Is South Korea discriminating against Korean Americans in cafes, restaurants, and stores? This is the first time I heard about this.
When I lived in South Korea from 2007–2008, it almost felt like a second home. I’m not sure I can say that about the country anymore as it continues to grow into a tourist destination.
The current leftist culture is a race to the bottom as they all strive to be the biggest victim.
Huffpo is no right-wing or even moderate voice. Therefore, since I’m not giving them a click, I assume the person complaining is (1) an arrogant asshat who demanded vegan choices, (2) grossly obese, (3) has conspicuous facial piercings and tattoos, or (4) some other combination of anti-Korean cultural personality traits.
I don’t think it’s bigotry, I think it’s probably just a reaction to the “victim’s” behavior. Although I’m an overweight American, I behaved politely and never experienced any “discrimination” in Seoul, Songtan, Inchon, Pyeontaek, Jeju, or elsewhere.
You could post a photo to show that I’m completely wrong, if you wished.
Korean Man
7 months ago
While I do agree that Huff Post article does seem to sound whiny, I just want to point out that what’s above me, is what an angry right-wing Trumpean sounds like.
7 months ago
Trump just got shot in the head while speaking at a rally. Looks like it grazed him. He reched up and touched his ear. Secret serviced brought him down. Rushed him off to the motorcade. He pumped his fist.
The FSB will do anything and everything to get the Moscow Candidate back in the White House.
7 months ago
This kinda feels odd.
– not many buildings nearby
– guy crawls on roof with rifle
– people see this and point it out to cops and secret service for several minutes… they do nothing
– shooter dead 20 seconds after he shot Trump (and others behind Trump)
Now time to put the spin on who the shooter was. There will be no way to counter whatever narrative is presented.
Let’s see what the story will be.
7 months ago
Moscow Murdoch will spin it in favor of Trump.
As the old saying goes: There’s no news in Pravda, there’s no truth in Izvestia … and there’s neither truth nor news in Murdoch Fox News.
The snipers on the security team were on it pretty fast by the look of things on this video.
7 months ago
Biden was doing so well the Russians were desperate, Stephen.
They couldn’t wait for him to wipe the debate floor with Trump again.
They sent in their best..
“Miss his head by a fraction of an inch, just go through the ear. Then kill some random person in the crowd, injure another, and die!”
Standard. As you say.
Last edited 7 months ago by Liz
7 months ago
Stephen and the other bots are still shilling for Hillary by repeating the many-times debunked Russia, Russia, Russia hoax created by her campaign.
But they’re the low-IQ types the Democrats cultivate.
“Useful idiots” is how V I Lenin named them.
7 months ago
Well played Liz.
Plenty of empty space between Trump’s ears.
“Miss his brain by a fraction of an inch, just go through the ear …”
But all jokes aside, this was a poor show by the Secret Service. Plenty of bystanders had alerted the police and secret service of the gunman on the roof before he fired any shots.
It’s Occam’s Razor: (Incompetent) nutjob with a gun is the simplest and likeliest explanation.
If it was Dallas, Trump would be a goner.
Last edited 7 months ago by Stephen
7 months ago
One way to analyze that video of the Secret Service snipers is they were watching a guy on a roof aiming a rifle at Trump that people had informed the Secret Service about.
As soon as he got off a couple of shots, they returned fire.
The didn’t look toward the guy when he shot at Trump.
They were already looking at the guy when he shot at Trump.
First Impression: suspicious
7 months ago
The Secret Service are incompetent. More Nic Cage than Clint Eastwood.
CH, to satisfy your desire for references this is from Quote Investigator.
The prominent Scottish philosopher David Hume penned an essay on “The Natural History of Religion” in 1757. He observed that people were too eager to improperly ascribe both malice and goodwill to natural objects and phenomena:
There is an universal tendency amongst mankind to conceive all beings like themselves, and to transfer to every object those qualities, with which they are familiarly acquainted, and of which they are intimately conscious. We find human faces in the moon, armies in the clouds; and by a natural propensity, if not corrected by experience and reflection, ascribe malice and good-will to every thing, that hurts or pleases us. Hence the frequency and beauty of the prosopopoeia in poetry, where trees, mountains and streams are personified, and the inanimate parts of nature acquire sentiment and passion.
Last edited 7 months ago by Stephen
7 months ago
The snipers on the roof were local small town PD, not Secret Service.
Obviously not ready for the challenge.
They should have had drones filming everything.
7 months ago
A “source familiar with Trump’s security detail” previously told The Federalist that Trump’s “detail has been asking for beefed up protection and resources for weeks, but has been rebuffed time and again by Biden’s DHS.”
I just lived through covid where I saw incompetence and malice in equal parts.
Malice exists.
7 months ago
This story gets more interesting at every news cycle.
No spin yet, as the facts aren’t in.¹
I kinda feel like I am warching the season finale of the United States.
¹not exactly true… as CNN reminds us they are some of the biggest pieces of shít to ever publish a headline with this winner…
…one step above Clumbsy Trump Hits Head on Bullet
Korean Man
7 months ago
I kinda feel like I am warching the season finale of the United States
It’s looking more and more like a country that belongs in the Third World. I expect gun violence on candidates during election campaigns in countries like India or Venezuela. No matter anyway. I don’t care what happens.
7 months ago
There’s certainly malice, but I don’t believe this was some planned event. Malice in the attempt to remove security for Trump, which would create opportunity, and the malice of feeding the public a constant stream of “the next Hitler!” creating motive (especially for the mentally unstable). If the deep state were involved they would not let the outcome rest on the shoulders of a lone 20 year old kid with poor marksmanship ability. Not the Russians, not the deep state.
[/my .02]
Korean Man
7 months ago
I’m hearing celebratory champagne corks going off, as this virtually puts the final nail in Trump’s election as he rides into the office in an avalanche of martyrdom syndrome. Landslide victory is guaranteed. What is all this fake gnashing of teeth around here?
7 months ago
Trump survived because he turned his head sharply as the bullet was in flight.
When conservatives mess up, that’s the story. When liberals mess up, conservative reaction is the story.
7 months ago
The Deep State, Administrative State, and their mouthpiece media, have all been doing their little parts to move things to where they are today.
They have normalized the “It’s OK to punch a Nazi” mentality and then continiously pushed the “Trump is a Nazi” narrative, programming the mentally ill and relying on statistics of percentages among 300,000,000 people to produce results.
Specific to this situation, the location of the shooter was exactly the ideal spot for a shooter in an area that didn’t have many ideal spots. This area should have been controlled by the SS to keep shooters away and for a view of all the less ideal spots. This is not incompetence. The SS is incompetent, especially with their recent priority of hiring women over ability, but this is so fundemental that it can only be explained by malice.
Several groups have come forward saying they informed the SS and LE about a guy on a roof with a gun. Everybody involved has excellent communications and ANY report of a guy with a gun in the ideal spot to shoot Trump should have generated a lockdown until somebody jogged over and took a look at what everyone was talking about.
The sniper had a clear view of the shooter and should have instantly been able to verify this the moment it was reported. More realistically, the sniper had a clear view of the shooter the ENTIRE TIME and it was the most obvious spot for a shooter.
When the shooter started shooting, the sniper didn’t go looking around for where the shots were coming from. He was alread looking at the shooter. Once the shooter got off his shots, the sniper killed him.
These are all established facts with clear photographic and video evidence.
This goes beyond incompetence.
This was intentional LIHOP, let it happen on purpose.
It is becoming increasingly clear Trump’s security had minimal staffing using less-experienced substitute workers. More than a few were female DEI hires (and it shows in video).
In this situation, the SS did not complete any of the standard practices, such as controlling all line-of-sight areas (especially rooftops well within rifle range) and controlling high ground such as the water tower, which would give a view of many high-risk areas (such as the rooftops).
It appears the SS was aware there was a report of a man with a rifle on the roof. They didn’t shut things down until this was investigated. A cop looked on the roof but retreated when the shooter pointed his rifle at him.
The snipers were clearly watching the shooter and returned fire after the shooter fired at Trump. There is an unconfirmed rumor that they informed the SS at least 3 minutes before the shooting and were told to stand down. The spin is already coming out that it is standard practice not to shoot back unless they fire first. This is likely nonsense and will be countered soon, but will get little press.
This all points to a conspiracy of shared values.
Everybody wants Trump dead.
The media hypes up how much of a Nazi Trump is. The talking heads indirectly justify violence. The professionals groom a percentage of nutjobs on the intetnet. Sometimes the finances for weapons purchases are never explained. The Administrative State slowwalks solutions. The Deep State guides resources.
In this case the SS coverage was engineered to be ineffective. They likely didn’t know a shooter would show up this time, but they were prepared to let one succeed.
We are watching something terrible happen to America.
7 months ago
The American republic is historically a violent shit show. The 90s and 00s were just a rare quiet period. We’re just seeing a return to form.
The founding fathers took great inspiration from antiquity, especially the Romans. Turns out when a political system is built with Roman Republic characteristics, you get Roman Republic type problems.
Maybe we’ll see Roman solutions as well.
