Korean Police Allegedly Unhappy that CIO is Trying to Get Them to Execute Arrest of President Yoon

As long as Presidential security remains loyal to President Yoon I don’t see how they are going to be able to arrest him. However, if the Constitutional Court validates Yoon’s impeachment that is when I suspect Presidential security will allow him to be arrested. This is why the authorities should probably wait for the Constitutional Court to render their verdict first before trying to arrest Yoon:

The state anti-corruption agency has asked the police to take over the execution of a warrant to detain impeached President Yoon Suk Yeol over his failed martial law bid, both sides said Monday.

The Corruption Investigation Office for High-ranking Officials (CIO) made the request in an official letter late Sunday with one day left until the warrant’s expiry.

“The CIO sent us an official letter requesting our cooperation without prior consultations,” a police official told Yonhap News Agency. “We are internally carrying out a legal review.”

The CIO halted its execution of the warrant last Friday after an hourslong standoff with presidential security staff at the presidential residence. (……)

Sources said the CIO’s letter was prompting complaints within the police that the agency was trying to shift its responsibilities after passively executing the warrant last Friday.

Yoon’s legal team has rejected the warrant as illegal and invalid, noting the CIO is not technically authorized to investigate charges of insurrection that Yoon faces over his martial law decree.


You can read more at the link.

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1 month ago

PPP approval rating has gone up for its 3rd consecutive week. It is now higher than before martial law. DPK rating is trending slightly down. While Yoon isn’t personally popular even among his own base, defending him has become politically popular, which does provide him with some degree of protection.

Korean Man
Korean Man
1 month ago

And who did the rating? Prey tell GrayBlack. Yoon has already been caught, his voice recorded on his black phone, hiring someone named Myung Tae Gyun who has been arrested and serving serious time for manipulating the election polls, during Yoon’s presidential election win in 2022. There isn’t just one Myung, there are whole group of far-right people working for Yoon. And it’s the same polls.

This is why the authorities should probably wait for the Constitutional Court to render their verdict first before trying to arrest

Yoon and his supporters have already said, they do not recognize the Constitutional Court. So if the impeachment goes through, that is no guarantee Yoon and his supporters will give up. They say the court of eight judges were appointed illegally (five of them are Yoon appointees). There is only eight judges when there should be nine, because the acting President refuses to appoint the nineth and the final judge of the court. The economic minister in Yoon’s cabinet, who is also the second acting President (after the first acting Prez was impeached), Choi Sang Mok, has also turned out to be a Yoon supporter. Not only he tried to delay or stop the Impeachment process, Choi tried to dispatch a police force to protect Yoon, at same time the Prosecution office sent their men to arrest Yoon. The new police chief refused Choi’s orders.

1 month ago

KM has no real facts so just accused other of doing what he is doing….lying

1 month ago

Do I really have to spoon feed information being reported in major mainstream Korean news?

Polling was done by Realmeter. By all means, the situation doesn’t look great for the PPP, but it turns out they are likely correct that their upset supporters will end up forgiving and supporting them regardless because it’s either that or DPK… and they dislike DPK more.

On the ground reality shows Yoon supporters coming out consistently, and anti-Yoon crowds are just not that big. This has become a rallying point for the Korean right and it’s clear they have been reorganizing and regaining confidence. It’s far more support PGH ever saw in the immediate aftermath.

PPP clearly has every incentive to prolong this as much as possible, and their internal polling must be showing similar numbers for them to be acting the way thry are.

Korean Man
Korean Man
1 month ago

History of Realmeter:


However, it has the most history of being subject to deliberation by the National Election Commission. As of August 2019, it has been subject to an overwhelming 43 violations out of a total of 308 deliberation cases. In April 2017, it was fined 30 million won by the Election Commission for distorting the results of a public opinion poll on a radio broadcast, and a month later, in May 2017, the National Election Commission imposed another fine of 15 million won.

Last edited 1 month ago by Korean Man
Korean Man
Korean Man
1 month ago

It has the worst record of any Poll meter in Korea.

