Russia Believed to Have Offered North Korea $200 Million A Year and Rice for Military Support for Ukraine War
|This is actually a pretty good deal for the Kim regime considering they only sent what appears to be a few thousand troops to Russia:

Rep. Wi Sung-lac, who was Seoul’s ambassador to Russia, told The Korea Herald that entering the war against Ukraine is “not a bad deal at all” for North Korea.
For one thing, the country’s financial and food crises are largely taken care of by Russian compensation for its contribution to the war effort, said Wi, who was briefed by the NIS as a member of the National Assembly intelligence committee.
The NIS reported to the Assembly last week that each North Korean soldier sent to fight for Russia would be paid a monthly wage of around $2,000. At least 10,000 North Korean soldiers are believed to be headed for Ukraine, translating to yearly revenue of well over $200 million, the lawmaker said.
In addition to troops, about 4,000 North Korean workers are currently in Russia, according to the NIS. Their average wage is thought to be about $800 a month.
Wi said every year on average, North Korea produces around 4 million tons of grain such as rice, barley and wheat, according to its own announcement. But most of the country’s “rice production” is actually potatoes, with rice thought to make up less than a third of the total, he explained.
“The 4 million tons of grains that North Korea says it produces per year are actually about 1 million tons short of what it needs to feed the country. If Russia is offering 600,000 to 700,000 tons of rice, that is enough to cover more than half of what North Korea would need to meet the year’s demand,” he said.
You can read more at the link.
For sending 12,000 troops into battle, NK only gets $200 million? They cheaped out. NK should have demanded $10 billion from Russia. They’re not as smart as some fat guy with orange hair.
At least nK is getting something….US taxpayers just keep throwing good money after bad and get Fk all in return.
Well, let’s face it, Zelensky now thinks South Koreans are gullible enough to jump into his cuisanart war.
Are they? I hope not.
Look up how many people are “MIA, Presumed Killed” because they met up with a large, incoming, artillery shell.
South Korea should be supplying the shells, not the targets.
And, for the record, Putin is paying what the market says Norkistani troops are worth.
South Korea is paying for Americans. With a better track record, when under Republican leadership. And getting a pretty darn good discount because the guy making the deal is suffering from dementia.
If South Korea really just wants to save money, they could replace the Americans with Norkistanis and not even need any other Army, Navy, Air Force, or Marines. Kim Jong Un is a one-stop-shop and I am sure he would make a deal…