Korean Man
7 months ago
Chickenhead, Liz, if you want to see what despicable means when it comes to Conservative media, look to no the Conservative media, the New York Post, which wrote the news article that the shooter was a Chinese man.
I can sense your anger as you witness this incompetent reporting. This is a natural and understandable response. I have full empathy with you on this.
Journalism has a responsibility to accuracy. They don’t take this responsibility seriously.
Now imagine how people feel when the mistake is not incompetence, but an absolute intentional lie with the full intention of pushing a narrative intended to exploit or damage.
Think about this.
7 months ago
Lord Wupert of Wapping Big Lies owns the New York Post.
Lord Wupert also owns Murdoch Fox News.
Lord Wupert also owned the North American franchise for Russia Today.
Korean Man
7 months ago
If the left media does it, it’s a communist plot to destroy America.
If the right media does it, ‘it was just a mistake’.
Thanks, Chickenhead.
7 months ago
These things are evaluated on a case-by-case basis.
It turns out, there is a difference between “oops, the Chinese guy was actually white” and “as a Russian asset, Trump is selling nuclear codes to finance Russian píss hookers.”
7 months ago
This is the first I’ve heard the claim it was a Chinese man.
For about 24 hours everything I read indicated that the shooter was an Italian, Roma Giallorossa, going by some alias Mark Violet.
Guess I should wring my hands at the offense of that.
7 months ago
It is unclear where the NY Post came up with the idea the shooter was Chinese. That seems to have lasted minutes before it was removed (with no obvious retraction).
I got an alert on this within 30 seconds of it happening and there was nothing about the identity of the shooter until he was identified by name.
It is irresponsible journalism. But it likely isn’t malicious journalism.
7 months ago
Murdoch has a heinous track record for “irresponsible conduct”.
Murdoch’s most heinous act?
“Milly Dowler disappeared at the age of 13 on her way home in Walton-on-Thames, Surrey, on 21 March 2002.
In the last four weeks the Met officers have approached Surrey police and taken formal statements from some of those involved in the original inquiry, who were concerned about how Ruper Murdoch’s News of the World journalists intercepted – and deleted – the voicemail messages of Milly Dowler.
The messages were deleted by journalists in the first few days after Milly’s disappearance in order to free up space for more messages. As a result friends and relatives of Milly concluded wrongly that she might still be alive. Police feared evidence may have been destroyed.”
Nick Davies and Amelia Hill, The Guardian, Tue 5 July 2011
7 months ago
You tell ’em, Stephen!
As an enthusiastic Trump-hater, Rupert Murdoch should be exposed for all the dishonesty he promotes.
Glad to see you finaly joined the right team!
7 months ago
CH, you are Sergeant O’Rourke.
Please give me my five dollars.
7 months ago
“CH, you are Sergeant O’Rourke.”
I don’t know if that was intended as a compliment, but I will certainly take it as one.
7 months ago
Assuming the quotes from the secret service director are accurate, the “bucks stops with her” and also…she is not resigning.
Reminds me of Hillary.
Next, if the pattern holds, she’ll say something like:
“I said I accepted responsibility why are we still talking about this?”
Last edited 7 months ago by Liz
7 months ago
A working theory has been the Deep State didn’t know a shooter woukd show up, but they certainly engineered the poorest security possible, so if one did, he would have an easy time.
But now, people who have been to more than one Trump event are saying security was strangely lacking at this event compared to others.
There really is no explanation for why security didn’t control the water tower and rooftops with a close line of site to Trump.
From my experience incompetence and human error are usually what happens instead of malice or conspiracy. I see no evidence of malice or conspiracy, but a whole lot of incompetence by the Secret Service agents that day.
7 months ago
GI, at a certain point, incompetence and malice are indistinguishable.
Nobody, from trained Secret Service to a 13 year-old Call of Duty player, doesn’t notice the utility of occupying the water tower and controlling the rooftops.
This isn’t incompetence. Nobody is that incompetent.
This was malice from somewhere at the top, engineered incompetence in the middle, and cockpit culture at the bottom.
Too often, Hanlon’s razor, “Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity,” is used to cover for malice backing stupidity.
We see this constantly.
And we see it here.
7 months ago
Dan Crenshaw is covering.
Let’s count the ways.
“Securing that building was local law enforcement’s responsibility.”
Local law enforcement said it wasn’t. And it wasn’t. They might be the warm bodies securing it, but it is the Secret Service’s responsibility to ensure their warm bodies are not inside in the air conditioning playing on their phones. Even Dan said this might be their first time providing such security. OK. Secret Service not delegating and supervising the securing of key positions like rooftops and water towers well within sniper range is a step beyond incompetence… and it is not standard practice…. and that should get everyone’s attention.
Again, it wasn’t incompetence to avoid controlling the water tower. That would be standard. Yet it wasn’t in this one case where an assassin showed up.
“The snipers shouldn’t just shoot people.”
Maybe? It is hard to know what the snipers saw. They clearly knew the shooter was there. There is video of both snipers watching him as a target of interest and they shot him immediately after he fired.
Whatever the case, there were a lot of people who thought his action was unusual, such as using a rangefinder. People watching him informed law enforcement a guy with a rifle was crawling on the roof.
Yet nobody said anything on the radio to maybe pause things for a moment until the unsecured area was secured? “Be advised…” That stretches credibility.
Let’s see how this plays out. Knowing the competence of average law enforcement on such issues, a good prediction is that they DID say something on the radio and eventually, someone will say this loud and often enough the media will grudgingly have to report it. Then the decision will be if the SS was complacent, incompetent, or malicious.
Everybody is yelling incompetence to avoid talking about malice.
7 months ago
Crenshaw is the modern McCain, anti-American Globalist using his veteran status as cover.
7 months ago
“Crenshaw is the modern McCain, anti-American Globalist using his veteran status as cover.”
7 months ago
A couple of new developments…
– As Flyingsword more eloquently pointed out, Crenshaw is a lying globalist puke.
– Despite Secret Service denials, the buildings were very much their responsibility. As a former Secret Service agent pointed out, the range of an AR-15/M4 is four times the distance of the building. The failure to secure the buildings is on the Secret Service. As this is standard procedure without any decisions needing to be made, this failure goes beyond incompetence. This was intentional.
“It was too dangerous to put people on the roof becasue it was sloped,” is the current Secret Service excuse. Not including the water tower with an excellent view, catwalk, and railing, the mild slope of the roof makes this a nonsense excuse. The choice not to secure this area was intentional.
– Many people reported to law enforcement that a guy was climbing on the roof. Some reported that he had a rifle. The roof was not easily accessable, so a couple of cops lifted another cop up. He grabbed onto the edge and saw the shooter. The shooter pointed his rifle at the cop and the cop rightfully let go and dropped to the ground.
The cops claim they immediately sounded the alarm that a shooter was on the roof using the radio frequency shared with the Secret Service. Trump was not immediately protected and the snipers that were observing the shooter did not shoot him until after he shot Trump.
Every new development makes the situation seem more malicious than incompetent.
All evidence increasingly points in one direction.
More information (and government-sponsored misinformation to dilute it) will come out.
Protip: If you ever find yourself in this situation, don’t use the radio. Immediately draw your pistol and empty a mag into the ground. That will force all the slugtards to get moving.
Bonus: Trump is looking pretty haggard. He has just had his Come to Jesus moment. The possibility that the Deep State would kill him was theoretical until now. He is not a quitter. Now he has to respond. (With the knowledge that the next step is to poison him and claim natural causes.)
Disclaimer: There is zero evidence that the shooter was anything more than a lone nutjob. (Though there are a few unusual aspects that need further study.)
Truth: There is a great deal of curcumstantial evidence that the Secret Service did unusual things that allowed this to happen. More information will likely come out as ásses get covered.
Tinfoil Hat: What if a lone nut shows up to EVERY Trump event but security is always too tight to get at him… until now.
This gets more interesting by the day.
7 months ago
The rooftop with a perfect line of sight to Trump at a distance of 25% the range of America’s most common rifle was too dangerous to post any Secret Service on because the roof was sloped.
@Liz, thanks for sharing this. From what I have read this pretty much lines up with what Crenshaw said. What Crenshaw doesn’t talk about is that supposedly the Secret Service sent in a B team because the team that had been securing Trump rallies wanted time off. I think this would help explain why the group there that day seemed so incompetent.
The other thing Crenshaw did not mention was that the local law enforcement decided not to put someone on the roof because it was so hot outside. They decided to secure the building from inside and watch for anyone trying to access it. This plan was obviously incompetent and someone at the SS should have said something, but as we saw the SS team there that day appeared very incompetent. After the shots were fired one of the agents can be even heard asking what do we do.
It appears Crooks was walking around the site suspiciously and people even reported him to law enforcement. I think he probably saw that no one was on the roof of the building and then grabbed his gear and got on the roof. Law enforcement was supposedly looking for him and then people reported him on the roof with the gun. Was this put out over the radio for the SS counter-sniper teams to know? Or was this just put out over the local law enforcement radio freq? If the counter-sniper team did not hear this on the radio then their concern about shooting a civilian that Crenshaw discussed becomes very valid.
A thorough investigation would flesh all of this out, but I don’t think anyone has any confidence in the SS to do this investigation. There needs to be a non-bias outside party to look into this for the public to have any confidence in the findings.
