In non-political news about Korea, Norkistan proves they don’t need foreign donations as they have enough money to murder innocent sealife with expensive missiles:
Best presidential candidate only 28% said Lee Jae-myung.
Gallup Korea Jan 17
Party support
PPP 39%
DPK 36%
57% For
36% Against
Views on next election
Will support ruling party 40%
Will support opposition 48%
Yoon’s martial law has been a political windfall for the PPP, they might not win the next election, but they’re positioned significantly better than their nearly guaranteed loss based on prior polling.
Korean Man
2 months ago
No doubt the support for the PPP increased a bit from about a month ago, backed by a flood of fake news created by the far-right, and Yoon’s defiance, using Trumpian tactics to muddle all the issues, and calling on Trump to support their cause. So far Trump has ignored these rats. But let’s see how long that will continue.
As for the poll, as I said, the far-right manipulates the polls. I’ll let one of the posters on Reddit, explain.
The devil is in the details; here’s the actual link to the Gallup poll in question, and here are the stats.
Out of 1,001 surveyed, for political affiliation 123 refused to respond or were politically apathetic, so realistically the poll only shows the opinion of 878 (1,001 – 123 = 878).
Of those 878, those who identify as conservatives were given a larger percentage than other groups, at 338. this represents 38.49% of the people polled.
278 of the 878 (31.66%) identified as moderate/neutral, and 262 of the 878 (29.84%) identified as liberal.
If I recall correctly, Gallup Korea rounds up the percentages for party approval rating, and given how close 38.49% is to 39%, PPP party supporters only included conservatives and virtually non of the moderates and liberals.
The liberals on the other hand got an approval rating of 36% despite representing 29.84% of the group surveyed, meaning they have a decent chunk of moderate voters.
South Korea political climate has been divided into roughly 33% liberal, 33% conservative, and 33% moderate/apathetic for the last 15 or 20 years, plus or minus a couple percentage points. This is the golden ratio you want to use when calculating how accurate polls are.
If one group surveyed gets a larger chunk of the audience, then it’ll be lopsided in favor of that group.
TLDR: Gallup Korea poll is slightly skewed in favor of conservatives. Even then, the PPP party won 0 support from moderates/neutral, which means they’re fucked in future elections.
In two party political elections, the goal is to win over the moderates and swing voters because they provide the decisive edge.
Korean Man
2 months ago
No doubt the support for the PPP increased a bit from about a month ago, backed by a flood of fake news created by the far-right, and Yoon’s defiance, using Trumpian tactics to muddle all the issues, and calling on Trump to support their cause. So far Trump has ignored these rats. Let’s see how long that will continue. However, support for the PPP in reality is nowhere near what’s being portrayed by the poll manipulations.
The far-right manipulates the polls. Gallup Korea is not related to Gallup USA. I’ll let one of the posters on Reddit, named J_S_Han, explain.
Everyone else: maybe its time to cut down on the drinking and quit peeping out of the closet
Korean Man
2 months ago
How was the mob boss Yoon able to build such an empire around him in less than three years of his rule?
Answer: Pick the most dumbest, untalented, incompetent, people with criminal backgrounds to Korea’s key positions in the military, presidential cabinet, the law, the police, and even such important government positions like the head of the military human rights center.
For example, this is the head of military human rights, Kim Yong Won, under questioning in the National Assembly, spewing/screaming far-right Youtube conspiracy theories and screaming obscenities, accusing the entire National Assembly floor of spies and pro-China commies. The disrespect and ugly dismissive Yoon-style manners seen here.
Under Yoon’s orders, he covered up the death of a marine due to negligence, instead of protecting the dead soldier (which was supposed to be his job). Then he had a military officer part of the investigation force who reported negligence at the top, put under arrest without a fair trial, with help from Yoon. After Yoon was impeached, that officer was recently found innocent and freed. This guy also had an extensive criminal background like assualting police, prostitution, and sexual harassment of his female officers. Yet Yoon put him in charge of military human rights.
I get that there’s always been right and left conflicts in Korea. But the Korean Right was never this ugly in behavior as they are showing now. I think much of their actions were directly influenced by Yoon’s demand on loyalty of the criminals he hired, not based on merit or ability.
Thank God Yoon will be gone, 2.5 years into his rule, before Korea is thrown into Third World conditions.
2 months ago
2.5 years? I thought it was the death penalty before spring.
Get you rantings aligned.
Anyway, did you make the list yet of all the beneficial things the Korean left has done and all the terrible things the right has done?
I expected, with so many examples and your enthusiasm to present them, this would be a quick and easy task.
Korean Man
2 months ago
2.5 years? I thought it was the death penalty before spring.
Yoon has been in power 2.5 years, and his rule probably ended for good with the coming impeachment. During his rule, the country has been in a complete mess. What is your problem?
Korean Man
2 months ago
Chickenhead squawks, “list all the bad things the Korean right did”.
1) They attempted three military coups, two successful (1961, 1980) and one failed (2024). Such a great move, Korea now known in the same list as Guatamala, Myanmar, Niger, etc… makes Koreans so proud.
2) They caused three financial crisis for South Korea, along with currency and stock exchange collapses (1997 IMF bailout, 2008 GFC, and 2022-2024 Korean won/stock exchange collapses still on going). Every time the PPP takes the helm, South Korea’s stock/currency collapses – I wonder why?
3) Under the Korean-right rules, South Korea’s press freedom ranking went from 22nd (2006,during Democrat rule) to 63rd (2010 during PPP rule), and once again 41st (2018 Democrat rule) to 85th (2023 PPP rule) – you see the predictable pattern?
4) Under the Korean-right, we’ve had the biggest national disasters which were totally preventable due to high corruption and loosening of rules and regulations, and hiring of incompetent people at top key positions in the government. The list includes, 2014 Sewol ship sinking, 1995 Sampoong collapse, 1994 Seongsu bridge collapse, 2022 Itaewon crush to name a few. The problem with the Korean right is this. They place people in key positions based on loyalty to the party, how much money they bring in, and how close they are to the president. Ability and competency should be the top priority when people are placed, but that’s the not the case with this party.
5) Under the Korean-right, South Korea becomes more depended on the United States, which irks many of you Americans. The Korean-right worships any American President as a god and savior, doesn’t matter who the American presidents are. Even Americans don’t have that kind of loyalty to their own President. It’s abnormal for foreign citizens waving American flags in public protests, to be so beholden to a foreign President. This opens up opportunities for American leaders like Trump to take advantage of Korea through fear, threats and blackmails.
6) Under the Korean-right, South Korea lost millions of higher paying jobs to the United States. Instead of encouraging Chaebols to invest in South Korea, this government encouraged them to invest in the United States of America. Just look at the result – the economic outlook has been the worst in Korean history, even worse than during 1997 IMF, and 2008 Financial crisis. How the f*ck do they have the ability to mess up the economy every time they take the helm? By discouraging companies, both domestic and international, from investing in Korea, and cutting Research and Development to nothing – hey, let’s just buy all technology from America, what’s the point of spending money on research. And and on.
Next, I’ll answer your second question, in the next part. What benefits did the Korean-Left bring?
2 months ago
I notice the chinabots are still unable to summarize. Can they not even use ChatGPT or Grok?
2 months ago
On Monday, 20 January, 2025, at12 Noon EST, the new America starts her engines. We will see a lot of needed changes.
Those who hate America and freedom everywhere will continue whining about it; but it is an inevitable thing. Trump has the support of the People and both Houses of Congress.
Argentina turned their economy around by reducing the size of their government.
It is time to start working on your government to do the same thing. In fact it is past time.
Why just sit around meeping and gibbering in a puddle of your own body wastes? Be a part of something that makes your country more successful, competitive, and free.
That applies to chinabots, too.
Korean Man
2 months ago
The Yoon’s tyranny governmment supporters now copying Trump’s “Stop the Steal” campaign. Korean copycats.
However what’s different about Trump and these Korean copycats is that Trump doesn’t reject the American Constitutional court, the American court system, the American police, and the American Justice. Trump may say he’s being targeted by them, but he never goes too far (not yet anyway) and say they are all illegal CCP influenced that need to be destroyed, as these Yoon supporters are going with. Whenever they will lose an election, they can just say it was fixed.
Last edited 2 months ago by Korean Man
2 months ago
I guess 312 Electoral College votes can’t get the chinabots off their tired old script.
Must be a sad life.
Meanwhile, around the world, people are realizing leftists were always lying.
