A headline seemingly straight from a 2020 time warp reads:
“Gov’t advises people to wear masks amid spike in COVID-19 cases”
Is actually dated 8-15-2024. Unfreakingbelievable! Someone’s been asleep for the last three years because there was a follow-up article stating the reason for the ‘supposed’ rise in C-19 cases again is the lack of government quarantine rules.
To those who write, edit, publish, repeat, believe, follow, promulgate, and agree with such udder nonsense, the attached meme relays my true feelings …
Humor is such an important psychological stress release mechanism. That’s why gallows humor has been so present, historically, for brothers in arms. I have to wonder if the death of humor is one variable in the deluge of suicides we are seeing with young men.
My spouse just went to a conference and saw some old military friends of ours. Our children are all around the same ages (late teens, twenties).
Every one of them is having serious issues with at least one of their sons. One had a son who just attempted suicide, another has a son who is in serious depression and only wants to lie on the couch and smoke pot all day (he is failing in college, though he was always very bright and a math and psychics major…he just doesn’t care anymore, and his younger brother sees this).
I have a friend whose son committed suicide a few weeks ago (28 years old, he was a paramedic and volunteer fire fighter…ten years of serving the community in his short life). Our own oldest son had serious issues with depression but is doing well now (in his case, his wife is the reason he is better, we are very blessed and fortunate since nothing we did before they got together seemed to help at all).
I’m told from dentists that teens now have issues with TMJ on the level never seen before.
I look at what has changed since we were teens.
There is the ubiquity of the internet, which I think is a factor (everything is negative, and a battle it seems, and everything is terribly serious).
Think a world with internet coupled with humorless scolds running everything is largely responsible for this problem.
[/my humorless observations]
6 months ago
I am honored that the chinabots were so butthurt by me they chose my nickname to use for the spam.
But lacking a sense of humor is a sure sign of mental illness. And most of them could be cured if they would believe in Jesus and repent of their sin.
For example, using KJV this time, 2 Timothy 1:7 states:
For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.
Fear is a symptom of pride. We all realize we’re not perfect, and some cannot understand that we know they’re not perfect—so they react in harmful ways to themselves and others.
KFC made Colonel Sanders rich. But he had been a failure up until he was 65 and was “discovered” washing dishes and cooking in some dive.
Success could be later today or tomorrow for anyone who puts their trust in things eternal, not temporary.
6 months ago
A clown’s prayer (read at Stan Laurel’s funeral, by Dick Van Dyke):
As I stumble through this life, help me to create more laughter than tears, dispense more happiness than gloom, spread more cheer than despair.
Never let me become so indifferent, that I will fail to see the wonders in the eyes of a child, or the twinkle in the eyes of the aged.
Never let me forget that my total effort is to cheer people, make them happy, and forget momentarily, all the unpleasantness in their lives.
And in my final moment, may I hear You whisper: “When you made My people smile, you made Me smile.”
@Liz, that was an interesting read over at Cynical Publius. I decided to give him a follow. I really think most of the rise in mental illness in the younger generations is coming from the Internet and social media. Then you add in how kids are all being taught that they are all going to die from global warming or whatever the newest fear trend of the day in the mainstream media is.
That is why I think it is important to get kids away from screens as much as possible and do outdoor activities and do things with their friends that does not involve a screen. I think that is the best thing for people’s mental health.
6 months ago
You’re right, GI. It’s poison for young minds.
Us older folks, too.
6 months ago
Haha! Someone just messaged me about this blast from the past… November 2017.
“Too bad They think assasination is the best option. That doesn’t really work out for them… or anybody, really.
But don’t take the word of my crystal ball. Just wait and see.”
But the real reason they messaged me is that this comment just came out on ROKDrop because it was on my mind as I wrote a paper laying out an assasination scenario which they read at the time.
I actually forgot about it so I looked it up.
All the elements are there… outdoor event, people in authority engineering an unguarded area, incompetent people strangely moved into positions that require competence, a groomed shooter with a black rifle (which is still developing), shooter would be quickly killed either outright or in some suspicious way.
Elements that missed… would be used for a new call for gun control (still baffled about the silence), shooter in their 30s.
Are you ready for Round 2?
Don’t take the word of my crystal ball. Just wait and see.
6 months ago
This got me thinking… so I looked it up.
My first mention (here) of Russia invading Ukraine was 2021-07-09.
That was earlier than I thought, as I didn’t start promoting that (very unpopular) opinion until October.
For reference, Russia invaded 2022–02-24.
But if you weren’t sure of it by January, you weren’t paying attention.
Nobody really pays attention.
Should we look up my predictions on Safe & Effective? My ridicule of Take This Vaccine and You Won’t Get Covid? The impossibility of No You Will Never Need a Booster?
It is good reading, as you can realize how strongly you have been clowned and, if you aren’t a complete dunce, protect yourself from getting clowned again.
Monkeypox is coming… wait… for some reason, that is racist. It is now Mpox.
6 months ago
I know you are all sitting down, so I will just tell you.
The reason monkeypox is in the news as a Big Threat is…
…wait for it…
…it has evidence of gain-of-function modifications.