7 months ago
Thanks for the update, GI.
Good Lord, I just saw this one:
7 months ago
I don’t usually speak British, but…
Bloody Hell!
7 months ago
We just watched society want to believe the entire covid debacle was entirely based on incompetence.
Despite clear evidence there was incredible malice involved, nobody even wants to think about it.
Global warming, open borders, normalization of criminality and violence, shít on the streets, child trannies… these are not entirely based on incompetence. That is just a tool of the malicious.
Malice at the top is driving this.
Now we see the same thing with this assasination attempt.
Nobody wants to believe the American Deep State will protect its malicious existence by calculating what little steps will push the probabilities of reality into furthering its agenda.
The death of Trump certainly fits its agenda.
The mental gymnastics being used to pretend everything witnessed is based on incompetence is astounding.
But this level of incompetence, were it real, would make everything unfunctional.
The rationalizations being used to explain away each “failed” step might work for a few things, but not EVERY step failed.
At some point, improbable becomes impossible.
Don’t lie to yourselves.
7 months ago
Let’s review:
– the places where assasins would clearly have the best shots were intentionally not secured
– the places that would give the best views for law enforcement were not occupied by law enforcement
– a kid was able to bring a rifle into the “secure” area inside of the fence
– law enforcement was unable to get inside their own fence and had to knock it down with a police car
Keep believing the people running this are that stupid.
@Chickenhead, this whole incident reminds me a lot of when Pat Tillman was killed. Back then there was plenty of people claiming he was assassinated because they could not believe the so called elite US Army Rangers could so incompetently kill their own Soldier, much less one as famous as Pat Tillman.
If you read Jon Krakauer’s book about Pat Tillman it is very clear incompetence caused him to be killed by friendly fire. The Rangers in attempt to hide their incompetence did things to try and cover it up which only fed the conspiracy theories.
The Secret Service is clearly in cover up mode as well in attempt to minimize their gross incompetence. The attempt to cover up is only feeding the conspiracy theories. For example the sloped roof causing a safety concern for a sniper team is a remarkably stupid excuse.
7 months ago
Just like covid, GI Korea taking the deep state globalist position.
7 months ago
GI, I agree with you. Most stuff can be blamed on incompetence. Pat Tillman is a perfect example. The coverup adds to suspicion.
This case is a bit different.
There is not enough incompetence in a semi-function system to explain how all the holes appeared perfectly where they were needed and a young assassin managed to work his way through all of them.
Some of these holes are so far from procedure and common sense that level of incompetence and failure to follow standards does not exist… cannot exist.
Individually, they can be explained away… but every single one is a nonsense explanation.
Bonus: “understaffed” does not exist. There are plenty of federal agents in the area that can be, and are, called in. Nobody will miss the entire office of ATF pukes for a day.
In the end, there can be plenty of incompetence.
But it statistically can’t be every single aspect.
And it was every… single… aspect… of this operation.
7 months ago
CH, I hear what you’re saying (and it rings true)…but doesn’t everything about this seem too statistically impossible to believe?
-Trump turns his head at the exact right 0.05th of a second.
-A boss of a photographer happens to be right there, to take one of the most epic photos in history (this is directly following the bullets…he wasn’t only in the right place at the right time with the right talent, he was fearless).
-Trump instinctively holds his fist up and says “fight” and “USA” and all that…
I mean, even some kids in Uganda have made a skit on tick tok about it…there’s an epic video from Japan…
honestly none of this seems real right now.
7 months ago
How the SS B Team replaced the SS A Team and the resulting statistic.
SS Security Assessment
(1) Gun nuts are usually right wing disaffected youths … Trump is a low priority target. Threat Probability 0.01;
(2) Butler, Pennsylvania is not Dallas, Texas so a much lower probability of gun nuttery. Threat Probability 0.01;
(3) Butler, Pennsylvania venue is wide open space, and a rural Christianist area, any gun nut has a low probability of escaping alive. Any gun nut is committing suicide, which is verboten for Christianists. Threat Probability 0.01:
0.01×0.01×0.01 = 0.0001 or 1 in 10,000 chance of gun nut making an attempt. Given this low probability;
(4) B Team replaces A Team, proper sweep of area (0.01) and poor communication after gun nut observed leading to delayed reaction (0.01). Threat Probability 0.01×0.01 = 0.001.
Final Threat Probability is 0.0001×0.001 = 0.000001 or 1 in a million chance of Trump being bowled by Columbine.
(5) Inexperienced gun nuts are competent with an AR-15 at long range rather than using a deer rifle. Threat Probability 0.001.
0.001×0.000001 = 0.00000001, or 1 in hundred million.
0.00000001 > 0 this is a statistic not a probability.
Hey SS, y’all need to go back to study statistics in school not magical thinking.
On the question of malice. What do you call the left trying to convict and imprison Trump on false and obviously politically motivated charges? What do you call the left trying to restrict and even remove SS security from Trump and outright deny it to challengers from the center left like RFK? What do you call all of their hysteria over the past 8 years where they’ve openly fantasized about bad things happening to the president? What do you call instigating riots throughout the country to undermine Trump that resulted in arson, rape, and murder all the while providing legal and political protection to the rioters?
There’s been nothing but malice for the last 8 years directed towards the man. The entire surrounding situation reeks of malice.
Some are pointing out the gross incompetence of the SS, and that is true. It also completely fails to acknowledge that the incompetence is directly linked to the Biden administration’s push for “Diversity Equity and Inclusion”. The reason why they push DEI is because of malice. They hate men. They hate heterosexuals. They hate competence. They hate strength. They hate beauty. Their entire moral value system is turned upside down. They hate you, and yes, they want you dead and humiliated and your kids groomed.
Don’t believe me? Merely look at just about any American college campus… you know, the system that trains and conditions all of our elites.
7 months ago
(1) Gun nuts are usually right wing disaffected youths … Trump is a low priority target. Threat Probability 0.01;
Hahhahahahaha! I don’t often see a sucker out themselves this hard.
Before we talk further, look at some case history.
You will find leftist lone wolf nutjobs, apolotical nutjobs, and trannies, to be far more dangerous than the “right wing”.
The real action is black people shooting black people in black neighborhoods over black stuff.
The right wing is the biggest group of “gun nuts”… but that is in ownership and empty talk rather than action.
Let this go.
If you don’t, I will trot out statistics from federal databases and I will be insulting and abusive when i do it.
(2) Butler, Pennsylvania is not Dallas, Texas so a much lower probability of gun nuttery. Threat Probability 0.01;
If you are the Secret Service, you follow decades of established procedure, treat every venue the same, and don’t concern yourself with ratios of Christians, gun nuts, or blue hair dykes.
(3) Butler, Pennsylvania venue is wide open space, and a rural Christianist area, any gun nut has a low probability of escaping alive. Any gun nut is committing suicide, which is verboten for Christianists. Threat Probability 0.01:
As, by standard procedure, you treat every venue the same… and you assume it might be possible from some non-Christian suicidal slackjaw libtard from Libtardville to drive for a couple hours on ten bucks of gas money into your rural Christianist area… with a rifle.
“0.01×0.01×0.01 = 0.0001 or 1 in 10,000 chance of gun nut making an attempt. Given this low probability;”
Garbage in, garbage out. Your statistics mean nothing if your assumptions are this far from reality.
(4) B Team replaces A Team, proper
sweep of area (0.01) and poor communication after gun nut observed leading to delayed reaction (0.01). Threat Probability 0.01×0.01 = 0.001.
This level of incompetence is impossible.
These same people give out traffic tickets, deal with abusive husbands, and catch black guys holding up a 7-11. They function through situational awareness and rational decision making.
At this level, the incompetence is overshadowed by, “Secret Service told us to stay here. This is bullshít in my opinion but they are the professionals. We should have guys in the water tower.”
The whistleblower is coming. Wait for it.
“Final Threat Probability is 0.0001×0.001 = 0.000001 or 1 in a million chance of Trump being bowled by Columbine.”
(5) Inexperienced gun nuts are competent with an AR-15 at long range rather than using a deer rifle. Threat Probability 0.001.
Lots of weapons will do a headshot at that range in the hands of a person who practiced for a day.
Trump was only 164 yards away from the unguarded perfect location to shoot a president.
As I recall, this is about half the distance Army guys are making headshots within a few days of first firing their Black Rifles.
(Any Army guys have an opinion?)
My wife never fired a rifle beyond dumping a few full auto mags and drums into the trees when she was a teenager. When she got serious, we took a match AR with a 4x scope and 100 rounds, and by the first 40 rounds, she was making headshots every time at 500 meters. I always use optics but back in the day, I could make a headshot every time at 100 meters with iron sights… and I did that the very first time I picked up a Black Rifle.
With an old WW1 Springfield bolt action in 30-06 made around 1920 that I drilled and tapped for a scope mount, I couldn’t miss a man-sized target at ~1 kilometer with an 8x scope.
I have faith that pretty much anybody who can breath can take a black rifle to the range for a few hours and do consistent headshots at <200 meters. Trump turning his head was good luck for him, but the shooter clearly was capable.