2 months ago
I guess 312 Electoral College votes can’t get the chinabots off their tired old script.
Must be a sad life. And it’s their choice, so it must be very bitter, too.
The following doesn’t mention Trump or any other politicians, all broken humans like all of us; but it’s what I believe:
I know not why God’s wondrous grace
to me is daily shown,
nor why, with mercy, Christ in love
redeemed me for his own.
But “I know whom I have believed,
and am persuaded that he is able
to keep that which I’ve committed
unto him against that day.”
I know not how this saving faith
to me he did impart,
nor how believing in his word
wrought peace within my heart. [Refrain]
I know not how the Spirit moves,
convincing us of sin,
revealing Jesus through the Word,
creating faith in him. [Refrain]
I know not when my Lord may come,
at night or noon-day fair,
nor if I’ll walk the vale with him,
or meet him in the air. [Refrain]
Last edited 2 months ago by setnaffa
Korean Man
2 months ago
Rioting and violence in Seoul, as Yoon supporters attack a cameraman with TV news crew. They’re holding the American flags while they do this. I think they admire your new system of governance. They stole your “stop the steal” signs.
Korean police now illegally trying to obscure their identity. No name tags or other identification worn. This is illegal, the DPK ordered this.
2 months ago
I did point out Yoon won the male youth vote, and that organized violence (which the state is dependent on) is the domain of men.
Face it, you’re seeing the future and are getting left behind.
2 months ago
Korean broadcaster MBC now using the nK term for citizen openly in its broadcasting.
Korean Man
2 months ago
Rioters hunted down judges and prosecutors, with death threats against them. Next target they are threatening to attack the Constitution court, and kill the judges if they don’t restore Yoon back into power. The head of PPP party warned that “this is the last warning” to the 8 judges. So far 88 arrested, they are facing minimum 10 years for armed rebellion.
Trump just weighed in on Korea, with his comment that he supports the rioters, and will meet with Yoon, giving support to Yoon and encouraging the violence to continue.
It’s pretty obvious the US is now the mastermind, and they are the ones behind it.
Last edited 2 months ago by Korean Man
2 months ago
Korea Man posting lies, again. Actually a reporter from JTCB news (left wing) broke down judges door.
Boils down to this: A far left YouTuber Eojjeol Ahje (어쩔아재) was an agent provocateur in agit prop & framing patriots at the Seoul Western District Court.
Korean Man
2 months ago
Looks like a far-right youtuber to me, flyingsword. Using the AI voice and fanning the flames of conspiracy. You telling me all those protestors were from JTBC…OK buddy that’s enough Youtube for you. Why don’t you stop making trouble and go back to your country?
Last edited 2 months ago by Korean Man
2 months ago
Ahhhhh, KM was posting bullshit!? There goes my hope that there was some remaining male vitality left in Korea. Guess all those plastics in the diet has truly turned everyone into…
Korean Man
2 months ago
GrayBlack, go back to your country. You need to build lots of concentration camps. It would be funny when they put you in it for being an illegal immigrant.
Last edited 2 months ago by Korean Man
2 months ago
This is called trap investigation. It’s illegal in South korea.
There was a pro-Democratic media JTBC.(The Democratic Party is a pro-China, pro-North Korea, paralysing state affairs, and illegal activities.)
이런 부류를 함정 수사라고 하며 불법입니다. 그곳에는 친민주당성향방송의 JTBC가 있었습니다. (민주당은 친중, 친북, 국정마비, 불법을 행하는 세력입니다.)
2 months ago
this guy
2 months ago
Tell me KM, what is my original country? And why would I be put in a camp for being an illegal immigrant?
Do you know the difference between a concentration camp and a deportation facility?
Bonus, if deportation facilities are built, what makes you believe I’ll won’t be in the guard tower?
Korean Man
2 months ago
I don’t care what’s your original country is, I don’t care. Just go back to your country, get out of Korea. You won’t be in the guard tower because you’ll be a construction slave. Guard towers are for pure thoroughbred real Americans. Your ties to CCP China will disqualify you.
Flyingsword, get out of Korea. You’re American terrorist. Bad Google Translators not welcome in Korea.
Last edited 2 months ago by Korean Man
2 months ago
KM, you speak American English, think and believe in American Progressive terms, slop up American reddit threads, chat on an American website (mostly with Americans), hate some Americans for very partisan American reasons, and are now telling me to return to my “original country”… Oh the irony.
American military is supprisingly caste-like featuring the same families throughout the generations. A significant chunk of American military officers are married to Asians. The upper echelons are the military are fairly comfortable around Asians. Many of the top congress members are either married to Asians or have them in their staff… and that’s on both sides of politics. I’m pretty secure.
You’re not though. The majority of hate in America, by far, is ideologically based. If “free” helicopter rides and “swimming leassons” in the Pacific ever happen, it’ll be due to a hatred of people not for the color of their skin but for the contents of their character. Lucky for you, Trump is a nice guy. Not lucky for you, he will probably fail at reforming the current regime and the following guys will likely not be nice.
“Guard towers are for pure thoroughbred real Americans”
I can already hear the Hispanics in the American infantry and law enforcement laughing.
Korean Man
2 months ago
GrayBlack, I am multilingual and multicultural and I can be anywhere comfortably in any forum. Even though I’m not American, I know how you people think. You’ll be surprised but I’m not that unique. You’re anti-Korean and you hate Korea, so why do you stay? Stop trying to encourage insurrection in Korea, stop meddling in Korea, and go back to your Trumpian world where they will treat fake Americans with CCP China as your background.
Last edited 2 months ago by Korean Man
Korean Person
2 months ago
notice the chinabots are still unable to summarize. Can they not even use ChatGPT or Grok?
Interesting by @setnaffa considering Chicken Head is well know for posting very very long comments.
Don’t see @setnaffa telling Chicken Head to keep his posts sort and summarize.
Clearly shows the application of double standards which are the hallmarks of right wingers.
While we are on the subject of ChatGPT and Grok, assuming that Chicken Head is a bot, wonder why @setnaffa didn’t include a summarizing function?
Korean Person
2 months ago
On Monday, 20 January, 2025, at12 Noon EST, the new America starts her engines. We will see a lot of needed changes.
Those who hate America and freedom everywhere will continue whining about it; but it is an inevitable thing. Trump has the support of the People and both Houses of Congress.
Lol, what next, a claim of being cosmopolitan as well? The truth is, you were never Korean, perhaps despite your blood. Global culture, or what you call “multicultural” is very American. Sorry kid, the game was rigged from 1945 and you, we, are all living in America.
For all your noise, deep down you know you’re not really Korean, hence the insecurity and need to overcompensate with your pseudonym.
China and Russia are trying to break out of the Global American Empire’s culture with varying degrees of success.
Korean Person
2 months ago
you speak American English, think and believe in American Progressive terms, slop up American reddit threads, chat on an American website (mostly with Americans), hate some Americans for very partisan American reasons, and are now telling me to return to my “original country”… Oh the irony
Gray Black, Chicken Head, @setnaffa, and the rest of the Setnaffarians for that matter are racists.
As such they hold a prejudice that Koreans can’t speak English so their position is “those can’t be Koreans, because Koreans can’t speak English, so they must be left wing Californians pretending to be Korean or Chinese bots.”
Laughable, when you see all that low brainpower going into overdrive trying to figure out our identifies when the obvious answer is in front of the Setnaffarians.
2 months ago
KM, if you really want to stick it to America with a giant middle finger, you’d support restoring the Korean monarchy, restoring patriarchy, developing nuclear industry, outlawing lgbt, establishing a strong national state religion, national capitalism, etc.
Unfortunately you’re too mind fucked by American multiculturalism to realize you’re marching to the beat of Harvard leftists. It would be funny if not for how sad it is.
Korean Man
2 months ago
Oh I’m definitely Korean. And no, I would never live in America, especially when you people will soon be stopping people in public and will be asking for passports or else put straight into one of your concentration camps you are currently building. Now you’re here, trying to do everything you can to sow confusion and propaganda to make Koreans turn Korea into a copy of the Trumpy Dystopia that you’re from. I know what your game is.
Last edited 2 months ago by Korean Man
Korean Person
2 months ago
Korean Man.
No need to waste your time with these Setnaffarian losers.
They are right wingers, which means they think their ideals are always right, won’t listen to reason, and don’t have the brainpower to see and think beyond that little bubble they created for themselves.
