ROK Drop Open Thread – September 27, 2024

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4 months ago

Be aware that not everyone you meet, in Korea or anywhere else, is capable of adding 2 + 2 and getting 4.

Leftists, in particular, seem to be more credulous than young children.

4 months ago

Tofu-dreg construction in buildings? Check.

Roads? Check.

Nuclear submarines? Check.

Or maybe Xi’s “chickens coming home to roost”?

4 months ago

You can just feel WWIII coming.

The Deep State, via the media, is pushing several pathways to see which sticks.

The latest is the Iranian Trump assasination plot.

“The president has been briefed” but it is hard to know if there is any truth in it at all.

It has now escalated a step with “two independent sources” claiming that 6 Iranian shoulder-fired anti-aircraft missiles have been smuggled into America with the intention of shooting down Trump’s plane. The teams are not Iranian, which allows other countries to get blamed if needed. (How many Iraqis were on the 9/11 planes again?)

This is pretty brilliant on all levels.

It potentially cuts into Trump’s campaign activities just when he needs to be traveling the most, so we get some election interference even if the missiles and plot don’t even exist. That is great return on investment.

If the plot did exist, we would likely never hear about it unless the public knowledge benefitted some other agenda. And the Deep State wouldn’t tell Trump except as a step in some sort of misdirection.

But the most likely reason, based on a history of this exact pattern, is the Deep State is testing and laying groundwork for a deeper plot.

They put things like this out there to see if the public believes it. They monitor social media buzz to see if people are buying the possibility. If they are, the next step is to see if they are of the opinion, “If those towelheads kill muh Trump I’m gonna stand behind whoever wins this election to bomb them into a parking lot.”

If that is the case, the Deep State can get rid of Trump, install their own coopertive puppet, and guide the MAGA crowd onto cheering on the next step in WWIII.

Let’s see who falls for this.

Korean Man
Korean Man
4 months ago

Chickenhead, of course, war is coming to America and Iran, started by angry Trump who blared, “I will wipe them off the earth”.

Go ahead MAGA people. I want to see how you’re going to draft your young people into your military to fight in the Middle East.

But just be aware, that no former ‘allies’ (maybe other than Israel who are delighted) are going to be with you this time when you have alienated all of them through your hostile words and actions.

Last edited 4 months ago by Korean Man
4 months ago

But Korean manperson, you just mentioned on a very recent thread that the US was leaving the Middle East…
and the ROK was taking the place of those US troops.

4 months ago

Liz, the Korean Thing is not fully human.

Like an animal, it responds to the stimuli of the moment with the response of least resistance but is unable to build a consistent cognative framework that allows for long-term planning and pattern recognition.

This type of mental handicap makes the emotional instant gratification of liberalism attractive but explains why liberals are angry all the time. Reality doesn’t reflect the idealistic version they are convinced that exists…

…as it turns out diversity is not a strength when it comes to your neighborhood, illegal aliens aren’t the best and the brightest, and a low percentage of childless old maids are happy all alone in a house full of cats when there is nobody around to listen to their feminist rant.

Most of the liberal myths end up like this.

Once you recognize this pattern, you cannot unsee it.

Korea Man,

1. America just finished 20 years of war with boots on the ground in the middle east. It won’t be America’s first rodeo… or, perhaps, first goatfùck.

They actually seemed to have learned some sort of lesson… let someone else do the drafting and dying (Ukraine) and let air power do the heavy lifting (Yemen). Nationbuilding is for suckers.

2. It is pretty racist to talk about the middle east like it is one group of the same people. If you think Perisans, Arabs, and Turks will work together to fight America instead of begging for American crumbs so they can get one up on the other guys in their region, you haven’t been paying geopolitical attention.

4 months ago
Korean Man
Korean Man
4 months ago

But Korean manperson, you just mentioned on a very recent thread that the US was leaving the Middle East…

Looks like they want back in now, with Trump issue in the last few days. But would any Gulf states be open to welcoming back the US who has been hostile to them?

Last edited 4 months ago by Korean Man
4 months ago

“But would any Gulf states be open to welcoming back the US who has been hostile to them?”

Which Gulf state were you referring to when you say “welcoming back”?