In the end, the SS has a duty to protect Trump and they didnt.
And their action was beyond any level of incompetence.
7 months ago
(1) “The right wing is the biggest group of “gun nuts”… but that is in ownership and empty talk rather than action.”
We are agreeing here. Low probability.
(2) “Butler and Dallas should be treated the same”.
Totally agree, however, SS would be more cagey about repeating 1963 in Dallas.
(3) Still a suicide mission. He was highly visible on a roof, not camouflaged on a grassy knoll.
(4) B Team replaces A Team, proper sweep of area not conducted (0.01) and poor communication after gun nut observed leading to delayed reaction (0.01). Threat Probability 0.01×0.01 = 0.001.
“This level of incompetence is impossible.”
This is what actually happened though.
(5) “I have faith that pretty much anybody who can breath(e) can take a black rifle to the range for a few hours and do consistent headshots at 0.
He was banned from the local gun club because he was a danger to himself and innocent bystanders. He did kill the fire chief … whom he was not aiming for?
“In the end, the SS has a duty to protect Trump and they didnt.”
We agree again. The SS has a duty to protect Trump ~ and make the probability of an assassination 0 ~ and they didn’t.
잘 합니다 CH. Good to see us agreeing. Who says I’m dumb?
Last edited 7 months ago by Stephen
7 months ago
“This level of incompetence is impossible.”
This is what actually happened though
Interesting, isn’t it.
So if this level of incompetence is impossible, yet it happened…
Then “incompetence” shouldnt be the first assumption.
7 months ago
(1) “The right wing is the biggest group of “gun nuts”… but that is in ownership and empty talk rather than action.”
“Right wing gun nuts” have a low probability of shooting Trump. Leftist and apolitical nuts with guns have a higher chance.
Trump must be protected using established standards whatever your theories on situational probabilities are.
(2) “Butler and Dallas should be treated the same”.
Trump must be protected using established standards whatever your theories on local demographics are.
(3) Still a suicide mission. He was highly visible on a roof, not camouflaged on a grassy knoll.
Trump must be protected using established standards whatever your theories on shooter motivation and commitment are.
(4) B Team replaces A Team, proper sweep of area not conducted (0.01) and poor communication after gun nut observed leading to delayed reaction (0.01). Threat Probability 0.01×0.01 = 0.001.
“This level of incompetence is impossible.”
This is what actually happened though.
Trump must be protected using established standards whatever your theories on organizational competence are.
The B Team is still an official team and is expected to have the same training on standards and procedures.
In this case, their operation might be expected to run less smoothly. But, as they are still a team of competent people who achieved their positions through the same training as the A Team, they are expected to complete the basic tasks required by the job.
In this case, they are required to secure all location that can be used to shoot Trump at a range far exceeding 164 yards. This was not difficult, as there was a mildly sloped roof and a very safe water tower overlooking everything.
This level of incompetence is impossible.
This is what actually happened, though.
The conclusion is incompetence is the wrong explanation.
(5) “I have faith that pretty much anybody who can breath(e) can take a black rifle to the range for a few hours and do consistent headshots at 0.
He was banned from the local gun club because he was a danger to himself and innocent bystanders. He did kill the fire chief … whom he was not aiming for?
That is nonsense. No matter how bad of shot you are, you are not a danger at the range. If you are careless or agressive, you are a danger. If you have trouble hitting the target, you are a poor shot.
“In the end, the SS has a duty to protect Trump and they didnt.”
We agree again. The SS has a duty to protect Trump ~ and make the probability of an assassination 0 ~ and they didn’t.
The question is not about what happened.
The question is why it happened.
– Witnesses claim security was noticeably lighter at this event.
– the low level of security wasnt an oversight. It was a clear violation of standards in more than one aspect. This was at a level that even someone on the B Team should have taken notice.
– a shooter just happens to show up to take advantage of this unusually low security.
There is no proof he was groomed to do this, apart from an odd lack of any social media. Yhough an unusual lack of information is also information. Let’s see how this aspect plays out.
The unusual security situation was ideal to accommodate the shooter in such a way that it stretches credibility to blame incompetence.
@Flyingsword, I don’t know what you are talking about in regards to COVID? I am not against people getting the vaccine, but I said before that I did not agree with forcing people to take the vaccine. Additionally I long said before it became popular that COVID likely came from a Wuhan Lab leak; hardly so called deep state globalist positions.
@GrayBlack, you bring up entirely different topics from what happened with this assassination attempt. Much of those other topics was clearly malice from Trump’s political opposition. The assassination attempt with the information currently available looks like incompetence to me. Did DEI contribute? I don’t know, where those bumbling SS agents hired during the Biden administration? A real investigation would answer all those questions and why the SS cannot possibly be trusted to investigate themselves.
7 months ago
Actively denied the proven effectiveness of Ivermectin. Campaigned for the clot shot as the only solution.
7 months ago
you bring up entirely different topics from what happened with this assassination attempt.
The surrounding context absolutely matters. All those different topics, among many others, worked together to create the circumstances for a legitimization of political violence and the failed assassination attempt. What exactly do you think the result of constantly screaming ‘Hitler! Hitler! Hitler!’ for years, combined with running political cover for outbreaks of mass violence, combined with actively trying to remove and degrade Trump’s security?
This is not at all dissimilar to how they have facilitated illegal protest mobs right outside conservative Supreme Court Justice’s homes but kept their security detail to just a few marshals… and if someone “just so happens” to try to kill a justice at a time when the security detail is stretched thin (an attempt has already happened)… of course the party line is that it’s ‘totally not their fault and it’s purely coincidental’.
I refuse to believe they’re so stupid to not understand what they’re doing, and it’s insultingly naive to pretend malice wasn’t involved.
7 months ago
“– the low level of security wasnt an oversight. It was a clear violation of standards in more than one aspect. This was at a level that even someone on the B Team should have taken notice.”
When Mike Johnson’s congressional buddies interrogate SS Team B we’re all gonna find out whether the members of SS Team B are registered Republicans or Democrats.
I can hear Mike Johnson screaming for a congressional inquiry right now.
7 months ago
“When Mike Johnson’s congressional buddies interrogate SS Team B we’re all gonna find out whether the members of SS Team B are registered Republicans or Democrats.”
We will likely find more of a division between those who support Trump and those who do not.
Oddly, we may find a statistically improbable number of NeverTrumpers on the B Team… people with no passion for this duty who will easily do the bare minimum, take no initiative in rectifying clear violations of procedure, and happily follow orders that leave gaps in Trump’s security.
How this particular group was selected would be the next question.
These people are not exactly “incompetent,” as they likely recognize problems. They just don’t want to do anything about it if it is not their direct responsibility.
So we look up to the next level.
Someone was directly responsible for the security of Trump… not the security of a bubble with a limited range. If the duty to secure the buildings was delegated to law enforcement, it was still their responsibility to make sure law enforcement was doing their job and ensure the area was truly secure.
Somebody made the decision to leave the premium sniper spots unsecured.
The higher this went, there is less possibility of it being incompetence and more possibility of it being intentional. In reality, any supervisor from the Z Team on up would see the security flaws in this situation.
Now, we find that LE recognized the shooter as a peron of interest an hour before the shooting. They followed him but somehow lost him. Then he came to attention using a range finder and he became a person of concern. The SS was informed there was a potential security concern… yet… they still let Trump on stage. Then there was a clear security concern, as people were reporting a guy on the roof with a rifle. The SS was informed. They didn’t temporarily pull Trump off the stage. Then a cop verified a guy with a gun was on the roof. They radioed the SS but the shooter started shooting amid all these delays. The cop should have emptied his gun in the ground and Trump would have been immediately protected.
Bonus: The trial balloons are going up to see what the public will buy.
– It was part of an Iranian plot.
– The shooter wasn’t there to shoot Trump but wanted a mass casualty event… then the narrative can go from Secret Service Bad to Guns Are Bad.
New developments every few hours!
Plot Twist: In the next 12 hours, we are going to learn something interesting about his lack of social media.
CNN has never covered a Trump rally before this one. So why did they decide to show up to this one? Did someone tip them off that something was going to happen?
It’s not proof of a setup, just more evidence. And there is a lot of evidence.
7 months ago
I don’t watch CNN and don’t know how many Trump rallies they covered, but I definitely remember the Bronx one…so there’s at least one more (than PA) they covered.
7 months ago
I have seen the meme that all the news organizations just happened to broadcast this Trump rally but not others. This doesn’t appear to be true, though not confidently confirmed either way.
There is other misinformation.
Some of this is wishful thinking. Some is misunderstanding. Some is intentionally released to dilute even more unpleasant truths.
This is pretty standard. We just went through it.
“Should we be giving an experimental vaccine made with experiemental technology to pregnant women?”
“Ohhhhh, so you are one of those 5G nanoparticle people.”
Anybody who lived through covid yet cannot see the same patterns of malignancy, incompetence, and ignorance working together to achieve a rational-but-selfish goal that clearly benefits the people at the top who openly push their agenda, doesn’t deserve the privilage of claiming to be fully human.
This same pattern can be seen with all other systems of control and exploitation… covid, global warming, Islam… etc… and the removal of Trump who promises to end the corruption that is now strangling American government and society.
