ROK Drop Open Thread – November 8, 2024

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3 months ago

Happy Veterans Day Weekend to all of you who served.

Korean Man
Korean Man
3 months ago

Trump wants South Korea to help with US naval shipbuilding.

If the MAGAs want help from South Korea to keep the US military hegemony going in the world, then it should behave nicer to South Korea, and ask nicely and offer something good in return for a change, instead of constantly huffing/puffing/demanding/threatening/insulting South Korea. Because right now, no single country can help bolster the US jobs, and the military as South Korea can. Children, can we learn something from this, boys and girls?

3 months ago

Trump isn’t the president yet, and already Yemeni Houthis announced they will not longer target ships, and Qatar announced it will no longer host Hamas leaders.

Imagine what will happen when he is in White House!!

3 months ago

“then it should behave nicer to South Korea”

Korea is not so stupid that they care about treatment.

Money talks and treatment walks.

Korea might talk national pride for political reasons but all outcomes will be decided by the calculator.

3 months ago

CCP blames EU for Nazi Germany…

Korean Man
Korean Man
3 months ago

Korea is not so stupid that they care about treatment.

Money talks and treatment walks.

Why you ignored what I said?

“and offer something good in return for a change”

Instead of always screaming, “It’s all mine! Mine! Mine! Give me! Give Me!”. What can you offer in return? You keep saying you want to deal right? Well then, what can you offer back in return?

3 months ago

“Why you ignored what I said?
“and offer something good in return for a change”

The article you linked to seems contrary to your words.
Trump Call From Korea’s Yoon Sparks Jump in Shipbuilding Stocks: South Korean shipbuilding stocks advanced Thursday, defying declines in the broader market, after Donald Trump expressed hopes for close cooperation with the Asian nation.

Unless you think “hope for close cooperation” and a boost to the ROK’s GDP is a bad thing?

Korean Man
Korean Man
3 months ago

Lol. We all know MAGA’s ideal of a “close cooperation” really means, moving jobs from Korea to set up factories in the US to employ overpaid American workers. This is not an “America First” policy. This is the “America Only” policy.

3 months ago

, the chinabot hoisted himself on his own petard there. His? weird fantasy about Korean firms makes him sound as bad as the tiktokkers screaming “Noooooooo…”.

Hopefully he can get counseling.

3 months ago

Korea Man, you come here and whine about Trump the politician doing exactly what he promised… making America great again… by identifying economic, social, and political changes that have led to America’s deterioration.

There are only a few types of people here.

– Those who want to see America being great again… going to space instead of perpetuating an expensive unproductive class (foreign and domestic) or sending tax dollars to see Ukrainian men killed over land they aren’t going to get back no matter how many die (and abused the locals when they had it). America’s success will not mean Korea fails.

– Those who care about pronouns, tranny children, baby killing, criminals, etc., so much they voted for the worst candidate ever selected who spent 4 years destroying America and promised 4 more years of the same. This is about 48% of the population… the dumbest 48% of the population. Maybe people are getting smarter, as this is somewhat less than the 81% of the people who allowed to be medically experimented on by greedy pharmaceutical companies with a bad track record for doing the right thing and immunity from prosecution or law suits. (Plot twist: the medical experiment failed… it did no go and it was not clear what good it would have done if it worked… as that narrative changed from saves you from death to… pretty much nothing.) There are not many of those people here.

– Trolls who don’t realize their whining-over-the-issue-of-the-moment comes off as irrational when their complaints are all over the place instead of demonstrating some sort of ideological consistency. These people generally have sex with animals. That’s a medical fact.

Anyway, hard to see what the target audience is with the complaining.

Few people here don’t want to see America great again.

…except… the Chinese.

Isn’t that right chinabot?

And that might not even be true… as a wounded animal is the most dangerous.

Korean Man
Korean Man
3 months ago

Few people here don’t want to see America great again.

Actually you’re wrong. I want to see a Great America. But is the US so great when you’re stooping so low, bragging so openly that you’ve stolen and will steal all the jobs from other countries? Korea created over a million jobs in the US, basically moving the entire production industries from Korea, at the expense of the Korean economy which is in big trouble right now (because of you Americans and Yoon – the two collaborators), and what’s Korea getting out of all this? A much smaller economy paying out social programs to a much bigger economy due to weaponized threats.. wow what could be the result? Yet you guys are not done with robbing, looting, and denigrating.

Last edited 3 months ago by Korean Man
3 months ago

Korean car factory line workers are paid almost twice as much as their American counterparts. This is in part because of growing labor shortages from very low birth rates and in part Korea’s powerful unions (which again, have power due to the small labor pool).

The pay situation is similar in the ship building industry. Korean shipbuilders have seen large increases in their saleries these past couple of years. Again, a combination of unions and shrinking labor pool. 2023 saw a suge of 15% in shipyard worker pay to an average of $9295 a month. 2024 is set to see another big increase. The major shipbuilding companies are still facing difficulties in meeting labor demands.

The reality is, it is Korean companies that are now outsourcing production to lower cost labor markets.

3 months ago

Happy Monday.

Korean Person
Korean Person
3 months ago

@Korean Man

Trying to reason with the MAGA Setnaffarians who are obsessed with fake news, misinformation, and conspiracy theories that support their Messiah and narrative is useless.