Korean Man
Korean Man
4 months ago

Chickenhead, you can threaten and badmouth everyone, until you really need them. How funny Trump always boasts he prevented wars by being friends with despot dictators. You want war with Iran? Go it alone. Let’s see how much financial power you have left after the decades long disasters in Iraq and Afghanistan. Your internaitional credibility is at nil and you have no allies left.

Last edited 4 months ago by Korean Man
4 months ago

Let’s take a look.

“Chickenhead, you can threaten and badmouth everyone, until you really need them.”

Like post-war Germany and Japan? No. You can threaten and badmouth (and bomb) everyone until you need them… at which point you bribe them. That model works well with civilized societies which can make rational decisions in their best self-interest. Less civilized societies don’t think as rationally and will bite the hand that feeds them, self-destruct over emotional ideology, or trade small instant gratification for long-term success and stability. Median income per capita is a reasonable proxy for this.

“How funny Trump always boasts he prevented wars by being friends with despot dictators.”

I think the term he used was “good relationship”. Who knows. Sweet-talking is a better strategy than shít-talking… at least for now. As an excellent negotiator with a big ego, Trump finds war to be a failure. Of course, he will have no choice. America will take a hit on his watch, the media will stir the public and he will be forced to respond. Let’s wait.

“You want war with Iran? Go it alone.”

You likely don’t understand how much Arabs and Persians hate each other. Despite lying western media, the average Iranian is very pro-American and they despise the Palistinians. America will not have a war with Iran. America eill bribe the Muslim world to actively contain Iran… not unlike almost a decade of Iraq-Iran war where America funded both sides (with Iran’s indirect assistance in killing South American communists… Oliver North, you have done God’s work on so many levels.)

“Let’s see how much financial power you have left after the decades long disasters in Iraq and Afghanistan.”

That is an excellent point. America’s finances are a house of cards. But be careful what you wish for. America will be sure the world has problems so much larger that nobody will notice. And it probably has to be done before 2028.

“Your internaitional credibility is at nil and you have no allies left.”

The world “allies” doesn’t mean what you think it means. There are no allies. There are only nations with shared interests. When America supports a dictator or overthrows a democratically elected socialist, anti-American, or Russiaphile, it is ensuring those shared interests continue.

America has plenty of allies as long as the printing press can keep running.

4 months ago

Thanks for that map, CH.
We’re everywhere aren’t we.
I can see why this would be confusing to people who have no contact with anyone in the military.

4 months ago

One thing I continually see from leftists is two-dimensional thinking tethered to either Stalin’s policies of the 1930s or Mao’s equally disastrous policies of the 1950s.

Remember “ZPG”? It hit Americas competition harder than it hit us. Russia and China both need many more children to repopulate their non-mechanized infrastructure. Both countries are seeing their population numbers plummet below long-term survival levels. Europe still has plenty of unfriendly Africans to import.

It’s going to get worse slowly, then fast.

I see the same crap from the Democrats and many Republican in America; but we are less dependent on peasants pulling plows or harvesting fruits, vegetables, and grains. But we really need to cut our spending as drastically as Argentina did.

Don’t be triggered; but there is a plan to do just that.

4 months ago

There was a legal scholar long ago in the history of Rome who was tasked with making the code of law more efficient as it had become unbelievably cumbersome and bureaucratic.
His name was Tribonius.
The result of those efforts was the Justinian code. I often think we need exactly that now. And this would be the equivalent of what I was thinking of. Not certain it is possible, but if anyone can do it, Musk can.

4 months ago

, I’m at least 50% in agreement, except that “efficient” governments often get the trains to the camps running better than those running other cargoes.

If we just got back to the understanding of English Common Law and classical liberalism that Jefferson, Madison, and the other founders had—and “deep-six” the “malarkey”—we’d be doing well.

For example, “after a fair trial by a jury of their peers, hanging Marxists from the nearest tree or lamp post” ought to be a thing. We’d just need to make sure it really was a fair trial, at least two accusers, etc…

Benjamin Franklin was involved in this one:

Korean Person
Korean Person
4 months ago

But Korean manperson

So the poorly educated not so smart Liz or liz thinks Korean Man and me are the one and the same.