…and if you cannot see this pattern and cannot even see the downward spiral of America as the distruction of society diverts attention from the looting of America, you deserve no respect.
You might be able to gain some respect by offering an alternative theory for what you are witnessing…
Is South Korea discriminating against Korean Americans in cafes, restaurants, and stores? This is the first time I heard about this.
The current leftist culture is a race to the bottom as they all strive to be the biggest victim.
Huffpo is no right-wing or even moderate voice. Therefore, since I’m not giving them a click, I assume the person complaining is (1) an arrogant asshat who demanded vegan choices, (2) grossly obese, (3) has conspicuous facial piercings and tattoos, or (4) some other combination of anti-Korean cultural personality traits.
I don’t think it’s bigotry, I think it’s probably just a reaction to the “victim’s” behavior. Although I’m an overweight American, I behaved politely and never experienced any “discrimination” in Seoul, Songtan, Inchon, Pyeontaek, Jeju, or elsewhere.
You could post a photo to show that I’m completely wrong, if you wished.
While I do agree that Huff Post article does seem to sound whiny, I just want to point out that what’s above me, is what an angry right-wing Trumpean sounds like.
Trump just got shot in the head while speaking at a rally. Looks like it grazed him. He reched up and touched his ear. Secret serviced brought him down. Rushed him off to the motorcade. He pumped his fist.
No more details yet.
This picture is almost too good to be true.
This picture is so good, it must be a setup!
Here is another pix to study.
Hillary did it
Standard Russian False Flag operation.
The FSB will do anything and everything to get the Moscow Candidate back in the White House.
This kinda feels odd.
– not many buildings nearby
– guy crawls on roof with rifle
– people see this and point it out to cops and secret service for several minutes… they do nothing
– shooter dead 20 seconds after he shot Trump (and others behind Trump)
Now time to put the spin on who the shooter was. There will be no way to counter whatever narrative is presented.
Let’s see what the story will be.
Moscow Murdoch will spin it in favor of Trump.
As the old saying goes: There’s no news in Pravda, there’s no truth in Izvestia … and there’s neither truth nor news in Murdoch Fox News.
The snipers on the security team were on it pretty fast by the look of things on this video.
Biden was doing so well the Russians were desperate, Stephen.
They couldn’t wait for him to wipe the debate floor with Trump again.
They sent in their best..
“Miss his head by a fraction of an inch, just go through the ear. Then kill some random person in the crowd, injure another, and die!”
Standard. As you say.
Stephen and the other bots are still shilling for Hillary by repeating the many-times debunked Russia, Russia, Russia hoax created by her campaign.
But they’re the low-IQ types the Democrats cultivate.
“Useful idiots” is how V I Lenin named them.
Well played Liz.
Plenty of empty space between Trump’s ears.
“Miss his brain by a fraction of an inch, just go through the ear …”
But all jokes aside, this was a poor show by the Secret Service. Plenty of bystanders had alerted the police and secret service of the gunman on the roof before he fired any shots.
It’s Occam’s Razor: (Incompetent) nutjob with a gun is the simplest and likeliest explanation.
If it was Dallas, Trump would be a goner.
One way to analyze that video of the Secret Service snipers is they were watching a guy on a roof aiming a rifle at Trump that people had informed the Secret Service about.
As soon as he got off a couple of shots, they returned fire.
The didn’t look toward the guy when he shot at Trump.
They were already looking at the guy when he shot at Trump.
First Impression: suspicious
The Secret Service are incompetent. More Nic Cage than Clint Eastwood.
CH, to satisfy your desire for references this is from Quote Investigator.
The prominent Scottish philosopher David Hume penned an essay on “The Natural History of Religion” in 1757. He observed that people were too eager to improperly ascribe both malice and goodwill to natural objects and phenomena:
There is an universal tendency amongst mankind to conceive all beings like themselves, and to transfer to every object those qualities, with which they are familiarly acquainted, and of which they are intimately conscious. We find human faces in the moon, armies in the clouds; and by a natural propensity, if not corrected by experience and reflection, ascribe malice and good-will to every thing, that hurts or pleases us. Hence the frequency and beauty of the prosopopoeia in poetry, where trees, mountains and streams are personified, and the inanimate parts of nature acquire sentiment and passion.
The snipers on the roof were local small town PD, not Secret Service.
Obviously not ready for the challenge.
They should have had drones filming everything.
A “source familiar with Trump’s security detail” previously told The Federalist that Trump’s “detail has been asking for beefed up protection and resources for weeks, but has been rebuffed time and again by Biden’s DHS.”
I just lived through covid where I saw incompetence and malice in equal parts.
Malice exists.
This story gets more interesting at every news cycle.
No spin yet, as the facts aren’t in.¹
I kinda feel like I am warching the season finale of the United States.
¹not exactly true… as CNN reminds us they are some of the biggest pieces of shít to ever publish a headline with this winner…
…one step above Clumbsy Trump Hits Head on Bullet
It’s looking more and more like a country that belongs in the Third World. I expect gun violence on candidates during election campaigns in countries like India or Venezuela. No matter anyway. I don’t care what happens.
There’s certainly malice, but I don’t believe this was some planned event. Malice in the attempt to remove security for Trump, which would create opportunity, and the malice of feeding the public a constant stream of “the next Hitler!” creating motive (especially for the mentally unstable). If the deep state were involved they would not let the outcome rest on the shoulders of a lone 20 year old kid with poor marksmanship ability. Not the Russians, not the deep state.
[/my .02]
I’m hearing celebratory champagne corks going off, as this virtually puts the final nail in Trump’s election as he rides into the office in an avalanche of martyrdom syndrome. Landslide victory is guaranteed. What is all this fake gnashing of teeth around here?
Trump survived because he turned his head sharply as the bullet was in flight.
It was entirely Divine Intervention.
Does that mean Trump is somehow “holy”? No.
It just means God isn’t done with Trump yet.
Libtard media, we love you. Don’t ever change.
Reminds me of the old saying…
When conservatives mess up, that’s the story. When liberals mess up, conservative reaction is the story.
The Deep State, Administrative State, and their mouthpiece media, have all been doing their little parts to move things to where they are today.
They have normalized the “It’s OK to punch a Nazi” mentality and then continiously pushed the “Trump is a Nazi” narrative, programming the mentally ill and relying on statistics of percentages among 300,000,000 people to produce results.
Specific to this situation, the location of the shooter was exactly the ideal spot for a shooter in an area that didn’t have many ideal spots. This area should have been controlled by the SS to keep shooters away and for a view of all the less ideal spots. This is not incompetence. The SS is incompetent, especially with their recent priority of hiring women over ability, but this is so fundemental that it can only be explained by malice.
Several groups have come forward saying they informed the SS and LE about a guy on a roof with a gun. Everybody involved has excellent communications and ANY report of a guy with a gun in the ideal spot to shoot Trump should have generated a lockdown until somebody jogged over and took a look at what everyone was talking about.
The sniper had a clear view of the shooter and should have instantly been able to verify this the moment it was reported. More realistically, the sniper had a clear view of the shooter the ENTIRE TIME and it was the most obvious spot for a shooter.
When the shooter started shooting, the sniper didn’t go looking around for where the shots were coming from. He was alread looking at the shooter. Once the shooter got off his shots, the sniper killed him.
These are all established facts with clear photographic and video evidence.
This goes beyond incompetence.
This was intentional LIHOP, let it happen on purpose.
This was malice.
More information coming out:
This gets dirtier and dirtier.
It is becoming increasingly clear Trump’s security had minimal staffing using less-experienced substitute workers. More than a few were female DEI hires (and it shows in video).
In this situation, the SS did not complete any of the standard practices, such as controlling all line-of-sight areas (especially rooftops well within rifle range) and controlling high ground such as the water tower, which would give a view of many high-risk areas (such as the rooftops).
It appears the SS was aware there was a report of a man with a rifle on the roof. They didn’t shut things down until this was investigated. A cop looked on the roof but retreated when the shooter pointed his rifle at him.
The snipers were clearly watching the shooter and returned fire after the shooter fired at Trump. There is an unconfirmed rumor that they informed the SS at least 3 minutes before the shooting and were told to stand down. The spin is already coming out that it is standard practice not to shoot back unless they fire first. This is likely nonsense and will be countered soon, but will get little press.
This all points to a conspiracy of shared values.
Everybody wants Trump dead.
The media hypes up how much of a Nazi Trump is. The talking heads indirectly justify violence. The professionals groom a percentage of nutjobs on the intetnet. Sometimes the finances for weapons purchases are never explained. The Administrative State slowwalks solutions. The Deep State guides resources.
In this case the SS coverage was engineered to be ineffective. They likely didn’t know a shooter would show up this time, but they were prepared to let one succeed.
We are watching something terrible happen to America.
The American republic is historically a violent shit show. The 90s and 00s were just a rare quiet period. We’re just seeing a return to form.
The founding fathers took great inspiration from antiquity, especially the Romans. Turns out when a political system is built with Roman Republic characteristics, you get Roman Republic type problems.
Maybe we’ll see Roman solutions as well.
