ROK Drop Open Thread – December 06, 2024

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3 months ago

Just saw this on X.
Is Russia leaving Syria?

3 months ago

Liz, the Russians arent the main story.

Assad leaving Syria is the main story.

3 months ago

Assad probably left on the last Russian rowboat…

3 months ago

Israli genocide in Gaza failed to ignite WW3…

…primarily becasue the rest of the Muslim world dislikes the Palestinians.

So now we have to get it going another way.

The current Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) offensive is backed by Turkey… and America… and… wait for it… Israel.

Russia, Iran, China, and the current Assad regime are getting beat… for now.

Expect Israel to annex parts of Syria past the Alpha Line of the Golan Heights to create a buffer zone against terrorists, criminals, drug dealers, money launderers, child pr0nographers/Muslims, jay walker, etc.

Plot Twist: HTS is an offshoot of al-Qaeda and Trump has publicly said he didn’t mind Assad, Russian, and Iran killing them. So nobody knows what his foreign policy position will be when he gets into office, other than pro-Israel as long as it also beneifts America (which is a great policy).

The suspicion is Syria will be divided along cultural lines which will reduce conflict and Iranian influence on Lebanon.

An interesting part of all this is how Hezbollah has been weakened by the Israli attack. They have helped the Syrian army against HTS but are no longer able to, hence HTS came in hard and fast.

Iran swears they wont let Assad fall. Let’s see if they can do anything about it.

3 months ago

Let’s remove our tinfoil hats for a moment and consider Yoon’s short declaration of martial law that happened after most people were asleep and ended before they woke up.

That makes no sense.

While idiots and druggies often do things that make no sense, when this happens at high levels of society, it generally means it makes no sense because we dont have all the information.

Let’s consider for a moment that what he did makes total sense if you knew why it was really done.

It took more than an hour for under 300 soldiers to arrive at the national assembly. Everyone was focused on this apparent incompetence.

But what if it played out as it should have and actually, 3 minutes after Yoon declared martial law, even more soldiers raided 4 National Election Commission sites.

There is a some circumstantial evidence that the last election was won by leftists due to fraud.

The NEC has not been cooperating, and the judiciary has protected them from investigations.

Martial law bypassed the need for a warrent that the judiciary wouldn’t issue.

Let’s consider if this is true as everything unfolds.

Korean Man
Korean Man
3 months ago

The Maggots can breath a sigh of relief, as their puppet man still stays intact. The impeachment vote failed, as the majority of the right-wing coup-deta party just voted with their feet, and stayed away from voting – effectively torpedoing the impeachment process because they couldn’t get the minimum 200 yay votes. I’m just saddened and angered that now, there will be massive turmoil in Korea which could spiral out of control. But before you Maggots celebrate, you better get prepare yourselves to be in a war in Korea also. It’s now confirmed, just before the military coup started, South Korean defense minister ordered his generals to fire back at North Korea, in retaliation for trash balloons. That could have triggered a serious conflict in the country, and Yoon would have been justified in declaring Martial Law. However, that part of the plan failed, as the general disobeyed the order. Yoon and his appointed apparatus are still in power, and he is a desperate unstable lunatic, drunk with whisky most nights. He can now do anything to trigger a war with North Korea so that he can stay in power. So the American troops in Korea along with their families in the world’s largest and the most fanciest military camp in Korea, should be wary of what they may be getting into.

3 months ago

North Korea embarrassing CCP…

“Don’t get too cozy with North Korea; those guys are megacringe” – Sun Tzu, probably

3 months ago

C’mon, chinabot… next time ask your Mom…

3 months ago

Something is very wrong in China. It’s the most dangerous country in the world.

3 months ago

Russia has always relied on the West.

3 months ago

Korea Man, you sound like a never-Trumper perpetually disappointed that your ideological fantasy never happens in reality.

It almost seems like the real situation is nothing like the leftist, globalist, anti-Korean media keeps promising.


We just went through this in America with Election 2024 that Kamala was slightly ahead in popular and electoral votes.

…as has been the case with Trump, Bush, Bush, Reagen, Nixon… etc.

