DPK Says They Will File a Dereliction of Duty Complaint Against Acting President Choi
|It looks like the DPK is trying to set conditions to now impeach acting President Choi next:

A special committee of the main opposition Democratic Party (DP) said Tuesday it will file a complaint against acting President Choi Sang-mok for alleged dereliction of duty.
Choi has been criticized by opposition lawmakers for not ordering the Presidential Security Service (PSS) to cooperate with attempts by investigators to detain impeached President Yoon Suk Yeol.
During a press conference at the National Assembly, the committee slammed Choi for eventually allowing the PSS to block the Corruption Investigation Office for High-ranking Officials (CIO) from executing a warrant to detain Yoon.
You can read more at the link, but remember the DPK initially threatened to impeach Choi, now they are threatening this complaint instead. I think the rising approval rate for Yoon may make the DPK think twice about trying to impeach Choi. The Korean public seems to be losing patience with the DPK’s antics and increasingly siding with Yoon despite the martial law fiasco.
Joyless scolds are joyless scolds.
When all Korean politicians were Korean nationalists, they fought over all sorts of things but made sure to never damage Korea.
Now, politicians like Lee Jae-myung openly talk about limiting small Korean business, preparing the way for more multinational to fill these openings.
Moon’s pointless covid policies destroyed small business but provided taxpayer-funded training to relocate the former owners to work for expanding chains and multinationals.
Koreans don’t recognize what is happening.
Americans have somewhat figured it out and are moving to America First. It is beginning in Europe as well.
Don’t be behind the curve, Korea.
Identify the globalist traitors to Korea and jail them.
Choi is supposed to be the “acting President”, not another Yoon puppet. He ordered the Police to enforce and beef up the PSS, knowing full well that the CIO, with the arrest warrant, was on their way to arrest Yoon (for refusing to cooperate with the investigators investigating the abuse of power). Why would he side with an accused rebel leader? Yoon probably would have been released after the summons and questioning, until the trial is scheduled. But Yoon refused to cooperate, giving the courts no choice but to order an arrest. Now he’s behind a barbed wire, with 250 men heavily armed with machine guns, in armored personnel carriers.
Lol.. ok Pal, that was really funny.
You’re just mad because he forced you to close your chicken and bar place for certain periods of times, during Covid. Strange, but all I hear from Koreans is that these days it’s three times harder than during the Covid restrictions, and 5 times harder than during the 2008 and 1997 Financial Crisis years (by the both under rightwing governments who were hopelessly clueless running a complex economy)
Has anyone noticed how the chinabots are utterly incapable of short posts?
Everything they write lately is long-winded and dull-but-annoying.
Could it be their cunning plan is to drown out dissenting voices by volume of words?
Or are they just using TemuGPT to create a summary of “Xi Jinping Thots”?
Must suck to be them. I really do pity them. Temu-trolls are never going to procreate…
Has anyone noticed how the chinabots are utterly incapable of short posts?
Everything they write lately is long-winded and dull-but-annoying.
The above comment just proves that you have very low brain power and thus unable to comprehed, analyze, and understand complex issues.
I keep this shít on speed dial because I will never forget and I will never forgive.
Raising the difficukty level and expense has nothing to do with protecting the little people from going out of business.
We see this in America where opening a resturaunt still has a high failure rate but the artificial expense makes failure a life-altering experience.
And caps and limitations, as we see with liquor licenses, just makes the owners of those licenses richer.
But large corporations are not encumbered by additional expenses and regulatory requirements.
They have capitol to get involved, a full-time legal staffbfor compliance, and marketing infrastucture to get customers away from the little guy who can’t afford anything beyond servicing the debt for the artificial expense.
This is a foundation of corporatism which is now running on a global scale as multinational chains lobby pro-globalist politicians to push programs such as this against their own citizens.
Also: During Moon’s pro-corporate covid restrictions, all my favorite little coffee shops and resturaunts were forced to close but Starbucks and McDonalds had corporate support to quickly establish advertizing and deliver infrastructures that the little guy simply couldn’t compete with.
The multinationals lobbied Moon to continue small business restrictions for as long as possible as they gobbled up market share. The little guys have not really recovered.
From a public health point of view, none of this was necessary. But from a globalist agenda point of view, it was ideal.
Say what you want about Yoon but he immediately stopped this nonsense and there was absolutely no bad effect.
