All Passengers Except for Two Feared Dead After Jeju Air Crash in Muan
|This is unbelievably tragic. Condolences to all the families impacted by this awful plane crash:
At least 122 people have died and two were rescued after a Jeju Air passenger jet carrying 181 people erupted in flames as it went off the runway and hit a wall at an airport in South Korea’s southwestern county of Muan on Sunday, authorities said. All but the two are presumed to have been killed.
The accident happened at 9:07 a.m., when the Jeju Air flight veered off the runway while landing and collided with a fence wall at Muan International Airport in the Muan county, South Jeolla Province, about 288 kilometers southwest of Seoul. (Yonhap)
You can read more at the link, but acting President Choi Sang-mok was pretty impressive getting himself quickly to the crash site on a Sunday and showing despite the current political uncertainty he is in charge.
Additionally from what I am seeing on social media it is believed a bird strike may have damaged an engine and impacted the landing gear prior to touching down in Muan. Whoever the two survivors were they were extremely lucky to survive this horrible crash.
“when the Jeju Air flight veered off the runway while landing and collided with a fence wall at Muan International Airport”
Something about all this is not right.
The media is saying it “veered” when it was going down the runway perfectly straight at high speed with all of its control surfaces flat until it hit the wall conveniently positioned to ensure nobody would survive an overshoot.
Anybody ever heard of a birdstrike making landing gear unusable?
And speaking of bird strikes, a little birdy told me this plane declared an emergency and returned to the airport yesterday… that is not verified but I suspect this is true.
Let’s watch this story evolve.
There is going going to be a villian.
Video I watched showing touchdown appears to show no flaps. No flaps and no landing gear, both hydraulically powered, equals very high touchdown speed on a 9100 ft active with a resulting fire ball, the two survivors are lucky beyond belief.
The smoke isn’t even cleared and Chickenhead is already starting to make up conspirarcy theories. How predictable was that?
There goes Korean Man, using a tragedy to stir divisiveness. Never let a crises go to waste, isn’t that the line of thought comrade?
CH, there is very limited information out yet.
According to what has been released so far (assuming it is true) the pilots landed on a different runway than they’d coordinated with the tower, for starters.
The way it would usually go in an emergency situation where the landing gear couldn’t be released is, they would contact the tower and tell them, then circle for about an hour trying to fix the problem (the pilots can even talk to Lockheed and Boeing engineers during this timeframe). If there is no way to get it down with all that, they would try to land as light as they can (burn excess fuel), coordinate with the tower and probably have it foamed. Fire trucks would be waiting.
None of this occurred.
I am not yet offering theories of conspiracy.
i am voicing scepticism.
I am suggesting that so many aspects of this are abnoral, there is little possibility that the story we are getting is true.
Aspects of the current narrative even conflict.
I find this all to be very odd, so it gets my attention.
I’m just surprised you haven’t blamed it on the leftist commies yet. But we still have time.
You still haven’t answered my question in the other topic. What did Yoon do that he was justified doing, as you claimed? Can you answer that please?
Deflect then change the subject, just like a three year old would do. Props to the fire, air and rescue crew, that saved the FA and PAX in the tail end.
A real three year old would try to use this to start some unfounded conspiracy theory, which he was going towards as usual.
Anyway, if you’re really interested in the reason what happened, watch this former 737 pilot explaining to you what the causes could have been.
KM, thank you for staying on subject, yes the You Tuber makes some very good points and claims to have been a CPT on the 737-800. He shows the -800 hydraulics schematic and goes into the no flaps no spoilers observation. Best to wait and see what the FDR and CVR show when the investigation is complete and results become known. It’s a US manufactured aircraft so ICAO has the US NTSB conduct an investigation, they are the best.
“Anyway, if you’re really interested in the reason what happened, watch this former 737 pilot explaining to you what the causes could have been.”
Did you even watch that excellent video? He didn’t explain anything. He is even more baffled than I am because he knows everything to look for and nothing is right.
A partial list:
– The aproach data shows it narmally lined up not far from the runway at an expected speed the flaps had to be down
– In something we are seeing all to often,the data ends before the interesting part… no doubt a “glitch”.
– however, the plane actually landed from the other end of the runway
– flaps up, gear up, one thrust reverser on
– even with no hydraulics, you can pull a cable in the cockpit and gravity drop the landing gear… not done, even doors were closed
– believe it or not, there is a backup hydraulic system
– the video of the “birdstrike” is from Reddit – use your own judgement. One artical I read suggeted there is an increase of birds near airports due to global warming. i shlt you not. There must be a quota.
– baffling there would be a massive concrete structure at the end of the runway for the antennas instead of a metal frame like everyone else does it.
Bonus: The media has pushed bird strikes and adverse weather conditions. A bird strike doesn’t exlain this and the weather was fine.
This situation is very abnormal. I have no conspiracy to offer.
Maybe it will make sense with more infomation. Maybe it never will.
(Lots of things drop out of the news cycle before they get a reasonable explanation.)
Fwiw, my spouse flew 737s for 12 years (he has been on disability for the last 2 years, he probably won’t be able to go back).
