Former ROK Intelligence Commander Sought Advice of a Shaman Before Martial Law Decree
|Former ROK intelligence commander Roh Sang-won apparently sought the advice of a Shaman based out of Gunsan over 20 times over the past two years:

Lee Sun-jin, a shaman known as “Vidan A” testified to the National Assembly on the 4th that former intelligence commander Roh Sang-won visited him and saw the fortune and fortune of former Defense Minister Kim Yong-hyun and military officials related to martial law.
Lee appeared as a witness at the Special Committee on the Investigation of State Affairs to Investigate Alleged Insurrection by the Yoon Suk Yeol Government’s Declaration of Emergency Security.
Lee said, “Former commander Roh created a problem with former minister Kim and said that if it goes well, he may work in the government again.”
“[Former commander Roh] brought Minister Kim Yong-hyun’s name and date of birth at first,” Lee said. So I said, ‘I don’t think this person is an ordinary soldier,’ he said. “That was before (former minister Kim) became a minister, and (former commander Roh) said this person would become a minister later.”
When asked by Rep. Han Byung-do of the Democratic Party of Korea, “Did former commander Roh bring a list of soldiers to search for traitors and request a fortune teller?” Lee replied, “That’s right.”
He then explained, “I asked a lot if I could follow him to the end when I (gave him) together, and I asked a lot of luck for each soldier.”
You can read more about how this fortune teller warned Roh before the martial law decree that Yoon would be impeached at this link.