Yes, there will be shopping, gathering, and feasting for those who do that; but the traffic will be worse, the weather will be more extreme, and not everyone is wishing you a “Happy Thanksgiving” or “Merry Christmas”.
Some folks are very brittle at this time because of finances, family, health, or other reasons.
Try not to be a jerk. A kind word could make all the difference to them. And to you.
Korean Man
4 months ago
A violent US cop with a power trip, slams a 71 year old Vietnamese old man putting him into a hospital in a coma, over a traffic ticket.
In a hopelessly violent country where it’s acceptable to kill a person over a traffic ticket, we’ve seen how violent the Americans are in Korea as well. It doesn’t take much to trigger these people who are socially conditioned to attack people over every little trivial thing. Just look at the incarceration rate for each race in the US prisons. Look at the races. And a quarter of the country is made up of convicted violent criminals. Americans should be checked for criminal records before they are allowed into South Korea.
Last edited 4 months ago by Korean Man
4 months ago
My close friend will graduate from an American police academy early next year.
If you think cops are egotistical power-tripping thugs lacking empathy and quick to use violence to ensure compliance with their arbitrary demands rather than having interest in protecting and serving productive citizens from the animal class of Americans, you going to be plesently surprosed to find yourself absolutely right.
In the lase 30 years, policing has started attracting the wrong type of people.
The government has been encouraging that.
4 months ago
While Vu tries to explain himself, he is repeatedly interrupted by the officer … leading the elderly man to tap the cop on the chest and say, “Shut up.”
(generally) do not argue with a man with a gun. Arguing with an armed man is just a quick trip to bad outcomes. Cops tend to be lazy and generally uninterested in doing their job. Making things difficult for them is a quick trip to bad outcomes. Yelling at an armed cop who just wants to continue with his day to shut up… well there was no way that was going to end well.
4 months ago
Is anyone else’s longer comments constantly getting stuck in moderation? It’s getting annoying and I wish there was some way of whitelisting long term commenters.
Moose Knuckle
4 months ago
“In a hopelessly violent country…And a quarter of the country is made up of convicted violent criminals.” That’s because the boyz in tha hood are always hard. You come talkin that trash we’ll pull your card. Of course KM knows nothing in life but to be legit. Don’t quote me boy because I ain’t said sh!t.
4 months ago
The difference is stark.
Philosopher Curtis Yarvin once spoke about a good Samaritan who was witness to a motorcycle accident. In his compassion and good will, he pulled over and rushed to the scene of the crash, where he found the motorcyclist motionless on the ground. After calling 911, he moved the downed rider, and attempted to remove his helmet… but in doing so, inadvertently broke the man’s neck, turning him into a quadriplegic for the rest of his life.
“Now a just society won’t punish that man for trying to help someone,” said Yarvin. “But if he’s a good person, realizing how badly he hurt that rider will bother him. It will keep him up at night. And what’s so noticeable about the modern Left is the complete absence of this kind of self-reflection.”
Korean Person
4 months ago
@setnaffa has grown balls now that Trump has been elected President.
Let us see how he will be when Trump destroys the US economy and society.
4 months ago
Let us see how he will be when Trump destroys the US economy and society.
Do you mean like last time Trump was president when the US economy was doing quite well, record well in some metrics (e.g. black employment) and when the only distruction of society was due to organized violence on the left (e.g. Antifa and BLM)?
If you have the ability to reflect as well as emote, you might get a sense of why Trump got elected a second time.
@GrayBlack, I approved your comment and it is posted now. Reading through it I cannot understand why it was moderated. The comment system only allows me to set moderation for first time commenters. Anyone that leaves a comment for the first time is moderated to prevent spammers.
4 months ago
Short Version…
Korea: we have been giving humanitarian aid to Ukraine but now that NK is gaining experience in war, we need to do the same so we may send weapons to Ukraine (as we are already training them on our systems as per photo evidence at ROK Drop¹)
Get ready for the holidays.
Yes, there will be shopping, gathering, and feasting for those who do that; but the traffic will be worse, the weather will be more extreme, and not everyone is wishing you a “Happy Thanksgiving” or “Merry Christmas”.
Some folks are very brittle at this time because of finances, family, health, or other reasons.
Try not to be a jerk. A kind word could make all the difference to them. And to you.
A violent US cop with a power trip, slams a 71 year old Vietnamese old man putting him into a hospital in a coma, over a traffic ticket.
In a hopelessly violent country where it’s acceptable to kill a person over a traffic ticket, we’ve seen how violent the Americans are in Korea as well. It doesn’t take much to trigger these people who are socially conditioned to attack people over every little trivial thing. Just look at the incarceration rate for each race in the US prisons. Look at the races. And a quarter of the country is made up of convicted violent criminals. Americans should be checked for criminal records before they are allowed into South Korea.
My close friend will graduate from an American police academy early next year.
If you think cops are egotistical power-tripping thugs lacking empathy and quick to use violence to ensure compliance with their arbitrary demands rather than having interest in protecting and serving productive citizens from the animal class of Americans, you going to be plesently surprosed to find yourself absolutely right.
In the lase 30 years, policing has started attracting the wrong type of people.
The government has been encouraging that.
Everyone should watch this video:
(generally) do not argue with a man with a gun. Arguing with an armed man is just a quick trip to bad outcomes. Cops tend to be lazy and generally uninterested in doing their job. Making things difficult for them is a quick trip to bad outcomes. Yelling at an armed cop who just wants to continue with his day to shut up… well there was no way that was going to end well.
Is anyone else’s longer comments constantly getting stuck in moderation? It’s getting annoying and I wish there was some way of whitelisting long term commenters.
“In a hopelessly violent country…And a quarter of the country is made up of convicted violent criminals.”
That’s because the boyz in tha hood are always hard. You come talkin that trash we’ll pull your card. Of course KM knows nothing in life but to be legit.
Don’t quote me boy because I ain’t said sh!t.
The difference is stark.
@setnaffa has grown balls now that Trump has been elected President.
Let us see how he will be when Trump destroys the US economy and society.
Do you mean like last time Trump was president when the US economy was doing quite well, record well in some metrics (e.g. black employment) and when the only distruction of society was due to organized violence on the left (e.g. Antifa and BLM)?
If you have the ability to reflect as well as emote, you might get a sense of why Trump got elected a second time.
@GrayBlack, I approved your comment and it is posted now. Reading through it I cannot understand why it was moderated. The comment system only allows me to set moderation for first time commenters. Anyone that leaves a comment for the first time is moderated to prevent spammers.
Short Version…
Korea: we have been giving humanitarian aid to Ukraine but now that NK is gaining experience in war, we need to do the same so we may send weapons to Ukraine (as we are already training them on our systems as per photo evidence at ROK Drop¹)
Russia: but, are you sure?
¹I added that last part