It’s going to be a race between electricity for household appliances, dedicated data centers for AI, or EVs. Right now we can’t supply all three.
5 months ago
Plasma waste convertors will fuel AI.
That plastic mass in the Pacific Ocean that is bigger than Texas will fuel it.
5 months ago
And remember… you could have been born into a country where you have to let the only fat guy in the country tell you how to get your hair cut…
5 months ago
“The Houthis shot down US-made drone MQ-9 Reaper in northwestern Yemen, which was carrying out reconnaissance over Marib province, Houthi military spokesman Yahya Saria announced.”
Yeah… well… anybody can get lucky once.
What’s that? This was the EIGHTH one they shot down?
O.K. Now, want my tax money back.
Bonus: It looks like it went down rather than shot down. Unlike the others, this one is still in one piece after a wheels-up landing. Iran should send the Pentagon some flowers.
5 months ago
There are quite a few MQ-9 crashes. At least, that’s the way it was in 2015…when someone in the know mentioned we were about a month away from having no more MQ-9s there were so many crashes.
Seems they made more.
5 months ago
Thinking further, maybe it was 6 months. Made an impression on me at the time but it was a while back.
5 months ago
Any thoughts I have about the craven traitors in our government who are selling our technology (and thus key information about our capabilities) is probably not fit for telling on a Sunday. But it probably resembles those some of you have.
We should pray that God will forgive us, remove the traitors in His way, and heal America.
5 months ago
It’s okay to love communism.
Communism is great. So great I hope all our peer competitors go full communist. Stalin and Deng were really just reactionary wreckers. They should’ve gone pure revolution like Lenin and Mao.
The American crusade to win the cold war has been the single greatest factor in undermining our national supremacy. Should’ve focused on keeping the Berlin Wall up. It kept our client states in line, our peer competitors in touch with historical sustainable living standards, and us free to explore the cosmos.
5 months ago
You could be right there. If we had stayed out of Vietnam, the money and research could have gotten us to Mars before Elon Musk showed up…
5 months ago
Heh. LOL
5 months ago
You can search the details, but the short version is an undercover video showed a Google guy bragging how they manipulate search results to favor Harris over Trump.
We already know this. It is obvious.
But now we know why.
There is a certain lefist bias in Google but the real reason is financial.
Let’s see what he said.
‘Leazer also confesses that Google’s primary objective is to generate ad revenue through fear-based content, explaining, “I think whatever demographic is most fearful is going to be most profitable.” According to Leazer, the left currently represents the most fearful demographic, which is why Google has been pushing pro-Kamala narratives for profit, explaining “I think right now the left is more fearful than the right is.”’
The left is composed of smart predators at the top who do not believe in leftist ideology¹ using it as a easy path to power becasue the base of leftism is diots, freaks, and those who cannot take care of themselves.
They are easy to manipulate.
Fear is a good way to do thst.
¹all the lefties from Obama to Gates to Zuckerberg, push all the thing YOU need to sacrifice to stop sea level rise… shamelessly… from their private jet or seaside mansion
5 months ago
Just read the WEF admitted that the whole covid pandemic was planned to see how easy it would be to control the masses.They pushed how far they could go with lockdowns, masks, social distancing,etc. Now they know how easy it can be for a takeover! Oh, and make sure you get your booster shot.
5 months ago
Everything during covid was an experiment… physically, medically, psycologically… etc.
And the results were delightful.
Many people will do as they are told, no matter how self-destructive or insane. The biggest losers will take it upon themselves to enforce the insanity. (History shows these types of low-IQ revolutionaries are the first to be purged after the revolution… consider your behavior during covid).
Some places (Democtic run cities) learned you could “follow standard protocol” and put covid patients in nursing homes with the highest risk demographic. Then people would only whine a bit when grandma was dying and they were forbidden to see her (because she might get more covid?)
Other places learned people would allow restrictions on food purchases. That included seed (looking at you, again, Democrats).
It was learned that, for a t-shirt or slice of pizza, people will line up to be medically experimented on… enthusiastically accepting an irreversible injection of an experimental substance made with experimental technology that is completely unnecessary for their covid risk profile.
Celebrities promoted “scientists” who had all the right opinions on the “settled science” (in a lesson itself learned from the global warming fraud).
Nobody complained about incredible amounts of tax money going to the pharmaceutical companies through secret agreements with no recourse for failure.
