Air Force Chief of Staff Announces New Uniform and Grooming Standards
|I wonder if this is something coming from the new Secretary of Defense or something the Chief of Staff of the Air Force had previously planned to announce?:
Career field identifier patches and 57 colors of nail polish are out, gig lines and short hair are in, according to an Air Force order that reverses dress and appearance regulations loosened just one year ago. “I expect compliance with these updates as the military duty of the total Air Force,” Air Force chief of staff Gen. David Allvin wrote in a memo Friday.
A copy was posted Wednesday on the unofficial Air Force amn/nco/snco Facebook page, where it quickly accumulated more than 700 comments. Allvin banned without comment the career field identifier patches worn on airmen’s camouflage-pattern utility uniforms. He also reduced the permitted colors of nail polish from 60 to three; now only “clear, or French or American Manicure” are allowed. He also clarified that hair may not touch the ears and all male airmen not on a waiver must be clean shaven at the start of each duty day.
You can read more at the link.
But what if someone is the best sniper in the world and they just have to wear black nail polish because they self identify that way? We would miss out on the world’s best! And their choice of mandatory polish says nothing whatsoever about their mental health, or their ability to do their job or get along with others, especially under the most stressful exigent conditions!
So glad the world is healing.
(related: Border encounters/confrontations are down 93 percent in the past week)
With the Nazi salut epidemic sweeping American at this moment, you should change your military uniforms to look like this.
America Loves Nazis
Some day when AI takes over all rage bait, it will end.
And then KM will have to make himself useful another way.