A Korean woman who lives in Korea noticed the same thing I did. That all these 4B feminist types seem to be Americans, many of them “Korean” Americans (hello KP/KM/etc). That there is practically no domestic Korean news reporting on there being some sort of mass 4B/Feminist movement because it doesn’t exist in any meaningful numbers. That most Korean women in Korea like men and still want to get married. That all these explosive headlines come from American sources.
First America ‘democratized’ South Korea, now they want ‘revolution’ to the point of extinction.
These same subversive voices from America also keep painting East Asia (SK and Japan in particular) as having extreme and pervasive bullying, but actual research and statistics point to both countries having the lowest in the world in terms of frequent bullying. When infrequent bullying is included (% of students bullied at least a few times a month), South Korea is still the lowest in the world and Japan is the 5th lowest.
For reference the OCED average is more than double the SK or Japanese rates. The American rate is almost 3 times higher.
These two issues might seem disconnected, but I have a theory. KDramas are a major cultural export, and being dramas they really, really make them dramatic. So you get these “Korean” Americans with zero Korean upbringing watching KDramas through the lens of American leftism and mistake entertainment for reality.
4 months ago
Those 4B types, if “American”, are probably also 4X. Or chinabot “sisters” of our locals.
Marxism is frankly a pathetic form of copium.
4 months ago
Great video of China’s potential vs. the crippling influence of the CCP:
There is a theory the CCP keeps the Chinese from being true competition.
Perhaps we should encourage their greed, corruption, and involvement in everyone’s business under one-party rule that takes care of connected people and business while exploiting the rest.
They likely have the exact same theory about America.
4 months ago
I’m not a fan of communism regardless of reasons. 200+Million lives snuffed out since 1916, not counting possibly another 120 Million abortions, is more than enough.
We could be mining asteroids and building space colonies by now if not for them. And the corrupt politicians they facilitated.
Granted, some people would be rich and some poor; but we wouldn’t have murdered so many potentially brilliant scientists.
4 months ago
“There is a theory the CCP keeps the Chinese from being true competition.
Perhaps we should encourage their greed, corruption, and involvement in everyone’s business under one-party rule that takes care of connected people and business while exploiting the rest.”
That’s pretty much on the money CH.
As for anti-woman behavior; JD Vance is a yuuge anvil aroun’ Trump’s neck.
JD Vance, how do we spell thy name?
Juvenile misogynist
Despicable misogynist
Vile misogynist
Arrogant misogynist
Nutjob misogynist
Cruel misogynist
Egotistical misogynist.
Last edited 4 months ago by Stephen
4 months ago
OK, Stephen. I’ll bite.
It is hard to believe he made it this far in politics being as despicable as you claim.
But let’s see what examples you have so we can evaluate if this is a problem or if you are just believing stuff the media made up.
4 months ago
CH, I think Stephen is from the same bot farm as Paintchip, the Croation Tie, and the regular chinabots.
They all put absolutely zero effort into explaining why they oppose a candidate. They just toss middle school “insults” like a chimp flinging its poo.
4 months ago
That acronym is WAY too long to be catchy, and reuses the same word seven times. Not effective persuasion. Good attempt though.
4 months ago
In other news…
Gold star families ripped Kamala a new one for using Trump’s Arlington visit to score political points (while ironically accusing him of same).
I don’t think I’ve ever seen any public excoriation like that, not even on X…and that is really saying something.
Korean Person
4 months ago
The American extreme right are well known for pushing their own puritanical ideals about America.
Some might say they are the American versions of the Iranian Ayatollahs.
When someone questions those right wing puritanical ideals, the American extreme right, which the Setnaffarians are part of, go into full defensive mode and pour out attacks against those who believe threaten their sacred ideals.
These attacks are usually aimed at discrediting and personally degrading those whom they believe threaten their sacred ideals.
An example can be seen by the liberal use of the word “chinabot” to make it look like those who oppose them are not human but bots created by China while attempting to degrade and dehumanize them by use of these ethnic slurs.
There’s also the misinformation and conspiracy theories to strengthen their sacred beliefs.
However the smarter ones see through those misinformation and conspiracy theories.
4 months ago
Ha! Anybody who isn’t letting illegal aliens run train on them is “far right” these days.
And you clearly don’t know what “puritanical ideals” means if you are using that term here.
Your opinion means nothing because it is just a mix of vague concepts and buzzwords given to you by those who are exploiting you.
The next election will be wonderful.
Trump will get elected and do his best to make America better. He will get blocked and sabotaged like his first term. Perhaps he learned a thing or two and will become more ruthless.
Trump won’t be the president and Americans will get what they deserve. That will be satisfying.
