ROK Drop Open Thread – August 23, 2024

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Korean Person
Korean Person
6 months ago

Why don’t the Setnaffarians admit that they want Kamala to win so that the USFK can be kept in Korea forever?

6 months ago

I want Kamala to win so I can buy up assets at depression-level prices from broke Americans and sell them to illegal aliens on payments for their welfare income.

5 months ago

OTOH, it is nice the chinabot is finally getting the treatment they needed to cut their multiple personalities down by at least two-thirds.

A few more electroshocks (treats their severe depression, acute mania, and schizophrenic syndromes), a little larger dose of Chlorpromazine (treats their schizophrenia and bipolar disorder), and we might get them to admit the truth…

5 months ago

Why doesn’t Korean Person admit that it doesn’t know what gender it is? At least Korean Man knows he’s a man.

5 months ago

“Why doesn’t Korean Person admit that it doesn’t know what gender it is? At least Korean Man knows he’s a man.”

So no matter what you say, you will misgender it, and it will play the victim.

Protip: its pronouns are dumb/dumber

5 months ago

We can see you…

5 months ago

“In a stunning Monday evening letter to House Judiciary Chairman Jim Jordan, Zuckerberg admitted that senior Biden administration officials “repeatedly pressured” Facebook teams to suppress information related to COVID-19 that the platform would not have otherwise censored – and the administration ‘expressed a lot of frustration with our teams when we didn’t agree.’

Zuck now says that Facebook should not have compromised its standards “due to pressure from any Administration in either direction.”

“I believe the government pressure was wrong, and I regret that we were not more outspoken about it,” reads the letter. “I also think we made some choices that, with the benefit of hindsight and new information, we wouldn’t make today.”

He’s also committed and “ready to push back if something like this happens again.””

Zukerberg has sure been backing away from the Deep state and making friends with Trump. It’s almost like he expects Trump to win and wishes to be on the right side of history.

But the curious thing, of course, is why the government would need to censor and supress anything.

I guess they didn’t want anyone to know:

– masks don’t work
– lockdowns were unnecessary
– social distancing was made up
– hydroxychloroquine has a positive effect and is not just fish tank cleaner
– ivermectin has a positive effect and is not just horse paste
– covid came from a chinese lab and there is lots and lots of evidence for that, though most is too difficult for normies to understand
– leaving your house is dangerous but burning the city to protest Trump is OK
– the rich and powerful who know things were secretly partying while you were locked in your house
– you will, in fact, need a booster… or four
– all the scientists saying one thing in public were saying the opposite in leaked emails
– it is impossible to properly test an experimental vaccine made with experimental technology in less than a year and call it 99.8% safe and effective
– heart inflamation used to be a medical emergency but after the vaccine it is mild and symptoms resolve on their own
– the deals between government and big pharma are shocking
– the vaccines are not effective for anyone
– the vaccines are not safe for everyone
– excess mortality is up and nobody knows why
– there is a clear relationship between higher vaccine uptake and higher excess mortality

But if the vaccine is so great, why would they need to hide all that?

Some of you need to find Jesus.

5 months ago

Facebook certainly knows Trump will win…

…assuming no assasination or cheating…

…which is a big assumption, considering both have been tried.

But this can be managed without walking away from the Deep State…

…especially when the owner of Telegram is sitting in jail for refusing to cooperate with the Deep State.

This sounds like Getting Ahead of the Story.

Now, we juat have to guess the story.

5 months ago

In another interesting development, Trump has decided to put Kennedy in charge of releasing the Kennedy(s) assasination files.

Maybe for real this time.

He promised to do it last time he was president but did not.

I speculated there was something so horrible in there that is was better to break that campaign promise.

Well, Kennedy just said in an interview that Mike Pompeo, former CIA director begged Trump not to release the records…

…because there is something horrible in there.

Now I am in a position to speculate what it is, at least with JFK.

Of course, if there is information on the CIA grooming the assasin(s), there was never any plan to release that. That was never part of the equation.

No, the horrible thing with JFK is much more benign.

Horrible… but not evil.

A couple of Oswald’s shots hit the president. But all the mental gymnastics and magic bullets are not necessary if you consider, that in all the confusion, disorder, and accelerating cars, a Secret Service agent in the trailing car simply misfired his weapon and killed the president.

And now, Trump will keep that campaign promise.

Because it is personal.

5 months ago

“A Department of Justice attorney has been caught admitting in an undercover video that the FDA’s campaign against the use of ivermectin for COVID-19 treatment was not only misguided but also an overreach of its authority.”

Short version: The FDA called ivermectin “horse paste” and said it was only for animals. They said it was dangerous for people. This is despite its heavy use and study since 1966 making it one of the better-known pharmaceuticals. A further 105 studies were shown demonstrating its effectiveness in reducing covid deaths.

The FDA was taken to court. They claimed these anti-ivermectin campaigns were only mild recommendations and not directives to the medical community. They lost in court.

Among other things, they had to take down their social media campaign on places like the highly-cooperative Facebook.

But the damage was done. Doctors wouldn’t prescribe it. Pharmacists wouldn’t supply it. Anybody educated who spoke about it was ridiculed by the dumbed-down masses (check if your ivermectin opinion is outdated and evaluate if this was you).

And the Safe & Effective vaccine was pushed in its place… as was the plan.

5 months ago

I remember when the FDA claimed there was no evidence that hand sanitizer killed viruses. Which is the same as saying alcohol has no disinfection capabilities.
A lot of dumb, easily refutable shyte has been peddled in the past five or so years.

Last edited 5 months ago by Liz
5 months ago

Viruses are not ‘alive’ and thus can’t be ‘killed’. Liz, you must update your bureaucracy driven newspeak!

5 months ago

For those of you who joined the military because you wanted to be more intimate with ghays and trannys and furries and such, you will be excited to know you can put another stripe on your pride flag!

“The Defense Department may not prohibit people who are asymptomatic HIV-positive from joining the military, a judge in Virginia ruled this week.

U.S. District Court Judge Leonie Brinkema wrote in a decision filed Tuesday that barring those with undetectable viral loads from serving is “irrational, arbitrary, and capricious” as it contributes to a stigma about people who are HIV-positive while also actively hampering the military’s own recruitment goals.”

5 months ago

HIV+ Mil is yesterday’s news.

5 months ago

There’s an old French saying that starts with “It’ll be fine. Let’s hand the aristocrats from the lamp posts.”

I hope we never get there. It always leads to the moral equivalent of letting some Corsican upstart invade Russia in the Winter.

Only in this case, “it’ll be fine”.

5 months ago

Another “game-changer” that isn’t changing any games.

“A Ukrainian F-16 fighter jet was destroyed in a crash on Monday, the Wall Street Journal reported quoting a US official, just weeks after the first of the US-made aircraft arrived in Ukraine.

“Initial reports indicate the jet wasn’t shot down” by Russian forces, the official said, speculating that the crash was likely a result of pilot error.”

Around 20 of the 31 Abrams sent to Ukraine have been destroyed despite not allowing them in combat for some time and then sending them only into low-risk situations.

The F-16s are in the same situation.

They are not good enough to win but too good to risk.

No games will be changed.

5 months ago

Sucks the F16 pilot died too. That is a major loss…training takes time, and I doubt they have many pilots who can fly those jets at the moment.

5 months ago
5 months ago

Just read they trained 6 pilots. Now down to 5.

5 months ago

So… is there now an actual Ghost of Kyiv?

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