3 months ago

Looks like Assad’s plane might have been shot down.
Also the IDF is moving into the Syrian “buffer zone” to strengthen defense of the border (think CH called that one)

3 months ago

Liz, the Russians arent the main story.

Assad leaving Syria is the main story.

I may have been wrong. Assad NOT leaving Syria might be the main story.

Actually, I think he just turned off his transponder to reduce the likelyhood of shenanigans and his plane will show up somewhere. Probably Iran.

The fall of Syria should reduce Iran’s influence in Lebanon. If Israel is clever, which they are, they would support HTS going in and finishing off Hezbollah.

The islamic extremists you kinda control are better than the ones you don’t at all.

For this aid, they would exchange official recognition by the New Syria over possession of the Golan Heights.

Israel also needs to annex the West Bank and northern and southern Gaza and then pack all the Palistinians into dystopian concrete high rises in cental Gaza that push the known boundaries of population density. Fill them with facial recognition and security droids. That should keep them somewhat out of mischief. Offer the fellow islamic contries to pay for this at the level of quality they think the Palestinians deserve. That is where dystopian comes in.

3 months ago

Losing Syria is VERY BAD For China – Here’s Why:

Belt-and-road needs suspenders…

3 months ago

The developments in Syria:

– Israel says the Golan Heights is forever, suck it goys.

– Israel has moved into the buffer zone. That is probably forever as well. But we can always make a new buffer zone past that. Buffer Zones to Damascus 2070 sounds like a good national goal.

– Israel decided this was as good of time as any to demilitarize the new batch of untrustworthy Muslims and 350 (and counting) bombing runs later, New Syria has no real navy, air force, or heavy weapons.

– If everything works out, Syria will be balkanized anyway. Then Israel will regret this decision becasue it will make it so much less efficient for them to fight amongst themselves.

– For once, we have real hope for peace in the middle east. Just kidding to see if you were paying attention. There is going to be even more war and it is going to be even more fationalized and petty.

– With Trump putting America first and the EU beginning to wake up from their leftist fever dream, middle easterners are going to have to stay in the middle east and let their diversity be a local strength. That should solve things quickly.

– Iran will have to focus more on supplying Yemen. That should help keep energy and Asian supply chains out of Europe so the plan to deindustrialize them can keep moving forward.

– Turkey is trying hard to be a regional power, as the inhabitants of the Bosphorus have been for the last 2500+ years… except for the last 100 years. We can use the Turks to keep the Arabs and Balkin Slavs in line, but they need to be watched. Eventually, we will get to watch them kill Armenians who don’t deserve it.

So much fun!

3 months ago

The hope is that the Turks will keep the Persians in line, or maybe even get into a major conflict with them similar to the Iraq-Iran war.

3 months ago

The hope is that the Turks will keep the Persians in line, or maybe even get into a major conflict with them similar to the Iraq-Iran war.

And in today’s Wait, Let Me Think This Through Just One More Time moment…

(see attached picture)

No. I like it just the way it is.

Turkic funded Sunni Arab tools fight Persian funded Shia Arab tools over who controls the lentil fields while the Jews stay distracted with perpetual hassle and America siphons off 5000 barrels of oil per day while maintaining a military presence in the region that has possibly the best cost/benefit ratio ever.

That can go on for decades.

Why would you want to disrupt that?

3 months ago

(see attached picture)


Why would you want to disrupt that?

Oh? You don’t see the attached pic is precisely why? Get Turkey to start a war with Iran such that it does not trigger article 5, make European NATO hop on the doomed logistics expedition. See them get cut off middle east oil and watch their economies collapse. Laugh in LNG.

US has long treated Europe like a client state, but they’ve been getting uppity lately, and legitimate fears that they may break away from US influence. Why not fuck them up such that they may not risk becoming a peer competitor?

It’s working so well in Ukraine… that was sarcasm.

Serious now, I’m convinced State Department foreign policy operates on the basis of what looks good on next week’s power point slides. It would explain crazy policy objectives like “turning Afghanistan into a Belgium style democracy in 10 years”.

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