This despite that the Setnaffarians have more or less figured out that we are two different persons and moved on.

The dumb actions and comments made by a Setnaffarian is not surprising to say the least but you would think if other Setnaffarians have figured it out the one Setnaffarians would have also figured it out too.

Not that I think the intelligence standards of the Setnaffarians are high.

Unless of course the Setnaffarians still think that we are one and the same, then it would make things simple since it fits the narrative.

4 months ago

“So the poorly educated not so smart Liz or liz thinks Korean Man and me are the one and the same.”

But you ARE the same… at least functionally.

One of you says something of value occasionally, so the rest of the stupidity is probably an act to provoke a reaction in an otherwise powerless life.

The other of you has never said anything of value so the dumbness is probably not an act, if you are different people.

I don’t care enough to pay attention to which is which.

Since a graph of commenting times and minus ones on my comments indictate high corelation, I have always assumed you were the same person or gay lovers.

I think its more romantic if you are gay lovers… wiping the stank off and cuddling while thinking up something stupid to say.

4 months ago

chinabot protesteth too much.

Some of us think you’re poor, misbegotten “Tom” or the torn ‘Kravat”. Maybe the brains behind “Leo” or ‘Paintchip” (the fake English teacher).

I think you’re likely whomever happens to be on shift at the Uighur work camp botfarm. Your collective soul, such as it is, seems to vary enough that there are more than two authors — and sometimes you forget which persona said what.

A pahetic lifestyle. You should pick up another hobby. Perhaps, given all the flooding, you could help out with blood donations, sort donated clothing, or supply clean water to those affected?

4 months ago

Let’s see who falls for this.


I kinda think you do 😉

4 months ago

“A North Korean defector was taken into custody early Tuesday for attempting to cross a bridge near the border with North Korea using a stolen bus, police officials said.

The man in his 30s was apprehended by police at about 1:30 a.m. after trying to return to North Korea by crossing the Tongil Bridge in Paju, some 30 kilometers northwest of Seoul, with the bus he stole from a garage in the city, according to the Paju Police Station.”

Various media outlets.

Interesting that he chose to steal a bus rather than a taxi.

There are several websites showing hundreds of Korean city buses – in unaltered livery – roaming the dorogi of Roosia.

Maybe he hoped to sell the bus for a decent price … although payment would be in RUB, CNY or KPW.

4 months ago

Stephen, why are you still talking?

You have nothing to say until you explain why you just made up a lot of nonsense about Vance and represented it as some sort of truth.

Actually, we realize you didn’t make that up. You just let the users fill your empty head with stupidity… and you bought it because your life is otherwise empty.

Once you admit that to yourself, and find your own direction, your life will become better in every way.

4 months ago

I’ll just leave this here…

4 months ago

Gwen! Lock up your cats!

JD Trump is coming to town!

4 months ago

Stephen, despite guidance, you have chosen the path to become even MORE stupid.

This most likely reflects your general experience in life.

4 months ago

So heart attacks in young people didn’t go up when covid hit but went up 66% when the vaccines came out and again when the boosters came out.

“Theories surge”

…except for theories that it could be related to the vaccine.

At least we are to the point where we admit our husband beats us. It will take a while to realize the blame is with him and not us.

To sustain the fantasy of Safe & Effective, the article has a couple of outright lies.

– Heart inflamation is NOT caused by covid. It is only caused by the free spike proteins of the vaccine.

– “But real-world research has shown the risk of having this reaction to a vaccine is much lower than the risk you take not getting vaccinated in the first place”

Studies that say otherwise are highly quoted but don’t hold up under even minor scrutiny. The best example is the “danger of chloroquine for treating covid so Trump is wrong” was proven in a study where many patients died. The followup you never heard was that toxic doses were given to people near death.

“Besides suffering the death threats, the authors of the study may soon need to respond a legal action taken by three public prosecutors. With 32 points that the authors should justify, the legal action mainly challenges the high dose used in the trial, the choice for chloroquine instead of hydroxychloroquine, and the patient population.”

All of the “studies” supporting the narrative were fake… and always have been.

Cigarettes are good for babby.

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