The fire erupted in spite of what the company’s website calls ‘likely the most sophisticated automated and remote supervised and controlled fire suppression systems in the world.”
Covid jab anecdote, if we’re still collecting those.
My spouse has been on disability and recently took a trip to the sim to see if he can move his neck enough (he had some fusions, neck surgery about a year and a half ago) to go back to flying.
Unfortunately he cannot.
On the plane he sat next to another pilot on disability.
According to him, he went into renal failure after his 2nd booster.
(obviously he is very anti-jab now. Also obviously he was not before as he elected to have a number of them before this happened).
4 months ago
Excess mortality correlates with the introduction of the vaccine. The number of excess deaths correlates with the level of uptake.
Excess cancer correlates with vaccine uptake. The original rationalization of, “cancers went undiagnosed during lockdown,” no longer applies.
None of this has gone down despite covid being somewhat rare…
…and people foolish enough to get an experimental vaccine made with experimental technology to prevent a cold that has zero risk for their demographic also somewhat rare…
…though few will admit they made a poor life choice by not thinking it through beforehand…
…or being too propagandized that they were science experts and too proud to even consider the situation before rushing into it.
I need to look up the data and do a scatter plot. This is a simple thing to correlate vaccine uptake with excess deaths. However, nobody is doing this and all the data is friggered with different timeframes or incomplete or “adjusted”. So it is not as easy as it should be.
Here is 10 months of excess deaths in the EU.
Malta had 37% excess mortality compared to before covid. This makes news on Malta, but nowhere else.
At the other end, Bulgaria had slightly fewer deaths. It is within the normal range. Next year may be slightly more.
What is the vaccine uptake?
More than 80% for Malta. 30% for Bulgaria.
But, as CNN likes to point out, “It’s dangerous to do your own research.”
4 months ago
This is a pretty typical graph of excess mortality vs vaccine uptake.
This comes from Thailand.
As batch numbers and incidents (for America) have been plotted, we know there was quite a variation in the batches, most of the immediate side effects where caused by a limited number of batches, and the distribution pattern is exactly what you would expect if you were running an experiment on variations of your theoretical technology but didn’t want anyone to notice.
Korean Man
4 months ago
Listen to this black Nazi Trump supporter in Korea, named Ramsey Khalid Ismael, aka Johnny Somali, calling for the extermination of all Asians because he hates them so much.
His conversation with the horde of his American supporters begins at 0.60, you can forward to hear what he says:
If “Johnny” had the nads he portrays himself to have, he would Travis King it right across the DMZ. Someone please take him to The Bridge of No Return and DARE him to run across. Go ahead and YouTube nork reactions to your shenanigans. That’s content I would actually watch.
On the other hand:
Japan and Israel revoked his visa and kicked him out of the country. ROK should do the same thing. Once back in America, he should get his passport revoked. Better yet, the US Ambassador here should do it. Talk about a gesture of goodwill, there it is staring you in the face.
Korean Person
4 months ago
For once I agree with Mcgeehee.
Makes a lot more sense compared to @setnaffa anti-Asian ramblings.
4 months ago
Why all the hate on Johnny Somali?
He serves a very useful purpose. I keep a collection of his videos on my phone.
Then, when someone comes up to me and asks, “Why are Koreans so racist against Africans?”
One of my wife’s friends from Texas hastily flew to Incheon this week to assist her 40 year old sister who suddenly contracted stage 4 lung cancer. She’s never smoked or worked in coal mines. Doctors are baffled.
What has been going on in the world recently to cause such a thing.
4 months ago
ESL classes are apparently required here…
CH, I don’t think Koreans are raacist against Africans, per se… just assclowns…
Koreans are not racist against blacks, they are just against assclowns is what was intended.
Please excuse me for using sentence structure for people who have passed 6th grade.
4 months ago
One of my wife’s friends from Texas hastily flew to Incheon this week to assist her 40 year old sister who suddenly contracted stage 4 lung cancer. She’s never smoked or worked in coal mines. Doctors are baffled.
What has been going on in the world recently to cause such a thing.
What causes lung cancer besides smoking?
Cell phone and other background radiation.
Secondhand smoke: Exposure to secondhand smoke can also increase the risk of lung cancer.
