U.S. and South Korea Complete Signing of USFK Cost Sharing Agreement Before Presidential Election

This demonstrates how concerned the ROK was of Trump winning the election that they have prioritized getting this cost sharing agreement signed before the election:

South Korea and the United States formally signed a defense cost-sharing agreement Monday, as Seoul seeks to speed up its domestic ratification procedure to ensure the stable stationing of American troops here ahead of the U.S. elections.

The signing came a month after the allies reached a new five-year deal on determining Seoul’s share of its cost for the upkeep of the 28,500-strong U.S. Forces Korea (USFK).

Foreign Minister Cho Tae-yul and U.S. Ambassador to South Korea Philip Goldberg signed the deal, known as the Special Measures Agreement (SMA), at the foreign ministry in Seoul, officials said.

Under the 12th SMA, which will last until 2030, South Korea will pay 1.52 trillion won (US$1.19 billion) in 2026, up 8.3 percent from 1.4 trillion won in 2025.


You can read more at the link.

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3 months ago

Sounds like South Korea are more afraid of Trump’s rhetoric than the weapons of North Korea, China, and Russia…

That’s pretty lame.

3 months ago

“This demonstrates how concerned the ROK was of Trump winning the election that they have prioritized getting this cost sharing agreement signed before the election:”

That statement is backwards.

It is correct, true, and obvious… but backwards.

The more insightful observation is:

This demonstrates how concerned the Biden administration is over needlessly sabotaging America’s finances. The next question is, why? Does Korea have something on members of the current administration? We know there was a high-dollar Korean prostitution ring catering to American government officials which appeared to have some sort of connection to the Korean government before the news dropped it faster than Epstein’s client list.

3 months ago

Allowing Korea to continue to get by on the cheap. Harris/Biden admin is disgusting.

Korean Man
Korean Man
3 months ago

You’re perfectly welcome to pack up and leave, Flyingsword.

Korean Person
Korean Person
3 months ago

As we Koreans have suggested several times, the USFK is free to leave Korea anytime.

Korean Person
Korean Person
3 months ago

That’s pretty lame.

Ah yes more anti-Korea rhetoric from .

Despite his claims, he is no friend of Korea

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