Either way, it’s a win for me.
4 months ago
The truth is that America’s deepest traditions has always been that of a leftist, revolutionary empire. An empire moderated by Scottish/Irish immigration and later Germanic continental conservatism.
“Puritanical ideals” were the precursor to American progressivism. The sort that emigrated to the colonies in the early days were in a sense America’s original sin. Levelers, Ranters, Diggers, and Roundheads. They were the radicals of the 1500s to the 1700s and their descendants largely make up the elite left today.
Much similarity, for instance, can be found between the hippies of the1960s and those of the original pilgrims, and unsurprisingly the hippies can largely trance their ancestory back to New England… indeed, America is no stranger to utopian attempts at immanentizing the eschaton. The English Pilgrims who arrived on the Mayflower attempted to build a New Jerusalem based on communal sharing and social altruism. In essence socialism. They nearly starved to death until Governor William Bradford became a reactionary and re-instituted capitalism and private property.
4 months ago
Hey, I thought Korean Person was called back to China to SUCK (School for Underperforming Chinabots in Korea).
@Liz, Harris is being crushed on Twitter, but I don’t think this is really going to matter because most of the MSM is not reporting the response from the gold star families that invited Trump to the event. Most of the headlines I am seeing online are like this one: Harris says Trump campaign “disrespected” Arlington Cemetery for “the sake of a political stunt”
Kamala supporters are getting classier all the time.
4 months ago
Every aspect of the covid response, from the compliance to the constant rationalization of clearly wrong decisions, showed how stupid a large percentage of the population is.
The fact that somewhat more than 40% of the population can’t see that if Trump was going to do all the bad things they claim, he would already have… and if Kamala would really do all the good things she claims, she would already be doing them… yet again reminds me how completely stupid people are.
It is irrational for so many people to constantly consider Kamala the worst vice president to someone who will bring “joy” just because the teevee told them to.
America is closer to a civil war than anyone realizes.
There was a time when Americans all had an idea of where America should go and the difference was in how to get there.
Now, about half the nation is irrational. They are offended at the flag and seek to destroy America and the things that made is successful.
You cannot negotiate with these people.
And there will be a time when half the population of over 150 million will not accept the opposing agenda of the other half becasue of a few tens of thousands of questionable votes.
This war will be between blue cities and red everywhere else.
They will learn food doesn’t really come from the store.
So many people living out of the big cities are already talking about how leftist refugees with their illegal aliens and child trannies won’t be welcome.
This will be enforced with violence.
4 months ago
Stephen, I waited until your next post.
I noticed you didn’t revisit your accusations about what a horrible misogynist JD Vance is.
I really expected a long list of misogynistic things he has done that makes him such a weight around Trump’s neck.
But you weren’t quick to do this. It almost makes me think you are an idiot.
Let’s see if you can change my mind.
4 months ago
Another thing you can’t do in the navy.
Even though they fired him, I’m curious exactly what this was all about.
I think the creepy hand on his shoulder witched him.
Look for more of these kinds of currency agreements for the world to bypass the US financial thuggary, as many countries now are sick and tired of the US dollar taking the world economy hostage.
4 months ago
“He was replaced by a person of transgender.”
Liz, too soon.
That’s not something to joke about.
Let’s post a picture to clear up your malinformation.
4 months ago
We need to make this happen. LOL
4 months ago
Why waste money on ape coatumes?
It is much cheaper to guide them down into the business district after the next gentle giant or aspiring DJ gets shot for doing something exceptionally no good in a life filled with no good.
@Chickenhead,Christy may look like a transgender, but I have read multiple articles stating she is in fact biologically female, but is a lesbian. She might want to retake her official photo though, that is not a good look.
“Christy may look like a transgender, but I have read multiple articles stating she is in fact biologically female, but is a lesbian.”
I have the same problem. I am a woman trapped in a man’s body but I don’t know it because I’m a lesbian.
Heh… with all the Trans Women are Real Women, who really knows.
Nobody should really care, if they do their job well… but… this is what her supporters say:
“Captain Allison Christy is not a man as some are suggesting, but she’s an out lesbian woman so she’s still helping fill the Navy’s DEI quotas.”
Soooo… did she get the job becasue she is competent enough to know the purpose of a scope is to make things bigger and not smaller¹… or… is she filling a quota?
No idea. But a little research would straighten this out.
¹If I had shot a rifle with a backwards scope and not noticed how small and far away my target had become, I would have been embarassed. But I could have pulled through.
“Admiral, I realize you warm an office instead of a bridge, but let me explain the utility of the Situational Awareness Configuration (SAC) of a rifle scope when field of view is more important than magnification. Now get back to deciding which trannies and queers need to be promoted and let me get back to work.”
