USFK Soldier, Travis King Has Child Porn Charges Dropped After Receiving One Year Jail Sentence for Deserting to North Korea

Basically what this ruling is telling everyone is that if you are a service member in USFK and are charged with child porn, just defect to North Korea and the charges will be dropped if you make it back:

Pvt. Travis King on Friday was sentenced to one year in prison after pleading guilty to deserting to North Korea. But he walked out of the courtroom a free man. “With time already served and credit for good behavior, Travis is now free and will return home,” said Frank Rosenblatt, an attorney for the soldier. Military Judge Lt. Col. Rick Mathew also sentenced King to reduction in rank to E-1 and a dishonorable discharge in a court-martial that lasted most of the day.

During the trial, King, 24, sat in his dress uniform between his attorneys and said it was his decision on July 18, 2023, to join a tour of the Demilitarized Zone between North and South Korea and then bolt into North Korea. The soldier did so because he was “dissatisfied with work,” he told the judge. King also pleaded guilty to three counts of disobeying an officer on Oct. 7, 2023, and another charge of assaulting a noncommissioned officer the following day.

He pleaded not guilty to additional charges related to child sexual abuse material and making false statements. The judge dismissed the remaining charges.

Stars & Stripes

You can read more at the link, but King played the predictable race card saying everyone in the Army is racist. I have seen people in the Army get more jail time for doing far less than what King did and yet prosecutors agreed to a plea deal that let King walk free after less than a year in jail.

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5 months ago

Only works for non-crackers. But it is worth noting that he’s not going to vote or legally own or possess firearms in the future. That DD is a serious bit of baggage.

Last edited 5 months ago by setnaffa
5 months ago

Charges of “child pr0n” are always shady.

They evoke the idea of a leering old pervert fondling a 9 year-old…

…but are frequently enthusiastically distributed topless photos from a 17½ year-old who has been getting train run on her since she was 13.

With this in mind, I quit taking these accusations seriously until I know if a child was exploited… or if a “child” was even really involved.

But Travis King is right about one thing.

There is racism in the military.

He is just wrong about which race it is targeted at.

5 months ago

Set, he will have the discharge re-characterized in 6 months to a general.

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