Captured Soldier in Ukraine Discloses How North Korea Has Mock Ups of Seoul and Other Areas for Military Training Purposes

Whatever family this North Korean Soldier has are definitely in labor camps now with him providing intelligence information to the ROK:

A North Korean soldier captured by Ukraine said that the North has military training camps that feature mockups of facilities and buildings in Seoul, Busan and Jeju Island, according to a South Korean lawmaker who recently met the soldier on Thursday. 

Rep. Yu Yong-weon of the ruling People Power Party made the remarks in an interview with SBS radio, as he released an audio clip of the North Korean soldier, identified only by his surname Ri. Ri is one of two North Korean soldiers captured by Ukrainian forces in January during combat against Kyiv in Russia’s Kursk region.

“When you go to the place where we train, called the Armed Forces Training Ground, it is filled with buildings modeled after the terrain of Seoul’s Jongno District, as well as Busan, Daegu, Jeonju, and Jeju Island,” Ri said in the audio recording. 

The training site, apparently aimed at simulating raids on South Korea, is located in Koksan County in North Hwanghae Province in North Korea, Ri said. 

Although it has been known that North Korea has built training sites resembling the former presidential office of Cheong Wa Dae for military exercises in the past, Yu said, “The existence of such a facility specifically in Koksan was largely unknown.”


You can read more at the link, but this really shouldn’t be surprising that North Korea would have these mock ups. I think the only thing surprising is a mock up of Jeju island. That would be logistically very challenging for the North Koreans to pull off any kind of operation there, but obviously they are training for it.

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Korean Man
Korean Man
3 hours ago

Is this a surprise? NK has had a mockup of South Korea for decades. They are not capable of conquering South Korea. It’s North Korean fantasy.

However, what’s more concerning is what’s not mentioned here.

South Korea wants to bring those POWs to South Korea. But guess who are the powers opposing this:? Russia and the Trumpian United States. Two of the three Axis of Evil.

The United States wants to kick out Canada from the Five Eyes. But that’s ludicrous. The country that should be kicked out should be the United States who is acting in coordination with Russia, and whose ruling government that looks and looks more like Putin’s Russia. I just read today that the four of the Five Eyes countries are very wary of the US threats and are reluctant to continue sharing intelligence.

Last edited 3 hours ago by Korean Man
2 hours ago

Old news.

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