Pentagon Announces that All Combat Positions Now Open to Women
|This really shouldn’t be surprising to anyone that has been following this issue, it has been pretty clear this was going to happen for quite some time. So now when is the physical fitness test going to be equal as well?:
Defense Secretary Ash Carter on Thursday opened all military jobs to women, a historic step that removed the final barriers to women in ground combat and special operations positions despite opposition from the Marine Corps that sought to keep all-male units on the frontlines.
“Everyone who is able and willing to serve their country, who can meet the standards should have the full and equal opportunity to do so,” Carter said during a news conference at the Pentagon. “The important factor in making my decision was to have access to every American who can add strength to the force. Now more than ever we cannot afford to have barriers limiting our access of talent.”
Carter gave the service chiefs 30 days to provide a detailed plan for integrating women into positions now closed. All jobs must be available for qualified women by April 1, he said. [Stars & Stripes]
You can read more at the link.
So what about the draft? You would think that legal challenges will either kill the draft or force the draft to include women. At this point when all combat positions are open to women, it is discriminatory to have a draft that only includes men.
Selective service registration for women is already being considered.
The coming war is going to require a large military… but more police-like than soldier-like.
By “opening” voluntary combat positions to women, they have been tricked into being involuntarily drafted into support rolls…
….much like the ‘women in the workplace” movement took women away from their children and filled the convenience store and fast food industries with cheap labor.
One would think the feminists would have learned to be careful what they wished for.
The whole system is topsy-turvy.
We’ve been engaged in and are escalating combat missions against ISIS in Syria for over a year now but Congress has been abdicating its constitutional responsibility to hold hearings to declare whether we are at war at or not.
With more of the population eligible to be placed on the front lines of combat, I expect we could be in states of quasi-war and hawkish bluster in-perpetuity without our law makers having the balls to declare it.
“One would think the feminists would have learned to be careful what they wished for.”
That would require self awareness, logical reasoning, and learning from mistakes.
They’re nowhere near that smart.
Liz is exactly right.
JoeC wrote “… but Congress has been abdicating its constitutional responsibility to hold hearings to declare whether we are at war at or not.”
They get to decide. We don’t. The President doesn’t. And besides, “Osama is dead and Detroit is…”, um, well, “ISIS is the JV”. er, um, ….
Never mind… We need 15+ Carrier Battle Groups, 40+ SSBNs, 100+ SSNs, 500 strategic bombers, and 15 front line Army Divisions to keep up with the 21st Century. We’ll end up with a third of that by 2017…
We’re going out with a whimper under President Mom-jeans..
The marines thought they were special and didn’t have to allow women but they were wrong 😆
The Marines ran field performance testing and figured out that women don’t have the upper body strength required for many combat tasks.
Physiologically, their bodies are prone to suffering more stress injuries than males as well. It is irresponsible to allow women to fill direct combat roles.
“The Marines ran field performance testing and figured out that women don’t have the upper body strength required for many combat tasks.”
Seems whenever these studies are done, the results are ignored anyway. I have to wonder how much wasted time and effort went into this, and I also have to wonder if there was pressure to make the results as good as possible (seems likely considering the responses to the outcomes). Which makes one wonder how bad the results really were. I remember reading studies when the initial debate and push to bring women into the combat positions started. I also remember those were ignored and when my husband went through pilot training there was a huge push to pass women in those courses. Every commander wanted to be able to say the first woman fighter pilot graduated from his class. They had some real stinkers graduate in that initial push. Some are adequate now, or even “pretty good”, but their bodies (necks and backs) are toast.
A girl fighter pilot here who just turned 30 has already had three back surgeries. That’s pretty typical. The guys have back problems too, but it’s about ten years further down the line.
Remember this awesome essay. Ignored by SJW politicians, just like those medical studies:
Oops, wrong article.
This was the one I had in mind:
This was actually the article I intended to link to before. From Capt Katie Petronio
@10, “Seems whenever these studies are done, the results are ignored anyway.”
Who would trust these(marines) studies as if the marines is always right 🙄 In this case the marines didn’t prove to be trustworthy :!
Just because you ain’t tough enough… 😐
Supreme Court Deals Blow To Group Behind Planned Parenthood Videos
David Daleiden is not “pro-life” he is pro-birth and non-life just like most pro-birthers. 😳 So, Cecile Richards can be trusted after all aye Liz 😎
“The Supreme Court just dealt a blow to the Center for Medical Progress, a California-based anti-abortion group that released a series of videos in which Planned Parenthood employees appear to discuss the sale of fetal tissue.