Chickenhead, Liz, if you want to see what despicable means when it comes to Conservative media, look to no the Conservative media, the New York Post, which wrote the news article that the shooter was a Chinese man.
And to this, what do you guys say?
Korea Man,
You are right.
I can sense your anger as you witness this incompetent reporting. This is a natural and understandable response. I have full empathy with you on this.
Journalism has a responsibility to accuracy. They don’t take this responsibility seriously.
Now imagine how people feel when the mistake is not incompetence, but an absolute intentional lie with the full intention of pushing a narrative intended to exploit or damage.
Think about this.
Lord Wupert of Wapping Big Lies owns the New York Post.
Lord Wupert also owns Murdoch Fox News.
Lord Wupert also owned the North American franchise for Russia Today.
If the left media does it, it’s a communist plot to destroy America.
If the right media does it, ‘it was just a mistake’.
Thanks, Chickenhead.
These things are evaluated on a case-by-case basis.
It turns out, there is a difference between “oops, the Chinese guy was actually white” and “as a Russian asset, Trump is selling nuclear codes to finance Russian píss hookers.”
This is the first I’ve heard the claim it was a Chinese man.
For about 24 hours everything I read indicated that the shooter was an Italian, Roma Giallorossa, going by some alias Mark Violet.
Guess I should wring my hands at the offense of that.
It is unclear where the NY Post came up with the idea the shooter was Chinese. That seems to have lasted minutes before it was removed (with no obvious retraction).
I got an alert on this within 30 seconds of it happening and there was nothing about the identity of the shooter until he was identified by name.
It is irresponsible journalism. But it likely isn’t malicious journalism.
Murdoch has a heinous track record for “irresponsible conduct”.
Murdoch’s most heinous act?
“Milly Dowler disappeared at the age of 13 on her way home in Walton-on-Thames, Surrey, on 21 March 2002.
In the last four weeks the Met officers have approached Surrey police and taken formal statements from some of those involved in the original inquiry, who were concerned about how Ruper Murdoch’s News of the World journalists intercepted – and deleted – the voicemail messages of Milly Dowler.
The messages were deleted by journalists in the first few days after Milly’s disappearance in order to free up space for more messages. As a result friends and relatives of Milly concluded wrongly that she might still be alive. Police feared evidence may have been destroyed.”
Nick Davies and Amelia Hill, The Guardian, Tue 5 July 2011
You tell ’em, Stephen!
As an enthusiastic Trump-hater, Rupert Murdoch should be exposed for all the dishonesty he promotes.
Glad to see you finaly joined the right team!
CH, you are Sergeant O’Rourke.
Please give me my five dollars.
“CH, you are Sergeant O’Rourke.”
I don’t know if that was intended as a compliment, but I will certainly take it as one.
Assuming the quotes from the secret service director are accurate, the “bucks stops with her” and also…she is not resigning.
Reminds me of Hillary.
Next, if the pattern holds, she’ll say something like:
“I said I accepted responsibility why are we still talking about this?”
A working theory has been the Deep State didn’t know a shooter woukd show up, but they certainly engineered the poorest security possible, so if one did, he would have an easy time.
But now, people who have been to more than one Trump event are saying security was strangely lacking at this event compared to others.
There really is no explanation for why security didn’t control the water tower and rooftops with a close line of site to Trump.
This is not simple incompetence.
From my experience incompetence and human error are usually what happens instead of malice or conspiracy. I see no evidence of malice or conspiracy, but a whole lot of incompetence by the Secret Service agents that day.
GI, at a certain point, incompetence and malice are indistinguishable.
Crenshaw answers some questions pretty well here
Nobody, from trained Secret Service to a 13 year-old Call of Duty player, doesn’t notice the utility of occupying the water tower and controlling the rooftops.
This isn’t incompetence. Nobody is that incompetent.
This was malice from somewhere at the top, engineered incompetence in the middle, and cockpit culture at the bottom.
Too often, Hanlon’s razor, “Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity,” is used to cover for malice backing stupidity.
We see this constantly.
And we see it here.
Dan Crenshaw is covering.
Let’s count the ways.
“Securing that building was local law enforcement’s responsibility.”
Local law enforcement said it wasn’t. And it wasn’t. They might be the warm bodies securing it, but it is the Secret Service’s responsibility to ensure their warm bodies are not inside in the air conditioning playing on their phones. Even Dan said this might be their first time providing such security. OK. Secret Service not delegating and supervising the securing of key positions like rooftops and water towers well within sniper range is a step beyond incompetence… and it is not standard practice…. and that should get everyone’s attention.
Again, it wasn’t incompetence to avoid controlling the water tower. That would be standard. Yet it wasn’t in this one case where an assassin showed up.
“The snipers shouldn’t just shoot people.”
Maybe? It is hard to know what the snipers saw. They clearly knew the shooter was there. There is video of both snipers watching him as a target of interest and they shot him immediately after he fired.
Whatever the case, there were a lot of people who thought his action was unusual, such as using a rangefinder. People watching him informed law enforcement a guy with a rifle was crawling on the roof.
Yet nobody said anything on the radio to maybe pause things for a moment until the unsecured area was secured? “Be advised…” That stretches credibility.
Let’s see how this plays out. Knowing the competence of average law enforcement on such issues, a good prediction is that they DID say something on the radio and eventually, someone will say this loud and often enough the media will grudgingly have to report it. Then the decision will be if the SS was complacent, incompetent, or malicious.
Everybody is yelling incompetence to avoid talking about malice.
Crenshaw is the modern McCain, anti-American Globalist using his veteran status as cover.
“Crenshaw is the modern McCain, anti-American Globalist using his veteran status as cover.”
A couple of new developments…
– As Flyingsword more eloquently pointed out, Crenshaw is a lying globalist puke.
– Despite Secret Service denials, the buildings were very much their responsibility. As a former Secret Service agent pointed out, the range of an AR-15/M4 is four times the distance of the building. The failure to secure the buildings is on the Secret Service. As this is standard procedure without any decisions needing to be made, this failure goes beyond incompetence. This was intentional.
“It was too dangerous to put people on the roof becasue it was sloped,” is the current Secret Service excuse. Not including the water tower with an excellent view, catwalk, and railing, the mild slope of the roof makes this a nonsense excuse. The choice not to secure this area was intentional.
– Many people reported to law enforcement that a guy was climbing on the roof. Some reported that he had a rifle. The roof was not easily accessable, so a couple of cops lifted another cop up. He grabbed onto the edge and saw the shooter. The shooter pointed his rifle at the cop and the cop rightfully let go and dropped to the ground.
The cops claim they immediately sounded the alarm that a shooter was on the roof using the radio frequency shared with the Secret Service. Trump was not immediately protected and the snipers that were observing the shooter did not shoot him until after he shot Trump.
Every new development makes the situation seem more malicious than incompetent.
All evidence increasingly points in one direction.
More information (and government-sponsored misinformation to dilute it) will come out.
Protip: If you ever find yourself in this situation, don’t use the radio. Immediately draw your pistol and empty a mag into the ground. That will force all the slugtards to get moving.
Bonus: Trump is looking pretty haggard. He has just had his Come to Jesus moment. The possibility that the Deep State would kill him was theoretical until now. He is not a quitter. Now he has to respond. (With the knowledge that the next step is to poison him and claim natural causes.)
Disclaimer: There is zero evidence that the shooter was anything more than a lone nutjob. (Though there are a few unusual aspects that need further study.)
Truth: There is a great deal of curcumstantial evidence that the Secret Service did unusual things that allowed this to happen. More information will likely come out as ásses get covered.
Tinfoil Hat: What if a lone nut shows up to EVERY Trump event but security is always too tight to get at him… until now.
This gets more interesting by the day.
The rooftop with a perfect line of sight to Trump at a distance of 25% the range of America’s most common rifle was too dangerous to post any Secret Service on because the roof was sloped.
@Liz, thanks for sharing this. From what I have read this pretty much lines up with what Crenshaw said. What Crenshaw doesn’t talk about is that supposedly the Secret Service sent in a B team because the team that had been securing Trump rallies wanted time off. I think this would help explain why the group there that day seemed so incompetent.
The other thing Crenshaw did not mention was that the local law enforcement decided not to put someone on the roof because it was so hot outside. They decided to secure the building from inside and watch for anyone trying to access it. This plan was obviously incompetent and someone at the SS should have said something, but as we saw the SS team there that day appeared very incompetent. After the shots were fired one of the agents can be even heard asking what do we do.
It appears Crooks was walking around the site suspiciously and people even reported him to law enforcement. I think he probably saw that no one was on the roof of the building and then grabbed his gear and got on the roof. Law enforcement was supposedly looking for him and then people reported him on the roof with the gun. Was this put out over the radio for the SS counter-sniper teams to know? Or was this just put out over the local law enforcement radio freq? If the counter-sniper team did not hear this on the radio then their concern about shooting a civilian that Crenshaw discussed becomes very valid.
A thorough investigation would flesh all of this out, but I don’t think anyone has any confidence in the SS to do this investigation. There needs to be a non-bias outside party to look into this for the public to have any confidence in the findings.
Thanks for the update, GI.