Didn’t we just go through this?
The strain that alarmed America not long ago was easy to catch if you were a man taking it in holes reserved for women, but it wasn’t really deadly… and the 50-some deaths attributed to it in America were all advanced cases of HIV (because they seemingly didn’t learn).
Another strain was deadly but pretty hard to catch. But that never made it to America, as it is… well… hard to catch.
So along comes some documents scrounged from the NIAID after they lied for 17 months and it turns out, they have been funding gain-of-function research on monkeypox for a couple of years.
This is why the media has a head’s up. We just need to know why.
Fortunately, they were doing it right.
Clade 1 (Congo flavor with 10% mortality but hard to catch) had clade 2 (West Africa flavor and not so deadly) genes inserted with hopes of making clade 1 less deadly.
Sounds good. But a bit curious about how they planned to take advantage of that.
Anyway, this was all going well until somebody got the bright idea to try it the other way around.
What if the easy to catch one could be made deadly. Aktchually, even more curious about whatever the plan was with that one.
It is a bit unclear what happened next, as nobody want to talk and nobody wants to ask.
But, in unrelated news, there is a new strain of monkeypox going around Africa that is easy to catch and very deadly.
On day one of the DNC, democrats were claiming to be the party that opposed lockdowns and mandates. Yes, we’re living in bizarro world.
6 months ago
It’s no secret that I like the ghays.
And who doesn’t like nuclear weapons?
So you can imagine my excitement when these two great things got rolled into one with the Biden-Harris Administration’s hiring of Sneha Nair as a special assistant at the Department of Energy’s Nuclear Security Administration where she is calling for “Queering Nuclear Weapons” and explaining the need for more DEI because diversity “has critical implications for strengthening security at nuclear facilities.”
I would imagine some of you would agree with this line of thinking, as would your wife and her black live-in boyfriend.
6 months ago
Here we go again.
“Unpreparedness prompts COVID-19 spike in Korea, with 350,000 infections expected next week”
Moneyshot: “As the pandemic abated, many of the lessons learned were forgotten.”
Is Voice of America right? Is Kim Fatty III really afraid of South Korean successes?
We can hope so. And hope he eventually agrees to stop being a richard-cranium. But we’re not holding our breath.
A headline seemingly straight from a 2020 time warp reads:
“Gov’t advises people to wear masks amid spike in COVID-19 cases”
Is actually dated 8-15-2024. Unfreakingbelievable! Someone’s been asleep for the last three years because there was a follow-up article stating the reason for the ‘supposed’ rise in C-19 cases again is the lack of government quarantine rules.
To those who write, edit, publish, repeat, believe, follow, promulgate, and agree with such udder nonsense, the attached meme relays my true feelings …
To everyone else, enjoy the weekend.
Who cares.
I didn’t comply with the insanity the first time.
When the new even more virusy virus hits, I will be personally cautious until the situation is evaluated.
Then, I will either devise my own management strategy with the government directives as one of many considerations.
…or I will not comply with the insanity a second time.
One thing is for sure though.
If I get a hankering for some Alabama black snake, it’s coming from Alabamba and not the Democratic Republic of Congo.
That’s just basic sense.
Cynical Publius ponders when dems lost their sense of humor, and when reps took over the humorist role.
Humor is such an important psychological stress release mechanism. That’s why gallows humor has been so present, historically, for brothers in arms. I have to wonder if the death of humor is one variable in the deluge of suicides we are seeing with young men.
My spouse just went to a conference and saw some old military friends of ours. Our children are all around the same ages (late teens, twenties).
Every one of them is having serious issues with at least one of their sons. One had a son who just attempted suicide, another has a son who is in serious depression and only wants to lie on the couch and smoke pot all day (he is failing in college, though he was always very bright and a math and psychics major…he just doesn’t care anymore, and his younger brother sees this).
I have a friend whose son committed suicide a few weeks ago (28 years old, he was a paramedic and volunteer fire fighter…ten years of serving the community in his short life). Our own oldest son had serious issues with depression but is doing well now (in his case, his wife is the reason he is better, we are very blessed and fortunate since nothing we did before they got together seemed to help at all).
I’m told from dentists that teens now have issues with TMJ on the level never seen before.
I look at what has changed since we were teens.
There is the ubiquity of the internet, which I think is a factor (everything is negative, and a battle it seems, and everything is terribly serious).
Think a world with internet coupled with humorless scolds running everything is largely responsible for this problem.
[/my humorless observations]
I am honored that the chinabots were so butthurt by me they chose my nickname to use for the spam.
But lacking a sense of humor is a sure sign of mental illness. And most of them could be cured if they would believe in Jesus and repent of their sin.
For example, using KJV this time, 2 Timothy 1:7 states:
Fear is a symptom of pride. We all realize we’re not perfect, and some cannot understand that we know they’re not perfect—so they react in harmful ways to themselves and others.
KFC made Colonel Sanders rich. But he had been a failure up until he was 65 and was “discovered” washing dishes and cooking in some dive.
Success could be later today or tomorrow for anyone who puts their trust in things eternal, not temporary.
