ROK Drop Open Thread – October 11, 2024

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Korean Person
Korean Person
4 months ago

It is well known that and his Setnaffarian cohorts traffic in fear.

They fear that Christian, Bible-reading white people will be marginalized in the United States by non-Christian, non-white immigrants and the LGBTQ community.

If they were smarter, they would realize that their fears are unfounded.

However, since the Setnaffarians and the Trumpians are not particularly intelligent, they allow fear to control them.

Trump is aware of this and uses their fear to build up his support base among Christian, Bible-reading white people.

Furthermore, these individuals are helping Trump by spreading his message of fear.

Korean Person
Korean Person
4 months ago

And to show why Kamala is better than Trump.

Donald Trump’s campaign proposals would increase the US national debt by double the amount Kamala Harris’s would, according to a new analysis by a non-partisan group.

Both candidates would add trillions to the national debt if their campaign pledges were enacted, according to the Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget. Trump would add $7.5tn and Harris would add $3.5tn, the group said.

Trump’s proposals would add $4tn more to US debt than Harris’s – study (

Last edited 4 months ago by Korean Person
4 months ago

Ha! White people have no fear of marginalization.

Yes, there is the irritation of media and politics gushing over George Floyd and assorted rampaging hippies and chimps…

…while sabotaging Elon Musk taking mankind to Mars…

…but marginalization cannot happen to culture that is based on achievement rather than dependence.

Of course a percentage of white people are dependent and witout use or accomplishment.

But they have self-marginalized, as I am told they have “privilege”.

The real fear is with cultures that don’t have a history or attitude of achievement. They are worried they cannot afford to be kept much longer.

And with the way the world is headed for the ignorant and unskilled, the only suitable job may be…


4 months ago

South Korea is a beautiful country. The people, the scenery, the culture. May the Lord rebuke anyone who tries to poison it with Marxist/Maoist tyranny.

4 months ago

Fake news, Setnaffa.

That interview happened in March 2020 when covid first started and long before the vaccine was introduced.

As everyone involved has always known, and anyone doing any casual research in 2020 could have learned, most vaccines fail and a high number of them actually make things worse.

Fauci had always known this, and he said it clearly before the agenda of the fake covid vaccine had fully solidified.

Further, he said trials were necessary.

Again, everybody involved knows, and anybody interested could easily learn, the minimal amout of time to develop and properly test a vaccine is about 5 years, but it is genrally closer to 10 and could be longer.

None of this is a secret to anybody who chooses self-education over propaganda.

The covid vaccine, using entirely new and untested technology, was available to the American public in under 1 year (Dec 14 2020).

It was then tested on about 5.6 billion of the world’s stupidest people who have no idea of assessing a risk-benefit ratio despite plenty of available information (such as the Diamond Princess cruise ship and its low fatality rate among the highest risk demographic with the most deadly strain).

This is 2024 and in another year, the first phase of the actual trials will be over, assessing short and medium term risks, and the second phase will begin to understand long-term effects.

So far, science has learned:

– viruses evolve (more of a textbook demonstration than new knowledge)

– for two weeks after vaccination, subjects are MORE susceptible to catching covid and have a higher chance of hospitalization than the unvaccinated but if people aren’t considered vaccinated until after two weeks, those statistics can be attributed to the unvaccinated

– the vaccine has some medium-term benefits for those at the highest risk but requires frequent boosters to maintain protection, with increasing risks and diminishing protection

– the vaccine has very little benefit for low/no-risk demographics, especially when compared to harms it causes for a percentage

– for most demographics (especially young men), the harm it causes far outweighs any benefit

– a vast body of psychological knowledge (which we can discuss another time)

What the next phase of the trials will learn:

– will heart inflamation/damage in young men translate to reduced cardiac function later in life?

– as subsequent boosters are less effective with increased short-term side effects, what (if any) will be the ideal way to balance these to continue some degree of protection for high-risk demographics and what will their effects be on the low-risk demographics which continue to allow testing on them?

– as there is a clear correlation with increased mortality, vaccine uptake, and booster quantity, what will the long-term trends be?

– as there are many theoretical long-term side effects, from reduced immune function to the free spike protein’s ability to cross the blood-brain barrier, will any of these develop into problems within the decades-long timeframe they are expected to present themselves?

Those that developed and promoted the vaccine knew all of this before tests on the public were even started.

This was all part of a plan that can be demostrated in ways such as the distribution pattern of vaccine test varients on different populations to the ever-evolving narrative that continued to guide enthusiastic test subject from disappointment to dissappointment.

Good luck, my little lab rats.

You got covid anyway, just like the unvaccinated, but you could have saved yourself a lifetime of stress and insecurity by being a rational full human and forming an educated opinion based on available facts instead of willingly satisfying the curiosity of ethically-challenged “scientists”, the greed of the pharmaceutical industry, the dreams of increased control by the political class, and the ego of the empowered scolds.

Don’t forget your booster of One and Done Safe & Effective.

4 months ago

The only people I know who got covid 2x or more are those vaccinated and boosted.

My unvaccinated (by her choice) Korean wife got Covid according to the potentially inaccurate instant tests and was fine 3 days later. Missed church once, tested every 2 days after symptoms ended, all negative. I tested negative through the whole circus.

4 months ago

Communist Chinese construction techniques are deadly.

Last edited 4 months ago by setnaffa
4 months ago

From the video: Comparison of measuring tapes from workers on the same construction job…

4 months ago

It’s okay to hate communism.