Better to wait and see.
Because in a few years time, everything they know and hold dear will go down the drain, and they will be crying in despair.
It is better to stand back and let them see the folly of their ways.
For a better reference, watch the movie “Civil War.”
Korean Man
2 months ago
KP. My fight is not for them. I am sharing information and opinion for anyone else who are not them, that may not know what’s going on. Even this far to the right nutty hate forum needs some balance. It’s for the good of this site. And it’s for the people who maybe just visiting. They need balance information.
Last edited 2 months ago by Korean Man
2 months ago
KP, I’ll use an analogy in the form of a parable so that you might understand the problem. Suppose you are a “Chatholic” priest living and working in the Vatican. You and your buddies are trying to reform the Catholic Church. A noble cause for there are indeed many real problems.
Your faction spends a lot of time speaking and reading Japanese and not Latin. That on it’s own isn’t a problem, Catholicism is global. However, your faction ends up turning into otaku who visit and pay homage to Japanese intellectuals and religious sites… many of which are Shinto.
You start hating American Protestantism, and while there are many reasons why a good Catholic might hate them, your arguments strangly seems to all be rather similar to what the kannushi would say and not what the Cardinals would say. It gets odder when you are observed clapping your hands and praying at a local shrine… and others have never seen you hold or recieve Latin Mass (rip TradCaths). If fact you now spend much time agitating in the Vatican to adopt amaterasu as another name for God.
A normal Catholic might just think you and your buddies might not really be Catholic. In fact they might be alarmed they’re being infiltrated by heathens. To their questioning of your Catholicness you react with “I’m the real Catholic, you just hate the Vatican, go back to your religion whatever it really is, I’m multi-religious”.
To everyone it’s obvious you are a shinto entryist, everyone except somehow you.
Now replace Vatican with Korea and Shintoism with American Culture as expressed in its left wing politics. You can also replace otaku with reddit reader and kannushi with Chomsky or whatever amalgamation of American intellectuals you get your ideas from.
Do you maybe see why I might start wondering about how Korean you really are despite whatever blood or residency might be?
2 months ago
“Oh I’m definitely Korean. And no, I would never live in America”
Oh KM, did that German music video fly over your head?
They, and I, are not saying you physically live in the map boundaries of America, but rather that America has effectively exported itself to the rest of the world so effectively that we are all metaphorically living in America.
Your culture and politics have all been taken over by Hollywood and Harvard. As an American, I normally would not have a problem with my country’s cultural hegemony, but Hollywood and especially Harvard behaves demonically and reguarly uses its overseas clients to persecute Americans both at home and abroad.
Korean Man
2 months ago
Enough of the long story. Pack your bags and get out and go back to your country. Don’t forget your US passport, you’ll need it when they stop you. Oh that’s right you can’t leave yet because your government’s mission to destabilize Korea is not complete yet. What is your mission, tell the truth.
2 months ago
“your government’s mission to destabilize Korea”
Hahaha, that’s what I’ve been saying for a very long time. The part you are blind to is your role in that. There has been a long term ideological takeover of Korea by America since 1945. The ideology in question is democratization, feminism, “civil society”, multiculturism, globalism, socialism, i.e. progressivism. All of which are failing terribally both in America and abroad.
The American government believes it is liberating Korea from its old backwards ways, in reality it is destroying Korea. The Korean left blindly doing what America wants without knowing it. Think for a moment how many of your elite are indoctrinated in American universities and American media and how prestigious Harvard is in Korea.
I don’t agree with destroying Korea for the sane reason I don’t agree with destroying America. Nonetheless, we are all still marching to death.
Korean Man
2 months ago
The ideology in question is democratization, feminism, “civil society”, multiculturism, globalism, socialism, i.e. progressivism
I’m not talking about that idiot.
I’m talking about your Trumpism, the plan to turn the world into a righting one party state dystopia.
2 months ago
Trumpism didn’t tank fertility rates into extinction levels. Liberalism did that.
By all means, if you want Korea to die, keep promoting “equal right”, feminism, democracy, and progressivism. I’m sure birth rates will improve if you just throw more money into maternity benefits (hint this hasn’t work anywhere yet).
While you’re at it you might as well turn trans, chop your balls off, and start grooming children.
How about importing millions of “moderate” muslims too to make things additionally spicey. I hear you guys aren’t doing a good job taking in African refugees. How about several million of those people too, but just the men. Afterall, how will you keep the economy going?
2 months ago
62,000 Koreans in 2024 studying in American colleges and universities. Just about any degree these days comes packaged with sides of gender and queer studies with marxism sprinkled on top. Some colleges even teach how to slut it up in the dorms. It’ll make real marriage material out of the girls I’m sure.
Here is a quick response. We can argue more in depth if you want.
1. Coups
1961 coup – Look out the window at Korea Glistening and say thanks for the coup. Without this, Korea might be closer to the Philippines right now.
1980 coup – This is not an easy topic to consider. I lean towards anyone who supresses communist stooges and pushes economic development that benefits those that work for it. But I am not qualified to talk about the specifics of this. Perhaps someone who got their PhD in it can give a definite answer. Otherwise, it is likely complex enough that every comment will be opinion.
Conclusion: Not all coups are bad. The left loves these actions when it causes perpetual chaos but hates it when it causes social order and economic advancement. This is in line with the left deriving its power from disorder.
2. Financial Crisis
1997 IMF bailout – This was pan-Asian in nature but Korea had many structural issues that made it a problem. This was not a left/right issue. KYS was conservative and KDJ was liberal. They both had a part in doing an excellent job solving this.
2008 GFC – Global is the word you are looking for on GFC. This was not a Korean left/right issue. 2MB brought Korea out of this within 2 years to the amzement of the IMF.
2022-2024 Korean won/stock exchange collapses – Thanks, Moon, for the economic mismanagement of covid and following the globalist agenda to chisel away at the middle class whenever possible. His policies damaged small business and the middle class while helping big business (record profits) and multinationals. I would LOVE to discuss this further, if you dare.
Conclusion: In the past, there was no real “left” in Korean politics. Everybody was anti-communist and pro-Korean. Globalism was something for selling Korean exports while denying imports. Moon seems to have started the anti-Korean leftist/globalist trend. Perhaps Roh wanted to.
3. Korea Press Freedom
It certainly seems the conservative right doesn’t like henpecking leftist media criticism or pro-north Korean propaganda. I don’t have an opinion on the specifics. Generally, a free media is essential. In America, the media openly lies about everything, from “racist” kids to Hunter’s laptop. The media must have freedom to report but not freedom to lie. Is the “unfree” aspects of the Korean media the part that lies or tells the truth? Interestingly, based on the leftists who classify these things, some of the most free times for the Korean media was during the Moon administration. We know this to be untrue becasue it was not possible to report anything negitive about the vaccine.
Conclusion: Looking at the statistics, freedom of press is higher under the liberals/left… as jusdged by liberals/left. Not sure of the truth.
4. Disasters
None of those were left/right issues. They were Korean cultural issues (much like the economic crises). Fortunately, Koreans are quick learners and these thing generally only happen once.
Conclusion: Stop blaming politics for fundamental human nature and culture.
5. Korean Right’s Attitude to America.
Going down my list of countries that have been a net benefit to Korea, America comes out on top by far. America can change for the worse and conservatives (by nature) can be slow to react. But Trump has a clear track record of promoting the aspects of America that benefitted Korea. The outlook is good that Trump will be good for Korea despite his position on military costs and fair trade… which Korea is taking advantage of and can afford a more fair arrangement.
Conclusion: Conservative Koreans (right) supporting an American administration that exemplifies the actions and values that made America a good partner in Korea’s development is not a bad thing.
6. Korean Jobs and Economic Development
Korean companies moving to America has little to do with Korean politics. It has to do with American politics and, as these “Korean” companies are now globalized multinationals, they are looking out for themselves. Korean companies have been moving jobs to China, Europe, and SE Asia for a long time.
As for R&D, you do realize even after Yoon trimmed some fat, Korea is the #2 country in the world for R&D/GDP (behind Israel). Put down the Yoon Can Do Nothing Right lefist rags and pick up a calculator
Conclusion: Korea’s domestic industry strategy is moving to things that can’t be forced into foreign factories and will be competitive when nobody wants cars or flatscreens… military, space, AI, nuclear. This is very good strategy. Dont forget lefy Moon tried to kill the Korean nuclear industry
Those are quick answers. Find the points you disagree on and we will discuss further.