1 month ago

I wonder what came before the ‘however’…

“Analysis presented by the team of Professor Han Gyu-seop of Seoul National University ‘s Pollab at the academic conference of the Korean Political Communication Association, Realmeter was found to have the lowest political bias compared to 29 other public opinion polling agencies.”

If you’re going to provide context, it doesn’t help your case when you are blatently selective in quoting. Korea is an extremely litigious country when it comes to ‘speech crimes’, and Realmeter is often a very high profile polling operation under extreme scrutiny because it so often takes government commissions and tackles very political subjects.

Whatever the rulings, both left and right administrations continue to use Realmeter, perhaps because they know the extensive legal oversight means it’s the one polling operation that isn’t going to be bull.

Korean Man
Korean Man
1 month ago

Yah it is such a solid poll research center that it by far has the most violations of manipulating data of any “research center”.

But I just found that your “poll result” was not by Realmeter. It was by 한국여론평판연구소 (Korea Public Opinion Research Institute), with very close ties to the far-right movement (far right Youtube channels). They even shamelessly claim that 30% of people in the Honam (South Jeolla) province, support Yoon..lol..

출처 : https://www.mediatoday.co.kr/news/articleView.html?idxno=323561

Last edited 1 month ago by Korean Man
1 month ago

Korea Times surveyed 1,000 people through Hankook Research and found similar numbers. Yoon bounced back into the 30s. Are you going to dismiss that polling as well… and don’t forget the latest Korean polling scandel a Roh connected firm promissed a DPK candidate would win by 3%, he lost by 22%. Strangely that pollster has so far faced no legal ramifications.

Korean Man
Korean Man
1 month ago

Read what I just wrote above. Yoon’s Youtube/Taekukgi brigade army is looking more and more like the China’s 50-cent piece army. They are all over the social media, manipulating opinions and spreading fake news like mother of all battles. They are even posting fake stories that the red Chinese are protesting in Korean streets, against Yoon – whipping up more racism and xenophobia against a minority.

Last edited 1 month ago by Korean Man
1 month ago

Are you incapable of reading? I was talking about a Realmeter poll on PPP/DPK approval ratings, not polling on Yoon. It’s being reported in KBS.


Korean Man
Korean Man
1 month ago

And read what I wrote about Realmeter. I’m not interested in KBS, all they’re doing is parroting these research groups (who obviously depend heavily on ‘donations’ from someone) without digging deeper. You really think Yoon’s rating from under 19% three weeks ago right after the treason attempt, go straight up to 40% – in less than a month? I got a bridge that I want to sell you.

I don’t believe in any of the research polls anymore due to Yoon’s far right supporters who have been caught guilty manipulating opinion polls including the Realmeter.


Last edited 1 month ago by Korean Man
Korean Person
Korean Person
1 month ago

Are you incapable of reading? I was talking about a Realmeter poll on PPP/DPK approval ratings, not polling on Yoon. It’s being reported in KBS.

As per local news reports, which you can use Google translator to translate for you, 1000 people over 18 were polled and around 4.7% replied with 40% of them showing approval for Yoon.(See link below)

Which means out of 1000 people 19 people said they approve of Yoon.

From the sample that makes an approval rate of 1.9%.

As always the rabid right wingers can’t help themselves when it comes to spreading fake news and misinformation.

윤석열 지지율 40%?…여론조사 편향 논란에 민주당 “고발 조치” – 아시아경제

1 month ago

“You really think Yoon’s rating from under 19% three weeks ago right after the treason attempt, go straight up to 40%”

KM, no where did I claim that. You are clearly arguing against a strawman and are detached from reality. You are dismissing KBS which has a history of unions effectively bucking conservative government control. You are ignoring Korean Times reporting which has found similar polling numbers by Hankook Research. You are ignoring the Korean Herald which is reporting local polling agency Gongjung dound 34% supported Yoon. You are ignoring on the ground reality that anti Yoon protest crowds are just not that big and the pro Yoon crowds, while not huge, are unexpectently large.

