Percentage of students getting at least 1200 on the SAT:
Asians, 58% Whites, 30% Hispanics, 13% Blacks, 6%
This is what I've been talking about for years: The distance between Asians and whites on some academic metrics is now about the same as that between whites and…
I’ve been told in the past many times that these test scores don’t mean anything because Asians learn using rote memory and so they’re not really learning anything. If it’s about the education system (or more accurately it’s about the bad education system in Asia), then why such wide differences within the exact same education system?
7 months ago
There’s a lot I can write about the American education system, having both “achieved” a graduate degree and having taught at grades 4-12, some college courses, and some tutoring.
bad education system in Asia
If anything, assuming we’re talking about NE Asia, it’s far superior to the average American school. American schools are more day care than actual education. Calculus, for example, is pretty much a standard in Asia for high school students. For Americans, it’s considered college level.
In a typical 1 hour block the teacher will spend 10 minutes just getting the kids into the classroom and ready to learn. 10 minutes of instruction interspersed by 20 minutes of reminding the kids to stay focused/stop talking/stop playing/etc. Maybe 10 minutes of them actually practicing the material. 10 minutes to get them packed up and lined up to go to their next class. Watch just about any video of an Asian school and it shows the kids quietly and attentively working through problem sets. It’s the complete opposite in America.
why such wide differences within the exact same education system
It’s not the exact same education system. The average NE Asian family will sacrifice a lot to ensure their kids do NOT end up in the average American school. They tend to go to schools where the kids behave and the teachers can actually teach instead of spending most of their time corralling them.
these test scores don’t mean anything because Asians learn using rote memory
Cope and political correctness. You can’t rote memorize for problem solving and math after the basics like multiplication. It does help with doing the basics fast, or recognizing concepts fast, but it doesn’t help with actually understanding the concepts or solving problems.
Asians do better at testing because of both an higher IQ and a culture conducive to education. i.e. their kids typically shut up, sit quietly, follow instructions, and practice practice and more practice. Ideally…
Unfortunately for my Korean American parents, I was far more interested in esoteric matters rather than typical academics and I was fairly opinionated to the point of pissing of my teachers.
7 months ago
How many countries in Asia? Are there no differences between Chinese, Japanese, Koreans, Indians, Pakistanis, etc?
What about that “Whites” category? Does that include “White Hispanics” or “Jews”? Are there no differences between whites from various states, economic classes, etc?
Same with the others.
And which demographics pay for SAT Tutoring for their offspring? We know it’s mostly rich East Asians and Indians.
The poll may not be raacist; but the presentation is. And the presenter is a “far right” content provider according to some here, so I’m shocked by the clickbait.
I agree with many of their posts (particularly on the defiling of Anne Frank’s memorial); but this tweet is not worthy of sharing.
7 months ago
The poll may not be raacist; but the presentation is. And the presenter is a “far right” content provider according to some here, so I’m shocked by the clickbait.
Is this the real setnaffa? It’s not a poll, SAT and other academic statistics have consistently demonstrated extremely stubborn racial/ethnic gaps ever since the first data was collected. It’s a very well studied field.
More so, those testing gaps map fairly well onto extremely stubborn and persistent racial/ethnic gaps in IQ. It is the hard reality that no amount of social engineering like changes in education spending, charity, public action/outcry, etc has been able to change.
And which demographics pay for SAT Tutoring for their offspring? We know it’s mostly rich East Asians and Indians.
Not true. There are more poor Asians paying for SAT prep than there are rich Asians paying for prep by virtue of there being more poor than rich. In terms of rates, both groups are similar at about half paying for SAT prep… but you know the funny thing is, SAT prep/tutoring has almost no benefit without previously strong academic background which is developed largely in public schools rather than anything like private tutoring.
The most damning evidence against the wealth argument is that kids from poor White and poor Asian families both out perform kids from wealthy Black families, so don’t fall back on this BS that it’s all about wealth.
I’ve been told in the past many times that these test scores don’t mean anything because Asians learn using rote memory and so they’re not really learning anything. If it’s about the education system (or more accurately it’s about the bad education system in Asia), then why such wide differences within the exact same education system?
There’s a lot I can write about the American education system, having both “achieved” a graduate degree and having taught at grades 4-12, some college courses, and some tutoring.
If anything, assuming we’re talking about NE Asia, it’s far superior to the average American school. American schools are more day care than actual education. Calculus, for example, is pretty much a standard in Asia for high school students. For Americans, it’s considered college level.
In a typical 1 hour block the teacher will spend 10 minutes just getting the kids into the classroom and ready to learn. 10 minutes of instruction interspersed by 20 minutes of reminding the kids to stay focused/stop talking/stop playing/etc. Maybe 10 minutes of them actually practicing the material. 10 minutes to get them packed up and lined up to go to their next class. Watch just about any video of an Asian school and it shows the kids quietly and attentively working through problem sets. It’s the complete opposite in America.
It’s not the exact same education system. The average NE Asian family will sacrifice a lot to ensure their kids do NOT end up in the average American school. They tend to go to schools where the kids behave and the teachers can actually teach instead of spending most of their time corralling them.
Cope and political correctness. You can’t rote memorize for problem solving and math after the basics like multiplication. It does help with doing the basics fast, or recognizing concepts fast, but it doesn’t help with actually understanding the concepts or solving problems.
Asians do better at testing because of both an higher IQ and a culture conducive to education. i.e. their kids typically shut up, sit quietly, follow instructions, and practice practice and more practice. Ideally…
Unfortunately for my Korean American parents, I was far more interested in esoteric matters rather than typical academics and I was fairly opinionated to the point of pissing of my teachers.
How many countries in Asia? Are there no differences between Chinese, Japanese, Koreans, Indians, Pakistanis, etc?
What about that “Whites” category? Does that include “White Hispanics” or “Jews”? Are there no differences between whites from various states, economic classes, etc?
Same with the others.
And which demographics pay for SAT Tutoring for their offspring? We know it’s mostly rich East Asians and Indians.
The poll may not be raacist; but the presentation is. And the presenter is a “far right” content provider according to some here, so I’m shocked by the clickbait.
I agree with many of their posts (particularly on the defiling of Anne Frank’s memorial); but this tweet is not worthy of sharing.
Is this the real setnaffa? It’s not a poll, SAT and other academic statistics have consistently demonstrated extremely stubborn racial/ethnic gaps ever since the first data was collected. It’s a very well studied field.
More so, those testing gaps map fairly well onto extremely stubborn and persistent racial/ethnic gaps in IQ. It is the hard reality that no amount of social engineering like changes in education spending, charity, public action/outcry, etc has been able to change.
Not true. There are more poor Asians paying for SAT prep than there are rich Asians paying for prep by virtue of there being more poor than rich. In terms of rates, both groups are similar at about half paying for SAT prep… but you know the funny thing is, SAT prep/tutoring has almost no benefit without previously strong academic background which is developed largely in public schools rather than anything like private tutoring.
The most damning evidence against the wealth argument is that kids from poor White and poor Asian families both out perform kids from wealthy Black families, so don’t fall back on this BS that it’s all about wealth.