If you build in the middle of the Nakdong River where the river meets the sea … there’s going to be a recurring confluence of water.
But some real estate 사기꾼 made loads of money … so plus ça change …
3 months ago
Stephen, you are not allowed to talk with the adults until you explain your comments on Vance.
You can also say that you were trying to be cute and thought misinformation was the pathway.
Then we will let this go.
But until you demonstrate you are human by explaining the facts you based your opinion on, as opposed to a sub-human bot that echos whatever the teevee told them, we will not let this go.
If you build in the middle of the Nakdong River where the river meets the sea … there’s going to be a recurring confluence of water.
But some real estate 사기꾼 made loads of money … so plus ça change …
Stephen, you are not allowed to talk with the adults until you explain your comments on Vance.
You can also say that you were trying to be cute and thought misinformation was the pathway.
Then we will let this go.
But until you demonstrate you are human by explaining the facts you based your opinion on, as opposed to a sub-human bot that echos whatever the teevee told them, we will not let this go.
Then you will see my inner woman come out.