We learned the vaccine had short-term side effect but it was relatively rare. Too bad for those they happened to, as most people had no need for the vaccine for a disease that had a fatality rate less than some years of the flu. We have not learned about long-term side effects this soon… but the government is suspecting and they are preparing for it based on many lessons they learned.
We learned many doctors are scumbags and the rest are weak. I personally learned, “Yeah, I can tell the truth and I will be out of a job. Better to go along with it and do my best as a doctor.”
We learned hospitals are about profit and they did everything possible to get the perverse financial incentives government used to support their agenda. This ranged from lying about covid statistics to giving treatments that killed people.
We learned the government will call safe, established, inexpensive, effective drugs names like horse paste and fishtank cleaner if it threatens the wealth transfers.
There is so much more about what They learned and what we learned.
I learned most people are stupid and no longer register as human to me. I could accept this if they would go be insane by themselves but I learned they want to push their insanity off on me… with a perfect example is how they are 100% Safe & Effective but my lack of vaccination endangers them. You cannot reason with an animal that thinks this way.
I learned a lot more.
Another time.
5 months ago
The congressional subcommittee report is done.
Remember all those covid deaths that made it almost the flu?
Apart from all the fraudulent “from covid/with covid” and suicides/accidents classified as covid…
“in 2020 five democrat leaders, including Cuomo, knowingly sent sick COVID patients into nursing homes with vulnerable seniors. Despite nursing homes making up only 0.6% percent of the U.S. population, this decision resulted in ~40% of COVID deaths originating from nursing homes.”
(I know more people who had/have vaccine injuries than died from covid… which is anecdotal… except it seems to be everyones anecdote.)
It would be nice if everone saw the injustice here and got angry and loud so it won’t happen again.
But that’s another thing the government learned… not that people are stupid and compliant… but that they are unbelievably stupid and compliant.
And they learned this statistical manipulation from guns.
Depending on the year, 50 to 60% of “gun crimes” or “gun deaths” are suicide. Of the 40 to 50% left, about half are black people shooting black people in black neighborhoods over black stuff. Of the 20 to 25% of the remaining number, you can subtract the Latins, which are classified as white to fluff the numbers so cis white males can get credit for more minority crime. If you subtract all this, suddenly America’s gun crime is less than some European nations (though maybe not if you subtract their non-European populations).
And people buy into this.
The government looked at how ignorant people are and said… hey… bet it works with covid.
Someone once said if mankind had unlimited access to information, there would be more wisdom and less oppression.
Well… now we do… and it turns out lack of access to knowledge is not the reason for people’s ignorance and bad decisions.
5 months ago
“Lee Tae-geun, a former member of the group Akdong Club, passed away after suffering from a serious illness after being vaccinated against COVID-19. He was 41.
According to the broadcaster on the 5th, Lee Tae-geun was in critical condition due to serious brain damage after receiving a booster shot (Pfizer) of the COVID-19 vaccine in 2022, and died the day before after fighting for three years.”
Side effects do happen but they are exceedingly rare and resolve on their own.
Another one is now resolved.
Let’s move on to how Trump is pointing out fake news and disparaging minorities.
… despite videos showing third world people unsurprisingly continuing their third world ways and eating free bushmeat.
Nobody should be any more surprised at this than an American going to McDonalds in Paris or ordering a Budweiser in Munich.
Society is angry becasue they really want to believe in a framework of reality that does not exist… cannot exist.
And when they get so much valid but conflicting information, it breaks something inside.
They don’t want to believe poor people from poor countries might be eating free animals because it would support some of Trump’s ideas.
But as soon as poor people eating free animals supports what they want to believe, “It is happening because the government isn’t doing enough to help and the rich aren’t paying their fair share.”
You cannot have a discussion with these people. You cannot even treat them as humans. They are animals… reacting rather than reasoning.
The information and desires of the moment is all they can respond to.
Even the exposure of their insanity does nothing to modify their behavior. They have been programmed to respond with “I know you are but what am I?”
Ridicule is the only thing that keeps them from pushing too much insanity.
That, and violence.
Everybody understands violence.
Korean Man
5 months ago
Ridicule is the only thing that keeps them from pushing too much insanity.
Can you really blame people for making fun of him when he made himself sound ridiculous?
5 months ago
Does anyone still care about the Trump assasination attempt or are we on to the latest school shooter who has stayed in the news. In fact, there has been much more media and legal attention paid to the school shooter’s parents than was given to the aspiring assassin. Everyone has been noticeably quiet about his parents. This is very unusual.