I say sit back and relax, enjoy these MAGA idiots destroy their country whose weak minds are being gas lighted into thinking they are saving it.

As for us Koreans, we can now concentrate on impeaching the idiot Yoon and electing a President who will pursue a strong economy that will make us more prosperous and a nuclear weapons program to strengthen our defenses.

3 months ago

electing a President who will pursue a strong economy that will make us more prosperous and a nuclear weapons program to strengthen our defenses.

Park Chung Hee?

3 months ago

“Park Chung Hee?”

Requesting a medivac. We need a Life Flight to the burn unit. Stat.

Korean Person
Korean Person
3 months ago

Park Chung Hee?

Ah it seems that the GrayBlack aka the White Asian took the bait.

What I meant was a liberal Korean President not one of the wacko incompetent right wing President.

3 months ago

The non-binary chinabot just scored another own goal.

So-called “liberal” politicians are not capable of creating a strong economy. All they can do is print money and create inflation and ruin.

I recommend reading books by Bastiat, Hayek, and especially Milton Friedman. Drop your Marx, Engels, Keynes, and Rifkin in a recycling bin where they belong.

3 months ago

“GrayBlack aka the White Asian”

That sounded racist.

I know it wasn’t meant that way because you are so anti-racist you include culturist and nationalist in your definition of racism.

But it sure sounded racist.

Kindly explain to us how But This is Different.

Korean Person
Korean Person
3 months ago

Why are Setnaffarians such idiots, I wonder?

Last edited 3 months ago by Korean Person
Korean Person
Korean Person
3 months ago

So-called “liberal” politicians are not capable of creating a strong economy. All they can do is print money and create inflation and ruin.

Liberal politicians work for the good of the people. That’s why when liberal politicians rule, the economy prospers and people benefit.

When a right-wing politician takes over, they work to benefit their rich friends. As such they cut taxes for their rich friends while increasing taxes for the middle class to make up for the revenue shortfall.

That sounded racist.

If you weren’t such an idiot you would have realized that GreyBlack calls himself a “White Asian.”

3 months ago

If you weren’t such an idiot you would have realized that GreyBlack calls himself a “White Asian.”


Every rapper calls themselves ni66er ni66er ni66er.

Come on. Give it a try.

Or are you only racists against Asians?

(Because a brother gonna beat yo’ skinny áss for that shít.)

3 months ago

DOD is so color blind they put White down in my race category and Korean in my ethnicity category during my in-processing. I’m clearly Asian even with a bit of White heritage. I tried to get it fixed. Somehow, the ethnicity got change to Anglo. So now I’m just a standard White guy… I’ve given up at this point.

Conspiracy time. Wrong demographic data is not exactly uncommon in DOD databases. The officer selection process has congressionally mandated diversity requirements. I’m guessing recruiters fudge the numbers a bit when they have slightly too much of one category but not enough of another. The only category that never seems to get fudged is Black-American. There’s never enough of them to meet targets, and while listing an Asian guy as White (or more commonly a Hispanic as White or vice versa) might get some laughs and a harmless reaction from civilian bureaucracy, listing a non-Black as Black would just bring all sorts of trouble.

3 months ago

I identify as black.

This gives me linguistic privilege which other races don’t get.

Plus I might get some of those reparations the Democrats keep promising near every election time but never seem to deliver.

I tried to identify as chinabot.

They said I was too smart and my weener was too big.

3 months ago

There was a DOD directive when trans were introduced to the military to not track them. Leadership was forbidden to know how many they were, track which positions they held and so forth. Curious if this changed in the interest of “diversity”.
On the one hand, it might have DEI “advantages” in the promotion process. on the other hand, a very very large portion of trans people have deep seeded mental issues that make them incompatible with military service and this would be pretty clear right away if they were tracking them.

3 months ago

Thought this was interesting.
Think the Democrat campaign is basically a giant money laundering operation.

Korean Man
Korean Man
3 months ago

“If you have selfish, ignorant citizens you’re going to have selfish, ignorant leaders” – George Carlin

3 months ago

“Never argue with an idiot. They will only bring you down to their level and beat you with experience”
George Carlin

3 months ago

“Why did the chinabot cross the road? His díck was stuck in the chicken.”
– George Carlin

3 months ago

I hope anyone who knows the chinabots and other local NeverTrumpers can do an intervention before they hurt themselves like this douche-bag:

A Minnesota dad who ranted against President-elect Donald Trump online shot and killed his wife, ex-partner, and his two sons before turning the gun on himself, according to authorities.

The shooter, 46-year-old Anthony Nephew, had a “pattern of mental health issues,” Duluth Police Chief Mike Ceynowa said on Friday — one day after authorities found five people dead inside two homes in the city.

Authorities found Anthony Nephew’s ex-partner Erin Abramson, 47, and their son, Jacob Nephew, 15, dead from apparent gunshot wounds inside their home Thursday afternoon, police said.

After identifying Anthony Nephew as a suspect, police found his 45-year-old wife, Kathryn Nephew, and their 7-year-old son, Oliver Nephew, dead from gunshot wounds inside their family home close by.

Anthony Nephew was also found dead inside the home from a self-inflicted gunshot wound, police said.

3 months ago

Isn’t it about time for the USS Enterprise to take a tour off the coast of Yemen?

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