I await your list of leftist/globalist/communist policies that are saving Korea from… whatever.
Korean Person
2 months ago
Where is @setnaffa with his usual criticisms about posts being too long, now that Chicken Head has dropped a monster of a comment himself?
2 months ago
Perhaps you should attack me, my facts, and my conclusions rather than Setnaffa’s opinion on comment length.
Korean Person
2 months ago
Chicken Head
If you had brains, you would have noticed the right-wingers’ tendency for double standards.
2 months ago
Maybe Setnaffa was not talking so much about length as he was content.
Maybe Setnaffa looks at comments like women look at my dìck.
It’s long… but it’s thick.
2 months ago
Realmeter Jan 16-17
Party support
PPP 46.5
DPK 39.0
Next presidential election
PPP 48.6%
Opposition 46.2%
Lol, maybe the KOPRA poll that found 40% support Yoon was more accurate than previously thought. This isn’t stopping DP(r)K’s “special poll comittee” from paying the company a “visit”. While they’re at it they might as well “visit” Gallup Korea, Realmeter, and the National Barometer.
2 months ago
Trump is sworn in. The new age has begun.
Wise people will listen to his inaugural address.
Korean Man
2 months ago
1961 coup – Look out the window at Korea Glistening and say thanks for the coup. Without this, Korea might be closer to the Philippines right now.
Who said so? How do you know? Before 1961, it was Syngman Rhee, another rightwing dictator from day one. Korea didn’t have a non-rightwing government until December 1997. So how do you know?
1980 coup – This is not an easy topic to consider. I lean towards anyone who supresses communist stooges and pushes economic development that benefits those that work for it. But I am not qualified to talk about the specifics of this. Perhaps someone who got their PhD in it can give a definite answer. Otherwise, it is likely complex enough that every comment will be opinion.
Communist stooges who died in Gwangju? Who said so? You? You’re a disgusting human being.
Conclusion: Not all coups are bad. The left loves these actions when it causes perpetual chaos but hates it when it causes social order and economic advancement. This is in line with the left deriving its power from disorder.
You didn’t mention the 2024 one. Was that good coup too?
2. Financial Crisis
1997 IMF bailout – This was pan-Asian in nature but Korea had many structural issues that made it a problem. This was not a left/right issue. KYS was conservative and KDJ was liberal. They both had a part in doing an excellent job solving this.
What in the world? Kim Young Sam’s rule 1992 to 1997 came to an end, after his 5 year reign came to an end, and KDJ became the new president from 1997 to 2002. The IMF bailout happened on Dec 1997. How could KYS do an ‘excellent job solving this”???
2022-2024 Korean won/stock exchange collapses – Thanks, Moon, for the economic mismanagement of covid and following the globalist agenda to chisel away at the middle class whenever possible. His policies damaged small business and the middle class while helping big business (record profits) and multinationals. I would LOVE to discuss this further, if you dare.
What? Moon’s term ended in 2021. The COVID crisis that Moon managed, Korea came out relatively unscathed, compared to the most countries in the OECD. It was under Yoon, 2022 to 2024 where he mismanaged the economy, mismanaged Korea’s relations vis a vie with China and the US, saw Korea losing to both, with huge losses. Yoon stopped exporting to China because the US told him to do so. And Yoon basically took Korea’s cash and basically subsidized the American industries, hollowing out the economy.
3. Korea Press Freedom
It certainly seems the conservative right doesn’t like henpecking leftist media criticism or pro-north Korean propaganda. I don’t have an opinion on the specifics.
You don’t have an opinion because you can’t argue with real figures and numbers that speak for themselves and that you can’t deny.
4. Disasters
None of those were left/right issues. They were Korean cultural issues (much like the economic crises). Fortunately, Koreans are quick learners and these thing generally only happen once.
Still can’t explain why the biggest disasters in Korean history, always happened during the rightwing rule. Coincidence?
Conclusion: Stop blaming politics for fundamental human nature and culture.
Politics have everything to do. The rightwing in Korea are fundamentally more corrupt. Because they never got rid of the Chun Doo Hwan era people and never reformed. Chun Doo Hwan, Roh Tae Woo, Lee Myung Bak, Park Geun Hye, now Yoon, all went to prison. All of them rightwing. Syngman Rhee, also rightwing, was exhiled for corruption.
5. Korean Right’s Attitude to America.
Going down my list of countries that have been a net benefit to Korea, America comes out on top by far. America can change for the worse and conservatives (by nature) can be slow to react. But Trump has a clear track record of promoting the aspects of America that benefitted Korea. The outlook is good that Trump will be good for Korea despite his position on military costs and fair trade… which Korea is taking advantage of and can afford a more fair arrangement.
OK I had my laugh.
Korean companies moving to America has little to do with Korean politics. It has to do with American politics and, as these “Korean” companies are now globalized multinationals, they are looking out for themselves. Korean companies have been moving jobs to China, Europe, and SE Asia for a long time.
Korean companies moving to SEA and China is not the same as Korean companies moving to America. Korean companies moved to SEA and China because the costs were lower, and they grew Korea’s opportunity and investment. It was a voluntary move. Korean companies moved to the US because of US threats and tariffs. They were forced to move by American actions, and by Yoon’s poor negotiating skills. It makes zero sense to move Korean companies to the US where it costs twice, three times as much as the cost in Korea. I wouldn’t complain so hard if Yoon moved the Korean companies, but at the same time, brought something back in return for South Korea. He brought back nothing in return for all the things that could have been used for high leverage – Semiconductors, batteries, nuclear plants, military production, ship building – he had so much at his proposal to negotiate with the US. Yet he blew it big time. He threw away all the advantages Korea had, for nothing. He gave it all away for nothing in return. Now look at South Korea’s position, it has nothing left to work with, nothing left to negotiate with the next administrator in Trump. Good luck.
As for R&D, you do realize even after Yoon trimmed some fat, Korea is the #2 country in the world for R&D/GDP (behind Israel).
That was the work of Moon. Idiot. Yoon, all he did was cut and cut. Look at the latest numbers.
2 months ago
Vladimir Putin to put Russia First; favoring his own military recruiters over E-6 recruiters … by putting Russian women into combat positions rather than singing and dancing positions in Osan.
“Russian volunteer military detachments continue efforts to boost manpower by recruiting women into the Russian Armed Forces.
Former Roscosmos (Russian space agency) head and Zaporizhia Oblast occupation senator Dmitry Rogozin reported on January 19 that the Russian BARS-Sarmat Detachment (Russian Combat Army Reserve) is recruiting specialists and unskilled men and women from across Russia to participate in combat operations in Ukraine.
The post follows recent Russian promotional activities highlighting the recruitment of Russian women to various combat units in the Russian Armed Forces.”
Source: Institute for the Study of War whose board is chaired by General Jack Keane (US Army, Retired).
Must be true because Jack Keane is a regular on Murdoch Fox News.
I doubt whether many of these Russian women combat recruits will be 영계 though.
2 months ago
Yes, Russian women will go onto combat.
They will be issued shovels for fighting with the mission to collect microchips from washing machines because Russia will be out of missile in a week if they don’t.
It would be a shame for them to let women in the military, even in support rolls. I used to believe it was a good idea back when I was a “woman’s place is in the kitchen” misogynist.
But now that I am a “cooking is far too important to leave to women” misogynist, there is really no place for them.
Its a slippery slope.
First, it’s women.
Then fat women.
Then fat minority women.
Then something that isn’t even really women unless you are drunk.
Pretty soon, you forget how to do war and are overrun by shepherds and have to run away and leave everything behind (including the ones clinging to the landing gear).
Think this through, Russia.
2 months ago
… support rolls …
Very witty Wilde.
Support rolls being an essential E-6 duty.
2 months ago
During a press conference Tuesday afternoon from the White House President Donald Trump said he was considering a 10% tariff on China “based on the fact they’re sending fentanyl to Mexico and Canada,” as early as Feb. 1.
Trump said during his press conference that he had previously reached a deal with Chinese President Xi Jinping during the end of his first term to levy the death penalty against people in China trafficking fentanyl to North America, but asserted the deal was never followed through by Joe Biden.
“He should have followed up. Because if they got the death penalty they wouldn’t be sending fentanyl to Mexico, Canada and other places,” Trump said.
Apparently Vindman was not pardoned by Biden and his wife says she feels “betrayed”. With over 8000 pardons people in his camp are not common. Must’ve stopped being useful.