David Daleiden, the pro-life auteur behind the videos, asked Justice Anthony Kennedy to block an order from a district judge to hand over the names of his organization’s supporters and donors. Kennedy denied the request, and Daleiden will have to provide the information to a California district court.
The National Abortion Federation has sued the Center for Medical Progress on the grounds that Daleiden’s allies infiltrated its meetings by lying about their identities; in the videos, CMP members posed as Planned Parenthood employees. Although the content of the videos shocked and offended many politicians, prompting a national outcry, the countercharge that the whole thing was a sting operation to discredit Planned Parenthood has gained momentum among pro-abortion activists and politicians.
“It’s time to end this shell game…. The key issue here is the disclosure of the identities of CMP’s supporters,” said California District Judge William Orrick, according to a report in the Los Angeles Times.
Orrick wants Daleiden to release the names in order to find out who was given confidential information about the National Abortion Federation, and has dismissed the argument that First Amendment “freedom of association” rights protects the CMP supporters, who may have been privy to illegal dealings as Daleiden went undercover to expose the health care provider’s practices.
Daleiden’s attorneys have argued that releasing the names would put supporters at risk of “retaliation.”
The action on the lawsuit comes in the wake of a mass shooting at a Planned Parenthood clinic in Colorado Springs that left three dead on the Friday after Thanksgiving.”
@13, In sum, the GOPers right-wing radical insurgency religious nut politicians all across the USA raged against Planned Parenthood because of LIES…Anti-women’s healthcare ACTORS(supporters of Center for Medical Progress) pretending to be employees of Planned Parenthood discussing the “sale of fetal tissue.” on video, this influencing the likes of Robert Dear(and even most @RokDrop like Liz etc…) attacked and killed innocent people including a cop but GOPers still don’t care about anything but its own radical insurgency ❗
You Go GOPers 🙁 😈 😳
For Robert Dear, Religion and Rage Before Planned Parenthood Attack
“The man she had married professed to be deeply religious. But after more than seven years with Robert L. Dear Jr., Barbara Micheau had come to see life with him as a kind of hell on earth.
By January 1993, she had had enough. In a sworn affidavit as part of her divorce case, Ms. Micheau described Mr. Dear as a serial philanderer and a problem gambler, a man who kicked her, beat her head against the floor and fathered two children with other women while they were together. He found excuses for his transgressions, she said, in his idiosyncratic views on Christian eschatology and the nature of salvation.
“He claims to be a Christian and is extremely evangelistic…,
…But in court documents and interviews with people who knew Mr. Dear well, a picture emerges of an angry and occasionally violent man who seemed deeply disturbed and deeply contradictory: He was a man of religious conviction who sinned openly, a man who craved both extreme solitude and near-constant female company, a man who successfully wooed women but, some of them say, also abused them. He frequented marijuana websites, then argued with other posters, often through heated religious screeds.
A number of people who knew Mr. Dear said he was a staunch abortion opponent. Ms. Micheau, 60, said in a brief interview Tuesday that late in her marriage to Mr. Dear, he told her that he had put glue in the locks of a Planned Parenthood location in Charleston.
“He was very proud of himself that he’d gone over and jammed up their locks with glue so that they couldn’t get in,” she said…
…One person who spoke with him extensively about his religious views said Mr. Dear, who is 57, had praised people who attacked abortion providers, saying they were doing “God’s work.” In 2009, said the person, who spoke on the condition of anonymity out of concerns for the privacy of the family, Mr. Dear described as “heroes” members of the Army of God, a loosely organized group of anti-abortion extremists that has claimed responsibility for a number of killings and bombings…”
There was also a study by Army medical officers (including a female) that found that a woman’s body doesn’t hold up to the stresses that the military puts on the body as well as a man’s body does.
It’s not politics, it’s anatomy. Many more women end up with stress injuries than men.
“Just because you ain’t tough enough…”
Alas, my lifelong dream to be a jarhead came crashing down.
I wasn’t manly enough.
Is that what happened to you?
“I wasn’t manly enough”
You still don’t get it do you, it’s not about gender(“manly/womanly”) EGGHEAD #3 🙄
Oh, no…no, of course it isn’t about “manliness”. Not at all.
My condolences, Tbone.