Trump Claims that South Korea Should Pay More For U.S. Troop Presence

Trump has brought back up the issue that South Korea should pay more for defense from U.S. troops however with the cost sharing deal recently concluded that extends to 2030, this seems like campaign rhetoric at this point. Trump is once again using a lot of hyperbole to make his greater point that allies should pay more for international security provided by U.S. troops:

Former President Donald Trump said Wednesday that America “cannot be taken advantage of any longer in trade and in the military,” reinforcing speculation that he could demand renegotiation of a recent defense cost-sharing deal with Seoul if he returns to office.

The Republican presidential candidate made the remarks during a televised town hall event hosted by Fox News, falsely claiming that South Korea does not pay for the stationing of the 28,500-strong U.S. Forces Korea (USFK).

“40,000 soldiers and we never get paid. South Korea, they don’t pay,” Trump said, apparently referring to 28,500 USFK service members.

“I made them pay. Everyone raised hell, and Biden took the deal, and he said they don’t pay anymore, and they’re a rich country. No … we have to start. We cannot be taken advantage of any longer in trade, in the military,” he added.


You can read more at the link.

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5 months ago

USFK troops are mostly housed at Fort Humphreys.

Replace USFK with ROK troops at Fort Humphreys and where are US troops gonna go?

Fort Benning Moore?

There ain’t no room at the inn Bubba Trump.

Trump has never been able to do the math.

This is the guy who bankrupted his own casino … twice.

Life at the Trump Organization is like a box of laxettes.

Y’always now what you’re gonna git.

AJ in the House
AJ in the House
5 months ago

OK Libtard!

5 months ago

They don’t have to stay at Fort Humphries.

Many can be moved up to Osan Arodrome.

5 months ago

Korea has been getting by on the cheap for far too long. They are selling billions in weapons around the world, time for them to step up like a big boy and stop playing, ‘we are only a 3rd world country and can’t pay for our own defense…’. Seeing how South Korean soldiers serve less time on active duty than a US soldier assigned to Korea definitely there needs to be a rebalance of who is funding what.

5 months ago

there needs to be a rebalance of who is funding what.

Trump will pay for the construction costs and rent on Humphreys and Osan etc?

Trump who invariably stiffs construction companies and owes the big bucks for buildings in New York.

Let’s get real here.

Trump can talk the talk.

Trump can’t math the math.

Trump can’t walk the walk … it’s more of a septuagenrian shuffle to the Village People.

Korean Man
Korean Man
5 months ago

Stephen, they can go back to the US.

It was $5 billion 4 years ago, that demand is now $10 billion. If SK somehow gives in, Trump’s going to disrespect SK even further and the next year’s demand will be $20 billion. That amount of money should be spent on the South Korean military, not on the US military to use to build the wall at the Mexican border. As you know, Trump used the USFK money to build a wall. Enough is enough, USFK should leave. I guarantee you that 90% of South Koreans will agree with me. SK and the US are now enemies apparently, so why is there an occupying army in South Korea?

Last edited 5 months ago by Korean Man
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