That is all.
Last edited 2 months ago by Liz
2 months ago
Great catch, @Liz. Hopefully he gets what he earned.
2 months ago
The useful idiots are always the first ones sacrificed….or executed. KM should learn this important lesson.
2 months ago
Watching Trump operate is…
Of course the anti-Americans will have many things tied up in court.
But some of them will stick.
When I say anti-Americans, it is even worse than people who just hate America. There are many reason why people do (and should) hate America.
These anti-Americans hate the idea of America.
They hate the America that broke away from the colonizers and succeeded. They hate that so many white people died so blacks could be free and eventually elected a black president. They hate America beat the Fascists and then the Communists. They hate that America’s brand of capitalism and free enterprise developed a high standard of living and exported that to the world. They hate that men successfully walked on the moon (and soon, Mars). They hate that the supply of real racism is so small most incidents are fake. They hate that no matter how much they encourage the poor to get dumber, more dependent, and larger in number, somehow America still stays in the top class of brainpower accomplishments. They hate the dismissive attitude towards inferior cultures and values but yell appropriation any time something positive is embraced. They hate that so many people can rely on themselves without living in fear, refuse to adopt a dependent victim mentality, and openly condemn those who do. They hate everything good that is American and they want to see it destroyed.
These are the people who will sue to keep the borders open and keep the taxpayer funding anchor babies. They will fight to keep America energy dependent. They will support anything that erodes the middle class. They will make sure inflation increases, wages go down, and expenses go up. They will sabotage government programs, from FEMA to fire departments, and then demand more. They will weaken the military. They will give money to our enemies and block actions in our interests.
Good luck, Trump.
Maybe he can make a difference if they dont kill him… perhaps with the new helicopter.
2 months ago
A sad, sad thing.
2 months ago
Now Trump is forcing government employees to (wait for it) come to work.
2 months ago
You want me on that Zoom. You need me on that Zoom!
(h/t Iowahawk)
It is going to be interesting to see how many of these government employees end up quitting instead of returning to the office, which is probably the real point of this order.
In non-political news about Korea, Norkistan proves they don’t need foreign donations as they have enough money to murder innocent sealife with expensive missiles:
National Barometer Survey (Jan 13-15)
Party support
PPP 35%
DPK 33%
59% For
36% Against
Best presidential candidate only 28% said Lee Jae-myung.
Gallup Korea Jan 17
Party support
PPP 39%
DPK 36%
57% For
36% Against
Views on next election
Will support ruling party 40%
Will support opposition 48%
Yoon’s martial law has been a political windfall for the PPP, they might not win the next election, but they’re positioned significantly better than their nearly guaranteed loss based on prior polling.
No doubt the support for the PPP increased a bit from about a month ago, backed by a flood of fake news created by the far-right, and Yoon’s defiance, using Trumpian tactics to muddle all the issues, and calling on Trump to support their cause. So far Trump has ignored these rats. But let’s see how long that will continue.
As for the poll, as I said, the far-right manipulates the polls. I’ll let one of the posters on Reddit, explain.
J_S_Han OP 19h ago
Edited 18h ago
The devil is in the details; here’s the actual link to the Gallup poll in question, and here are the stats.
Out of 1,001 surveyed, for political affiliation 123 refused to respond or were politically apathetic, so realistically the poll only shows the opinion of 878 (1,001 – 123 = 878).
Of those 878, those who identify as conservatives were given a larger percentage than other groups, at 338. this represents 38.49% of the people polled.
278 of the 878 (31.66%) identified as moderate/neutral, and 262 of the 878 (29.84%) identified as liberal.
If I recall correctly, Gallup Korea rounds up the percentages for party approval rating, and given how close 38.49% is to 39%, PPP party supporters only included conservatives and virtually non of the moderates and liberals.
The liberals on the other hand got an approval rating of 36% despite representing 29.84% of the group surveyed, meaning they have a decent chunk of moderate voters.
South Korea political climate has been divided into roughly 33% liberal, 33% conservative, and 33% moderate/apathetic for the last 15 or 20 years, plus or minus a couple percentage points. This is the golden ratio you want to use when calculating how accurate polls are.
If one group surveyed gets a larger chunk of the audience, then it’ll be lopsided in favor of that group.
TLDR: Gallup Korea poll is slightly skewed in favor of conservatives. Even then, the PPP party won 0 support from moderates/neutral, which means they’re fucked in future elections.
In two party political elections, the goal is to win over the moderates and swing voters because they provide the decisive edge.
No doubt the support for the PPP increased a bit from about a month ago, backed by a flood of fake news created by the far-right, and Yoon’s defiance, using Trumpian tactics to muddle all the issues, and calling on Trump to support their cause. So far Trump has ignored these rats. Let’s see how long that will continue. However, support for the PPP in reality is nowhere near what’s being portrayed by the poll manipulations.
The far-right manipulates the polls. Gallup Korea is not related to Gallup USA. I’ll let one of the posters on Reddit, named J_S_Han, explain.
Xiaohongshu: Gays please don’t come.
TrumpTok: Gays please come!
Stephen: Gays gays gays gays gays
Everyone else: maybe its time to cut down on the drinking and quit peeping out of the closet
How was the mob boss Yoon able to build such an empire around him in less than three years of his rule?
Answer: Pick the most dumbest, untalented, incompetent, people with criminal backgrounds to Korea’s key positions in the military, presidential cabinet, the law, the police, and even such important government positions like the head of the military human rights center.
For example, this is the head of military human rights, Kim Yong Won, under questioning in the National Assembly, spewing/screaming far-right Youtube conspiracy theories and screaming obscenities, accusing the entire National Assembly floor of spies and pro-China commies. The disrespect and ugly dismissive Yoon-style manners seen here.
Under Yoon’s orders, he covered up the death of a marine due to negligence, instead of protecting the dead soldier (which was supposed to be his job). Then he had a military officer part of the investigation force who reported negligence at the top, put under arrest without a fair trial, with help from Yoon. After Yoon was impeached, that officer was recently found innocent and freed. This guy also had an extensive criminal background like assualting police, prostitution, and sexual harassment of his female officers. Yet Yoon put him in charge of military human rights.
I get that there’s always been right and left conflicts in Korea. But the Korean Right was never this ugly in behavior as they are showing now. I think much of their actions were directly influenced by Yoon’s demand on loyalty of the criminals he hired, not based on merit or ability.
Thank God Yoon will be gone, 2.5 years into his rule, before Korea is thrown into Third World conditions.
2.5 years? I thought it was the death penalty before spring.
Get you rantings aligned.
Anyway, did you make the list yet of all the beneficial things the Korean left has done and all the terrible things the right has done?
I expected, with so many examples and your enthusiasm to present them, this would be a quick and easy task.
Yoon has been in power 2.5 years, and his rule probably ended for good with the coming impeachment. During his rule, the country has been in a complete mess. What is your problem?
Chickenhead squawks, “list all the bad things the Korean right did”.
1) They attempted three military coups, two successful (1961, 1980) and one failed (2024). Such a great move, Korea now known in the same list as Guatamala, Myanmar, Niger, etc… makes Koreans so proud.
2) They caused three financial crisis for South Korea, along with currency and stock exchange collapses (1997 IMF bailout, 2008 GFC, and 2022-2024 Korean won/stock exchange collapses still on going). Every time the PPP takes the helm, South Korea’s stock/currency collapses – I wonder why?
3) Under the Korean-right rules, South Korea’s press freedom ranking went from 22nd (2006,during Democrat rule) to 63rd (2010 during PPP rule), and once again 41st (2018 Democrat rule) to 85th (2023 PPP rule) – you see the predictable pattern?
4) Under the Korean-right, we’ve had the biggest national disasters which were totally preventable due to high corruption and loosening of rules and regulations, and hiring of incompetent people at top key positions in the government. The list includes, 2014 Sewol ship sinking, 1995 Sampoong collapse, 1994 Seongsu bridge collapse, 2022 Itaewon crush to name a few. The problem with the Korean right is this. They place people in key positions based on loyalty to the party, how much money they bring in, and how close they are to the president. Ability and competency should be the top priority when people are placed, but that’s the not the case with this party.
5) Under the Korean-right, South Korea becomes more depended on the United States, which irks many of you Americans. The Korean-right worships any American President as a god and savior, doesn’t matter who the American presidents are. Even Americans don’t have that kind of loyalty to their own President. It’s abnormal for foreign citizens waving American flags in public protests, to be so beholden to a foreign President. This opens up opportunities for American leaders like Trump to take advantage of Korea through fear, threats and blackmails.