Radon: Radon is another important cause of lung cancer in the United States.
Air pollution: Particle pollution, like that from exhaust smoke, can increase the risk of lung cancer.
Family history: Having a family member with lung cancer can increase the risk of developing it yourself.
Asbestos: Exposure to asbestos can increase the risk of lung cancer.
Other industrial substances: Exposure to certain industrial substances, like arsenic and some organic chemicals, can increase the risk of lung cancer.
Beta-carotene supplements: Taking high doses of beta-carotene supplements (20 to 30 milligrams per day) may increase the risk of lung cancer for people who smoke or used to smoke
And the clot shot.
Korean Person
4 months ago
ESL classes are apparently required here…
“Per se” is a Latin phrase that means “by itself” or “in itself.” It’s used to emphasize that something is being considered on its own, without any additional factors or context.
For example, when you say, “I don’t think Koreans are racist against Africans, per se,” you’re clarifying that you’re not saying they’re inherently racist, but possibly acting in a way that might seem that way due to other factors. It’s a way of softening the statement.
So @setnaffa is saying that Koreans are racist against Africans in a softer way and to top it off said we are “assclowns”.
Additionally, we all know @setnaffa has suggested several times that we Koreans do not speak English well, which I might add is a form of anti-Asian racism.
He is also using the above to hide and run away from the responsibility of calling Koreans “assclowns” and thus disparaging Koreans.
4 months ago
“Additionally, we all know @setnaffa has suggested several times that we Koreans do not speak English well, which I might add is a form of anti-Asian racism.”
Neither do the Scottish but we consider them marginally white (except for the gingers).
I’m guessing having sex with an actual human woman would help them snap out of their self-hatred.
They should concentrate on personal hygiene, wearing deoderant and clean clothes, and making polite conversation.
CH could probably arrange a bootcamp-like class to teach them how to speak to women without being seen as creepy.
Maybe even for under $350/day, not counting transportation, meals, or lodging.
Last edited 4 months ago by setnaffa
4 months ago
“CH could probably arrange a bootcamp-like class to teach them how to speak to women without being seen as creepy.”
I can do the bootcamp and the classs.
Not being seen as creepy… well… let’s look at some curriculum.
“Hey sugartits, are you my little toe?”
“Are you my little toe?”
“Uh. No. Why?”
“‘Cause I wanna bang you on everything in my house.”
Korean Person
4 months ago
They should concentrate on personal hygiene, wearing deoderant and clean clothes, and making polite conversation.
@setnaffa turns on the anti-Asian racist rhetoric by now suggesting that Asians are dirty and smelly.
Bring it on racist!
4 months ago
Lesson Number One at ChickenHead Bootcamp:
Manufacturing victimhood from absolutely nothing just makes you look incredibly childish and dumb…
…and alerts people that any actual victimization in life you might experience is fully brought on by yourself… and you deserve it.
I am curious what your target audience with all this is. It has no effect on anybody rational.
It is so incredibly stupid that the majority of people will expect it to be a joke… except it isn’t funny and you just keep going on and on… so maybe you believe it?
Who knows?
But a better question is…
…who cares?
Not me.
I just like to make fun of the stupid and mentally ill.
The NOTorius Johnny Somali as the Tribune refers to him. Capitalization mine.
4 months ago
It is a great day. Looks like Elon is already getting started.
We might have our Tribonian.
4 months ago
This election has given America a better chance to go to Mars than build a statue of a career criminal or produce another child tranny.
Either way, Americans deserve what they get.
At this time, Americans deserve success.
Bonus Thought: How much sabotage do we expect from the outgoing juanta?
4 months ago
“How much sabotage do we expect from the outgoing juanta?”
I think less than would be expected.
It was kind of a blowout with a demographic wide enough to crush the narratives. I don’t think they expected this (especially with the prior reports it “might take weeks” to really know the outcome of the election).
If there are shenanigans, it will be a skeleton crew. Not the million p*ssy hat march with accompanied riots and so forth.
Right now they are in blame mode. They’re blaming Biden especially. There seems to be some self reflection.
We’re in a good place I think. Knock on wood.
@Liz, what I found interesting was how the media was conditioning the public with how it would take days to count the votes and determine who the President was. Then it was like someone told the media to go ahead and call the Presidential race early. I just want to know who is the person that makes that determination?
