Tweet of the Day: Homophobic Rally?

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3 months ago


The answer to that question is no.

There is almost no homophobia… except maybe in prison.

Few people are afraid of homosexuals.

They simply find it distateful.

For the most part, I blame those who have homomisia…

…a word I just made up, replacing phobia (fear of) with misia (strongly dislike).

Why do I mostly blame the homomisists?

Because knowing something exists that you don’t like doesn’t give you the right to have power over it (unless you are government).

Yet I have some simpathy.

The homomisists stop being blamed when the homos are out on the streets trying to out-homo each other.

It starts with marches dressing like pervert clowns and yelling about rights they mostly have, if they didn’t fully define themselves by pride in being on the wrong end of the díck.

But a line is crossed somewhere between there and wagging your willy at children while much of the vocal segment of the community cheers you on.

Pretty soon, it isn’t a matter of being angry they exist and more of a matter of being angry they won’t stop forcing their existence upon everyone.

Dude, you like dudes. Good on you. Quite doing everything possible to remind me of that and your horrible fashion tastes.

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