And do you want to know the most, I’m sure purely, “coincidental” repirting trend on polling. Hankyoreh has mostly stopped reporting poll results… I wonder why? Are you really going to claim the entire Korean polling industry is wrong for noticing an uptick in PPP support/consolidation? Are you really going to completely write off all media reporting just for bearing bad news?

It’s clear you live in an information buble of the likes of r/korea. Don’t be supprised when reality doesn’t match your expectations.

Korean Person
Korean Person
1 month ago

I believe the “white Asian” aka GrayBlack missed the story about Myung Tae Kyun who is alleged to have inflated poll numbers for Yoon, when Yoon was running in the PPP primaries that eventually selected Yoon to be their presidential candidate.

He also missed the story about KBS now being run by a Yoon crony.

As for the Korea Times article, it seems that Gray Black is skewering the article to his advantage and spreading fake news and misinformation because this is how they reported it, regarding Hankook Research.

According to a poll carried out by Hankook Research at The Korea Times’ request last month, Lee, the DPK chairman, was found to be a favorite to win the next presidential election, with 35 percent supporting him.

As for Yoon’ 40%, it’s the same thing that other local media are reporting.

Why is Yoon’s approval rating rebounding? – The Korea Times

1 month ago

“윤석열 지지율 40%?…여론조사 편향 논란에 민주당 “고발 조치” – 아시아경제”

Now you, KP, along with KM are just being unreasonable. I have again and again pointed out I’m using the Realmeter poll, which I have then further supplemented with Hankook research and Gongju agency noting they found similar numbers. For some reason both of you keep raving about the KOPRA poll.

I figured I might as well look into it. Guess what, both of you don’t understand polling. Pew research only gets a 6 to 7 percent response rate for telephone polling, NYT/Siena College Polls get fewer than 2% response rates. Regardless, both polling groups are still well regarded as reliable, and even if they were wrong about the election, they were not that far off and still in expected margin of error.

The KOPRA poll had a response rate on 4.7%. That doesn’t translate into a 1.9% approval rating. It translates into, of the 4.7% who cared enough to make their opinion known, 31% strongly supported Yoon. It means 95.3% have no real strong opinion on the matter, or at least an opinion strong enough to voice it. Can you guess what that means for electuons? Hint, the electorate can be extremely forgetful and forgiving hence why both the DPK and PPP continue to exist despite a long sordid history of corruption and scandel. Not all that different from US politics.

Korean Person
Korean Person
1 month ago

Now you, KP, along with KM are just being unreasonable

The one being unreasonable is you and your rabid right wing fellow Setnaffarians.

All you care about is seeing Yoon and 1980s style dictatorship return to power.

It doesn’t matter that Yoon is not fit for office, has done more harm to Korea, and allowed his corrupt wife the run of the country.

And for what?

To satisfy your neo-Nazi fetishes and fantasies?

Because you want to see the USFK stay in Korea forever?

1 month ago

KBS has a strong history of doing their own thing regardless of who “runs” it because of how heavily unionized it is. Sure, go ahead and ignore that. Strangly, while DPK is losing thier minds over the KOPRA report and have thratened lawsuits, they have remained silent over ther Realmeter polling.

You know, if you keep suing everyone who does polling over feelings, eventually you won’t have a polling industry.

“As for the Korea Times article, it seems that Gray Black is skewering the article to his advantage and spreading fake news and misinformation because this is how they reported it, regarding Hankook Research.”

Smh, my arguments appears to have gone completely over your head.

That PPP approval rating has gone up and this is widely and consistently replicated in the polling. That while Yoon remains unpopular, defending him has become popular among the PPP base, and that does offer some degree of protection. Did anywhere in that did I push foward a political opinion? Or did I just observe reality?

Again, I ask you to look at the crowd sizes, they’re no where as big as the 2016 ones. That should be telling you something about how the political winds are blowing.

You know what? Here’s a political opinion. I don’t want Yoon style dictatorship. I want a restored Korean Monarchy with nukes. Feminism completely erradicated and socially back to the 1500s in regards to marrriage and gender relationships because at this point that’s the only why to get the birth rates up.