Also by the way how the heck is there still ballots being counted in AZ, NV, and CA for Congressional races?
3 months ago
“how the heck is there still ballots being counted in AZ, NV, and CA for Congressional races?”
I wonder that too.
3 months ago
Plan A – lawfare… made him more popular
Plan B – overwhelming media lies… nobody bought it
Plan C – assassination… God?
Plan D – voter fraud… too big to rig
Plan E – accept that Trump won and get busy burning America down so he gets the distraction and blame <– you are here
3 months ago
I don’t know, CH. Look at these numbers.
I mean, yeah he didn’t “win” the black vote but one in five black men voted for him, and a majority of hispanic men.
I don’t think the “burn it all down” tactic is going to work this time.
Even a founding leader of a chapter of BLM endorsed Trump.
I don’t think a bunch of paid “angry” blue haired trans people with “hate has no home here” stickers are going to make much of an impact here.
3 months ago
It is not the blue-haired Karens America needs to worry about.
It is whoever has been running the country while Biden has been spiraling into girl-sniffing and baby-biting, while everyone pretends otherwise.
There are some clear agendas, some of which are in conflict with each other, but many of which will be sabotaged by Trump, intentionally and unintentionally.
This cannot be allowed to happen by those who seek money, power, and American dominance (but not for the benefit of Americans).
Their options are increasingly limited.
Civil unrest at home and war abroad are two excellent options to distract the Trump administration away from actions such as reducing spending, shrinking government, disempowering defense/banking/medical cartels, etc.
But, oddly, the left doesn’t seem ready to take to the streets. And the right doesn’t seem like they would tolerate it.
Trump is a proud negotiator rather than a lazy warrior, but like Reagan, he has cultivated an image that he would not be afraid to use a military option. And he leaves the impression that he would strike hard and decisively rather than encourage a drawn-out entanglement.
But the Deep State is filled with very, very smart people who are not used to losing.
Covid jab anecdote, if we’re still collecting those.
My spouse has been on disability and recently took a trip to the sim to see if he can move his neck enough (he had some fusions, neck surgery about a year and a half ago) to go back to flying.
Unfortunately he cannot.
On the plane he sat next to another pilot on disability.
According to him, he went into renal failure after his 2nd booster.
(obviously he is very anti-jab now. Also obviously he was not before as he elected to have a number of them before this happened).
Excess mortality correlates with the introduction of the vaccine. The number of excess deaths correlates with the level of uptake.
Excess cancer correlates with vaccine uptake. The original rationalization of, “cancers went undiagnosed during lockdown,” no longer applies.
None of this has gone down despite covid being somewhat rare…
…and people foolish enough to get an experimental vaccine made with experimental technology to prevent a cold that has zero risk for their demographic also somewhat rare…
…though few will admit they made a poor life choice by not thinking it through beforehand…
…or being too propagandized that they were science experts and too proud to even consider the situation before rushing into it.
I need to look up the data and do a scatter plot. This is a simple thing to correlate vaccine uptake with excess deaths. However, nobody is doing this and all the data is friggered with different timeframes or incomplete or “adjusted”. So it is not as easy as it should be.
Here is 10 months of excess deaths in the EU.
Malta had 37% excess mortality compared to before covid. This makes news on Malta, but nowhere else.
At the other end, Bulgaria had slightly fewer deaths. It is within the normal range. Next year may be slightly more.
What is the vaccine uptake?
More than 80% for Malta. 30% for Bulgaria.
But, as CNN likes to point out, “It’s dangerous to do your own research.”
This is a pretty typical graph of excess mortality vs vaccine uptake.
This comes from Thailand.
As batch numbers and incidents (for America) have been plotted, we know there was quite a variation in the batches, most of the immediate side effects where caused by a limited number of batches, and the distribution pattern is exactly what you would expect if you were running an experiment on variations of your theoretical technology but didn’t want anyone to notice.
Listen to this black Nazi Trump supporter in Korea, named Ramsey Khalid Ismael, aka Johnny Somali, calling for the extermination of all Asians because he hates them so much.
His conversation with the horde of his American supporters begins at 0.60, you can forward to hear what he says:
What is it about the American culture that gives birth to such hatred?
