes this business-over-politics neutral attitude now, it can become quite powerful and respected.

And in many cases, Korea will make money NOT to produce.

The supply chains for non-produced items have amazing price, availabilty, and lead time.

It must also be established that there are no games… no defects, kill switches, tracking devices, etc.

When you buy Korean, you get what you pay for.

You just might have to outbid your enemy.

But everyone understands clearly defined business.

2 months ago

CH wrote:

“…everyone understands clearly defined business…”

But communists and their useful idiots don’t seem to understand…

Korean Person
Korean Person
2 months ago

But communists and their useful idiots don’t seem to understand…

Here’s the problem for setnaffa.

There are no communists here.

Just poorly educated right wing hillbillies and the more smarter Korean patriots.

2 months ago

I might agree.

Only the dumbest of the dumb and most useless of the useless retain any attachment to communism.


We have something even more ridiculous than communism.

Instead of giving what you can and taking what you need, which attracts the takers, we have a philosophy of “you owe me, so give me what I want”, which attracts the entitled takers.

This is perpetuated by the evil, selfish, smart, and very not-communists (for themselves) at the top who see this new form of collectivism as a way to enlist the stupid and helpless as tools to loot the productive middle class.

It takes about 5 minutes of conversation to know if somebody is productive or a worthless turd demanding the productive take care of them.

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