Korea Finder 16-15
|Welcome to Korea Finder. The way this contest works is that each week a new image is posted and the first reader to accurately describe or locate the image gets a point. At the end of the year the reader with the highest amount of points will win a Korea related book of their choice.
Who knows what this is a picture of?:
2016 Korea Finder Leaders Board
- Comfortable Chairs – 6
- Smokes – 3
- Dd – 2
- MTB Rider – 1, JoeC – 1, Setnaffa – 1
Dang, one of the few times I get the jump on Comfortable Chairs, and I have no clue.
WAG time:
Headquarters, Missile Command, Wonsan, home of not one, not two, but three failed Musudan missile launches.
Possibly Knight Field, certainly Yongsan: https://www.google.com/maps/@37.5371035,126.9826844,266m/data=!3m1!1e3
Another view: https://www.google.com/maps/@37.536686,126.982785,3a,75y,90t/data=!3m8!1e2!3m6!1s67396220!2e1!3e10!6s%2F%2Flh6.googleusercontent.com%2Fproxy%2FQQXL3zlptiHDAtVJe8sVEt26OvRvSwwj5js3NzW1pEQKKcyelv4dwG3PD1qABLWJ4Nou9xVXyvYDHuPah4N_oxupUa62Hw%3Dw236-h100!7i4903!8i2070
I think Setnaffa is right – Knight Field.
Nicely done! I was thinking about Knight Field on the way into work, and hoped to jump on ROK Drop before anyone else got in.
Good Job, Setnaffa.
Thank you, thank you… I’ll need to sharpen my pencil to even imagine catching the Chairmeister tho’… How’d he get to 6 (one asks rhetorically)?
Setnaffa, great job you got the correct answer. I picked this for the Korea Finder this week in honor of the USFK change of command with General Brooks taking over.