But people are idiots and easily distracted so nobody will worry about it and the government knows that.
The official story that the police were on the first floor of the building the shooter was on has been completely forgotten. It is now admitted there was a police counter-sniper team on the second floor, as there is much evidence and many witnesses.
Some of those witnesses are saying they watched the countersniper team watch the shooter as he made his way across the roof to the time he started shooting at Trump. This is not getting attention in the media.
The Secret Service says the nearby rooftop was out of their security bubble. Former secret service claim everything within rifle range is in their security bubble and if they can’t control it, they block it. The police claim they were just told to do traffic and crowd control.
The official story of counter-sniper fire has changed a bit. Originally, the only shots claimed to have been fired were the shooter and the secret service sniper. An audio analysis company demonstrated there were 3 rifles.
I demonstrated the shooting stopped after the 3rd rifle’s single shot. There was a long delay followed by the Secret Service sniper’s shot.
The official story has changed to accommodate this reality.
It is now admitted there was a police sniper and he took that shot but it was the Secret Service sniper that made the fatal shot.
The police sniper’s bullet hit the shoulder stock and damaged the buffer tube so the gun was dysfunctional.
There is a picture of the rifle and the shoulder stock is broken consistant with being shot. But it is shot at the back where there is no buffer tube. The buffer tube appears undamaged in the picture.
It is reasonable that a bullet shattering the shoulder stock might also traumatize whatever is behind it.
Despite the constant stream of lies, one of the first reasonable things said is that shot damaged the rifle and shooter so there was no more shooting until the Secret Serrvice guy made the kill shot some long seconds later.
Now here are the flaws in that story that need to be corrected in the next version of the narrative until one sticks.
Witness say they watched the 2nd floor team watch the shooter but none of them saw a shot fired. Who fired that shot?
And why only one shot? Oswald got off 2 or 3 shots in that time at a moving target with a mailorder rifle and more distance (depending on which of the 3 shots missed). The pokice sniper team should have been watching through their scope and fired as soon as they saw the rifle. Unfortunately, their body cameras happened to be off, so we many never know.
There is clear video of the SS sniper team watching the shooter and there is clear video of the sniper jumpscaring back while his rifle swings wild. It took him time to reacquire the target.
So that’s the status if anybody is still interested.
It’s going to be a race between electricity for household appliances, dedicated data centers for AI, or EVs. Right now we can’t supply all three.
Plasma waste convertors will fuel AI.
That plastic mass in the Pacific Ocean that is bigger than Texas will fuel it.
And remember… you could have been born into a country where you have to let the only fat guy in the country tell you how to get your hair cut…
“The Houthis shot down US-made drone MQ-9 Reaper in northwestern Yemen, which was carrying out reconnaissance over Marib province, Houthi military spokesman Yahya Saria announced.”
Yeah… well… anybody can get lucky once.
What’s that? This was the EIGHTH one they shot down?
O.K. Now, want my tax money back.
Bonus: It looks like it went down rather than shot down. Unlike the others, this one is still in one piece after a wheels-up landing. Iran should send the Pentagon some flowers.
There are quite a few MQ-9 crashes. At least, that’s the way it was in 2015…when someone in the know mentioned we were about a month away from having no more MQ-9s there were so many crashes.
Seems they made more.
Thinking further, maybe it was 6 months. Made an impression on me at the time but it was a while back.
Any thoughts I have about the craven traitors in our government who are selling our technology (and thus key information about our capabilities) is probably not fit for telling on a Sunday. But it probably resembles those some of you have.
We should pray that God will forgive us, remove the traitors in His way, and heal America.
It’s okay to love communism.
Communism is great. So great I hope all our peer competitors go full communist. Stalin and Deng were really just reactionary wreckers. They should’ve gone pure revolution like Lenin and Mao.
The American crusade to win the cold war has been the single greatest factor in undermining our national supremacy. Should’ve focused on keeping the Berlin Wall up. It kept our client states in line, our peer competitors in touch with historical sustainable living standards, and us free to explore the cosmos.
You could be right there. If we had stayed out of Vietnam, the money and research could have gotten us to Mars before Elon Musk showed up…
Heh. LOL
You can search the details, but the short version is an undercover video showed a Google guy bragging how they manipulate search results to favor Harris over Trump.
We already know this. It is obvious.
But now we know why.
There is a certain lefist bias in Google but the real reason is financial.
