Biden Nuclear Security Expert Wants Queer Nuclear Weapons Policy
|Can you imagine this person in a room trying to negotiate nuclear disarnament with North Korea?:

A nuclear policy expert appointed to the Department of Energy under the Biden administration in February 2024 previously co-authored an article entitled “queering nuclear weapons” which argued “queer theory” should be used to inform American nuclear policy.
Sneha Nair works as a special assistant at the National Nuclear Security Administration, the agency responsible for maintaining the safety and security of America’s extensive arsenal of nuclear weapons. (…..)
Nair co-authored a piece titled Queering nuclear weapons: How LGBTQ+ inclusion strengthens security and reshapes disarmament which was published in June 2023 by the influential Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, a magazine which focuses on the threats to humanity from emerging technologies. (…..)
They said: “The queer lens prioritizes the rights and well-being of people over the abstract idea of national security, and it challenges the mainstream understanding of nuclear weapons—questioning whether they truly deter nuclear war, stabilize geopolitics, and reduce the likelihood of conventional war. (…….)
The authors spoke positively about nuclear disarmament writing: “Queer theory helps us not only see the bad of a world with nuclear weapons, but also imagine the good of a world without them.
“It envisions using the resources freed up by nuclear disarmament to build structures that tangibly increase people’s safety and well-being through health care, social housing, etc.”
Newsweek via a reader tip
You can read more at the link if you can stomach it. Basically Nair wants the U.S. to denuclearize to advance the left’s socialist utopia cause. I would like to know what Nair’s position is when after the U.S. denuclearizes and is threatened with nuclear annihaliation by North Korea prior to launching an attack on South Korea. Should the U.S. just let authoritarian regimes with nuclear weapons attack and take over any country they want in order to advance the left’s socialist utopia vision?
Ultimately alll Nair’s viewpoint would do is expand nuclear proliferation. In Asia countries like South Korea, Japan, and Taiwan that are threatened by authoritarian regimes would do is develop their own nuclear deterrent if the U.S. got rid of its nuclear weapons. So instead of nuclear weapons tightly controlled by one nation the U.S., they would be spread among multiple nations increasing the odds of a miscalculation and their use.
So let me ask YOU a question, ROKdrop.
Based on your own logic, then why doesn’t the US allow South Korea to defend itself and get its own nukes? Why is the US only allowed to defend itself, and not South Korea?
“Based on your own logic, then why doesn’t the US allow South Korea to defend itself and get its own nukes? Why is the US only allowed to defend itself, and not South Korea?”
A dependent South Korea is easier to control.
And there wouldn’t be enough queering.
Unless you got involved.
Whiny “Well, why can’t we have any?” arguments are frankly silly. And I would have thought even beneath the normal chinabot liturgy.
Instead of buying the multiple Destroyers, Frigates, and Corvettes to needed to augment their Navy, South Korea wanted Aircraft Carriers—much more expensive to procure, staff, and maintain. And not currently useful against current threats like Norkistan and the CCP.
Nuclear weapons are the same. Very expensive, relatively short storage life, and an “attractive nuisance” for every Tom, Dick, and Ahmed looking to make a name in terrorist circles.
South Korea should prove they are a mature nation and will spend taxpayer money wisely on National Defense, instead of being attracted to weapons and weapon systems that other nations, with other issues, have developed.
South Korea should prove they are a mature nation and will spend taxpayer money wisely on National Defense, instead of being attracted to weapons and weapon systems that other nations, with other issues, have developed.
In other words, the Setnaffarian Leader wants Korea to dismantle its defense industry and instead depend wholly on the US for its defense.
At first they supported keeping USFK in Korea forever, then they backtracked when it seemed that it clashed with Trump’s policy and now since Trump’s chances are decreasing they’ve bought it back.
This means that the Setnaffarians despite their rhetoric intend to vote for Kamala this November since Kamala is sure to Keep USFK in Korea Forever.
Korea Person: if gusts of popular feeling was alive
You’ve got to be frigging kidding me. Is this part of Biden ‘s nuclear strategy?
CH, you hit the commie on the head… chinabot is sad because Gusts is no more…
Meanwhile, someone looks at Russia’s intentionally vague nuclear doctrine and notices it could be interpreted to say Russia may nuke themselves if invaded.
They notice there is no mention of this in any western media reports pushing the success of the Ukranian invasion of Russia.
They are very busy right now but will look into this further and report back here.
Speaking of self-immolation, there was an incident, albeit non-nuclear, in an airport parking lot in Lisbon, Portugal…
From the comments: “I find that most CCTV cameras don’t work when it comes to EV fires and anything that makes the government look bad.”