6) Under the Korean-right, South Korea lost millions of higher paying jobs to the United States. Instead of encouraging Chaebols to invest in South Korea, this government encouraged them to invest in the United States of America. Just look at the result – the economic outlook has been the worst in Korean history, even worse than during 1997 IMF, and 2008 Financial crisis. How the f*ck do they have the ability to mess up the economy every time they take the helm? By discouraging companies, both domestic and international, from investing in Korea, and cutting Research and Development to nothing – hey, let’s just buy all technology from America, what’s the point of spending money on research. And and on.
Next, I’ll answer your second question, in the next part. What benefits did the Korean-Left bring?
I notice the chinabots are still unable to summarize. Can they not even use ChatGPT or Grok?
On Monday, 20 January, 2025, at12 Noon EST, the new America starts her engines. We will see a lot of needed changes.
Those who hate America and freedom everywhere will continue whining about it; but it is an inevitable thing. Trump has the support of the People and both Houses of Congress.
Argentina turned their economy around by reducing the size of their government.
It is time to start working on your government to do the same thing. In fact it is past time.
Why just sit around meeping and gibbering in a puddle of your own body wastes? Be a part of something that makes your country more successful, competitive, and free.
That applies to chinabots, too.
The Yoon’s tyranny governmment supporters now copying Trump’s “Stop the Steal” campaign. Korean copycats.
However what’s different about Trump and these Korean copycats is that Trump doesn’t reject the American Constitutional court, the American court system, the American police, and the American Justice. Trump may say he’s being targeted by them, but he never goes too far (not yet anyway) and say they are all illegal CCP influenced that need to be destroyed, as these Yoon supporters are going with. Whenever they will lose an election, they can just say it was fixed.
I guess 312 Electoral College votes can’t get the chinabots off their tired old script.
Must be a sad life.
Meanwhile, around the world, people are realizing leftists were always lying.
I guess 312 Electoral College votes can’t get the chinabots off their tired old script.
Must be a sad life. And it’s their choice, so it must be very bitter, too.
The following doesn’t mention Trump or any other politicians, all broken humans like all of us; but it’s what I believe:
Rioting and violence in Seoul, as Yoon supporters attack a cameraman with TV news crew. They’re holding the American flags while they do this. I think they admire your new system of governance. They stole your “stop the steal” signs.
Korean police now illegally trying to obscure their identity. No name tags or other identification worn. This is illegal, the DPK ordered this.
I did point out Yoon won the male youth vote, and that organized violence (which the state is dependent on) is the domain of men.
Face it, you’re seeing the future and are getting left behind.
Korean broadcaster MBC now using the nK term for citizen openly in its broadcasting.
Rioters hunted down judges and prosecutors, with death threats against them. Next target they are threatening to attack the Constitution court, and kill the judges if they don’t restore Yoon back into power. The head of PPP party warned that “this is the last warning” to the 8 judges. So far 88 arrested, they are facing minimum 10 years for armed rebellion.
Trump just weighed in on Korea, with his comment that he supports the rioters, and will meet with Yoon, giving support to Yoon and encouraging the violence to continue.
It’s pretty obvious the US is now the mastermind, and they are the ones behind it.
Korea Man posting lies, again. Actually a reporter from JTCB news (left wing) broke down judges door.
Flyingsword, do you even know what that caption means?
Yes, i do
Boils down to this: A far left YouTuber Eojjeol Ahje (어쩔아재) was an agent provocateur in agit prop & framing patriots at the Seoul Western District Court.
Looks like a far-right youtuber to me, flyingsword. Using the AI voice and fanning the flames of conspiracy. You telling me all those protestors were from JTBC…OK buddy that’s enough Youtube for you. Why don’t you stop making trouble and go back to your country?
Ahhhhh, KM was posting bullshit!? There goes my hope that there was some remaining male vitality left in Korea. Guess all those plastics in the diet has truly turned everyone into…
GrayBlack, go back to your country. You need to build lots of concentration camps. It would be funny when they put you in it for being an illegal immigrant.
This is called trap investigation. It’s illegal in South korea.
There was a pro-Democratic media JTBC.(The Democratic Party is a pro-China, pro-North Korea, paralysing state affairs, and illegal activities.)
이런 부류를 함정 수사라고 하며 불법입니다. 그곳에는 친민주당성향방송의 JTBC가 있었습니다. (민주당은 친중, 친북, 국정마비, 불법을 행하는 세력입니다.)
this guy
Tell me KM, what is my original country? And why would I be put in a camp for being an illegal immigrant?
Do you know the difference between a concentration camp and a deportation facility?
Bonus, if deportation facilities are built, what makes you believe I’ll won’t be in the guard tower?
I don’t care what’s your original country is, I don’t care. Just go back to your country, get out of Korea. You won’t be in the guard tower because you’ll be a construction slave. Guard towers are for pure thoroughbred real Americans. Your ties to CCP China will disqualify you.
Flyingsword, get out of Korea. You’re American terrorist. Bad Google Translators not welcome in Korea.
KM, you speak American English, think and believe in American Progressive terms, slop up American reddit threads, chat on an American website (mostly with Americans), hate some Americans for very partisan American reasons, and are now telling me to return to my “original country”… Oh the irony.
American military is supprisingly caste-like featuring the same families throughout the generations. A significant chunk of American military officers are married to Asians. The upper echelons are the military are fairly comfortable around Asians. Many of the top congress members are either married to Asians or have them in their staff… and that’s on both sides of politics. I’m pretty secure.
You’re not though. The majority of hate in America, by far, is ideologically based. If “free” helicopter rides and “swimming leassons” in the Pacific ever happen, it’ll be due to a hatred of people not for the color of their skin but for the contents of their character. Lucky for you, Trump is a nice guy. Not lucky for you, he will probably fail at reforming the current regime and the following guys will likely not be nice.
“Guard towers are for pure thoroughbred real Americans”
I can already hear the Hispanics in the American infantry and law enforcement laughing.
GrayBlack, I am multilingual and multicultural and I can be anywhere comfortably in any forum. Even though I’m not American, I know how you people think. You’ll be surprised but I’m not that unique. You’re anti-Korean and you hate Korea, so why do you stay? Stop trying to encourage insurrection in Korea, stop meddling in Korea, and go back to your Trumpian world where they will treat fake Americans with CCP China as your background.
notice the chinabots are still unable to summarize. Can they not even use ChatGPT or Grok?
Interesting by @setnaffa considering Chicken Head is well know for posting very very long comments.
Don’t see @setnaffa telling Chicken Head to keep his posts sort and summarize.
Clearly shows the application of double standards which are the hallmarks of right wingers.
While we are on the subject of ChatGPT and Grok, assuming that Chicken Head is a bot, wonder why @setnaffa didn’t include a summarizing function?
On Monday, 20 January, 2025, at12 Noon EST, the new America starts her engines. We will see a lot of needed changes.
Those who hate America and freedom everywhere will continue whining about it; but it is an inevitable thing. Trump has the support of the People and both Houses of Congress.
You are mistaken @setnaffa.
We Koreans don’t hate Americans.
We feel sorry for you and pit you.
“I am multilingual and multicultural”
Lol, what next, a claim of being cosmopolitan as well? The truth is, you were never Korean, perhaps despite your blood. Global culture, or what you call “multicultural” is very American. Sorry kid, the game was rigged from 1945 and you, we, are all living in America.
For all your noise, deep down you know you’re not really Korean, hence the insecurity and need to overcompensate with your pseudonym.
China and Russia are trying to break out of the Global American Empire’s culture with varying degrees of success.
you speak American English, think and believe in American Progressive terms, slop up American reddit threads, chat on an American website (mostly with Americans), hate some Americans for very partisan American reasons, and are now telling me to return to my “original country”… Oh the irony
Gray Black, Chicken Head, @setnaffa, and the rest of the Setnaffarians for that matter are racists.
As such they hold a prejudice that Koreans can’t speak English so their position is “those can’t be Koreans, because Koreans can’t speak English, so they must be left wing Californians pretending to be Korean or Chinese bots.”
Laughable, when you see all that low brainpower going into overdrive trying to figure out our identifies when the obvious answer is in front of the Setnaffarians.