Good Lord, I just saw this one:
I don’t usually speak British, but…
Bloody Hell!
We just watched society want to believe the entire covid debacle was entirely based on incompetence.
Despite clear evidence there was incredible malice involved, nobody even wants to think about it.
Global warming, open borders, normalization of criminality and violence, shít on the streets, child trannies… these are not entirely based on incompetence. That is just a tool of the malicious.
Malice at the top is driving this.
Now we see the same thing with this assasination attempt.
Nobody wants to believe the American Deep State will protect its malicious existence by calculating what little steps will push the probabilities of reality into furthering its agenda.
The death of Trump certainly fits its agenda.
The mental gymnastics being used to pretend everything witnessed is based on incompetence is astounding.
But this level of incompetence, were it real, would make everything unfunctional.
The rationalizations being used to explain away each “failed” step might work for a few things, but not EVERY step failed.
At some point, improbable becomes impossible.
Don’t lie to yourselves.
Let’s review:
– the places where assasins would clearly have the best shots were intentionally not secured
– the places that would give the best views for law enforcement were not occupied by law enforcement
– a kid was able to bring a rifle into the “secure” area inside of the fence
– law enforcement was unable to get inside their own fence and had to knock it down with a police car
Keep believing the people running this are that stupid.
@Chickenhead, this whole incident reminds me a lot of when Pat Tillman was killed. Back then there was plenty of people claiming he was assassinated because they could not believe the so called elite US Army Rangers could so incompetently kill their own Soldier, much less one as famous as Pat Tillman.
If you read Jon Krakauer’s book about Pat Tillman it is very clear incompetence caused him to be killed by friendly fire. The Rangers in attempt to hide their incompetence did things to try and cover it up which only fed the conspiracy theories.
The Secret Service is clearly in cover up mode as well in attempt to minimize their gross incompetence. The attempt to cover up is only feeding the conspiracy theories. For example the sloped roof causing a safety concern for a sniper team is a remarkably stupid excuse.
Just like covid, GI Korea taking the deep state globalist position.
GI, I agree with you. Most stuff can be blamed on incompetence. Pat Tillman is a perfect example. The coverup adds to suspicion.
This case is a bit different.
There is not enough incompetence in a semi-function system to explain how all the holes appeared perfectly where they were needed and a young assassin managed to work his way through all of them.
Some of these holes are so far from procedure and common sense that level of incompetence and failure to follow standards does not exist… cannot exist.
Individually, they can be explained away… but every single one is a nonsense explanation.
Bonus: “understaffed” does not exist. There are plenty of federal agents in the area that can be, and are, called in. Nobody will miss the entire office of ATF pukes for a day.
In the end, there can be plenty of incompetence.
But it statistically can’t be every single aspect.
And it was every… single… aspect… of this operation.
CH, I hear what you’re saying (and it rings true)…but doesn’t everything about this seem too statistically impossible to believe?
-Trump turns his head at the exact right 0.05th of a second.
-A boss of a photographer happens to be right there, to take one of the most epic photos in history (this is directly following the bullets…he wasn’t only in the right place at the right time with the right talent, he was fearless).
-Trump instinctively holds his fist up and says “fight” and “USA” and all that…
I mean, even some kids in Uganda have made a skit on tick tok about it…there’s an epic video from Japan…
honestly none of this seems real right now.
How the SS B Team replaced the SS A Team and the resulting statistic.
SS Security Assessment
(1) Gun nuts are usually right wing disaffected youths … Trump is a low priority target. Threat Probability 0.01;
(2) Butler, Pennsylvania is not Dallas, Texas so a much lower probability of gun nuttery. Threat Probability 0.01;
(3) Butler, Pennsylvania venue is wide open space, and a rural Christianist area, any gun nut has a low probability of escaping alive. Any gun nut is committing suicide, which is verboten for Christianists. Threat Probability 0.01:
0.01×0.01×0.01 = 0.0001 or 1 in 10,000 chance of gun nut making an attempt. Given this low probability;
(4) B Team replaces A Team, proper sweep of area (0.01) and poor communication after gun nut observed leading to delayed reaction (0.01). Threat Probability 0.01×0.01 = 0.001.
Final Threat Probability is 0.0001×0.001 = 0.000001 or 1 in a million chance of Trump being bowled by Columbine.
(5) Inexperienced gun nuts are competent with an AR-15 at long range rather than using a deer rifle. Threat Probability 0.001.
0.001×0.000001 = 0.00000001, or 1 in hundred million.
0.00000001 > 0 this is a statistic not a probability.
Hey SS, y’all need to go back to study statistics in school not magical thinking.
Those “probabilities” are so obviously a figment of your biases, prejudices, and imagination that you just end up looking like a fool.
On the question of malice. What do you call the left trying to convict and imprison Trump on false and obviously politically motivated charges? What do you call the left trying to restrict and even remove SS security from Trump and outright deny it to challengers from the center left like RFK? What do you call all of their hysteria over the past 8 years where they’ve openly fantasized about bad things happening to the president? What do you call instigating riots throughout the country to undermine Trump that resulted in arson, rape, and murder all the while providing legal and political protection to the rioters?
There’s been nothing but malice for the last 8 years directed towards the man. The entire surrounding situation reeks of malice.
Some are pointing out the gross incompetence of the SS, and that is true. It also completely fails to acknowledge that the incompetence is directly linked to the Biden administration’s push for “Diversity Equity and Inclusion”. The reason why they push DEI is because of malice. They hate men. They hate heterosexuals. They hate competence. They hate strength. They hate beauty. Their entire moral value system is turned upside down. They hate you, and yes, they want you dead and humiliated and your kids groomed.
Don’t believe me? Merely look at just about any American college campus… you know, the system that trains and conditions all of our elites.
(1) Gun nuts are usually right wing disaffected youths … Trump is a low priority target. Threat Probability 0.01;
Hahhahahahaha! I don’t often see a sucker out themselves this hard.
Before we talk further, look at some case history.
You will find leftist lone wolf nutjobs, apolotical nutjobs, and trannies, to be far more dangerous than the “right wing”.
The real action is black people shooting black people in black neighborhoods over black stuff.
The right wing is the biggest group of “gun nuts”… but that is in ownership and empty talk rather than action.
Let this go.
If you don’t, I will trot out statistics from federal databases and I will be insulting and abusive when i do it.
(2) Butler, Pennsylvania is not Dallas, Texas so a much lower probability of gun nuttery. Threat Probability 0.01;
If you are the Secret Service, you follow decades of established procedure, treat every venue the same, and don’t concern yourself with ratios of Christians, gun nuts, or blue hair dykes.
(3) Butler, Pennsylvania venue is wide open space, and a rural Christianist area, any gun nut has a low probability of escaping alive. Any gun nut is committing suicide, which is verboten for Christianists. Threat Probability 0.01:
As, by standard procedure, you treat every venue the same… and you assume it might be possible from some non-Christian suicidal slackjaw libtard from Libtardville to drive for a couple hours on ten bucks of gas money into your rural Christianist area… with a rifle.
“0.01×0.01×0.01 = 0.0001 or 1 in 10,000 chance of gun nut making an attempt. Given this low probability;”
Garbage in, garbage out. Your statistics mean nothing if your assumptions are this far from reality.
(4) B Team replaces A Team, proper
sweep of area (0.01) and poor communication after gun nut observed leading to delayed reaction (0.01). Threat Probability 0.01×0.01 = 0.001.
This level of incompetence is impossible.
These same people give out traffic tickets, deal with abusive husbands, and catch black guys holding up a 7-11. They function through situational awareness and rational decision making.
At this level, the incompetence is overshadowed by, “Secret Service told us to stay here. This is bullshít in my opinion but they are the professionals. We should have guys in the water tower.”
The whistleblower is coming. Wait for it.
“Final Threat Probability is 0.0001×0.001 = 0.000001 or 1 in a million chance of Trump being bowled by Columbine.”
(5) Inexperienced gun nuts are competent with an AR-15 at long range rather than using a deer rifle. Threat Probability 0.001.
Lots of weapons will do a headshot at that range in the hands of a person who practiced for a day.
Trump was only 164 yards away from the unguarded perfect location to shoot a president.
As I recall, this is about half the distance Army guys are making headshots within a few days of first firing their Black Rifles.
(Any Army guys have an opinion?)
My wife never fired a rifle beyond dumping a few full auto mags and drums into the trees when she was a teenager. When she got serious, we took a match AR with a 4x scope and 100 rounds, and by the first 40 rounds, she was making headshots every time at 500 meters. I always use optics but back in the day, I could make a headshot every time at 100 meters with iron sights… and I did that the very first time I picked up a Black Rifle.
With an old WW1 Springfield bolt action in 30-06 made around 1920 that I drilled and tapped for a scope mount, I couldn’t miss a man-sized target at ~1 kilometer with an 8x scope.
I have faith that pretty much anybody who can breath can take a black rifle to the range for a few hours and do consistent headshots at <200 meters. Trump turning his head was good luck for him, but the shooter clearly was capable.
In the end, the SS has a duty to protect Trump and they didnt.
And their action was beyond any level of incompetence.
