U.S. and ROK Military to Conduct Major Amphibious Landing Exercise Near Pohang

This looks like some good training:

 South Korea and the United States will begin their large-scale amphibious landing exercise in the southeastern city of Pohang and the eastern coast this week to build up the allies’ combat readiness posture and interoperability, the South’s Navy and Marine Corps said Sunday.

This year’s Ssangyong (double dragon) exercise, which runs from Monday through Sept. 7, will mobilize division-level landing forces and some 40 vessels, including two amphibious assault ships, the ROKS Dokdo and the ROKS Marado, as well as the USS Boxer, according to military officials.

The drills will also bring together some 40 aircraft, such as F-35B radar-evading jets, and around 40 amphibious assault vehicles, the Navy and Marine Corps said in a joint release.


You can read more at the link.

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4 months ago

Being able to kill people and break things is all well and good; but what about their pronouns?!?

And how can they do anything safely without their reflective belts?!?!?!?

Plus, those magazines look like they may hold more than 10 rounds each. I’ve been assured that no one needs more than ten rounds.


4 months ago

Setnaffa, that is very bigoted to ask about pronouns.

First of all, you display your elitism by bringing English grammar into is. Disadvantaged populations are not necessarily familiar with traditionally white constructs such as this.

Further, the term pronoun could trigger those who see “pro” as a dog whistle for professional. This call for merit is an offense to equity which disadvantaged populations work hard for.

Setnaffa, please reflect on your mistakes and try to be your best you.

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