Let’s see what he said.
‘Leazer also confesses that Google’s primary objective is to generate ad revenue through fear-based content, explaining, “I think whatever demographic is most fearful is going to be most profitable.” According to Leazer, the left currently represents the most fearful demographic, which is why Google has been pushing pro-Kamala narratives for profit, explaining “I think right now the left is more fearful than the right is.”’
The left is composed of smart predators at the top who do not believe in leftist ideology¹ using it as a easy path to power becasue the base of leftism is diots, freaks, and those who cannot take care of themselves.
They are easy to manipulate.
Fear is a good way to do thst.
¹all the lefties from Obama to Gates to Zuckerberg, push all the thing YOU need to sacrifice to stop sea level rise… shamelessly… from their private jet or seaside mansion
Just read the WEF admitted that the whole covid pandemic was planned to see how easy it would be to control the masses.They pushed how far they could go with lockdowns, masks, social distancing,etc. Now they know how easy it can be for a takeover! Oh, and make sure you get your booster shot.
Everything during covid was an experiment… physically, medically, psycologically… etc.
And the results were delightful.
Many people will do as they are told, no matter how self-destructive or insane. The biggest losers will take it upon themselves to enforce the insanity. (History shows these types of low-IQ revolutionaries are the first to be purged after the revolution… consider your behavior during covid).
Some places (Democtic run cities) learned you could “follow standard protocol” and put covid patients in nursing homes with the highest risk demographic. Then people would only whine a bit when grandma was dying and they were forbidden to see her (because she might get more covid?)
Other places learned people would allow restrictions on food purchases. That included seed (looking at you, again, Democrats).
It was learned that, for a t-shirt or slice of pizza, people will line up to be medically experimented on… enthusiastically accepting an irreversible injection of an experimental substance made with experimental technology that is completely unnecessary for their covid risk profile.
Celebrities promoted “scientists” who had all the right opinions on the “settled science” (in a lesson itself learned from the global warming fraud).
Nobody complained about incredible amounts of tax money going to the pharmaceutical companies through secret agreements with no recourse for failure.
We learned the vaccine had short-term side effect but it was relatively rare. Too bad for those they happened to, as most people had no need for the vaccine for a disease that had a fatality rate less than some years of the flu. We have not learned about long-term side effects this soon… but the government is suspecting and they are preparing for it based on many lessons they learned.
We learned many doctors are scumbags and the rest are weak. I personally learned, “Yeah, I can tell the truth and I will be out of a job. Better to go along with it and do my best as a doctor.”
We learned hospitals are about profit and they did everything possible to get the perverse financial incentives government used to support their agenda. This ranged from lying about covid statistics to giving treatments that killed people.
We learned the government will call safe, established, inexpensive, effective drugs names like horse paste and fishtank cleaner if it threatens the wealth transfers.
There is so much more about what They learned and what we learned.
I learned most people are stupid and no longer register as human to me. I could accept this if they would go be insane by themselves but I learned they want to push their insanity off on me… with a perfect example is how they are 100% Safe & Effective but my lack of vaccination endangers them. You cannot reason with an animal that thinks this way.
I learned a lot more.
Another time.
The congressional subcommittee report is done.
Remember all those covid deaths that made it almost the flu?
Apart from all the fraudulent “from covid/with covid” and suicides/accidents classified as covid…
“in 2020 five democrat leaders, including Cuomo, knowingly sent sick COVID patients into nursing homes with vulnerable seniors. Despite nursing homes making up only 0.6% percent of the U.S. population, this decision resulted in ~40% of COVID deaths originating from nursing homes.”
(I know more people who had/have vaccine injuries than died from covid… which is anecdotal… except it seems to be everyones anecdote.)
It would be nice if everone saw the injustice here and got angry and loud so it won’t happen again.
But that’s another thing the government learned… not that people are stupid and compliant… but that they are unbelievably stupid and compliant.
And they learned this statistical manipulation from guns.
Depending on the year, 50 to 60% of “gun crimes” or “gun deaths” are suicide. Of the 40 to 50% left, about half are black people shooting black people in black neighborhoods over black stuff. Of the 20 to 25% of the remaining number, you can subtract the Latins, which are classified as white to fluff the numbers so cis white males can get credit for more minority crime. If you subtract all this, suddenly America’s gun crime is less than some European nations (though maybe not if you subtract their non-European populations).
And people buy into this.
The government looked at how ignorant people are and said… hey… bet it works with covid.
