Pro-CCP Democratic Party of Korea (DPK) purges patriotic military. He's one of many arrested (often without a warrant). DPK is impeaching, arresting & destroying the executive branch, & checks & balances. Legislative dictatorship by many with radical leftist background in DPK.
Another attempt by @GIKorea to spread right-wing fake news.
3 months ago
Some old-timey wisdom based on observation…
“White man speak with forked tongue.”
“Nothing slower than a Mexican wedding procession with only one set of jumper cables.”
“The Jew cries out in pain as he strikes you.”
“The Korean left yells right-wing coup as they remove the president and arrest everyone in power who opposes them.¹”
¹This continious behavior at a lower intensity is why martial law was declared in the first place.
It isn’t currently 100% clear that this won’t end in bloodshed. A rather large percentage of smart Koreans prefer that to a communist² takeover.
²Koreans don’t realize even the idea of communism is dead after more than a century of complete failure, especially for Real Communism. The idea of Globalism is now attracting the same class of dummies and predators with the same false promises to the masses and the same pathways to control for the predators.
Korean Man
3 months ago
Why is this fake news (thank you KP for bring that up), you ask?
Because the Democratic Party is not the current government, it cannot order arrests nor carry out purges. While the Democratic Party can heavily pressure the government to do the right thing to right the ship by using the democratic process allowed under the Constitution, it cannot arrest or purge the treasonous forces within the Korean ruling government that are still active. Democratic Party is an opposition civilian party, it has no arrest powers. Logic and facts do not work with these right-wing loonies.
Yoon has bought many people and put many of his allies into key positions in Korea’s governing institutions, like Prime Minister Han Duk Soo (appointed as leader while Yoon is suspended) as a right-hand man involved in Yoon’s coup plot who now refuses to let the Constitutional court process the impeachment of the suspended President. He now faces the impeachment himself. Yet Yoon was not able to entirely stack the system with his own men. The system is gravely damaged yet it’s still functioning for now. Despite the rot being deep, investigations by the police and prosecution with all the infighting within those forces, are still going on. They keep digging and they keep finding more rot.
Even some of the long-time far-right media critics like Cho Gap Jae from the Chosun Ilbo, who has a long history of criticizing Korea’s ‘commie-loving’ governments (Kim Dae Jung, Roh Mu Hyun, Moon Jae In), have completely changed their tunes, calling the PPP and Yoon as fake rightwingers and criminal traitors, and saying the right movement in Korea cannot survive if they don’t stop trying to defend something that can’t be defended. Read for yourselves.
Chickenheand, Gordan Chang, Tara O, ROKDrop, and Korea’s Taegukki grandpa/grandma Brigades can all try to block out the sunlight with their hands, but they won’t be able to prevent the sun. Notice that their arguments are always the same about those commies are this and those commies are that – nothing else.
152 G
3 months ago
DPK is following quite the historical pattern, Soviet Great purge of 1936-1938, when do the mass executions start? When do the Bolsheviks turn on the Mensheviks? When does North Korea implement operation Barbarossa? Running out of time to complete before Trump is back in power.
3 months ago
The best response to “hate speech” is more speech.
Which is why commies always shut off free speech. They cannot compete in a free marketplace of ideas.
Sadly, Korea seems destined to repeat earlier mistakes.
In 2021 President Moon Jae-in’s party introduced a law to control the narrative of historical topics, such as the Gwangju massacre, Japan’s colonial rule of Korea, the comfort women, and the sinking of MV Sewol. Free speech advocates see this law as a means for the President to use censorship and history as political weapons.
Another attempt by @GIKorea to spread right-wing fake news.
Some old-timey wisdom based on observation…
“White man speak with forked tongue.”
“Nothing slower than a Mexican wedding procession with only one set of jumper cables.”
“The Jew cries out in pain as he strikes you.”
“The Korean left yells right-wing coup as they remove the president and arrest everyone in power who opposes them.¹”
¹This continious behavior at a lower intensity is why martial law was declared in the first place.
It isn’t currently 100% clear that this won’t end in bloodshed. A rather large percentage of smart Koreans prefer that to a communist² takeover.
²Koreans don’t realize even the idea of communism is dead after more than a century of complete failure, especially for Real Communism. The idea of Globalism is now attracting the same class of dummies and predators with the same false promises to the masses and the same pathways to control for the predators.
Why is this fake news (thank you KP for bring that up), you ask?
Because the Democratic Party is not the current government, it cannot order arrests nor carry out purges. While the Democratic Party can heavily pressure the government to do the right thing to right the ship by using the democratic process allowed under the Constitution, it cannot arrest or purge the treasonous forces within the Korean ruling government that are still active. Democratic Party is an opposition civilian party, it has no arrest powers. Logic and facts do not work with these right-wing loonies.
Yoon has bought many people and put many of his allies into key positions in Korea’s governing institutions, like Prime Minister Han Duk Soo (appointed as leader while Yoon is suspended) as a right-hand man involved in Yoon’s coup plot who now refuses to let the Constitutional court process the impeachment of the suspended President. He now faces the impeachment himself. Yet Yoon was not able to entirely stack the system with his own men. The system is gravely damaged yet it’s still functioning for now. Despite the rot being deep, investigations by the police and prosecution with all the infighting within those forces, are still going on. They keep digging and they keep finding more rot.
Even some of the long-time far-right media critics like Cho Gap Jae from the Chosun Ilbo, who has a long history of criticizing Korea’s ‘commie-loving’ governments (Kim Dae Jung, Roh Mu Hyun, Moon Jae In), have completely changed their tunes, calling the PPP and Yoon as fake rightwingers and criminal traitors, and saying the right movement in Korea cannot survive if they don’t stop trying to defend something that can’t be defended. Read for yourselves.
Chickenheand, Gordan Chang, Tara O, ROKDrop, and Korea’s Taegukki grandpa/grandma Brigades can all try to block out the sunlight with their hands, but they won’t be able to prevent the sun. Notice that their arguments are always the same about those commies are this and those commies are that – nothing else.
DPK is following quite the historical pattern, Soviet Great purge of 1936-1938, when do the mass executions start? When do the Bolsheviks turn on the Mensheviks? When does North Korea implement operation Barbarossa? Running out of time to complete before Trump is back in power.
The best response to “hate speech” is more speech.
Which is why commies always shut off free speech. They cannot compete in a free marketplace of ideas.
Sadly, Korea seems destined to repeat earlier mistakes.
DPK, the communist party of South Korea.