Houthis Reportedly Not Targeting Chinese Vessels in the Red Sea

According to the article Red Sea shipping is down by over 50% due to the Houthi attacks. With the Houthis not attacking Chinese ships it is easy to see who else other than the Iranians are helping them:

One is the falling cost of power-projection. The Houthis aren’t a traditional military juggernaut; they don’t even fully control Yemen. Yet they have employed drones and missiles to control access to vital seas. The Houthis have had help in doing so: Iran has provided weapons and the know-how needed to manufacture them.

But the Red Sea crisis still shows how seemingly minor actors can use relatively cheap capabilities to extend their destructive reach. The second feature is strategic synergy among U.S. foes. The Houthis became more fearsome thanks to mentorship by Iran and Hezbollah. Since October 2023, they have allowed most of China’s shipping to pass without harm. The Houthis have also received encouragement — and, it seems, direct support — from a Russia that is eager to exact vengeance on Washington.

Stars & Stripes

You can read more at the link.

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5 months ago

The right answer is 1:1 missiles aimed at Iran for every one the Houthi shoot at others.

Last edited 5 months ago by setnaffa
5 months ago

Ukraine has completely drained the US/Western arsenals, and they are not getting replaced anytime soon. DoD is hesitant on using Air/Sea assets because of China, and also because those assets are likely irreplaceable in the short to medium term.

5 months ago

Consider for a moment that the disorder around Yemen is EXACTLY what America wants.

The show of trying to stop it is useful. It makes it look like America cares and it is excellent real-world practice for what is coming.

But the result is what is best for America.

Let’s consider.

The big loser is Europe/Asia trade. Everything is more expensive and takes longer¹.

The NATO war with Russia is really a United States war on Europe. The evidence is… well… take a look at what is happening.

Russia is getting stronger, more experienced, and better equipped. Europe is demilitarizing, deindustrializing, and deenergizing. America is openly engineering this.

Russia and China support this disorder. For Russia, there is no effect except to further weaken Europe. For China, they have free passage and are not affected.

Those in the region have mixed feelings. For some, it keeps all the right countries at each other’s throats. For other, it is disruption. They are all so weak or timid they can do little to affect the outcome other than to encourage more destruction indisrectly.

Countries like Yemen and Lebanon have so little to lose.

Isreal can always be supplied and manupulated into war. The sick influence betweem Israel and America goes both ways, as some of the smartest people in the world work on both teams and there are a lot of shared interests.

Despite western propaganda, Iran is highly developed and has a lot to lose. Further, the people are quite pro-American and very anti-Palistine. Their government is in peril if they do much more than talk and bring on national lifestyle-reducing attacks over Arabs that are even hated by other Arabs.

Non-China Asian exporters have added hassle, delay, and expense. The American market for both imports and exports become more attractive.

European and Asian industry looks to move to America. Supply chains are protected and global exports go through no region of disorder.

There is so much more.

In the end, all of this benefits America and its plan to win the next World War with Europe as the loser.

Then we have yet another generation of Americans who will say, “Oh, you are from Europe. Is it a country we saved or a country whose áss we kicked?”

America is further hoping Russia will be divided, and China will have a ciivil war. These plans are clearly being worked on, just more quietly.

Europeans appear to be some of the stupidest and most self-destructive people on the planet, ranking up there with American libtards, but much of it is due to their politicians being owned by those engineering all of this.

Russians and Chinese leadership are much harder to buy.

Remember, there is no unified global conspiracy. What has just been described is simply one of many competing plots and it happens to be leading.

Others involve destruction of America. It is not fully failing.


¹My friend’s company had to air freight six tons to Europe to make time commitments because shipping around Africa is now too slow. Passing that cost to the European consumer makes his product uncompetitive with United States alternatives. Eating that cost makes his product close to unprofitable.

5 months ago

You could be right, CH. I don’t think the numbnuts committee running America at tbe moment are as smart as you suggest; but it is plausible.

5 months ago

Setnaffa, the numbnuts fronting America are puppets. Approaching this from any other direction is foolishness.

The people actually running America are very smart and think many moves ahead.

But they fight each other over the immense money and power available.

We don’t see that but we see evidence of it… if we look… which most don’t. And the ones who do are “conspiracy theorists”, with the most insane examples promoted by the media.

So there are mixed messages as various factions make their little wins against each other, but the situation moves forward in the direction of their shared values… mostly involving wealth transfers and the controls necessary to get the population to ignore or accept that.

We know Biden hasn’t been running America for a long time.

The disappointing thing is how incurious everone is about who is actually running America and what their plans are.

So fúck everyone.

I just spent 2 days with a group of motivated successful people and we spent almost all the time brainstorming what will happen in the coming years, how we will manage our place in it, and how we will come out prosperous on the other side.

I can say this openly, just as the Ruling Elite rubs the truth in your face openly, because most people are in denial or too stupid to put the obvious pieces together… and do not deserve to be treated as fully human anyway.

I don’t know if i will ever be there but I am one step closer to taking my private jet from my seaside mansion to lecturing all your broke àsses over your carbon footprint.

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