(1) “The right wing is the biggest group of “gun nuts”… but that is in ownership and empty talk rather than action.”
We are agreeing here. Low probability.
(2) “Butler and Dallas should be treated the same”.
Totally agree, however, SS would be more cagey about repeating 1963 in Dallas.
(3) Still a suicide mission. He was highly visible on a roof, not camouflaged on a grassy knoll.
(4) B Team replaces A Team, proper sweep of area not conducted (0.01) and poor communication after gun nut observed leading to delayed reaction (0.01). Threat Probability 0.01×0.01 = 0.001.
“This level of incompetence is impossible.”
This is what actually happened though.
(5) “I have faith that pretty much anybody who can breath(e) can take a black rifle to the range for a few hours and do consistent headshots at 0.
He was banned from the local gun club because he was a danger to himself and innocent bystanders. He did kill the fire chief … whom he was not aiming for?
“In the end, the SS has a duty to protect Trump and they didnt.”
We agree again. The SS has a duty to protect Trump ~ and make the probability of an assassination 0 ~ and they didn’t.
잘 합니다 CH. Good to see us agreeing. Who says I’m dumb?
“This level of incompetence is impossible.”
This is what actually happened though
Interesting, isn’t it.
So if this level of incompetence is impossible, yet it happened…
Then “incompetence” shouldnt be the first assumption.
(1) “The right wing is the biggest group of “gun nuts”… but that is in ownership and empty talk rather than action.”
“Right wing gun nuts” have a low probability of shooting Trump. Leftist and apolitical nuts with guns have a higher chance.
Trump must be protected using established standards whatever your theories on situational probabilities are.
(2) “Butler and Dallas should be treated the same”.
Trump must be protected using established standards whatever your theories on local demographics are.
(3) Still a suicide mission. He was highly visible on a roof, not camouflaged on a grassy knoll.
Trump must be protected using established standards whatever your theories on shooter motivation and commitment are.
(4) B Team replaces A Team, proper sweep of area not conducted (0.01) and poor communication after gun nut observed leading to delayed reaction (0.01). Threat Probability 0.01×0.01 = 0.001.
“This level of incompetence is impossible.”
This is what actually happened though.
Trump must be protected using established standards whatever your theories on organizational competence are.
The B Team is still an official team and is expected to have the same training on standards and procedures.
In this case, their operation might be expected to run less smoothly. But, as they are still a team of competent people who achieved their positions through the same training as the A Team, they are expected to complete the basic tasks required by the job.
In this case, they are required to secure all location that can be used to shoot Trump at a range far exceeding 164 yards. This was not difficult, as there was a mildly sloped roof and a very safe water tower overlooking everything.
This level of incompetence is impossible.
This is what actually happened, though.
The conclusion is incompetence is the wrong explanation.
(5) “I have faith that pretty much anybody who can breath(e) can take a black rifle to the range for a few hours and do consistent headshots at 0.
He was banned from the local gun club because he was a danger to himself and innocent bystanders. He did kill the fire chief … whom he was not aiming for?
That is nonsense. No matter how bad of shot you are, you are not a danger at the range. If you are careless or agressive, you are a danger. If you have trouble hitting the target, you are a poor shot.
“In the end, the SS has a duty to protect Trump and they didnt.”
We agree again. The SS has a duty to protect Trump ~ and make the probability of an assassination 0 ~ and they didn’t.
The question is not about what happened.
The question is why it happened.
– Witnesses claim security was noticeably lighter at this event.
– the low level of security wasnt an oversight. It was a clear violation of standards in more than one aspect. This was at a level that even someone on the B Team should have taken notice.
– a shooter just happens to show up to take advantage of this unusually low security.
There is no proof he was groomed to do this, apart from an odd lack of any social media. Yhough an unusual lack of information is also information. Let’s see how this aspect plays out.
The unusual security situation was ideal to accommodate the shooter in such a way that it stretches credibility to blame incompetence.
Let’s see how this goes.
@Flyingsword, I don’t know what you are talking about in regards to COVID? I am not against people getting the vaccine, but I said before that I did not agree with forcing people to take the vaccine. Additionally I long said before it became popular that COVID likely came from a Wuhan Lab leak; hardly so called deep state globalist positions.
@GrayBlack, you bring up entirely different topics from what happened with this assassination attempt. Much of those other topics was clearly malice from Trump’s political opposition. The assassination attempt with the information currently available looks like incompetence to me. Did DEI contribute? I don’t know, where those bumbling SS agents hired during the Biden administration? A real investigation would answer all those questions and why the SS cannot possibly be trusted to investigate themselves.
Actively denied the proven effectiveness of Ivermectin. Campaigned for the clot shot as the only solution.
The surrounding context absolutely matters. All those different topics, among many others, worked together to create the circumstances for a legitimization of political violence and the failed assassination attempt. What exactly do you think the result of constantly screaming ‘Hitler! Hitler! Hitler!’ for years, combined with running political cover for outbreaks of mass violence, combined with actively trying to remove and degrade Trump’s security?
This is not at all dissimilar to how they have facilitated illegal protest mobs right outside conservative Supreme Court Justice’s homes but kept their security detail to just a few marshals… and if someone “just so happens” to try to kill a justice at a time when the security detail is stretched thin (an attempt has already happened)… of course the party line is that it’s ‘totally not their fault and it’s purely coincidental’.
I refuse to believe they’re so stupid to not understand what they’re doing, and it’s insultingly naive to pretend malice wasn’t involved.
“– the low level of security wasnt an oversight. It was a clear violation of standards in more than one aspect. This was at a level that even someone on the B Team should have taken notice.”
When Mike Johnson’s congressional buddies interrogate SS Team B we’re all gonna find out whether the members of SS Team B are registered Republicans or Democrats.
I can hear Mike Johnson screaming for a congressional inquiry right now.
“When Mike Johnson’s congressional buddies interrogate SS Team B we’re all gonna find out whether the members of SS Team B are registered Republicans or Democrats.”
We will likely find more of a division between those who support Trump and those who do not.
Oddly, we may find a statistically improbable number of NeverTrumpers on the B Team… people with no passion for this duty who will easily do the bare minimum, take no initiative in rectifying clear violations of procedure, and happily follow orders that leave gaps in Trump’s security.
How this particular group was selected would be the next question.
These people are not exactly “incompetent,” as they likely recognize problems. They just don’t want to do anything about it if it is not their direct responsibility.
So we look up to the next level.
Someone was directly responsible for the security of Trump… not the security of a bubble with a limited range. If the duty to secure the buildings was delegated to law enforcement, it was still their responsibility to make sure law enforcement was doing their job and ensure the area was truly secure.
Somebody made the decision to leave the premium sniper spots unsecured.
The higher this went, there is less possibility of it being incompetence and more possibility of it being intentional. In reality, any supervisor from the Z Team on up would see the security flaws in this situation.
Now, we find that LE recognized the shooter as a peron of interest an hour before the shooting. They followed him but somehow lost him. Then he came to attention using a range finder and he became a person of concern. The SS was informed there was a potential security concern… yet… they still let Trump on stage. Then there was a clear security concern, as people were reporting a guy on the roof with a rifle. The SS was informed. They didn’t temporarily pull Trump off the stage. Then a cop verified a guy with a gun was on the roof. They radioed the SS but the shooter started shooting amid all these delays. The cop should have emptied his gun in the ground and Trump would have been immediately protected.
Bonus: The trial balloons are going up to see what the public will buy.
– It was part of an Iranian plot.
– The shooter wasn’t there to shoot Trump but wanted a mass casualty event… then the narrative can go from Secret Service Bad to Guns Are Bad.
New developments every few hours!
Plot Twist: In the next 12 hours, we are going to learn something interesting about his lack of social media.
Another piece of evidence that this was a setup:
CNN has never covered a Trump rally before this one. So why did they decide to show up to this one? Did someone tip them off that something was going to happen?
It’s not proof of a setup, just more evidence. And there is a lot of evidence.
I don’t watch CNN and don’t know how many Trump rallies they covered, but I definitely remember the Bronx one…so there’s at least one more (than PA) they covered.
I have seen the meme that all the news organizations just happened to broadcast this Trump rally but not others. This doesn’t appear to be true, though not confidently confirmed either way.
There is other misinformation.
Some of this is wishful thinking. Some is misunderstanding. Some is intentionally released to dilute even more unpleasant truths.
This is pretty standard. We just went through it.
“Should we be giving an experimental vaccine made with experiemental technology to pregnant women?”
“Ohhhhh, so you are one of those 5G nanoparticle people.”
Anybody who lived through covid yet cannot see the same patterns of malignancy, incompetence, and ignorance working together to achieve a rational-but-selfish goal that clearly benefits the people at the top who openly push their agenda, doesn’t deserve the privilage of claiming to be fully human.
This same pattern can be seen with all other systems of control and exploitation… covid, global warming, Islam… etc… and the removal of Trump who promises to end the corruption that is now strangling American government and society.
…and if you cannot see this pattern and cannot even see the downward spiral of America as the distruction of society diverts attention from the looting of America, you deserve no respect.
You might be able to gain some respect by offering an alternative theory for what you are witnessing…
…but not really…
…because you would be wrong.