Someone once said if mankind had unlimited access to information, there would be more wisdom and less oppression.
Well… now we do… and it turns out lack of access to knowledge is not the reason for people’s ignorance and bad decisions.
“Lee Tae-geun, a former member of the group Akdong Club, passed away after suffering from a serious illness after being vaccinated against COVID-19. He was 41.
According to the broadcaster on the 5th, Lee Tae-geun was in critical condition due to serious brain damage after receiving a booster shot (Pfizer) of the COVID-19 vaccine in 2022, and died the day before after fighting for three years.”
Side effects do happen but they are exceedingly rare and resolve on their own.
Another one is now resolved.
Let’s move on to how Trump is pointing out fake news and disparaging minorities.
… despite videos showing third world people unsurprisingly continuing their third world ways and eating free bushmeat.
Nobody should be any more surprised at this than an American going to McDonalds in Paris or ordering a Budweiser in Munich.
Yes, according to Trump, “all those dirty immigrants are eating all the cats and dogs”. He really is the guardian of the truth!
Society is angry becasue they really want to believe in a framework of reality that does not exist… cannot exist.
And when they get so much valid but conflicting information, it breaks something inside.
They don’t want to believe poor people from poor countries might be eating free animals because it would support some of Trump’s ideas.
But as soon as poor people eating free animals supports what they want to believe, “It is happening because the government isn’t doing enough to help and the rich aren’t paying their fair share.”
You cannot have a discussion with these people. You cannot even treat them as humans. They are animals… reacting rather than reasoning.
The information and desires of the moment is all they can respond to.
Even the exposure of their insanity does nothing to modify their behavior. They have been programmed to respond with “I know you are but what am I?”
Ridicule is the only thing that keeps them from pushing too much insanity.
That, and violence.
Everybody understands violence.
Can you really blame people for making fun of him when he made himself sound ridiculous?
Does anyone still care about the Trump assasination attempt or are we on to the latest school shooter who has stayed in the news. In fact, there has been much more media and legal attention paid to the school shooter’s parents than was given to the aspiring assassin. Everyone has been noticeably quiet about his parents. This is very unusual.
But people are idiots and easily distracted so nobody will worry about it and the government knows that.
The official story that the police were on the first floor of the building the shooter was on has been completely forgotten. It is now admitted there was a police counter-sniper team on the second floor, as there is much evidence and many witnesses.
Some of those witnesses are saying they watched the countersniper team watch the shooter as he made his way across the roof to the time he started shooting at Trump. This is not getting attention in the media.
The Secret Service says the nearby rooftop was out of their security bubble. Former secret service claim everything within rifle range is in their security bubble and if they can’t control it, they block it. The police claim they were just told to do traffic and crowd control.
The official story of counter-sniper fire has changed a bit. Originally, the only shots claimed to have been fired were the shooter and the secret service sniper. An audio analysis company demonstrated there were 3 rifles.
I demonstrated the shooting stopped after the 3rd rifle’s single shot. There was a long delay followed by the Secret Service sniper’s shot.
The official story has changed to accommodate this reality.
It is now admitted there was a police sniper and he took that shot but it was the Secret Service sniper that made the fatal shot.
The police sniper’s bullet hit the shoulder stock and damaged the buffer tube so the gun was dysfunctional.
There is a picture of the rifle and the shoulder stock is broken consistant with being shot. But it is shot at the back where there is no buffer tube. The buffer tube appears undamaged in the picture.
It is reasonable that a bullet shattering the shoulder stock might also traumatize whatever is behind it.
Despite the constant stream of lies, one of the first reasonable things said is that shot damaged the rifle and shooter so there was no more shooting until the Secret Serrvice guy made the kill shot some long seconds later.
Now here are the flaws in that story that need to be corrected in the next version of the narrative until one sticks.
Witness say they watched the 2nd floor team watch the shooter but none of them saw a shot fired. Who fired that shot?
And why only one shot? Oswald got off 2 or 3 shots in that time at a moving target with a mailorder rifle and more distance (depending on which of the 3 shots missed). The pokice sniper team should have been watching through their scope and fired as soon as they saw the rifle. Unfortunately, their body cameras happened to be off, so we many never know.
There is clear video of the SS sniper team watching the shooter and there is clear video of the sniper jumpscaring back while his rifle swings wild. It took him time to reacquire the target.
So that’s the status if anybody is still interested.
Oh! Look! Taylor Swift!