4 months ago

This sounds like the story of a chinabot:

Stay off huffing the whipped cream, folks…

4 months ago

S-S-S-Setnaffa, appears to be g-g-g-glitching.

Last edited 4 months ago by Stephen
Korean Person
Korean Person
4 months ago

LOL Stephen!

4 months ago

All Phtephen has is drive-by insults…

And sock-puppets…

We have CNN…

Last edited 4 months ago by setnaffa
4 months ago

Let’s see what is going on with Health New Zealand Emergency Department’s data they were forced to release.

“An OIA (freedom of information) request to Health New Zealand asked for “The number of people under the age of 40 presenting to Emergency Departments (A&E) throughout New Zealand hospitals with Chest Pain or Heart Issues by year?” The Health New Zealand answer (OIA reference: HNZ00061156) contains shattering information:

Year | Number presenting to Emergency Departments with chest pain

2019 2219

2020 4406

2021 13063

2022 21416

2023 20005

2024 (to June) 14639”

Vaccinations started for the under-40 demographic about halfway through 2021.

New Zealand has about 5.1 million people, so nobody can really see the difference between 2000 and 20000… only 400 per 100,000.

For comparison, 2021, the “epidemic of gun violence” had 2.71 gun homicides per white American and 70.65 gun homicides per black American.

And, for unclear reasons, it seems like it will be higher this year.

This has what Science is learning now that the covid vaccine trials have moved into the long-term effects evaluation stage.

Don’t forget your boosters.

4 months ago


“I was initially told a number of times in ED [emergency department] that I was having anxiety attacks. I felt like no one was listening to me which made it even harder.”

Every single person I know who went to the hospital for vaccine side effects was told it was “anxiety”.

The reason for this anxiety was never clear, as the vaccine was supposed to relieve covid anxiety. All of these vaxtards were joyous about getting the vaccine. None of them had any anxiety until “exceedingly rare” happened to them.

For those of you paying attention, you might notice that ALL information coming out supports what every thinking person knew and every uneducated scold rejected in 2021.

– the vaccine cannot be effective based on high school virus knowledge and observation of similar diseases decades of vaccine research has failed on

– the vaccine has not been in existence long enough to be declared safe (if this wasn’t THE red flag to you, you are hopelessly dumb)

– the vaccine is likely not safe for a percentage of low-risk demographics who have risk but no benefit and this is being increasingly confirmed (unless it turns out to be global warming)

– there are so many legitimate pathways for it to have long-term side effects that it is likely not safe in a decade timeframe

Stay up to date on your Safe & Effective, my little vaxtards.

(Which makes me wonder why something so amazing is no longer talked about and booster rates are low even within the tardest of the tard demographic.)

4 months ago

“Rest home” for youth in China:

4 months ago

The General Staff of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK) has placed its artillery units stationed along the border on high alert. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the DPRK announced on Friday that South Korea had deployed drones over Pyongyang on three separate occasions since last week to distribute leaflets, characterizing these actions as a military provocation and an infringement on the country’s sovereignty.

4 months ago

I fully expect a type of Gleiwitz incident.

Fascist/Socialist/Communist/Islamist (all the same, really) dictators are nothing if not dull and annoyingly predictable.

4 months ago

For those of us who survived, let us take a moment to remember all of those who didn’t share our journey.

4 months ago

That post deserves 100 likes CH.
Thank you for reminding me of this recent history.

Korean Person
Korean Person
4 months ago

I see that and his sockpuppets still haven’t let go of their vaccine obsession.

It’s even more reason for him to seek professional mental help.

4 months ago

Trying to have a conversation with ChatGPT is more useful than the chinabots. All they do is repeat themselves and mumble some improperly understood junior Stalinist catechism.

If I were their handler, I’d worry about being made to look so bad. They even manage to make the fake Huawei 5G AI look entertaining. The CCP might put their handler in the same work camp…

Absolutely embarrassing…

Korean Person
Korean Person
4 months ago

All they do is repeat themselves and mumble some improperly understood junior Stalinist catechism.

The same can be said about the Setnaffarians.

They repeatedly recycle the same misinformation about vaccines and spread falsehoods and conspiracy theories, particularly about leftists.

comment could very well be a self-description.

It’s interesting that whenever I call him out for being the stereotypical, poorly-educated Trump supporter, he retaliates by calling Koreans “chinabots” and accuses us of parroting the same narratives.

I might add, this is a classic case of projection and deflection—something he himself frequently accuses others of.

Given his tendency to refer to himself in the third person, it seems he might be itching to say something but hesitates, knowing it would make him appear foolish.

Last edited 4 months ago by Korean Person
4 months ago


Screenshot-2024-10-15-at-8.00.12 PM
4 months ago

All Phtephen has is drive-by insults

Freudian Slip there by Setnaffa.

He has revealed that he really is a parody account; channeling Colbert and Carell’s Even Stevphen from The Daily Show.

As Stephen pointed out, Steve is mainly working with minions.

Last edited 4 months ago by Stephen
4 months ago


What an amazing Phreudian slip!

It reminds me of that time Stephen was dancing with his mother and they were both smoking cigars.

4 months ago

Be careful when unmarried Chinese men are near your children. Some are psychopaths who want to hurt children in revenge for their own loser lifestyle.

4 months ago

Phteven is such a lapdog…

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