What I stated above is what he told me.
But what he said, is not the same as what you wrote at first. This is what you wrote:
Isn’t this claiming that someone deliberately put a concrete wall there to make sure that any planes that overshoot the runway will crash and burn? Already you’re claiming there was a plot by someone. Who would that be?
Ah… I see. You have taken my joke as literally as possible so you can move focus from the serious questions I asked, which have now been asked by professionals.
My mistake.
While I said the wall was conveniently positioned to ensure nobody would survive an overshoot, let me be clear this was just the use of a literary device and did not imply a conspiracy to kill passengers and destroy planes.
I don’t believe there was any organized attempt to ensure nobody would survive a minor accident… even though the same thing has happened many times at airports around the world and the plane went through the flimsy antenna structure and came to a stop in the fields far past the end of the runway with no fatalities.
My statement is 100% factul but this was no conspiracy.
This was due to the typical Korean traits of not thinking things through, cutting financial corners, doing it quick and easy, having a better buddy in the concrete business than steel frame business, etc.
We see this every… single… day.
It is better now than it once was, but it is still happening. (When was that structure built?)
For years, not a single person at the airport said to themselves, “Gee, what would happen if a plane overshot the runway like happens eventually at most airports?”¹
Now we know.
This was not conspircy. This was stupidity.
¹One of my self-appropriated side duties at my job is to find the stupidity. I am good at finding the stupidity. Then I am good at finding the stupidity in those not addressing the stupidity. I have an unlimited budget to solve problems if I can tie it to safety or environment.
I actually agree with your analysis.
Those people died not because the landing gears were not down for unknown reasons, but because of that concrete wall.
This analysis asks why that type of wall was even there in the first place. If it wasn’t there, all of the passengers probably would have survived the crash. I doubt the pilots were even aware that reinforced concrete was there.
if your aircraft overruns the landing lights, a concrete wall is not your only problem.
North end of runway:
South end of runway:
The video clearly shows the plane disintegrated on the berm for the south end landing lights, as there are mountains in the background.
The metal supports for the lights would likely have shredded the aircraft, with or without a concrete wall.
Thanks, CH… an expert who saw what I saw… And likely what you saw as well…
Another rational video:
Conspiracy time.
There is starting to look like a conspiracy exists to hide the flightpath data, the air traffic control communications, and the black box information.
If I had to make a theory at this time based on the information available, everyone involved is trying to hide pilot error so horrible that the entire Korean aviation industry will be questioned.
Here is what appears to have happened, though my opinion might change as additional facts come to light.
– plane is approaching normally. Flightpath is expected and airspeed indicates flaps are down. The video of the birdstrike seems to show the flaps down. I believe i have geolocated that camera based on shdows and background mountains to a building south of the runway. There are a few odd things I need to resolve but this appears to mesh with the official story
– the pilots panic and abort the landing. They raise the flaps and gear, increase power on the working engine, and do a go-around.
– ~30 minutes later, they land. (This seems like too long of time)
– they land at least in the middle (and maybe further) down the runway with gear up, flaps up, speed brakes undeployed, at high speed… but the thrust reverse for the bird strike engine is being used. None of that makes any sense.
Why did it happen?
I remember the general at Osan AB grifting the taxpayers out of flight pay. As he came in for a landing, there was an engine failure in his A-10. He shut the engine down and…
…oops wrong engine.
The taxpayers were short one A-10 and the rice farmer at the end of the runway had his most profitable harvest ever.
Could they have lined up for a landing and then shut the good engine down and had no hydraulics and no time to drop the landing gear amid the panic?
There is another video of the approach and the plane is clearly bobbing side to side slightly as you would expect a normal landing with a pilot managing a bit of wind. It appears to be controlled. The plane did land perfectly on the runway, just too far down, too fast, and with zero landing prep.
The 737 can be controlled with no hydraulics. The gear can be put down easily with no hydraulics. Flaps and other normal things you see during landing need hydraulics.
So that’s my analysis.
But I am no expert.
It does seem there increasingly appears to be a conspiracy to hide the reasons for what happened.
As I stated the firt day this happened, there will be villians in this story.
The first villians are all the people who thought a dirt birm and thick concrete was a better way to elevate antennas at the end of the runway than flimsy metal towers that damage overshooting planes but easily break away. A casual glance at the internet showed Canada has 9 overruns a year, in case you are wondering if this is common… overshooting and plowing though antennas, not hitting deathtraps at the end of the runway.
Bonus: Korea’s lizard brain of public consciousness has realized this is wrong. It turns out lots of Korean airports have a setup like this. It is now a priority to change this. Bridges, department stores, subways, ships, etc… at least Korea panic learns from disaster.
Need to asked why MBC flashed up a strange screen with nK 817reference and encoded messages during its coverage of the airplane crash.
This was the broadcasted message.
I just knew Chickenhead could not stay away for a minute with the conspiracy thing.