1 month ago

Me: so a report on polling show…

KM: who did the poll

Me: Realmeter

KM: Not true, it’s KPORI

Me: here’s a KBS report on the Realmeter poll.

KM: KBS doesn’t count and all the polls are biased.
KP: You are using KOPRA (KPORI?), it show actual approval is 1.9%

Me: Again, I’m talking about Realmeter which happens to find similar results to Hankook and other polling. You know, looking at your link, you don’t seem to understand polling…


*was it you or KM that was recently fantasing about getting rid of all those who politically disagreed with the left?

1 month ago

GrayBlack, remember KM/KP/etc., are not real people in the sense we think of functioning rational adults.

Don’t get frustrated and remember you are the star of the show. They only exist to give you the opportunity to explain important concepts and points to a larger audience which already knows they are idiots.

If you reply to all their intentional nonsense they will bring out unlimited nonsense and your important information will be diluted with “I know you are but what am I.”

Misdirection is all they have.

Choose what to respond to that fits your informational agenda and only respond to their idiocy with clever ridicule.

After watching the leftist/globalist cabal align against Trump for the last 13 years, yet he has been victorious more than not, it is interesting to watch Korean politics following the same pattern but with much less subtly and elegance.

It will be interesting to see if Yoon beats this.

My intuition tells me Yoon has a greater than 50% chance to beat this but there will be bloodshed before this is resolved.

We can only hope this blood is shed to the benefit of Korea.

Korean Person
Korean Person
1 month ago

Regarding GrayBlack’s Realmeter claims

The issue is that the results of the opinion polls seem excessively detached from the actual public sentiment. In surveys conducted by major polling agencies like Realmeter and Gallup Korea, President Yoon’s approval rating was in the low 20% range even before the ‘12.3 coup incident’.

The industry views this survey as unusual due to the nature of the questions asked. According to experts, these questions, which could be perceived as biased, were arranged consecutively, a deviation from the usual approach of polling organizations. There is speculation that those who do not support President Yoon or hold more moderate views might have hung up the phone during the survey.

윤 지지율 40%? ‘논란’의 설문조사 질문 살펴보니

1 month ago

“GrayBlack, remember KM/KP/etc., are not real people in the sense we think of functioning rational adults.”

Well said, CH.

Truth wins by focusing on the message.

Free speech, smaller and more transparent government, and personal responsibility are important.

Debunking the repeated lies, projection, and changing focus serves no one but the trolls.

Amd we know what they ultimately represent.

Korean Person
Korean Person
1 month ago

Truth wins by focusing on the message.

Free speech, smaller and more transparent government, and personal responsibility are important.

Truth from ?

seems more focused on spreading fake news and misinformation that aligns with his narrative, rather than seeking the truth.

He clearly isn’t interested in factual accuracy—if he believes he’s telling the truth, he might be in a delusional state and could be struggling with mental issues.

Free speech from ?

is the same person who attempted to silence others who expressed views contrary to his, especially when those views didn’t fit his narrative.

Transparent government from ?

supports an opaque and corrupt government under President Yoon.

should stop lying and be honest with himself, for once.

1 month ago

Setnaffa, my Chinese isn’t great but it looks like that said:

“I clowned myself on ROK Drop thinking I could push the leftist agenda to people far smarter than myself through emotion and irrationality which only works on the emotional and irrational. My bad.”

Korean Person
Korean Person
1 month ago

Ah yes, Chicken Head, the most racist of the Setnaffarians.

1 month ago

Hahaha! I am literally sitting next to a Chinese guy as I am typing this.

He said China is a country, not a race (with a bit of prompting). He also said Han Chinese are best. (That sounds a bit… racist?)

You would think by now you would have figured out that “racism” gets no traction with me.

This makes me wonder if you are actually just a series of agitators reading from the same script, if you simply have nothing more to say, or if you are just that dim of wit.

Morgan Freeman Voice: “The truth turned out to be all three.”

1 month ago

I wish the chinabots would quit trying to date me. I’m not on the market.

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