KM, if you really want to stick it to America with a giant middle finger, you’d support restoring the Korean monarchy, restoring patriarchy, developing nuclear industry, outlawing lgbt, establishing a strong national state religion, national capitalism, etc.
Unfortunately you’re too mind fucked by American multiculturalism to realize you’re marching to the beat of Harvard leftists. It would be funny if not for how sad it is.
Oh I’m definitely Korean. And no, I would never live in America, especially when you people will soon be stopping people in public and will be asking for passports or else put straight into one of your concentration camps you are currently building. Now you’re here, trying to do everything you can to sow confusion and propaganda to make Koreans turn Korea into a copy of the Trumpy Dystopia that you’re from. I know what your game is.
Korean Man.
No need to waste your time with these Setnaffarian losers.
They are right wingers, which means they think their ideals are always right, won’t listen to reason, and don’t have the brainpower to see and think beyond that little bubble they created for themselves.
Better to wait and see.
Because in a few years time, everything they know and hold dear will go down the drain, and they will be crying in despair.
It is better to stand back and let them see the folly of their ways.
For a better reference, watch the movie “Civil War.”
KP. My fight is not for them. I am sharing information and opinion for anyone else who are not them, that may not know what’s going on. Even this far to the right nutty hate forum needs some balance. It’s for the good of this site. And it’s for the people who maybe just visiting. They need balance information.
KP, I’ll use an analogy in the form of a parable so that you might understand the problem. Suppose you are a “Chatholic” priest living and working in the Vatican. You and your buddies are trying to reform the Catholic Church. A noble cause for there are indeed many real problems.
Your faction spends a lot of time speaking and reading Japanese and not Latin. That on it’s own isn’t a problem, Catholicism is global. However, your faction ends up turning into otaku who visit and pay homage to Japanese intellectuals and religious sites… many of which are Shinto.
You start hating American Protestantism, and while there are many reasons why a good Catholic might hate them, your arguments strangly seems to all be rather similar to what the kannushi would say and not what the Cardinals would say. It gets odder when you are observed clapping your hands and praying at a local shrine… and others have never seen you hold or recieve Latin Mass (rip TradCaths). If fact you now spend much time agitating in the Vatican to adopt amaterasu as another name for God.
A normal Catholic might just think you and your buddies might not really be Catholic. In fact they might be alarmed they’re being infiltrated by heathens. To their questioning of your Catholicness you react with “I’m the real Catholic, you just hate the Vatican, go back to your religion whatever it really is, I’m multi-religious”.
To everyone it’s obvious you are a shinto entryist, everyone except somehow you.
Now replace Vatican with Korea and Shintoism with American Culture as expressed in its left wing politics. You can also replace otaku with reddit reader and kannushi with Chomsky or whatever amalgamation of American intellectuals you get your ideas from.
Do you maybe see why I might start wondering about how Korean you really are despite whatever blood or residency might be?
“Oh I’m definitely Korean. And no, I would never live in America”
Oh KM, did that German music video fly over your head?
They, and I, are not saying you physically live in the map boundaries of America, but rather that America has effectively exported itself to the rest of the world so effectively that we are all metaphorically living in America.
Your culture and politics have all been taken over by Hollywood and Harvard. As an American, I normally would not have a problem with my country’s cultural hegemony, but Hollywood and especially Harvard behaves demonically and reguarly uses its overseas clients to persecute Americans both at home and abroad.
Enough of the long story. Pack your bags and get out and go back to your country. Don’t forget your US passport, you’ll need it when they stop you. Oh that’s right you can’t leave yet because your government’s mission to destabilize Korea is not complete yet. What is your mission, tell the truth.
“your government’s mission to destabilize Korea”
Hahaha, that’s what I’ve been saying for a very long time. The part you are blind to is your role in that. There has been a long term ideological takeover of Korea by America since 1945. The ideology in question is democratization, feminism, “civil society”, multiculturism, globalism, socialism, i.e. progressivism. All of which are failing terribally both in America and abroad.
The American government believes it is liberating Korea from its old backwards ways, in reality it is destroying Korea. The Korean left blindly doing what America wants without knowing it. Think for a moment how many of your elite are indoctrinated in American universities and American media and how prestigious Harvard is in Korea.
I don’t agree with destroying Korea for the sane reason I don’t agree with destroying America. Nonetheless, we are all still marching to death.
I’m not talking about that idiot.
I’m talking about your Trumpism, the plan to turn the world into a righting one party state dystopia.
Trumpism didn’t tank fertility rates into extinction levels. Liberalism did that.
By all means, if you want Korea to die, keep promoting “equal right”, feminism, democracy, and progressivism. I’m sure birth rates will improve if you just throw more money into maternity benefits (hint this hasn’t work anywhere yet).
While you’re at it you might as well turn trans, chop your balls off, and start grooming children.
How about importing millions of “moderate” muslims too to make things additionally spicey. I hear you guys aren’t doing a good job taking in African refugees. How about several million of those people too, but just the men. Afterall, how will you keep the economy going?
62,000 Koreans in 2024 studying in American colleges and universities. Just about any degree these days comes packaged with sides of gender and queer studies with marxism sprinkled on top. Some colleges even teach how to slut it up in the dorms. It’ll make real marriage material out of the girls I’m sure.
Here is a quick response. We can argue more in depth if you want.
1. Coups
1961 coup – Look out the window at Korea Glistening and say thanks for the coup. Without this, Korea might be closer to the Philippines right now.
1980 coup – This is not an easy topic to consider. I lean towards anyone who supresses communist stooges and pushes economic development that benefits those that work for it. But I am not qualified to talk about the specifics of this. Perhaps someone who got their PhD in it can give a definite answer. Otherwise, it is likely complex enough that every comment will be opinion.
Conclusion: Not all coups are bad. The left loves these actions when it causes perpetual chaos but hates it when it causes social order and economic advancement. This is in line with the left deriving its power from disorder.
2. Financial Crisis
1997 IMF bailout – This was pan-Asian in nature but Korea had many structural issues that made it a problem. This was not a left/right issue. KYS was conservative and KDJ was liberal. They both had a part in doing an excellent job solving this.
2008 GFC – Global is the word you are looking for on GFC. This was not a Korean left/right issue. 2MB brought Korea out of this within 2 years to the amzement of the IMF.
2022-2024 Korean won/stock exchange collapses – Thanks, Moon, for the economic mismanagement of covid and following the globalist agenda to chisel away at the middle class whenever possible. His policies damaged small business and the middle class while helping big business (record profits) and multinationals. I would LOVE to discuss this further, if you dare.
Conclusion: In the past, there was no real “left” in Korean politics. Everybody was anti-communist and pro-Korean. Globalism was something for selling Korean exports while denying imports. Moon seems to have started the anti-Korean leftist/globalist trend. Perhaps Roh wanted to.
3. Korea Press Freedom
It certainly seems the conservative right doesn’t like henpecking leftist media criticism or pro-north Korean propaganda. I don’t have an opinion on the specifics. Generally, a free media is essential. In America, the media openly lies about everything, from “racist” kids to Hunter’s laptop. The media must have freedom to report but not freedom to lie. Is the “unfree” aspects of the Korean media the part that lies or tells the truth? Interestingly, based on the leftists who classify these things, some of the most free times for the Korean media was during the Moon administration. We know this to be untrue becasue it was not possible to report anything negitive about the vaccine.
Conclusion: Looking at the statistics, freedom of press is higher under the liberals/left… as jusdged by liberals/left. Not sure of the truth.
4. Disasters
None of those were left/right issues. They were Korean cultural issues (much like the economic crises). Fortunately, Koreans are quick learners and these thing generally only happen once.
Conclusion: Stop blaming politics for fundamental human nature and culture.
5. Korean Right’s Attitude to America.
Going down my list of countries that have been a net benefit to Korea, America comes out on top by far. America can change for the worse and conservatives (by nature) can be slow to react. But Trump has a clear track record of promoting the aspects of America that benefitted Korea. The outlook is good that Trump will be good for Korea despite his position on military costs and fair trade… which Korea is taking advantage of and can afford a more fair arrangement.
Conclusion: Conservative Koreans (right) supporting an American administration that exemplifies the actions and values that made America a good partner in Korea’s development is not a bad thing.
6. Korean Jobs and Economic Development
Korean companies moving to America has little to do with Korean politics. It has to do with American politics and, as these “Korean” companies are now globalized multinationals, they are looking out for themselves. Korean companies have been moving jobs to China, Europe, and SE Asia for a long time.