“Somali” is no Trump supporter. In fact, he talks like our chinabots write..
yah, he’s a Trump supporter. He declared to his buddies in his X space that Trump would come to the rescue once he’s elected next week.
He also said “this is MAGA country!” and threw a bunch of bleach around while doing a Nazi salute.
Liz, this is what he said:
“This country is a US military base, we rebuilt this country, they owe us”.
Sounds familiar? Sounds exactly like the the people who lurk here.
It’s all in here, straight from his own mouth.
chinabot “quotes” those here; but never provides actual quotes.
Kinda like Temu CNN…
If “Johnny” had the nads he portrays himself to have, he would Travis King it right across the DMZ. Someone please take him to The Bridge of No Return and DARE him to run across. Go ahead and YouTube nork reactions to your shenanigans. That’s content I would actually watch.
On the other hand:
Japan and Israel revoked his visa and kicked him out of the country. ROK should do the same thing. Once back in America, he should get his passport revoked. Better yet, the US Ambassador here should do it. Talk about a gesture of goodwill, there it is staring you in the face.
For once I agree with Mcgeehee.
Makes a lot more sense compared to @setnaffa anti-Asian ramblings.
Why all the hate on Johnny Somali?
He serves a very useful purpose. I keep a collection of his videos on my phone.
Then, when someone comes up to me and asks, “Why are Koreans so racist against Africans?”
Thanks, Johnny, you saved me a lot of work.
CH, I don’t think Koreans are raacist against Africans, per se… just assclowns…
And that’s why I believe the chinabots are incels.
I don’t think they could “get lucky” up on The Hill (or wherever that type of “entertainment” moved), no matter how much they offered.
I don’t think Koreans are raacist against Africans, per se… just assclowns
Well well
@setnaffa just made a derogatory remark against Koreans by calling us “assclowns.”
No doubt @setnaffa is no friend of Korea and his claims of having a family in Korea and visiting Korea are all bullshit.
“I don’t think Koreans are raacist against Africans, per se… just assclowns”
‘@setnaffa just made a derogatory remark against Koreans by calling us “assclowns.”’
I caught that, too. Koreans aren’t racist. Koreans are just assclowns.
I think Setnaffa is wrong here.
In my observation, Koreans are more títclowns than leg&assclowns.
But maybe it is a regional thing. I will pay more attention.
Anybody know the Korean preferences on mimes?
One of my wife’s friends from Texas hastily flew to Incheon this week to assist her 40 year old sister who suddenly contracted stage 4 lung cancer. She’s never smoked or worked in coal mines. Doctors are baffled.
What has been going on in the world recently to cause such a thing.
ESL classes are apparently required here…
Koreans are not racist against blacks, they are just against assclowns is what was intended.
Please excuse me for using sentence structure for people who have passed 6th grade.
What causes lung cancer besides smoking?
ESL classes are apparently required here…
“Per se” is a Latin phrase that means “by itself” or “in itself.” It’s used to emphasize that something is being considered on its own, without any additional factors or context.
For example, when you say, “I don’t think Koreans are racist against Africans, per se,” you’re clarifying that you’re not saying they’re inherently racist, but possibly acting in a way that might seem that way due to other factors. It’s a way of softening the statement.
So @setnaffa is saying that Koreans are racist against Africans in a softer way and to top it off said we are “assclowns”.
Additionally, we all know @setnaffa has suggested several times that we Koreans do not speak English well, which I might add is a form of anti-Asian racism.
He is also using the above to hide and run away from the responsibility of calling Koreans “assclowns” and thus disparaging Koreans.
“Additionally, we all know @setnaffa has suggested several times that we Koreans do not speak English well, which I might add is a form of anti-Asian racism.”
Neither do the Scottish but we consider them marginally white (except for the gingers).
All chinabots are assclowns.
And not in a good way.
I’m guessing having sex with an actual human woman would help them snap out of their self-hatred.
They should concentrate on personal hygiene, wearing deoderant and clean clothes, and making polite conversation.
CH could probably arrange a bootcamp-like class to teach them how to speak to women without being seen as creepy.
Maybe even for under $350/day, not counting transportation, meals, or lodging.