How can he be so certain when the authorities haven’t even concluded what happened? They just started the investigation:
And already Chickenhead is screaming conspiracy as if watching all the Youtube analysis, gives him the right to call his opinion based on Youtube videos, as his “analysis”. Even if his “analysis” (not even his anaysis, since he copied it from Youtube videos), is true, that suggest it was a combination of multiple things that went wrong at the same time:
1) Pilot error, or pilot panicking for rushing the landing despite having more time than he thought he had.
2) Bird strike that started the chain of events.
3) Concrete wall in a place where it shouldn’t have been located.
I have my own conspiracy of what happened.
It was Trump. It was his fault.
Flyingsward, newsdaily is an ultra-right rightwing cult group with mostly fake stories about red commies trying to destroy the world. Any dummy can photoshop.
Which ultra-right Korean group did you get this from?
MBC broadcast it, ask MBC. MBC is a far left commie rag, tool of South Korean Communist party. (two can play this game)
The chinabots are all intellectual clones of Don Lemon, fired from CNN…
We can hope they never change. Next they’ll be telling us the Muan crash was caused by a black hole.
Setnaffa, you can’t even read/understand Korean, yet you advocate South Korea to turn to dictatorship, like China. If I’m the chinabot, what are you? You want Korea to be like China.
Flyingsword, source? Oh that’s right you only have NewsDaily.
I think my early observations, now completely in line with the observations of professionals, were (and are) legitimate. Everyone coning to the same conclusions based on available evidence is not a shameful thing.
So far, nobody has suggested the pilot shut off the wrong engine but they likely will be. I only suggest that because the evidence fits it, and though it may not be common enough for the professionals to consider it yet, I have seen it before so it comes to mind.
Protip: Few people are experts on everything, but in the age of intetnet, there is no excuse to not be well-informed about current issues.
During covid, I frequent heard, “It is safe and effective and you just don’t understand the science.” But, while everyone else was parroting the propaganda talking points, I was studying. So I DO understand quite a bit of the science.
In the last 48 hours, I studied more about the 737-800 than I thought I would ever know. I now know enough to make some very clear statements such as lowering the landing gear is an entirely manual process with no need for hydraulics, or even functioning engines.
I can say that planes overshoot the runway more often than people realize and airports need to consider this.
And I can combine my new knowledge, old knowledge, and previous experience to come to the conclusion the plane landed with no hydraulics, no engines, and panicked pilots gliding most of the way down the runway at high speed fearful of the drag of deployed landing gear.
You can search the internet for any experts who have come to this conclusion but it doesn’t seem they have yet.
But they will.
It is the best explanation fitting the facts we have now.
KM, do your own internet search, it is on YTN, Korean Herald, even reference in on the far left Oh My News….of course they sound like you trying to dismiss the obvious nK message as a big nothing.
And this
Flyingswoard, your own link says this:
윤석열 대통령의 12·3 비상계엄(非常戒嚴)에 따른 정치적 후폭풍에 이어, 전남 무안공항에서 179명이 사망하는 비행기 사고가 발생하면서 우려가 가중되는 분위기다. 이럴 때일수록 언론의 역할이 중요함에도 불구하고, 오히려 일부 언론들이 가짜 뉴스 확산과 선전·선동에 앞장서고 있다는 비판(批判)이 제기되고 있는 것도 부인하기 어렵다.
And you’re doing your bit to spread fake news, I see.
The crazy 75+ baby boomer Bible thumping Taegukki Brigade cults will use anything, against everyone and everything that doesn’t support Yoon’s Martial Law as dirty commies, if it’s useful to manipulate.
I admit to being confused about how correctly noting the chinabots are acting increasingly unhinged, like Don Lemon, is advocating for a cult of personality like those run by Xi or Putin, both of whom are aging gangsters. Both of whom would likely not laugh at my jokes.
Be that as it may, I wish the South Korean Government would release the details showing transparency about voting numbers and prove there was no election fraud. That could calm a lot of angry people
And also, I hope the results of the investigation into the Muan crash are released as soon as possible. Right now looks like pilot error (panic?) after the bird strike. The CVR will answer whether checklists were followed and why the plane landed too far down the runway with no flaps or gear deployed.
The weird urgency to screw the opposition party at every turn and lie about people who disagree seems to be a standard chinabot tactic; but I hope in 2025 they are replaced by more well-adjusted people (or better AI).
Right now those in Korea should do their best to help the grieving families heal and recover. There will be time enough for political rhetoric in a week or two.
Show some evidence of hunanity.
You may read in the media some lies about the timeline.
I know exactly where the birdstrike video was taken. It was taken from a south-facing balcony south of the runway.
I just read a story pushing the idea the pilot aborted the north-heading landing, circled around for the south-heading landing, hit the bird, and made the emergency landing.
Not true. It was hit very close to the south end of the runway with the flaps down. This means the hydraulics were function enough to raise them up.
I had time to study the second landing video as the plane comes in.
– it is clearly under control. It weaves and bobs a bit and then flies low over the runway, flairs, and gently drops onto the ground. The pilot must have been proud.
– as a mountain passes behind it, one could make an argument the distortion behind the engine is heat. One could also make argument it is a video artifact due to a sudden change of contrast. A better case can be made for both engines being off and the hydraulic system not working.
Lets see where this goes.