What Does a Donald Trump Victory Mean for South Korea?
|Trump’s election victory has led to much speculation in South Korea that he will return to direct diplomacy with North Korea, target South Korean companies with trariffs, cause turbulence in the US-ROK alliance, and cause a drop in the Korean won. So what do ROK Heads think will happen on the Korean peninsula over the next four years with Donald Trump as President?

You pretty much answered everything yourself, what more do you want?
he will return to direct diplomacy with North Korea, target South Korean companies with trariffs, cause turbulence in the US-ROK alliance, and cause a drop in the Korean won.
As Korean Man said, you pretty much mentioned everything in your opening statement above.
What more do you want?
I’m curious whether @GIKorea, @setnaffa, and his allies would actually be okay with Trump pulling USFK out of Korea.
It seems @setnaffa has shifted positions and is now arguing that Korea should contribute more to the cost of hosting USFK. Essentially, he’s backing Trump’s demand that Korea pay $10 billion to keep the USFK here—a figure we all know Korea won’t agree to. Currently, Korea pays around $1.5 billion annually, with that amount set to rise each year from 2027, pegged to the Consumer Price Index, until 2030.
@GIKorea has remained silent on this issue, but I suspect he quietly supports Trump’s stance.
However, let’s be clear: If the USFK withdraws, it will be due to the actions of the President you elected—not because of “commies” or “leftists.”.
– Trump will need to resolve Russia/Ukraine and Israel/everyone else before he pays much attention to Korea. If Russia sees Trump’s involvement as beneficial, they will keep NK on the leash. Trump’s push to drop the Ukraine rathole and make NATO a defensive rather than offensive organization would be beneficial to the world.
– Trump will try to protect and encourage American industry through weaponized tariffs against countries with unfair trade practices, such as South Korea. In the long run, this will force Korea into industries like information, weapons, space, nuclear, etc., which are less affected.
– There will be no turbulence in the US-ROK alliance, as the Biden administration sabotaged America’s negotiating position on all the key points of potential conflict, as they knew Trump would be the next president… just like everyone in the Administrative State, the Deep State, and the lying pollsters. There is nothing left to be turbulent about. The last gasp of the Biden administration is going on about increasing the number of American military in SK but Trump will not intentionally increase tensions.
– The Korean won is somewhat kept artificially low through currency manipulation. Any further drop will increase the desire to increase tariffs.
The reality is Trump is a negotiator and not a warrior. His administration focusing on fixing America is the best chance for avoiding WWIII and boosting the American and global economy.
This is a MUCH better outcome than conflict which would increase costs and reduce exports for Korea.