Tweet of the Day: Does Anyone Believe These Are CCP Police in Korea?

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2 months ago

The leftist/globalists complain when their agenda is blocked by authoritarian tactics.

But they are quick to push their agenda with authoritarian tactics.

Never forget Yoon’s martial law was government-on-government and not goverment-on-people.

Korean Man
Korean Man
2 months ago

LOL, Tara O…. everyday she and her East Asia Organization is proving to be a complete joke.

I wouldn’t be surprised if the entire Yoon party and Tara O are in it together with the American CIA to put Yoon in power for life.

Last edited 2 months ago by Korean Man
2 months ago

CCP or Korean police doesn’t matter, jack boots for the global commies.

Korean Man
Korean Man
2 months ago

Even the rightwing Joongang Daily says it’s fake news, spread by the PPP rightwing party leaders.

It’s sad how the Korean government (officially the PPP party is still the Korean government) is spreading the fake news. To whip up their support base. All in an attempt to survive as a political entity. Knowing that if they lose the election, they know that they will all be in prison for being in the same bed with Yoon the traitor. So now they must do everything in their power to restore Yoon back in power, then let Yoon do another Martial Law, and then let Yoon arrest/kill/imprison all the political opponents. And they will be set for life, using political repression. And of course, they got the green seal from the United States who want to see Yoon back, as their puppet.

Last edited 2 months ago by Korean Man
2 months ago

So now they must do everything in their power to restore Yoon back in power, then let Yoon do another Martial Law, and then let Yoon arrest/kill/imprison all the political opponents. And they will be set for life, using political repression. And of course, they got the green seal from the United States who want to see Yoon back, as their puppet.

It is a federal felony to leak State Department plans.

Korean Man
Korean Man
2 months ago
2 months ago

KM thinks the Korean Buddhist are nazis too….

2 months ago

I won’t believe the “Nazis are back in power” until Trump and Musk start gassing Jews.

It’s a dirty trick to get my hopes up like that.

Korean Man
Korean Man
2 months ago

Any explanation why they admire the Nazis?

2 months ago

Some people believe Lee Jae-myung is literally Hitler.

I don’t believe that.

But I do believe you can take a photo out of context and use it as proof to back up an intentionally defamatory lie.

Korean Man
Korean Man
2 months ago

That’s pretty lame, chickhead.

Now please explain.

Korean Man
Korean Man
2 months ago

I won’t believe the “Nazis are back in power” until Trump and Musk start gassing Jews.

Well.. you guys are building massive deportation centers that will house millions. So let’s not jump to conclusions that they won’t do what you’re claiming is impossible.

2 months ago

Imagine being so oxygen-deprived that you think deporting foreign criminals who entered your country illegally is the same as Naazi genocide.

Wait. That’s what Xi actually does to the people of Tibet, Uighurs, Falun Gong, and anyone who protests a child’s death at s government school…

No wonder the chinabots are confused.

2 months ago

you guys are building massive deportation centers

Well… I’m not… at least personally. I only get to go to Disneyland this year. I can’t have it all.

Living in a cramped dormatory and picking cabbage is probably closer to a concentration camp than a deportation center.

But life is full of disappointment.

You complain that America First is so terrible and then list the reasons it is absolutely fantastic for Americans.

Read the room.

Anyway, racist, Nazi, undesirable-o-phobe… all worn out.

And it looks like it is sliding out of fashion rapidly.

You need to learn the new insults:

– lazy
– nonproductive
– parasitic
– unearned
– unstudious

Korean Man
Korean Man
2 months ago

Imagine being so oxygen-deprived that you think deporting foreign criminals who entered your country illegally is the same as Naazi genocide.

First let’s look at your history. 1941 Japanese Internment camps, rounded up all the Japanese Americans and put them into those camps.

Fast forward to 2025, same thing will be happening soon. Millions will be rounded up and put into those camps. I would not be surprised many of them will be abused. When you round up that many people in that short time, abusive behavior of your racist officers will show their true colors. And where they going to be deported to? I can imagine they will be sitting there for years and years, nowhere to go.

Wait. That’s what Xi actually does to the people of Tibet, Uighurs, Falun Gong, and anyone who protests a child’s death at s government school…

You’re welcome to tell that to the Chinese. Don’t really care.

Last edited 2 months ago by Korean Man
2 months ago

America put Japanese, Germans, Italians, and Japanese-Puruvians into camps during WW2 because rightfully or wrongfully, they could not be trusted.

America will put criminal non-American invaders into camps only until they can be deported, so it is in their best interest to cooperate.

While I am generally against abusing prisoners of crime and war, in this case, the abuse need to be severe and escalating.

They will be more likely to self-deport and the story will serve as a warning to other.

“Come to America and get the Welfare Funded by Productive Americans” needs to be changed to “Come to America and Become an Involuntary Service Worker in the Sèx Tourism Industry.”

Do you want to hear my plan to turn deportation camps into profit centers?

Korean Man
Korean Man
2 months ago

There you go, chickhead has proven me right again.

2 months ago

I shared this thought with a Korean police officer who is up on this.

His response:

– no CCP, no conspiracy

– poor cops didn’t ask to be there… they just got caugt up in it just like the protesters

– the disorder can be traced to agitators stirring up an emotional situation (he gave no more information but, after watching a leftist reporter kicking the judges door and blaming right-wing extremests for violence it becomes clear the left is up to their usual tricks)

– no nametag is common and he would never wear a nametag in such a situation. A request can be made to identify an officer if necessary

That’s what i learned.

Once the dust clears, i will have more information.

The biggest takeaway is the police support Yoon and feel the opposition party (and major media) is infiltrated by supporters of China and sympathizers of NK.

I also have a friend who is a right-leaning libertarian… equally anti-authoritarian and anti-communist. He is oldschool and was a known name in the anti-Park 70s. This is back when there were no leftist and globalist in Korean politics. Everyone was anti-communist.

He gave me a 20 minute lecture on how Yoon is stupid and I need to get his hoe wife’s number to keep her warm while Yoon is in jail.

While many people would rather have an authoritarian developing the economy without sabotage from leftist/globalist/communists, he hates them all equally.

Anyway… some things to consider

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