Another Vehicle Fire Continues to Raise Concern About EV’s in South Korea
|It has been a rough month for EV’s in South Korea with yet another car catching fire:

Customer concerns about electric vehicles (EVs) have intensified following a recent fire report involving an all-electric Model X luxury SUV from Tesla, the most beloved EV maker in Korea.
The incident further fueled the widespread fear of EVs here, after Mercedes-Benz’s EQE EV burst into flames earlier this month. Drivers have since rapidly lost trust in the once-reliable German carmaker after it became known that the vehicle was equipped with a less-reliable Chinese battery.
The recent fire involving a Model X resulted in the vehicle being completely destroyed after approximately four hours of firefighting efforts. The vehicle was parked on a road in Yongin, Gyeonggi Province, on Friday afternoon.
Tesla used a battery from Japan’s Panasonic for its EV. This heightened fears that batteries from famous non-Chinese firms are also not safe either.
You can read more at the link.
EVs are a scam.
Flyingsword, I don’t think they are a scam.
They are a good tool for a specific job.
In a place that doesn’t require long travel, has a history of building excellent infrastructure, can generate cheap electricity with nuclear power, doesn’t experience crazy winters, wants to lower air polution (instead of imaginary carbon) and has a population that will cooperate on common goals instead of being “diverse”, EVs are a good idea.
EVs are very good for Korea, (as are flying cars).
The fires are unfortunate but somewhat understandable is the technology matures.
In some markets, though, EVs are a scam because they are not fit for the driving conditions, environment, or infrastructure. They are not a tool for every job.
I very much like my cars and I intend to keep them for a long time. Part of that plan is converting them to EV when the time is right.
(Ghetto conversions where the engine and transmission are put into storage and an electric motor is connected to the drive shaft.)
Don’t go full h8r on EVs. They are the future.
Airplanes are scams, the moon landing was a scam, vaccines and penicillins are scams, and the earth is flat.
They really believe this.
EVs will make a terrible future. Governments are forcing people into EVs because it fits in the ‘smart 15 min city’. Everyone confined and monitored 24 hours a day, your EV will only be charged enough to go for 15 mins. or turned off remotely….for your safety of course.
Ah… two different issues… the utility of EVs and government fúckbaggery.
On that, I agree 100%.
Bad government can pervert anything good… and American government has become bad.
There will be places that still have good government, though… and EVs will be a good thing for them.
The Eurotards appear to be waking up a bit and the “far right”, which is actually normal people wishing to maintain their expected lifestyle, is starting to get traction.
Perhaps bad governments will be turned around.
Probably not.
Similar turd Koreans that made covid policy are now making electric car policy.
Just like commies who knew nothing about disease found “experts” who would voice opinions which supported their globalist agenda, we now have shytbirds who know nothing about EVs ot batteries making policy to solvee car fires.
Unlike the evil covid policy-makers, these people just appear stupid… basing their decisions on misunderstandings at every level.
Short version:
If batteries make fire, less electricity will make less fire. Durrrr.
Flyingsword needs to talk less, as it appears it takes fewer than 12 hours to go from his lips to the dumbest of government official’s ears.