A clown’s prayer (read at Stan Laurel’s funeral, by Dick Van Dyke):
As I stumble through this life,
help me to create more laughter than tears,
dispense more happiness than gloom,
spread more cheer than despair.
Never let me become so indifferent,
that I will fail to see the wonders in the eyes of a child,
or the twinkle in the eyes of the aged.
Never let me forget that my total effort is to cheer people,
make them happy, and forget momentarily,
all the unpleasantness in their lives.
And in my final moment,
may I hear You whisper:
“When you made My people smile,
you made Me smile.”
@Liz, that was an interesting read over at Cynical Publius. I decided to give him a follow. I really think most of the rise in mental illness in the younger generations is coming from the Internet and social media. Then you add in how kids are all being taught that they are all going to die from global warming or whatever the newest fear trend of the day in the mainstream media is.
That is why I think it is important to get kids away from screens as much as possible and do outdoor activities and do things with their friends that does not involve a screen. I think that is the best thing for people’s mental health.
You’re right, GI. It’s poison for young minds.
Us older folks, too.
Haha! Someone just messaged me about this blast from the past… November 2017.
“Too bad They think assasination is the best option. That doesn’t really work out for them… or anybody, really.
But don’t take the word of my crystal ball. Just wait and see.”
But the real reason they messaged me is that this comment just came out on ROKDrop because it was on my mind as I wrote a paper laying out an assasination scenario which they read at the time.
I actually forgot about it so I looked it up.
All the elements are there… outdoor event, people in authority engineering an unguarded area, incompetent people strangely moved into positions that require competence, a groomed shooter with a black rifle (which is still developing), shooter would be quickly killed either outright or in some suspicious way.
Elements that missed… would be used for a new call for gun control (still baffled about the silence), shooter in their 30s.
Are you ready for Round 2?
Don’t take the word of my crystal ball. Just wait and see.
This got me thinking… so I looked it up.
My first mention (here) of Russia invading Ukraine was 2021-07-09.
That was earlier than I thought, as I didn’t start promoting that (very unpopular) opinion until October.
For reference, Russia invaded 2022–02-24.
But if you weren’t sure of it by January, you weren’t paying attention.
Nobody really pays attention.
Should we look up my predictions on Safe & Effective? My ridicule of Take This Vaccine and You Won’t Get Covid? The impossibility of No You Will Never Need a Booster?
It is good reading, as you can realize how strongly you have been clowned and, if you aren’t a complete dunce, protect yourself from getting clowned again.
Monkeypox is coming… wait… for some reason, that is racist. It is now Mpox.
I know you are all sitting down, so I will just tell you.
The reason monkeypox is in the news as a Big Threat is…
…wait for it…
…it has evidence of gain-of-function modifications.
Didn’t we just go through this?
The strain that alarmed America not long ago was easy to catch if you were a man taking it in holes reserved for women, but it wasn’t really deadly… and the 50-some deaths attributed to it in America were all advanced cases of HIV (because they seemingly didn’t learn).
Another strain was deadly but pretty hard to catch. But that never made it to America, as it is… well… hard to catch.
So along comes some documents scrounged from the NIAID after they lied for 17 months and it turns out, they have been funding gain-of-function research on monkeypox for a couple of years.
This is why the media has a head’s up. We just need to know why.
Fortunately, they were doing it right.
Clade 1 (Congo flavor with 10% mortality but hard to catch) had clade 2 (West Africa flavor and not so deadly) genes inserted with hopes of making clade 1 less deadly.
Sounds good. But a bit curious about how they planned to take advantage of that.
Anyway, this was all going well until somebody got the bright idea to try it the other way around.
What if the easy to catch one could be made deadly. Aktchually, even more curious about whatever the plan was with that one.
It is a bit unclear what happened next, as nobody want to talk and nobody wants to ask.
But, in unrelated news, there is a new strain of monkeypox going around Africa that is easy to catch and very deadly.
Dear God, CH. Say it ain’t so.
Wonder what they will try to make us do this time around.
Searched for about 30 seconds and found this article that supports what you say.
On day one of the DNC, democrats were claiming to be the party that opposed lockdowns and mandates. Yes, we’re living in bizarro world.
It’s no secret that I like the ghays.
And who doesn’t like nuclear weapons?
So you can imagine my excitement when these two great things got rolled into one with the Biden-Harris Administration’s hiring of Sneha Nair as a special assistant at the Department of Energy’s Nuclear Security Administration where she is calling for “Queering Nuclear Weapons” and explaining the need for more DEI because diversity “has critical implications for strengthening security at nuclear facilities.”
I would imagine some of you would agree with this line of thinking, as would your wife and her black live-in boyfriend.
Here we go again.
“Unpreparedness prompts COVID-19 spike in Korea, with 350,000 infections expected next week”
Moneyshot: “As the pandemic abated, many of the lessons learned were forgotten.”
Ohhhhh… but they weren’t.
Biden admin official position on nuclear weapons….might get monkeypx. https://www.newsweek.com/biden-nuclear-security-official-called-queering-nuclear-weapons-1942872