As for R&D, you do realize even after Yoon trimmed some fat, Korea is the #2 country in the world for R&D/GDP (behind Israel). Put down the Yoon Can Do Nothing Right lefist rags and pick up a calculator
Conclusion: Korea’s domestic industry strategy is moving to things that can’t be forced into foreign factories and will be competitive when nobody wants cars or flatscreens… military, space, AI, nuclear. This is very good strategy. Dont forget lefy Moon tried to kill the Korean nuclear industry
Those are quick answers. Find the points you disagree on and we will discuss further.
I await your list of leftist/globalist/communist policies that are saving Korea from… whatever.
Where is @setnaffa with his usual criticisms about posts being too long, now that Chicken Head has dropped a monster of a comment himself?
Perhaps you should attack me, my facts, and my conclusions rather than Setnaffa’s opinion on comment length.
Chicken Head
If you had brains, you would have noticed the right-wingers’ tendency for double standards.
Maybe Setnaffa was not talking so much about length as he was content.
Maybe Setnaffa looks at comments like women look at my dìck.
It’s long… but it’s thick.
Realmeter Jan 16-17
Party support
PPP 46.5
DPK 39.0
Next presidential election
PPP 48.6%
Opposition 46.2%
Lol, maybe the KOPRA poll that found 40% support Yoon was more accurate than previously thought. This isn’t stopping DP(r)K’s “special poll comittee” from paying the company a “visit”. While they’re at it they might as well “visit” Gallup Korea, Realmeter, and the National Barometer.
Trump is sworn in. The new age has begun.
Wise people will listen to his inaugural address.
Who said so? How do you know? Before 1961, it was Syngman Rhee, another rightwing dictator from day one. Korea didn’t have a non-rightwing government until December 1997. So how do you know?
Communist stooges who died in Gwangju? Who said so? You? You’re a disgusting human being.
You didn’t mention the 2024 one. Was that good coup too?
What in the world? Kim Young Sam’s rule 1992 to 1997 came to an end, after his 5 year reign came to an end, and KDJ became the new president from 1997 to 2002. The IMF bailout happened on Dec 1997. How could KYS do an ‘excellent job solving this”???
What? Moon’s term ended in 2021. The COVID crisis that Moon managed, Korea came out relatively unscathed, compared to the most countries in the OECD. It was under Yoon, 2022 to 2024 where he mismanaged the economy, mismanaged Korea’s relations vis a vie with China and the US, saw Korea losing to both, with huge losses. Yoon stopped exporting to China because the US told him to do so. And Yoon basically took Korea’s cash and basically subsidized the American industries, hollowing out the economy.
You don’t have an opinion because you can’t argue with real figures and numbers that speak for themselves and that you can’t deny.
Still can’t explain why the biggest disasters in Korean history, always happened during the rightwing rule. Coincidence?
Politics have everything to do. The rightwing in Korea are fundamentally more corrupt. Because they never got rid of the Chun Doo Hwan era people and never reformed. Chun Doo Hwan, Roh Tae Woo, Lee Myung Bak, Park Geun Hye, now Yoon, all went to prison. All of them rightwing. Syngman Rhee, also rightwing, was exhiled for corruption.
OK I had my laugh.
Korean companies moving to SEA and China is not the same as Korean companies moving to America. Korean companies moved to SEA and China because the costs were lower, and they grew Korea’s opportunity and investment. It was a voluntary move. Korean companies moved to the US because of US threats and tariffs. They were forced to move by American actions, and by Yoon’s poor negotiating skills. It makes zero sense to move Korean companies to the US where it costs twice, three times as much as the cost in Korea. I wouldn’t complain so hard if Yoon moved the Korean companies, but at the same time, brought something back in return for South Korea. He brought back nothing in return for all the things that could have been used for high leverage – Semiconductors, batteries, nuclear plants, military production, ship building – he had so much at his proposal to negotiate with the US. Yet he blew it big time. He threw away all the advantages Korea had, for nothing. He gave it all away for nothing in return. Now look at South Korea’s position, it has nothing left to work with, nothing left to negotiate with the next administrator in Trump. Good luck.
That was the work of Moon. Idiot. Yoon, all he did was cut and cut. Look at the latest numbers.
Vladimir Putin to put Russia First; favoring his own military recruiters over E-6 recruiters … by putting Russian women into combat positions rather than singing and dancing positions in Osan.
“Russian volunteer military detachments continue efforts to boost manpower by recruiting women into the Russian Armed Forces.
Former Roscosmos (Russian space agency) head and Zaporizhia Oblast occupation senator Dmitry Rogozin reported on January 19 that the Russian BARS-Sarmat Detachment (Russian Combat Army Reserve) is recruiting specialists and unskilled men and women from across Russia to participate in combat operations in Ukraine.
The post follows recent Russian promotional activities highlighting the recruitment of Russian women to various combat units in the Russian Armed Forces.”
Source: Institute for the Study of War whose board is chaired by General Jack Keane (US Army, Retired).
Must be true because Jack Keane is a regular on Murdoch Fox News.
I doubt whether many of these Russian women combat recruits will be 영계 though.
Yes, Russian women will go onto combat.
They will be issued shovels for fighting with the mission to collect microchips from washing machines because Russia will be out of missile in a week if they don’t.
It would be a shame for them to let women in the military, even in support rolls. I used to believe it was a good idea back when I was a “woman’s place is in the kitchen” misogynist.
But now that I am a “cooking is far too important to leave to women” misogynist, there is really no place for them.
Its a slippery slope.
First, it’s women.
Then fat women.
Then fat minority women.
Then something that isn’t even really women unless you are drunk.
Pretty soon, you forget how to do war and are overrun by shepherds and have to run away and leave everything behind (including the ones clinging to the landing gear).
Think this through, Russia.
… support rolls …
Very witty Wilde.
Support rolls being an essential E-6 duty.
During a press conference Tuesday afternoon from the White House President Donald Trump said he was considering a 10% tariff on China “based on the fact they’re sending fentanyl to Mexico and Canada,” as early as Feb. 1.
Trump said during his press conference that he had previously reached a deal with Chinese President Xi Jinping during the end of his first term to levy the death penalty against people in China trafficking fentanyl to North America, but asserted the deal was never followed through by Joe Biden.
“He should have followed up. Because if they got the death penalty they wouldn’t be sending fentanyl to Mexico, Canada and other places,” Trump said.
Apparently Vindman was not pardoned by Biden and his wife says she feels “betrayed”. With over 8000 pardons people in his camp are not common. Must’ve stopped being useful.
That is all.
Great catch, @Liz. Hopefully he gets what he earned.
The useful idiots are always the first ones sacrificed….or executed. KM should learn this important lesson.
Watching Trump operate is…
Of course the anti-Americans will have many things tied up in court.
But some of them will stick.
When I say anti-Americans, it is even worse than people who just hate America. There are many reason why people do (and should) hate America.
These anti-Americans hate the idea of America.
They hate the America that broke away from the colonizers and succeeded. They hate that so many white people died so blacks could be free and eventually elected a black president. They hate America beat the Fascists and then the Communists. They hate that America’s brand of capitalism and free enterprise developed a high standard of living and exported that to the world. They hate that men successfully walked on the moon (and soon, Mars). They hate that the supply of real racism is so small most incidents are fake. They hate that no matter how much they encourage the poor to get dumber, more dependent, and larger in number, somehow America still stays in the top class of brainpower accomplishments. They hate the dismissive attitude towards inferior cultures and values but yell appropriation any time something positive is embraced. They hate that so many people can rely on themselves without living in fear, refuse to adopt a dependent victim mentality, and openly condemn those who do. They hate everything good that is American and they want to see it destroyed.
These are the people who will sue to keep the borders open and keep the taxpayer funding anchor babies. They will fight to keep America energy dependent. They will support anything that erodes the middle class. They will make sure inflation increases, wages go down, and expenses go up. They will sabotage government programs, from FEMA to fire departments, and then demand more. They will weaken the military. They will give money to our enemies and block actions in our interests.
Good luck, Trump.
Maybe he can make a difference if they dont kill him… perhaps with the new helicopter.
A sad, sad thing.
Now Trump is forcing government employees to (wait for it) come to work.
You want me on that Zoom. You need me on that Zoom!
(h/t Iowahawk)
It is going to be interesting to see how many of these government employees end up quitting instead of returning to the office, which is probably the real point of this order.