Defense Ministry Defends How Much They Pay for US Military Presence In South Korea

The ROK must be getting worried about the possibility of a Trump presidency because they are definitely out defending themselves lately in regards to how much they pay in defense costs:

Seoul’s Defense Ministry says that South Korea is making a considerable financial contribution to the U.S. military presence on the Korean Peninsula.

Ministry spokesman Moon Sang-gyun made the comment during a regular briefing Thursday after U.S. presidential candidate Donald Trump hinted at a renegotiation of defense costs with U.S. allies.

Moon said that although it was inappropriate to assess Trump’s remarks at the briefing, Washington acknowledges Seoul’s considerable monetary contribution to shared defense expenses. The spokesman said that U.S. Ambassador to Seoul Mark Lippert also recently made a remark acknowledging this fact.

Regarding signs that North Korea is preparing for a large-scale artillery drill using a replica of the South Korean presidential office on a shooting range near Pyongyang, Moon said that signs pointing to such drills have been continuously detected.

During a major foreign policy speech Wednesday, Trump said that if elected president, he would call for a summit with Asian allies to discuss a rebalancing of financial commitments.  [KBS World Radio]

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Bruce K. Nivens
Bruce K. Nivens
8 years ago

Regarding signs that North Korea is preparing for a large-scale artillery drill using a replica of the South Korean presidential office on a shooting range near Pyongyang, Moon said that signs pointing to such drills have been continuously detected.
—– end quote —–

North Korea got bent out of shape when it was announced that an OPLAN 5015 run-through (which included simulated NK targets) was part of the massive ROK-US joint exercise recently conducted. It hasn’t helped that news has leaked out from NK about two (soon to be three) brand new-but-defective hydroelectric dams, a sputtered SLBM launch, and three failed IRBM launches in recent weeks. If the simulated ROK presidential office survives the artillery exercise, that would pretty much do it for the Kim regime. 😎

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