A Korean woman who lives in Korea noticed the same thing I did. That all these 4B feminist types seem to be Americans, many of them “Korean” Americans (hello KP/KM/etc). That there is practically no domestic Korean news reporting on there being some sort of mass 4B/Feminist movement because it doesn’t exist in any meaningful numbers. That most Korean women in Korea like men and still want to get married. That all these explosive headlines come from American sources.
First America ‘democratized’ South Korea, now they want ‘revolution’ to the point of extinction.
These same subversive voices from America also keep painting East Asia (SK and Japan in particular) as having extreme and pervasive bullying, but actual research and statistics point to both countries having the lowest in the world in terms of frequent bullying. When infrequent bullying is included (% of students bullied at least a few times a month), South Korea is still the lowest in the world and Japan is the 5th lowest.
For reference the OCED average is more than double the SK or Japanese rates. The American rate is almost 3 times higher.
These two issues might seem disconnected, but I have a theory. KDramas are a major cultural export, and being dramas they really, really make them dramatic. So you get these “Korean” Americans with zero Korean upbringing watching KDramas through the lens of American leftism and mistake entertainment for reality.
Those 4B types, if “American”, are probably also 4X. Or chinabot “sisters” of our locals.
Marxism is frankly a pathetic form of copium.
Great video of China’s potential vs. the crippling influence of the CCP:
Be careful what you wish for, Setnaffa.
There is a theory the CCP keeps the Chinese from being true competition.
Perhaps we should encourage their greed, corruption, and involvement in everyone’s business under one-party rule that takes care of connected people and business while exploiting the rest.
They likely have the exact same theory about America.
I’m not a fan of communism regardless of reasons. 200+Million lives snuffed out since 1916, not counting possibly another 120 Million abortions, is more than enough.
We could be mining asteroids and building space colonies by now if not for them. And the corrupt politicians they facilitated.
Granted, some people would be rich and some poor; but we wouldn’t have murdered so many potentially brilliant scientists.
“There is a theory the CCP keeps the Chinese from being true competition.
Perhaps we should encourage their greed, corruption, and involvement in everyone’s business under one-party rule that takes care of connected people and business while exploiting the rest.”
That’s pretty much on the money CH.
As for anti-woman behavior; JD Vance is a yuuge anvil aroun’ Trump’s neck.
JD Vance, how do we spell thy name?
Juvenile misogynist
Despicable misogynist
Vile misogynist
Arrogant misogynist
Nutjob misogynist
Cruel misogynist
Egotistical misogynist.
OK, Stephen. I’ll bite.
It is hard to believe he made it this far in politics being as despicable as you claim.
But let’s see what examples you have so we can evaluate if this is a problem or if you are just believing stuff the media made up.
CH, I think Stephen is from the same bot farm as Paintchip, the Croation Tie, and the regular chinabots.
They all put absolutely zero effort into explaining why they oppose a candidate. They just toss middle school “insults” like a chimp flinging its poo.
That acronym is WAY too long to be catchy, and reuses the same word seven times. Not effective persuasion. Good attempt though.
In other news…
Gold star families ripped Kamala a new one for using Trump’s Arlington visit to score political points (while ironically accusing him of same).
I don’t think I’ve ever seen any public excoriation like that, not even on X…and that is really saying something.
The American extreme right are well known for pushing their own puritanical ideals about America.
Some might say they are the American versions of the Iranian Ayatollahs.
When someone questions those right wing puritanical ideals, the American extreme right, which the Setnaffarians are part of, go into full defensive mode and pour out attacks against those who believe threaten their sacred ideals.
These attacks are usually aimed at discrediting and personally degrading those whom they believe threaten their sacred ideals.
An example can be seen by the liberal use of the word “chinabot” to make it look like those who oppose them are not human but bots created by China while attempting to degrade and dehumanize them by use of these ethnic slurs.
There’s also the misinformation and conspiracy theories to strengthen their sacred beliefs.
However the smarter ones see through those misinformation and conspiracy theories.
Ha! Anybody who isn’t letting illegal aliens run train on them is “far right” these days.
And you clearly don’t know what “puritanical ideals” means if you are using that term here.
Your opinion means nothing because it is just a mix of vague concepts and buzzwords given to you by those who are exploiting you.
The next election will be wonderful.
Trump will get elected and do his best to make America better. He will get blocked and sabotaged like his first term. Perhaps he learned a thing or two and will become more ruthless.
Trump won’t be the president and Americans will get what they deserve. That will be satisfying.
Either way, it’s a win for me.
