you’ll realize the benefit of marriage too late, when you’re 65 with 5 cats and no family.
5 months ago
Kakao founder Kim Beom-su: Doh! That’s where I went wrong. Instead of manipulating stock prices, I should have been flogging cat food to FlyingSword and his family of five cats!
5 months ago
um…..ok. So you know, wife and I do not have any cats.
5 months ago
Chinese TikTok almost single-handedly quadrupled the Passport Bro movement.
“Audry” is marxist agitprop. She hit the wall, stopped getting calls from Chad and Tyrone, no one she wanted wanted her, so she developed misandry to a sociopathic level.
Korean couples don’t marry because Moon and Roh destroyed the real estate market. No one wants to marry and live in their parent’s no-privacy apartment.
Plus the economy hasn’t recovred enough from the draconian ovrresponse to the Sino Sinus Syphilus.
“Boys” and “girls” still want a normal life; but nearly all of social media blares out hateful nonsense.
you’ll realize the benefit of marriage too late, when you’re 65 with 5 cats and no family.
Kakao founder Kim Beom-su: Doh! That’s where I went wrong. Instead of manipulating stock prices, I should have been flogging cat food to FlyingSword and his family of five cats!
um…..ok. So you know, wife and I do not have any cats.
Chinese TikTok almost single-handedly quadrupled the Passport Bro movement.
“Audry” is marxist agitprop. She hit the wall, stopped getting calls from Chad and Tyrone, no one she wanted wanted her, so she developed misandry to a sociopathic level.
Korean couples don’t marry because Moon and Roh destroyed the real estate market. No one wants to marry and live in their parent’s no-privacy apartment.
Plus the economy hasn’t recovred enough from the draconian ovrresponse to the Sino Sinus Syphilus.
“Boys” and “girls” still want a normal life; but nearly all of social media blares out hateful nonsense.
And “Audry” is part of that.