USFK Commander Nominee Tells Congress North Korea’s Nuclear and Missile Programs are the Command’s Greatest Challenges

The USFK commander nominee has just stated the obvious:

 The U.S. Forces Korea (USFK) commander nominee on Tuesday described North Korea’s “rapid” advancement of its nuclear and missile capabilities as the “single greatest” challenge facing the Korea-based command, vowing to maintain a “constant” state of readiness if confirmed.

During a confirmation hearing of the Senate Armed Services Committee, Lieut. Gen. Xavier Brunson, currently the commander of First Corps, also voiced concerns over growing military exchanges between Pyongyang and Moscow, noting his commitment to mitigating risks associated with their military alignment.


You can read more at the link.

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1 day ago

What’s up with the gay dudes holding hands behind him?

Korean Person
Korean Person
40 minutes ago

What’s up with the gay dudes holding hands behind him?

Anyone with a brain would have realized that the two persons at the back are the general’s wife and son.

The nomination of a future USFK commanding general would have been an event to celebrate for the Setnaffarians who want to keep USFK in Korea forever.

However the racist Setnaffarians cannot stand to see an African-American be the USFK commander.

Thus the derogatory and racist comments directed at the family of the future USFK commander.

This is proof that for the Setnaffarians their ultimate loyalty does not lie with the United States but with white supremacy, puritanical Christianity and Russia(and China).

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