Leaked Diplomatic Note Shows that China is Trying to Pressure Malaysia from Oil Exploration in the South China Sea

The Malaysian prime minister says his country is not going to give in to Chinese demands to stop drilling for oil in the South China Sea:

Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim said Thursday that Malaysia will not bow to demands by China to stop its oil and gas exploration in the South China Sea as the activities are within the country’s waters. Anwar said Malaysia would continue to explain its stance following China’s accusations in a protest note in February to the Malaysian Embassy in Beijing that Kuala Lumpur had infringed on its territory.

Malaysia’s Foreign Ministry said Wednesday it was investigating the leak of the diplomatic protest note that was published by a Filipino media outlet on Aug. 29. “We have never intended in any way to be intentionally provocative, unnecessarily hostile. China is a great friend, but of course we have to operate in our waters and secure economic advantage, including drilling for oil in our territory,” Anwar said in a televised news conference from Russia, where he is on an official visit.

The Philippine Daily Inquirer published the diplomatic note in which Beijing reportedly demanded that Malaysia immediately halt all activities in an oil-rich maritime area off Sarawak state on Borneo island. The report said China had accused Malaysia of encroaching on areas covered by its 10-dash line, Beijing’s controversial map showing its claims to sovereignty in the South China Sea. The diplomatic note also expressed Beijing’s displeasure over Malaysia’s oil and gas exploration activities near the Luconia Shoals, which is near to Sarawak, it said.

Stars & Stripes

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7 days ago

What a dilemma for the RussiaChristianistbots …

Support Muslim Malaysia against Pagan China?


7 days ago

Stephen, are you still talking?

You made some accusations against JD Vance.

You must show evidence or explain you were mistaken.

I will not let this go until it is resolved, so best to resolve it.

6 days ago

“Stephen” is obviously a chinabot now.

Why does anyone, bot or not, support countries that offer nothing in return? Malaysia supported Soros and China against the USA recently.

We used to call this tactic “flamebaiting”. But the efforts from the bots infesting the ‘Drop are frankly puerile. “Tofu-dreg” attempts, in fact.

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