“CH could probably arrange a bootcamp-like class to teach them how to speak to women without being seen as creepy.”
I can do the bootcamp and the classs.
Not being seen as creepy… well… let’s look at some curriculum.
“Hey sugartits, are you my little toe?”
“Are you my little toe?”
“Uh. No. Why?”
“‘Cause I wanna bang you on everything in my house.”
They should concentrate on personal hygiene, wearing deoderant and clean clothes, and making polite conversation.
@setnaffa turns on the anti-Asian racist rhetoric by now suggesting that Asians are dirty and smelly.
Bring it on racist!
Lesson Number One at ChickenHead Bootcamp:
Manufacturing victimhood from absolutely nothing just makes you look incredibly childish and dumb…
…and alerts people that any actual victimization in life you might experience is fully brought on by yourself… and you deserve it.
I am curious what your target audience with all this is. It has no effect on anybody rational.
It is so incredibly stupid that the majority of people will expect it to be a joke… except it isn’t funny and you just keep going on and on… so maybe you believe it?
Who knows?
But a better question is…
…who cares?
Not me.
I just like to make fun of the stupid and mentally ill.
Update on the “Somali” guy.
Somali may be in deep trouble because he is being investigated for drugs. Korea is definitely not the country to being pulling his crap in:
The NOTorius Johnny Somali as the Tribune refers to him. Capitalization mine.
It is a great day. Looks like Elon is already getting started.
We might have our Tribonian.
This election has given America a better chance to go to Mars than build a statue of a career criminal or produce another child tranny.
Either way, Americans deserve what they get.
At this time, Americans deserve success.
Bonus Thought: How much sabotage do we expect from the outgoing juanta?
“How much sabotage do we expect from the outgoing juanta?”
I think less than would be expected.
It was kind of a blowout with a demographic wide enough to crush the narratives. I don’t think they expected this (especially with the prior reports it “might take weeks” to really know the outcome of the election).
If there are shenanigans, it will be a skeleton crew. Not the million p*ssy hat march with accompanied riots and so forth.
Right now they are in blame mode. They’re blaming Biden especially. There seems to be some self reflection.
We’re in a good place I think. Knock on wood.
@Liz, what I found interesting was how the media was conditioning the public with how it would take days to count the votes and determine who the President was. Then it was like someone told the media to go ahead and call the Presidential race early. I just want to know who is the person that makes that determination?
Also by the way how the heck is there still ballots being counted in AZ, NV, and CA for Congressional races?
“how the heck is there still ballots being counted in AZ, NV, and CA for Congressional races?”
I wonder that too.
Plan A – lawfare… made him more popular
Plan B – overwhelming media lies… nobody bought it
Plan C – assassination… God?
Plan D – voter fraud… too big to rig
Plan E – accept that Trump won and get busy burning America down so he gets the distraction and blame <– you are here
I don’t know, CH. Look at these numbers.
I mean, yeah he didn’t “win” the black vote but one in five black men voted for him, and a majority of hispanic men.
I don’t think the “burn it all down” tactic is going to work this time.
Even a founding leader of a chapter of BLM endorsed Trump.
I don’t think a bunch of paid “angry” blue haired trans people with “hate has no home here” stickers are going to make much of an impact here.
It is not the blue-haired Karens America needs to worry about.
It is whoever has been running the country while Biden has been spiraling into girl-sniffing and baby-biting, while everyone pretends otherwise.
There are some clear agendas, some of which are in conflict with each other, but many of which will be sabotaged by Trump, intentionally and unintentionally.
This cannot be allowed to happen by those who seek money, power, and American dominance (but not for the benefit of Americans).
Their options are increasingly limited.
Civil unrest at home and war abroad are two excellent options to distract the Trump administration away from actions such as reducing spending, shrinking government, disempowering defense/banking/medical cartels, etc.
But, oddly, the left doesn’t seem ready to take to the streets. And the right doesn’t seem like they would tolerate it.
Trump is a proud negotiator rather than a lazy warrior, but like Reagan, he has cultivated an image that he would not be afraid to use a military option. And he leaves the impression that he would strike hard and decisively rather than encourage a drawn-out entanglement.
But the Deep State is filled with very, very smart people who are not used to losing.
Interesting times are coming.