It was all unnecessary and everybody knew it.
It was just an idea, to help small businesses from making mistake of opening more restaurants in a saturated market. Notice he said, “it now would be impossible to introduce it”.
Lol, he really said that? What a gem. He would know what a totalitarian idea would be. Like declare a Martial Law in the middle of the night, send in the military, and arrest all Parliamentarians, make them all disappear, and ban free speech. You think Lee is more totalitarian? And talk about results that are not desirable outcomes! Just look at what he created for the country. Jesus, you people are sick but funny.
Ah, I see.
The old leftist “we are doing it for your own good” trick.
I wonder if they really believe that.
“We will keep you from failing by not letting you try.”
Technically, it works. But eventually, this mentality moves its way from free enterprise and into the food production sector.
Supporting a globalist move, Moon flirted with it: “The covid vaccine is for your own good so without it, you won’t be able to shop at supermarkets.” In his generosity, you would still be able to buy raman and horrid packaged burgers at the convenience store.
The reason the resturaunt cap wasn’t implemented:
– Lee didn’t become president
– Koreans believe in laissez-faire entrepreneurialism rather than monopolism
But don’t think for a moment the globalist Korean left doesn’t want to implement programs that constrain small business to the benefit of multinationals.
And they will do it if given the chance.
Lee isn’t even a President, never has been.
But we all know what Yoon is.
A wannabe dictator, and a “Globalist + American boot licker” to boot.
He moved all the Korean jobs to the US, and sang American Pie. What did he get Korea in return for all the concessions?
If you like him so much, you can have him.
Look, seriously, they’re talking about a second attempt at seizing Yoon. This time, they’re talking about sending in armed Special Forces to clear him out. The risks of a shootout is pretty high, since Yoon’s goons have been seen armed with automatic rifles and grenades. They are now better armed and they are more of them, due to the incompetent head of the arresting operation who botched the first arrest attempt. He is another Yoon appointee, who was appointed for his incompetency. He’s never arrested anybody in his career, this is way over his head – which is a real bad omen. Incompetency could lead to lost lives on both sides.
Let’s just hope the operation goes smoothly and successfully and peacefully. Yoon should give up peacefully. We don’t want violence which could start a spiral down a long hole for the country.
Lee isn’t even the president and never has been…
…but he is the head of the party and represents their fundemental thinking.
Hopefully he will never be president and his party will never have this much power.
Any infringement on free enterprise is a danger to the Korean middle class.
I have said several time there may be bloodshed before this is over.
I may enhance that opinion that to “likely”.
The presidential guard must use all force necessary to protect the president from a violent leftist coup…
…which is what this is until his actions are ruled a crime.
The desire to arrest is based on political agendas and wishful leftist thinking rather than a legal ruling.
This is typical leftist violence with no consideration for Korea.
…and it may even be designed to destroy Korea.
No President is more important than the Constitution. Yoon Goons were warned that they will be arrested for aiding a criminal.
In a twist of plot one of the Yoon’s guards tipped off the authorities that Yoon has fled the complex and is in hiding. Is he on the run? If he is then that’s not going to help him at all. That will crush his support base in a massive crush. The fake public opinion polls will not help either.
Yoon is not a criminal until he is convicted of a crime (and maybe not until the sentencing is complete, at least in American law).
But even better…
There has not yet been an opinion if his actions are actually a crime.
This is why the left is always so angry.
They live in a fantasy and then can’t understand why things aren’t as they expect when they are forced to interact with reality.
I was disappointed with the left in the last American election, though.
After a year of “he works for Putin”, 4 years of “he is going to be marched out of the White House in handcuffs”, another 4 years of “he tried to make an insurrection / he sold nuclear codes to Putin / he is a convicted felon”…
…well, here we are.
But the left just… gave up.
There is so little good meme material this time around that I have to reuse 2016 pix.
Lame leftists… lame lame lame leftists.
Refusing court summons is a crime. Refusing to cooperate with a criminal investigation is a crime. Use of state resources to block a criminal investigation is a crime. Barricading oneself to block state investigation through encouragement of armed rebellion is a crime. Encouraging of spread of violence through the internet is a crime.
Those alone are enough to put him away for life, as well as impeachment. Let alone the upcoming crimes of armed rebellion and treason which he is yet to be charged with.