The truth is that America’s deepest traditions has always been that of a leftist, revolutionary empire. An empire moderated by Scottish/Irish immigration and later Germanic continental conservatism.
“Puritanical ideals” were the precursor to American progressivism. The sort that emigrated to the colonies in the early days were in a sense America’s original sin. Levelers, Ranters, Diggers, and Roundheads. They were the radicals of the 1500s to the 1700s and their descendants largely make up the elite left today.
Much similarity, for instance, can be found between the hippies of the1960s and those of the original pilgrims, and unsurprisingly the hippies can largely trance their ancestory back to New England… indeed, America is no stranger to utopian attempts at immanentizing the eschaton. The English Pilgrims who arrived on the Mayflower attempted to build a New Jerusalem based on communal sharing and social altruism. In essence socialism. They nearly starved to death until Governor William Bradford became a reactionary and re-instituted capitalism and private property.
Hey, I thought Korean Person was called back to China to SUCK (School for Underperforming Chinabots in Korea).
@Liz, Harris is being crushed on Twitter, but I don’t think this is really going to matter because most of the MSM is not reporting the response from the gold star families that invited Trump to the event. Most of the headlines I am seeing online are like this one: Harris says Trump campaign “disrespected” Arlington Cemetery for “the sake of a political stunt”
Kamala supporters are getting classier all the time.
Every aspect of the covid response, from the compliance to the constant rationalization of clearly wrong decisions, showed how stupid a large percentage of the population is.
The fact that somewhat more than 40% of the population can’t see that if Trump was going to do all the bad things they claim, he would already have… and if Kamala would really do all the good things she claims, she would already be doing them… yet again reminds me how completely stupid people are.
It is irrational for so many people to constantly consider Kamala the worst vice president to someone who will bring “joy” just because the teevee told them to.
America is closer to a civil war than anyone realizes.
There was a time when Americans all had an idea of where America should go and the difference was in how to get there.
Now, about half the nation is irrational. They are offended at the flag and seek to destroy America and the things that made is successful.
You cannot negotiate with these people.
And there will be a time when half the population of over 150 million will not accept the opposing agenda of the other half becasue of a few tens of thousands of questionable votes.
This war will be between blue cities and red everywhere else.
They will learn food doesn’t really come from the store.
So many people living out of the big cities are already talking about how leftist refugees with their illegal aliens and child trannies won’t be welcome.
This will be enforced with violence.
Stephen, I waited until your next post.
I noticed you didn’t revisit your accusations about what a horrible misogynist JD Vance is.
I really expected a long list of misogynistic things he has done that makes him such a weight around Trump’s neck.
But you weren’t quick to do this. It almost makes me think you are an idiot.
Let’s see if you can change my mind.
Another thing you can’t do in the navy.
Even though they fired him, I’m curious exactly what this was all about.
I think the creepy hand on his shoulder witched him.
He was replaced by a person of transgender.
Indonesia and South Korea Push Forward De-Dollarization with New Currency Agreement
Look for more of these kinds of currency agreements for the world to bypass the US financial thuggary, as many countries now are sick and tired of the US dollar taking the world economy hostage.
“He was replaced by a person of transgender.”
Liz, too soon.
That’s not something to joke about.
Let’s post a picture to clear up your malinformation.
We need to make this happen. LOL
Why waste money on ape coatumes?
It is much cheaper to guide them down into the business district after the next gentle giant or aspiring DJ gets shot for doing something exceptionally no good in a life filled with no good.
@Chickenhead,Christy may look like a transgender, but I have read multiple articles stating she is in fact biologically female, but is a lesbian. She might want to retake her official photo though, that is not a good look.
@Liz, that tweet is hilarious. 🙂
“Christy may look like a transgender, but I have read multiple articles stating she is in fact biologically female, but is a lesbian.”
I have the same problem. I am a woman trapped in a man’s body but I don’t know it because I’m a lesbian.
Heh… with all the Trans Women are Real Women, who really knows.
Nobody should really care, if they do their job well… but… this is what her supporters say:
“Captain Allison Christy is not a man as some are suggesting, but she’s an out lesbian woman so she’s still helping fill the Navy’s DEI quotas.”
Soooo… did she get the job becasue she is competent enough to know the purpose of a scope is to make things bigger and not smaller¹… or… is she filling a quota?
No idea. But a little research would straighten this out.
¹If I had shot a rifle with a backwards scope and not noticed how small and far away my target had become, I would have been embarassed. But I could have pulled through.
“Admiral, I realize you warm an office instead of a bridge, but let me explain the utility of the Situational Awareness Configuration (SAC) of a rifle scope when field of view is more important than magnification. Now get back to deciding which trannies and queers need to be promoted and let me get back to work.”